View Full Version : Release notes....bwuaha!

07-15-2013, 06:36 PM
Alright, I will say this about this "updates" release notes, for the first time I'm finally not filled with dread or disappointment.

For once, the release notes are 100% honest. Laughably short, perhaps a waste of downtime. But at least it's not a small list, with 40% of the issues still clearly present((Talk about frustrating!)). No, this time it's just a measly two points. Thank goodness they fixed the guild departure issue, renown should be feeling pretty.

And thank goodness my launcher now looks as silly and ridiculous as the new forums. Makeover complete! We've finished going from the "ugly duck" to the "pummeled to goo by an ugly tree duck"

Those are my thoughts and feelings. Hm, but perhaps I'm being a little too negative. Perhaps I should throw in some constructive criticism or a positive aspect of our game.

Repeat penalty's as are work great! Possible changes I would hope copy a similar model with more focus on less painful leveling. I sure would be disappointed to only run a difficulty twice and be close to a -40% penalty.