View Full Version : Adventure Packs?

07-20-2013, 02:47 PM
Is there any easy way to tell which Adventure Packs I own?

I went to my Account page, but unlike LotRO, the DDO section doesn't show what I've purchased.

I bought and applied Menace of the Underdark and Shadowfell Conspiracy, but those don't seem to show up.

I tried looking in game, but found nothing either.

Thank you...

07-20-2013, 03:15 PM
If you check the "Show All Items" button in the store then the packs that "cannot be purchased" are the ones you already have.
ETA: or are a bundle containing something you already have.

07-20-2013, 06:09 PM
An alternative would be to look at guest passes. You cannot buy guest passes for something you do not own, unless you are VIP.

07-21-2013, 01:35 PM
Another method would be to go to ddo store and open adventure packs, only what you don't have will be listed