View Full Version : Ranger using a Heavy Repeater: Capstone enhancement worth it, or should I multiclass?

07-16-2013, 04:56 AM
I want to do a flavor build of a Dwarven Sniper using Heavy Repeaters as his main source of DPS, and capable of switching to TWF using Dwarven Axes, if needed.

I was looking at the Ranger's capstone to determine if it's useful for this build or not, and it says the attack speed % applies to all ranged weapons. However, is that really necessary for a Repeater? Obviously the attack speed is more than fast enough, but I'm wondering if it has an effect on the reload speed? If not, multiclassing into Fighter after Deepwood II will probably be a better build. Any thoughts in general? I'm planning to start with 15 STR, 18 DEX, 16 CON, 10 WIS and leave the latter two dumped for the rest of the progression, only spending a Toghness feat and item slots as far as CON goes, and a +5 WIS for spells.

07-16-2013, 11:18 AM
I have no idea if the capstone evern works with repeaters, but I don't even bother with it on my bow-rangers since it doesn't work as advertised and the TOD set is almost as effective.

07-17-2013, 12:49 PM
I want to do a flavor build of a Dwarven Sniper using Heavy Repeaters as his main source of DPS, and capable of switching to TWF using Dwarven Axes, if needed.

I was looking at the Ranger's capstone to determine if it's useful for this build or not, and it says the attack speed % applies to all ranged weapons. However, is that really necessary for a Repeater? Obviously the attack speed is more than fast enough, but I'm wondering if it has an effect on the reload speed? If not, multiclassing into Fighter after Deepwood II will probably be a better build. Any thoughts in general? I'm planning to start with 15 STR, 18 DEX, 16 CON, 10 WIS and leave the latter two dumped for the rest of the progression, only spending a Toghness feat and item slots as far as CON goes, and a +5 WIS for spells.

There's many issues with this being extremely sub-optimal, as I'm sure you probably know. I'm only addressing as the rules currently stand and not the enhancement pass which I am not that familiar with.

Rangers get bow strength and many shot as free feats which make bow combat very powerful. Unfortunately neither works with x-bows. X-bows can have damage enhanced by some very nice benefits that artificers get, and to a lesser degree rogue mechanics, but none of those are available to rangers. If your build is entirely based on the enhancement pass and these things change there, then please ignore this post. ass things stand, a ranger using a crossbow ... leaves a lot to be desired.

07-19-2013, 04:38 PM
I have no idea if the capstone evern works with repeaters, but I don't even bother with it on my bow-rangers since it doesn't work as advertised and the TOD set is almost as effective.

Does not work