View Full Version : Should we stay or should wei go

06-22-2013, 09:48 PM
The vid says it all.

I know this has been posted before, but we are seeing and hearing from other Guilds that people are looking to move to other servers away from the Wayfinder server.

This is pretty sad and if it keeps up, we will have no community on Wayfinder.
You only have to look at http://www.ddoracle.com/Traffic.html to see the sad population problems that I feel Turbine could fix easily if they had enough of our input and feedback on how to fix the problem.

I would love to hear from the other people from Wayfinder on their thoughts. I love this server, the people are all great to play with and I have invested (like most of us have) money into my toons to make this an enjoyable game.

My thoughts on this and how Turbine could help are:

Allow people from other servers a "FREE" transfer to Wayfinder
Remove the DE from the server name (sorry to the German community, no offence)
Offer up "bonus days" if not to all but at least new players
Us (Wayfinder Guilds) , as a community offer membership to our guilds for these new players


Offer the Wafinder community a "FREE" transfer to another server of their choice for all of their toons

I'm sure, if we all untie as a group, we can get some action here. Me personally, i would love to see Wayfinder grow.

By the way, thanks to all the awesome people that i do play with on Wayfinder. You are great people and fun to play with, I would hate to see this server die in behind.


06-22-2013, 09:51 PM
I to would like to see Wayfinder grow.

This server has been the most fun. Ive invested both time and money. If we cant get some action there will be no Wayfinder as everyone will have left. For other servers or other games even.


06-22-2013, 11:38 PM
It's past time they merge a server or two anyway. Pull enough players into wayfinder to make it active and you'll have some other server asking if they should stay or go.

06-23-2013, 01:24 AM
It's past time they merge a server or two anyway. Pull enough players into wayfinder to make it active and you'll have some other server asking if they should stay or go.

Don't agree. There is enough lag on servers. they don't need more players they need to maybe shed a few to reduce load. Wayfinder can handle a few more players on at the same time.


06-23-2013, 02:20 AM
I would prefer to see Wayfinder being continued. For this, we need more players. I think, it´s time for Turbine to re-think thdoeir concept of Wayfinder. From time to time there seems to be more players from Brasil to be online over the other servers, than Germans on Wayfinder and the other servers together. So I would propose to open Wayfinder for other cultures and to make Wayfinder a polyglott home for many a language. This would make Wayfinder FLS - Foreign Languages Server. Give any guild of any other server the chance to relocate to Wayfinder, e.g. Brasilians, French, Japanese...

Then let´s see if Wayfinder can flourish.

Merging servers - there already has been the big time discussion in the general forum. There is no server that much less active from the big seven that merging Wayfinder does any good. Perhaps Turbine has better data, but DDOracle has this clearly visible from the published data available. If Wayfinder is to be closed down (which would saden me personally, but I would not be too surprised) they will give us the opportunity to switch to other servers. Until then I will hold on Wayfinder. I like the server not to be laggy or overcrowded. I play Orien as well, and there are many subtle differences between those two servers and Wayfinder has a distinctive style I love and would like to see conserved into the future. If need be, I would migrate to either Thellanis or Sarlona with my guild - because these servers have a little less population than e.g. Canith. But in truth I would like to see Wayfinder flourisch instead of dwindling.

I would back any move by Turbine (bonus weekends, special events9 for Wayfinder to gain more population. And to Turbine, I would suggest to open up on Wayfinder - doing away with the [DE] should not be too big a feat. Then publicy announcing Wayfinder to be an international server with a lot of languages and cultures, and an opting-in for existing guilds from other servers to transfer to Wayfinder. Thiis should not be too hard to accomplish. And Wayfinder would gain population immediately.

Personally, I am positive of Wayfinder even with a big influx of players being able to retain the unique style that I grew to love. Make Wayfinder better!

Some side note from the forum trench. W/o campaigning and putting some preassure on Turbine, they will not act - or will act on behalf of their marketing dept. only which might exactly be the opposite of what we want.

So let´s collect and brainstorm here on what we want and then let´s start to put the topic into the geeral discussion forum AND into the official discussion forum (MajMal has asked for "peeves", so we may give the Wayfinder situation to him). We can change Wayfinder to be a better home.

06-23-2013, 02:45 AM
I would transfer to wayfinder if there was a free option to do so. If only to help save it. Cuz I'm awesome like that. You guys should really be petitioning turbine to allow ME to transfer there.

06-23-2013, 03:00 AM
I would transfer to wayfinder if there was a free option to do so. If only to help save it. Cuz I'm awesome like that. You guys should really be petitioning turbine to allow ME to transfer there.

Come one come all.

Wayfinder does indeed have its own flare. This is what we want to preserve. But we want our server to flourish.


06-23-2013, 04:28 AM
after the MOTU expansion there was the same amount of players but they were spread out across more game. After looking on those graphs I wonder if Wayfinder can survive another expansion.

I think its a failed Turbine experiment. I play with Germans and people from that part of the world on Argo. Im glad they stayed.

Turbine should be offering free character transfers to the server of your choice because they know their 'experiment' didnt work out.

btw, did they do much advertising in Germany ?

06-23-2013, 05:29 AM
Come to Khyber if they ever open transfers again. And your video isn't available to me here for some reason even though I know it and love the band I saw them in concert a very very long time ago.

06-23-2013, 06:18 AM
Great server because of the low amounts of lag. There were only high level groups mostly, not many low level groups.

Of course, I did not play during peak Germany time. I also was not looking for groups to join, just curious to see the LFM panel.

I played solo. Got my 100 favor and boogied off. I might go back to get more favor before the server goes away.

Impossible to find loot at the brokers as there were not enough players to sell the brokers enough loot for a variety. Almost impossible for me to earn plat by selling stuff so I can buy the over priced stuff.

On the AH as with a small population all prices were outrageous as everyone was selling their stuff to the same people that had lots of plat.

I like Wayfinder because it exposes the fact that lag is caused by the amount of players on a server. Not anything to do in the game such as Dungeon Alert being used to alleviate lag. Having Baudry's closed has nothing to with lag. Those are complete and utter lies. Dungeon Alert was created to slow the zerg. If having too many monsters angry then why do we have a bazillion cosmetic pets floating around that make the servers angry?

I will play on Wayfinder again. I won't join any groups because there just are not that many that fulfill my objectives. I won't create any LFMs, because my style of play is not like everyone else's as I play my way, not their way.

BTW, DDoracle has not been updated since Turbine announced they were killing the API. That decision was based on the fact that players were getting information from the API that turbine did not want out, and that the user created apps were way better than MyDDO and MyDDO was not catching on with the masses. Won't even mention that MyDDO would be constantly broken and muddled with and the powers that be did not seem to care. Obviously, MyDDO was someone's pet project and once that someone left the company, it was deemed as a non-asset.

06-23-2013, 09:00 PM
Great server because of the low amounts of lag. There were only high level groups mostly, not many low level groups.

Of course, I did not play during peak Germany time. I also was not looking for groups to join, just curious to see the LFM panel.

I played solo. Got my 100 favor and boogied off. I might go back to get more favor before the server goes away.

Impossible to find loot at the brokers as there were not enough players to sell the brokers enough loot for a variety. Almost impossible for me to earn plat by selling stuff so I can buy the over priced stuff.

On the AH as with a small population all prices were outrageous as everyone was selling their stuff to the same people that had lots of plat.

I like Wayfinder because it exposes the fact that lag is caused by the amount of players on a server. Not anything to do in the game such as Dungeon Alert being used to alleviate lag. Having Baudry's closed has nothing to with lag. Those are complete and utter lies. Dungeon Alert was created to slow the zerg. If having too many monsters angry then why do we have a bazillion cosmetic pets floating around that make the servers angry?

I will play on Wayfinder again. I won't join any groups because there just are not that many that fulfill my objectives. I won't create any LFMs, because my style of play is not like everyone else's as I play my way, not their way.

BTW, DDoracle has not been updated since Turbine announced they were killing the API. That decision was based on the fact that players were getting information from the API that turbine did not want out, and that the user created apps were way better than MyDDO and MyDDO was not catching on with the masses. Won't even mention that MyDDO would be constantly broken and muddled with and the powers that be did not seem to care. Obviously, MyDDO was someone's pet project and once that someone left the company, it was deemed as a non-asset.

They didn't end up killing the API. its still available.

06-23-2013, 10:50 PM
They didn't end up killing the API. its still available.

Yeah, but it provides no new data. So the API is still there, the uderlying updating process has been removed. What do I do with data that is not up-to-date any more?

06-23-2013, 11:11 PM
Yeah, but it provides no new data. So the API is still there, the uderlying updating process has been removed. What do I do with data that is not up-to-date any more?

Hmm. u sure. i see our guild renown go up on yourddo.

If ur right its the same old saying, garbage in garbage out.

06-24-2013, 12:28 PM
The biggest mistake of Turbine was actually to put the DE mark on the server. Even if they remove it now, Wayfinder will always be known as the german server. People should just transfer away (should be free) so Turbine can make up for this horrible mistake called Wayfinder and get rid of it.

They should have just made an EU server, not DE only.

06-24-2013, 02:51 PM
Hmm. u sure. i see our guild renown go up on yourddo.

If ur right its the same old saying, garbage in garbage out.

Uhm, I do not know. Haus Feurerfuchs, my guild, still is rated at lv. 63 on myddo, but we meanwhile are lv. 65. So this does not work, I would guess. But perhaps I am doing something wrong.

06-24-2013, 02:53 PM
The biggest mistake of Turbine was actually to put the DE mark on the server. Even if they remove it now, Wayfinder will always be known as the german server. People should just transfer away (should be free) so Turbine can make up for this horrible mistake called Wayfinder and get rid of it.

They should have just made an EU server, not DE only.

Why not do away with the DE and rename the server completely. Simple, gets the job done. How about "Lyradar" or "Kundarak"?

06-24-2013, 10:27 PM
Uhm, I do not know. Haus Feurerfuchs, my guild, still is rated at lv. 63 on myddo, but we meanwhile are lv. 65. So this does not work, I would guess. But perhaps I am doing something wrong.

Try this


Just checked. you could be right. also have a look at http://ddoracle.com/Wayfinder.html

06-25-2013, 10:30 AM
We have taken a couple of steps today that may have an impact on Wayfinder's population. We have removed the [DE] text from the launcher, since Wayfinder is no longer a German-language-specific server. We have also made Wayfinder the default "recommended world" for new players.

06-25-2013, 10:39 AM
We have taken a couple of steps today that may have an impact on Wayfinder's population. We have removed the [DE] text from the launcher, since Wayfinder is no longer a German-language-specific server. We have also made Wayfinder the default "recommended world" for new players.

Only, if new people join a server as lonely and abandoned as wayfinder claims to be on the forums... are they going to be able to find anyone to play with? Will this discourage new players?

06-25-2013, 11:11 AM
Only, if new people join a server as lonely and abandoned as wayfinder claims to be on the forums... are they going to be able to find anyone to play with? Will this discourage new players?

I have to agree. While this idea might work out (about as much as the original Wayfinder idea did) but it could very easily backfire and drive away new players who just assume the game is a deserted wasteland. By the time any new players that actually stuck around realize they were "tricked", they've invested too much in their characters to want to start anywhere else. Pushing players toward a dead server just seems like a poorly thought out idea.

06-25-2013, 11:11 AM
We have taken a couple of steps today that may have an impact on Wayfinder's population. We have removed the [DE] text from the launcher, since Wayfinder is no longer a German-language-specific server. We have also made Wayfinder the default "recommended world" for new players.

OMG you did NOT just do that, really??!! Why on earth would "recommend" new players play on a nearly dead server???

06-25-2013, 11:30 AM
Looking at graphs you should merge Wayfinder with Cannith, Orien or split in half between them. These two are always at the bottom even if trend is similar.
And I agree that sending new players to a dead server is a really bad idea.

06-25-2013, 11:37 AM
We have taken a couple of steps today that may have an impact on Wayfinder's population. We have removed the [DE] text from the launcher, since Wayfinder is no longer a German-language-specific server. We have also made Wayfinder the default "recommended world" for new players.

Cordovan, from time to time you and the Turbine staff realy do surprise me. Inever anticipated to you guys acting that fast! I hail thee for the change on the server name. Great decision. Thumbs up!

On making Wayfinder the recommended starting server - I do not know... Of course the server needs fresh blood and of course this is an easy way to do. And of course I will take up the chores to teach the noobs the trade. But - whe are a thinned out community on the server currently. Lots of vets and favor runners, very vew mid level or upstart beginners. So there are only few players actualy being there to teach the new ones.

We will see. I will take the challenge and I am looking forward very positive on a new and exciting Wayfinder. Hopefully I wil not be alone with that!

06-25-2013, 11:42 AM
Only, if new people join a server as lonely and abandoned as wayfinder claims to be on the forums... are they going to be able to find anyone to play with? Will this discourage new players?

I had the same thought. Suggesting new player move to a ghost-town is a terrible idea.

Merge Wayfinder with Ghallanda since it got the other Euros and any of the other low-population servers.

06-25-2013, 11:47 AM
We have taken a couple of steps today that may have an impact on Wayfinder's population. We have removed the [DE] text from the launcher, since Wayfinder is no longer a German-language-specific server. We have also made Wayfinder the default "recommended world" for new players.


The 53 people who are currently logged into WayFinder (As of 12:44pm (US Eastern, 18:44 Germany) 25 June 2013) will be Delighted to have some new blood!

Edit: It looks like it's working already! Four minutes later and TEN PERCENT of the server is in "The Grotto".

06-25-2013, 12:09 PM

Edit: It looks like it's working already! Four minutes later and TEN PERCENT of the server is in "The Grotto".

6 new players? wow!
Or a TR that made a mistake and got stuck snowy side?

06-25-2013, 12:38 PM
i am worried about this. i like the idea that our most empty server is getting some attention, but at the risk of all our new blood thinking the game is dead? i'm not so sure about that, it leaves a baaaad feeling inside me that almost brings out the D word

06-25-2013, 12:44 PM
6 new players? wow!
Or a TR that made a mistake and got stuck snowy side?

It was Five, and I don't recall that they had guild tags.

06-25-2013, 01:01 PM
We have taken a couple of steps today that may have an impact on Wayfinder's population. We have removed the [DE] text from the launcher, since Wayfinder is no longer a German-language-specific server. We have also made Wayfinder the default "recommended world" for new players.

It's good to see Wayfinder getting some attention...I wonder if this will have the desired effect.

06-25-2013, 01:19 PM
Guess no other servers get new players. Thats great. Good thinking.

06-25-2013, 01:23 PM
Well the new players dont have to assume that this game is a Wasteland, because on Wayfinder it is a Wasteland.
Why not just merge Wayfinde with the next least populated Server and call it a Day?

06-25-2013, 01:40 PM
This has to be the worst idea ever.

06-25-2013, 01:54 PM
This has to be the worst idea ever.

Well, maybe not. New Coke was pretty bad, too. I expect this to have pretty much the same result, though.

06-25-2013, 01:57 PM
We all need to create Lvl 1 Rogues and Clerics on Wayfinder now so as to help the newbies.

Come on people - Let's do this!

06-25-2013, 01:58 PM
Merge the three least populated servers into the next 3 smallest servers.

06-25-2013, 01:58 PM
OMG you did NOT just do that, really??!! Why on earth would "recommend" new players play on a nearly dead server???

What is the difference between a nearly dead and brand new server?

06-25-2013, 02:06 PM
I have to agree. While this idea might work out (about as much as the original Wayfinder idea did) but it could very easily backfire and drive away new players who just assume the game is a deserted wasteland. By the time any new players that actually stuck around realize they were "tricked", they've invested too much in their characters to want to start anywhere else. Pushing players toward a dead server just seems like a poorly thought out idea.

If someone invests enough time into some characters that they don't want to reroll, they obviously don't care about the low population of the server.

I personally rerolled can jumped back and forth between Orien and Cannith many times before I finally became comfortable with making Cannith my home.

No one at Turbine is trying to "trick" anybody.

06-25-2013, 02:11 PM
What is the difference between a nearly dead and brand new server?

Both are a bad idea.

06-25-2013, 02:34 PM
What is the difference between a nearly dead and brand new server?

huh? I don't recall seeing anyone suggest sending them to a brand new server... I'm not following you.

06-25-2013, 02:44 PM
but if new players do join Wayfinder - they shouldn't be as badly harassed as being n00b's and asking 'dumb questions' like they are on other servers... I see it all too frequently in the harbor general chat.

At least on Wayfinder - they existing established players probably so happy to see another face that isn't a tumbleweed....

Now it up to the population (as it is on EVERY SERVER) of Wayfinder to help the new players, groom them and teach them and make them feel welcome (not just serve them cake).

06-25-2013, 03:21 PM
We have taken a couple of steps today that may have an impact on Wayfinder's population. We have removed the [DE] text from the launcher, since Wayfinder is no longer a German-language-specific server. We have also made Wayfinder the default "recommended world" for new players.

Rotate it to give each server a full month as the recommended and then measure retention of the new players, their timezones and their spend?

Or maybe just, go balls-in and display the number of players currently logged into each server and let people make up their own mind?

06-25-2013, 04:08 PM
We have also made Wayfinder the default "recommended world" for new players.
FYI, I deleted the world information from the launcher settings file, and I get Khyber at the top of the list and identified as the Recommended World.

06-25-2013, 05:27 PM
I know this sounds like doing Turbine's job for them, but why not use the net for a publicity campaign? Get as many players as you can to talk nice about DDO in social networking sites. Maybe this will get more people to try the game, and some will stay. Maybe even specify Wayfinder as looking for adventurous souls who like to explore 3D worlds. Draw up graphics and promote the game in several languages.

Then again, we could do this for any server. Let's drum up some tourism. :D

06-25-2013, 06:18 PM
Ahhh. How I pine for the day when MMOs are truely single world and the player base is not divided and segregated by such limitations we have today.

06-25-2013, 06:50 PM
We have taken a couple of steps today that may have an impact on Wayfinder's population. We have removed the [DE] text from the launcher, since Wayfinder is no longer a German-language-specific server. We have also made Wayfinder the default "recommended world" for new players.

Can you give them an XP bonus there as incentive? A safeword to switch them to another server, like "FLÜGGÅ?NK?€?HIŒ?ØL?ÊN"?

06-25-2013, 07:27 PM
We have also made Wayfinder the default "recommended world" for new players.

As others have said, this might not be the best idea... and again the mention of server merges comes up -- might be worth discussing openly with the community. On Cannith I frequently feel that I spend more time waiting for groups (to form/fill) than questing... that is bad for business.

06-25-2013, 07:31 PM
Why not recommending a server by the new player's timezone/nationality? I'm sure Turbine has the knowledge and resources to do that. For example I believe that Cannith could be a recommended server for a newbie from Europe, since there are a lot of people from that timezone and a lot of euro based guilds.
IMHO Turbine shouldn't invest so much in Wayfinder, if their plan is to get it to the other servers population levels. As other people already stated Turbine's move could scare new players, by making them start in a low population server.
I'm not opposed at all to a Wayfinder merge or a free server transfer for Wayfinder's players. I think my server (Cannith) could use some new people, as I personally think that our population has significantly decreased.

06-25-2013, 08:02 PM
We have taken a couple of steps today that may have an impact on Wayfinder's population. We have removed the [DE] text from the launcher, since Wayfinder is no longer a German-language-specific server. We have also made Wayfinder the default "recommended world" for new players.

Wow. I would have thought a newb friendly server like Sarlona to be a better place. We may not have the DDO's finest l337 but the player base for the most part are well behaved and helpful. Those poor Wayfinder new players who come to the game expecting to see an MMORPG and just end up seeing an ORPG.

Just fix the paid character transfer service and redistribute the Wayfinder resources elsewhere. You know it is the right thing to do.

06-25-2013, 08:15 PM
We have taken a couple of steps today that may have an impact on Wayfinder's population. We have removed the [DE] text from the launcher, since Wayfinder is no longer a German-language-specific server. We have also made Wayfinder the default "recommended world" for new players.

If I, as an experienced player, routinely take breaks from DDO to play WOW because of the difficulty in finding groups sometimes, what do you think a new player in Wayfinder will do? After he can't find a group to play what is advertised as an MMO, frustration will set in (on top of all the other frustrations that new players have to deal with anyway), and he'll likely walk away.

By all that is holy, we need more people in this game! Not fewer. Brainiac decisions like this just confound the daylights out of me. But then look at our new forums; I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

What ever just happened to doing the right thing? A server merge before those in Wayfinder call it a day and move on? It doesn't even have to be a "real" merge. Just have Wayfinder and another server be able to "play together" sort of like WOW does. You're still technically on different servers, but you can play together.

However, despite all the bad decisions around here, this is still the best game I've been able to find. It only takes me a week of playing WOW to drive me back to DDO. :)

06-25-2013, 08:27 PM
We have taken a couple of steps today that may have an impact on Wayfinder's population. We have removed the [DE] text from the launcher, since Wayfinder is no longer a German-language-specific server. We have also made Wayfinder the default "recommended world" for new players.

Umm... really? Just my opinion, but....sending new players to a low population server really sets expections low for a new player looking for groups, guilds or just another character on the server. Especially for a world that was a German world. So not only does a new player have the 'where is everyone' problem... but also 'great, I found another player...what is (s)he saying?!'.

Send the Wayfinder population to one of the exisiting servers. And 'recommend' the other servers at random.

My 2pp

06-25-2013, 08:37 PM
I've thought about moving to and starting over on Wayfinder, just my own little way of bringing over some life, though my main concerns are:

1. Being mocked because my German is sehr crappy.
2. Not being able to find a group . . . ever.
3. Dead AH / Extremely over-inflated prices on the AH.
4. Insular community -- hard to find a guild/fit in.

06-25-2013, 10:49 PM
I believe that if you redirect incoming players to wayfinder, a isolated, sparsely populated server that rarely has groups in a game that highly encourages (If not requires) grouping, that'll be all she wrote.

06-25-2013, 11:50 PM
What is the difference between a nearly dead and brand new server?

Correct answer: With a brand new server, there are always vet players wanting to escape their crowded homes and to start anew. With a dead server, they are reluctant because they know the server already (or even have a full set of farming toons there).

Let´s asume for a moment, Wayfinder is brand new...

06-25-2013, 11:52 PM
In the real world, governments encouraged people to move to less populated areas by giving them direct incentives. People who settled the West got acres of free land. People who move to Alaska get a check every year from oil revenue-sharing.

Turbine could easily do the same to encourage both new and veteran characters to roll up a toon on the low-population servers. Say, a one-time-per-account 500 TP reward for reaching L12 on a "targeted" server, and another 500 for reaching L20. Yes, some people may just roll up a toon and zerg it for the rewards and then abandon it, but it'll temporarily drive up the population, which may help it reach "critical mass" with the influx of new players. And some people may end up sticking around permanently, if they get involved with a guild or something. California was founded on such a "population rush" economy, and it managed to do OK after that :)

06-26-2013, 09:29 AM
We have taken a couple of steps today that may have an impact on Wayfinder's population. We have removed the [DE] text from the launcher, since Wayfinder is no longer a German-language-specific server. We have also made Wayfinder the default "recommended world" for new players.

Let me understand this. You want to send new players to a server with a very low population. That used to be a German-lanuage-specific server.

So they will have no one to group with, and those that will group together will speak broken English.

06-26-2013, 11:06 AM
We have taken a couple of steps today that may have an impact on Wayfinder's population. We have removed the [DE] text from the launcher, since Wayfinder is no longer a German-language-specific server. We have also made Wayfinder the default "recommended world" for new players.

That may just cost new customers.... sounds ill advised.

06-26-2013, 01:18 PM
We have also made Wayfinder the default "recommended world" for new players.Please tell me this has already been changed back to a policy that won't drive new players away from the game.

Wayfinder is the absolute last place you should be directing new players. This is a terrible, terrible idea.

06-26-2013, 03:38 PM
I have to agree. While this idea might work out (about as much as the original Wayfinder idea did) but it could very easily backfire and drive away new players who just assume the game is a deserted wasteland. By the time any new players that actually stuck around realize they were "tricked", they've invested too much in their characters to want to start anywhere else. Pushing players toward a dead server just seems like a poorly thought out idea.

I'm guessing this might be more appealing to those seeking at least a minimal relief from some lag. Also it would be appealing, for a while, anyway, to get away from those who have the best gear in the game and feel their best option to show it off is beating on new players in the Lobster.

06-27-2013, 03:45 AM
I haven't played DDO for 2 months but i am pretty sure the situation is not better on Wayfinder now.
The population has decreased even more in the past months.
All friends i played with have left the Game ( not only because of the Server but also because of the direction the game took in the past updates), so i had to quit too.

I personally don't think anything can make the situation better on Wayfinder. It is too late for that.

True new players will just notice that the server is dead and leave the game completely.

But something has to be done anyway....and i think a server merge would be the best option.

I just fear..that a server merge is impossible for different reasons only turbine knows.

06-27-2013, 04:45 AM
Wow, I know we had all been thinking it, but to get this number of responses is encouraging for us all that maybe our Wayfinder community is not nearly dead.

Thank you to Cordovan for a quick response, I did PM him to make him aware of the post and its a great move forwards removing the DE from Wayfinder, however i do have to agree with the majority here in saying that steering new players to a server with a low population is not exactly what we need.

What i actually said was, can we get some ideas together, so that we can put them forwards to Turbine and create a healthy population. I don't see the need to create further problems by getting new players to come to Wayfinder on their first experience to DDO, and find (Currently GMT+10 Time) 1 LFM up, and about 25 players (8 of which are level 4 and bellow on not in a guild)

We do have a healthy (but small) population already, but we need to look at how we can grow that and attract new players, not force them here.

What i would love to see is a vote of hands on the top 5 things we as a community and Turbine as a company could do. I personally don't know exactly whats on other peoples minds, but...

On the top of my list is

Offer other players a transfer from another server (turbine)
The "Guild Leaders" Offer up some invitations (via a post) to attract new members.
??? Other Input Here
??? Other Input Here
??? Other Input Here

We cant fix this by making rash changes, although we have made 1 BIG Change already (the DE thing from the name Wayfinder "no offence our German speaking friends")

Thanks all for the comments on this post, it has certainly made it clear that we are keen to keep this server alive.

06-27-2013, 05:10 AM
Thanks all for the comments on this post, it has certainly made it clear that we are keen to keep this server alive.

Well some anyway.

I personally don't want a server merge. I love the (mostly) lag free experience. That's what will get others here, not force.


06-27-2013, 11:57 PM
We have taken a couple of steps today that may have an impact on Wayfinder's population. We have removed the [DE] text from the launcher, since Wayfinder is no longer a German-language-specific server. We have also made Wayfinder the default "recommended world" for new players.

Cordovan this is a TERRIBLE idea. New people are going to log in, assume no one is playing the game, and just leave, never to return.

Admit that Wayfinder is a failed project and move on. Begin setting into motion the machinery to close the server and offer free server transfers to players already on the server.

06-27-2013, 11:59 PM
rotate it to give each server a full month as the recommended and then measure retention of the new players, their timezones and their spend?

Or maybe just, go balls-in and display the number of players currently logged into each server and let people make up their own mind?

great idea!

06-28-2013, 12:23 AM
Cordovan this is a TERRIBLE idea. New people are going to log in, assume no one is playing the game, and just leave, never to return.

Admit that Wayfinder is a failed project and move on. Begin setting into motion the machinery to close the server and offer free server transfers to players already on the server.

It saddens me that you would give up your server so easily. Can't we find ways to increase its population, instead?

06-29-2013, 07:51 PM
It saddens me that you would give up your server so easily. Can't we find ways to increase its population, instead?

Were not going anywhere. Neither are most of the other higher level guilds I've spoken with. We to would like to see the population slowly stabilize and increase.


Guild Leader

Hunters of Wayfinder.

06-29-2013, 08:18 PM
Maybe we can convince language teachers to set up language specific guilds on Wayfinder so they can get their students logged in for practical, yet fun, homework. In-game communication for the students will be restricted to the language of the class, and as they improve, they can expand their experience via gaming with others in said language.

06-30-2013, 02:05 AM
Maybe we can convince language teachers to set up language specific guilds on Wayfinder so they can get their students logged in for practical, yet fun, homework. In-game communication for the students will be restricted to the language of the class, and as they improve, they can expand their experience via gaming with others in said language.

Wayfinder is no longer branded as a language specific server. The DE has been removed. It is now an open language server as are the other 7.

06-30-2013, 02:09 AM
Wayfinder is no longer branded as a language specific server. The DE has been removed. It is now an open language server as are the other 7.

Then it should be perfect. :D

06-30-2013, 10:39 AM
In the real world, governments encouraged people to move to less populated areas by giving them direct incentives. People who settled the West got acres of free land. People who move to Alaska get a check every year from oil revenue-sharing.

Turbine could easily do the same to encourage both new and veteran characters to roll up a toon on the low-population servers. Say, a one-time-per-account 500 TP reward for reaching L12 on a "targeted" server, and another 500 for reaching L20. Yes, some people may just roll up a toon and zerg it for the rewards and then abandon it, but it'll temporarily drive up the population, which may help it reach "critical mass" with the influx of new players. And some people may end up sticking around permanently, if they get involved with a guild or something. California was founded on such a "population rush" economy, and it managed to do OK after that :)

A better incentive would be one that encourages the people to stay. I would propose instead:

1. First character on the server Tome of Greater Learning. This would also help get the new population up into the "good gear" realm, which will help fill the AH.

2. First character to 11? or w/e it is gets a bound to character +3 stat tome

3. First character to 20, bound to character tome of Epic Learning.

4. First character to 25, bound +2 twist of Fate

5. First character to 28, bound to character +4 Stat tome

6. First heroic TR 5 Greater Tokens of the Twelve

7. First Epic TR, 3 Commendations of Heroism.

Of course, I have no idea how hard it would be to create these incentives on 1 server to the exclusion of the others.

06-30-2013, 11:45 AM
Turbine is known to produce one bad idea after anouther.

Its like as if they are 10 year old children in the board room when making choices

and are just unable to see the likely end result of those choices

but focus on what they hope will happen no matter how remote that may be

Funny how a few seconds of thinking about this choice 90% of your players can already predict what going to happen.

New player joins, new player see no other players, new player leaves.

And this why I no longer invest $ into this game.

Bad choices = bad results...

Someday when Turbine get it act together ill start spending $ again

But I have a feeling I wont ever spend any more $ on this game again.

06-30-2013, 06:23 PM
A better incentive would be one that encourages the people to stay. I would propose instead:

1. First character on the server Tome of Greater Learning. This would also help get the new population up into the "good gear" realm, which will help fill the AH.

2. First character to 11? or w/e it is gets a bound to character +3 stat tome

3. First character to 20, bound to character tome of Epic Learning.

4. First character to 25, bound +2 twist of Fate

5. First character to 28, bound to character +4 Stat tome

6. First heroic TR 5 Greater Tokens of the Twelve

7. First Epic TR, 3 Commendations of Heroism.

Of course, I have no idea how hard it would be to create these incentives on 1 server to the exclusion of the others.

Basically giving out incentives is a good idea. And while I like your choice of incentives very much, I believe Turbine will not give away so many benefits for free. But we will see. More likely there will be only fringe benefits like 100 TP on reaching 400 favor or something like that, if any.

07-03-2013, 06:07 AM
at least, for the LOVE OF GOD or whatever you pray to: ENABLE/allow transfers **AWAY** from wayfinder.

i hate all my stuff beeing trapped on a dead server since that free transfer bait period.

07-03-2013, 04:57 PM
Just read this on Google+

Wayfinder XP Bonus! The Wayfinder server now offers +10% Heroic and Epic XP, now through the end of the year!


07-03-2013, 06:51 PM
Just read this on Google+

Wayfinder XP Bonus! The Wayfinder server now offers +10% Heroic and Epic XP, now through the end of the year!


Very nice :D

07-05-2013, 12:49 AM
at least, for the LOVE OF GOD or whatever you pray to: ENABLE/allow transfers **AWAY** from wayfinder.

i hate all my stuff beeing trapped on a dead server since that free transfer bait period.

Now come on my friend. Come back. i miss you if no one else does.


hunters of wayfinder

07-15-2013, 06:58 AM
When Wayfinder first opened, my wife and I both transferred our toons from Thelanis over to the new server, three at first, then all when they gave us unlimited free transfers. Everything went great! Our guild was up and running, we made great friends and expanded our online family. But after only a couple months, the server ran into it's first huge problem. DE VS English. It was almost like guild wars, guilds arguing and bickering constantly. The regionism sucked so bad. This caused the population to start dwindling, and we, along with so many, began transferring our toons out one by one. Ofc, this was about the time the World Character Transfers broke. My wife and I were able to transfer about 6 toons each out, leaving another 6 each behind, when we moved to Argonnessen.

It's been over a year since we moved, and things are going fantastic! Our guild is up and running, about to zing lvl 60, and our family has grown exponentially. We're always able to find something to do, whether it's with guildies, friends, or random people we've never met - potential new friends and family, lol!

Anywho, I understand wanting your server to grow. I'm still a bit heartbroken over having to leave Wayfinder, but when it comes down to it, my wife and I are VIP. We're paying for this game for the purpose of having fun, and running around with no one in site, watching the Who window with maybe 20 to 30 names on, wishing for the good ole days, that's not fun, and not what I pay for. So we moved on, and it's amazing.

I'd like to offer anyone from Wayfinder who may or may not know us a chance to come over and start fresh. Our guild, Claddagh, on the Argo server, will welcome anyone from our former home if you'd like to come over and roll up some toons. Someday, when character transfers are back up and running, you're more than welcome to bring those toons over as well. And if you come try it with a new toon, and you decide it's not for you, no hard feelings. We currently have members in the US, Canada, Spain, and a few other places, and we'd love to add more diversity to that. Heads up though, we are a very adult guild with a very adultish sense of humor, so if that's not your kind of atmosphere, this might not be the place for you.

At any rate, feel free to contact my wife or myself via ddo mail to Llantis, Llantica, or Llantaris (Myself) or Sabiraah, Faiithe, or Kaiie (my wife). Welp, I hope everything works out for you guys. I really miss Wayfinder, but I have to admit, logging in to see 20+ lfms during the slow time of day is awesome. I'm never bored on this server, and that's awesome. Really hoping to see some of our old friends come on over! Everyone, be safe, have fun, and we'll see ya in game! ^_^

Llantis Al'Durran the Thief
Leader, Claddagh

07-15-2013, 08:17 AM
I really miss Wayfinder, but I have to admit, logging in to see 20+ lfms during the slow time of day is awesome.

Being upset about few players looking for a group and solving this issue by going away (which results in even less players looking for a group) is an interesting solution, which logics I will never understand.

Though I noticed a significant increase of population in the last few days on Korthos, in the Harbor and the Marketplace compaired to the days before. Also I'm still new to this game and honestly I like to explore the world, quests and mechanics on my own first. With the help of hirelings I can learn about all these things without bothering anyone due to my newbie state of not knowing anything. In fact the issue of few people looking for a group is no issue for me and this been said as a new player. It'll take much more time for me to set up a looking for group question (and I'll never accept a ninja invite) and I didn't use the tool either, because there had not been any necessity so far that required it. In the meantime I only accept invites when I was asked before whether I want to join or not. As it happened recently when I joined a Raid for Tempest's Spine which was fun, though I died a lot and do not really remember what was exactly going on there^^

I'll definitely stay on Wayfinder.

07-15-2013, 08:37 AM
Being upset about few players looking for a group and solving this issue by going away (which results in even less players looking for a group) is an interesting solution, which logics I will never understand.

Though I noticed a significant increase of population in the last few days on Korthos, in the Harbor and the Marketplace compaired to the days before. Also I'm still new to this game and honestly I like to explore the world, quests and mechanics on my own first. With the help of hirelings I can learn about all these things without bothering anyone due to my newbie state of not knowing anything. In fact the issue of few people looking for a group is no issue for me and this been said as a new player. It'll take much more time for me to set up a looking for group question (and I'll never accept a ninja invite) and I didn't use the tool either, because there had not been any necessity so far that required it. In the meantime I only accept invites when I was asked before whether I want to join or not. As it happened recently when I joined a Raid for Tempest's Spine which was fun, though I died a lot and do not really remember what was exactly going on there^^

I'll definitely stay on Wayfinder.

Welcome to a soloists paradise. LOL....

Look me up. All my toons start with Fin. I'm more than happy to answer any questions you may have.


Hunters of Wayfinder

07-15-2013, 05:35 PM
When Wayfinder first opened, my wife and I both transferred our toons from Thelanis over to the new server, three at first, then all when they gave us unlimited free transfers. Everything went great! Our guild was up and running, we made great friends and expanded our online family. But after only a couple months, the server ran into it's first huge problem. DE VS English. It was almost like guild wars, guilds arguing and bickering constantly. The regionism sucked so bad. This caused the population to start dwindling, and we, along with so many, began transferring our toons out one by one. Ofc, this was about the time the World Character Transfers broke. My wife and I were able to transfer about 6 toons each out, leaving another 6 each behind, when we moved to Argonnessen.

It's been over a year since we moved, and things are going fantastic! Our guild is up and running, about to zing lvl 60, and our family has grown exponentially. We're always able to find something to do, whether it's with guildies, friends, or random people we've never met - potential new friends and family, lol!

Anywho, I understand wanting your server to grow. I'm still a bit heartbroken over having to leave Wayfinder, but when it comes down to it, my wife and I are VIP. We're paying for this game for the purpose of having fun, and running around with no one in site, watching the Who window with maybe 20 to 30 names on, wishing for the good ole days, that's not fun, and not what I pay for. So we moved on, and it's amazing.

I'd like to offer anyone from Wayfinder who may or may not know us a chance to come over and start fresh. Our guild, Claddagh, on the Argo server, will welcome anyone from our former home if you'd like to come over and roll up some toons. Someday, when character transfers are back up and running, you're more than welcome to bring those toons over as well. And if you come try it with a new toon, and you decide it's not for you, no hard feelings. We currently have members in the US, Canada, Spain, and a few other places, and we'd love to add more diversity to that. Heads up though, we are a very adult guild with a very adultish sense of humor, so if that's not your kind of atmosphere, this might not be the place for you.

At any rate, feel free to contact my wife or myself via ddo mail to Llantis, Llantica, or Llantaris (Myself) or Sabiraah, Faiithe, or Kaiie (my wife). Welp, I hope everything works out for you guys. I really miss Wayfinder, but I have to admit, logging in to see 20+ lfms during the slow time of day is awesome. I'm never bored on this server, and that's awesome. Really hoping to see some of our old friends come on over! Everyone, be safe, have fun, and we'll see ya in game! ^_^

Llantis Al'Durran the Thief
Leader, Claddagh

My dear husband forgot to include my other major toon names, some of which I am on more often than Faiithe or Kaiie. My main right now is actually Jessimica, my 3rd life sorc, and my Successor toon is Lacunah. I fully support my husband's offer to help any player from Wayfinder to start fresh on Argonessen, one of the smaller servers but still a WHOLE lot bigger than Wayfinder. I made my permanent home here after Wayfinder died in population and I don't regret it one bit. There is ALWAYS something to do. After all, this is an MMORPG, not an RPG. If I wanted to solo, I would go play Fable or Dragon Age or Skyrim. I pay to play this game so I can have fun with others, and I found I can do that much easier on Argonessen than I could ever do on Wayfinder. If I am not online on Kaiie, or Sabiraah, or Faiithe, or Jessimica, please feel absolutely free to send me an in-game mail and I will get back to you.

My husband's and my guild is open for new friends and family, and we want you to be yourself with us. No guild drama, no he-said she-said, just a friendly environment in which you can grow as new players or start over with the potential to eventually transfer your main toons.

We want to help disgruntled players like ourselves. We are not recruiting with ulterior motives to zerg to 100; guild renown has nothing to do with it. We just want people to have fun like we are now, off of Wayfinder.


Lacunah Coil
Successor to Argonessen guild, Claddagh

07-16-2013, 05:37 AM
Welcome to a soloists paradise. LOL....

Look me up. All my toons start with Fin. I'm more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

Thank you for your offer :-)

It has always been this way regarding my playstyle in MMOs. Except for GW2 and Rift where Open World partying is quite easy and done fastly. It takes a good amount of time for me to get habituated to a new MMO World and Character Class(es), so the first weeks I prefer to solo what's soloable - or as its called moloing (with hirelings) here. The hireling concept isn't new to me, I know it from SWTOR and NWO too. I heard that in the beginning after release DDO was said to be a pure party game, but this truly changed after the hirelings and the difficulty scaling were introduced. So yes, now it is a soloists/moloists paradise and offers both a lot of of soloable content and team/party content too, like all the other MMOs out there.

I do not have enough time to play different games. When I decide to play a MMO, I log in a few minutes/hours a day (depending) and play. I'm not always in the mood for party gameplay, so why should I quit the MMO world when I'm in the mood for soloing? This won't cut me off from the world though, since there's plenty other MM things like chat channels (you won't advise to leave and use icq instead?), the auction house or just possibilities to learn more about locations, e.g. recently I got my firstlife wizard to level 9 and all I did the following hour was teleporting around :D To wit: not party-minded but it was fun (you won't advise to leave and play Portal instead?).

07-16-2013, 08:46 PM
Thank you for your offer :-)

It has always been this way regarding my playstyle in MMOs. Except for GW2 and Rift where Open World partying is quite easy and done fastly. It takes a good amount of time for me to get habituated to a new MMO World and Character Class(es), so the first weeks I prefer to solo what's soloable - or as its called moloing (with hirelings) here. The hireling concept isn't new to me, I know it from SWTOR and NWO too. I heard that in the beginning after release DDO was said to be a pure party game, but this truly changed after the hirelings and the difficulty scaling were introduced. So yes, now it is a soloists/moloists paradise and offers both a lot of of soloable content and team/party content too, like all the other MMOs out there.

I do not have enough time to play different games. When I decide to play a MMO, I log in a few minutes/hours a day (depending) and play. I'm not always in the mood for party gameplay, so why should I quit the MMO world when I'm in the mood for soloing? This won't cut me off from the world though, since there's plenty other MM things like chat channels (you won't advise to leave and use icq instead?), the auction house or just possibilities to learn more about locations, e.g. recently I got my firstlife wizard to level 9 and all I did the following hour was teleporting around :D To wit: not party-minded but it was fun (you won't advise to leave and play Portal instead?).

Like i said. anytime look me up. more than happy to help you out and show you around. even farm some nice loots with you if you like.



07-17-2013, 03:47 PM
Thank you for your offer :-)

I do not have enough time to play different games. When I decide to play a MMO, I log in a few minutes/hours a day (depending) and play. I'm not always in the mood for party gameplay, so why should I quit the MMO world when I'm in the mood for soloing? This won't cut me off from the world though, since there's plenty other MM things like chat channels (you won't advise to leave and use icq instead?), the auction house or just possibilities to learn more about locations, e.g. recently I got my firstlife wizard to level 9 and all I did the following hour was teleporting around :D To wit: not party-minded but it was fun (you won't advise to leave and play Portal instead?).

I do not dismiss your playstyle, please do not get me wrong. I am only saying in my own personal experience, I pay to play a game the way it was meant to be played. (Why do you think there are less than 10 solo-difficulty quests in the game? ;P) I am a social person, I enjoy playing with others. I have logged onto Wayfinder every day for the past week and have seen about 7-8 lfms up TOTAL no matter the time of day, as well as about 60 players online TOTAL, also no matter the time of the day. As a social person, who does not have local friends around to be with (since I moved across country to be with my husband), that depresses me. So I left and went to Argonessen. Like I said, I am not discriminating against those players who wish to solo on an MMORPG. I am merely saying that I MYSELF as a player prefer to play with other people, and I know I am not the only one. And if people wish to join my husband and I on Argo, then the invitation is there.

Happy hunting, soloing or not! :)

Lacunah Coil,
Successor to Argonessen guild, Claddagh.

07-19-2013, 01:13 AM
Why do you think there are less than 10 solo-difficulty quests in the game?.

Most quests used to have a the solo option. Solo was changed to casual.

I think its funny when someone refers to leaving a server.. you dont need to leave you just create characters on different servers. THats what ive always done. Only time a character transfer would ever be really a must is when you have a char with waaaaay too many past lives.

07-19-2013, 02:34 AM
Most quests used to have a the solo option. Solo was changed to casual.

I think its funny when someone refers to leaving a server.. you dont need to leave you just create characters on different servers. THats what ive always done. Only time a character transfer would ever be really a must is when you have a char with waaaaay too many past lives.

Or you want a good kick start on a new server. I moved my main from cannith to wayfinder when the free transfer's were on. Nice kick start even if he was just a level 9. he was also 50/50/50 in crafting and my oath that also made life easy.

07-19-2013, 01:12 PM
Or you want a good kick start on a new server. I moved my main from cannith to wayfinder when the free transfer's were on. Nice kick start even if he was just a level 9. he was also 50/50/50 in crafting and my oath that also made life easy.

My husband and I moved several toons who were capped (20 at the time) and fully geared, some with past lives, over to Wayfinder when it opened. Between us we had a couple million plat. It made life very easy, if only to pimp other toons we just made. At the time, we couldn't get a group because we were too high, lol! But yeah, I had to start over on Argo (again), and before my transfers got over, I had to restart from scratch... my offer is to help others to do so, too.

Wayfinder is the recommended server for new players. And without a doubt, there are people who are starting on that server, feeling discouraged about how empty it is, assume all servers are like that, then proceed to uninstall DDO from their computers and move onto something else. This saddens me. I want people to enjoy the game like I do.

Since my husband and myself have moved, we have each gotten a few of our toons back from Wayfinder (before the server transfers broke), and have since then accumulated much more gear and plat. My husband's completionist has 150 in all crafting skills. We simply wish to help others who are in the same predicament we were. We want to help them get back into the game they once loved. I, personally, don't want people to feel like they are stuck on Wayfinder. I want to give them options.

I know there are those of you that prefer the smaller server size and that enjoy soloing. I do not discourage you. I am speaking to those that feel helpless in their predicament because if they start over on another server, they have no money and no friends to assist them. I want to extend my aid to those specific players.

As before mentioned, my mains are Jessimica, Sabiraah, Kaiie, Faiithe, and Lacunah on Argonessen. Feel free to look for me or send me an in-game mail.

Successor to Argonessen guild, Claddagh.

07-19-2013, 06:50 PM
Wayfinder is the recommended server for new players. And without a doubt, there are people who are starting on that server, feeling discouraged about how empty it is, assume all servers are like that, then proceed to uninstall DDO from their computers and move onto something else. This saddens me. I want people to enjoy the game like I do.

It saddens me, that you think about it this way. Because no new player in any MMO expects that there must be solid group gameplay from the beginning in the starting zone until highend. No one. In fact many new players want enough time and space to get into the game and their favorite class. They do not feel discouraged, they do not uninstall DDO and they do not move onto something else.

Wayfinder is growing. Sadly you left. We miss you :)

07-19-2013, 09:10 PM
But we will leave the porch light on for when you decide to come back home. :)

07-20-2013, 10:42 AM
It saddens me, that you think about it this way. Because no new player in any MMO expects that there must be solid group gameplay from the beginning in the starting zone until highend. No one. In fact many new players want enough time and space to get into the game and their favorite class. They do not feel discouraged, they do not uninstall DDO and they do not move onto something else.

Wayfinder is growing. Sadly you left. We miss you :)

When I joined Wayfinder, it was MANY times bigger than what it is now, and that was on the first week the server opened. I've it on good authority that that is exactly what new players are doing: joining the game on Wayfinder, seeing not many people around, no one to answer their questions (as new players are want to have) and feeling discouraged and leave. Wayfinder is TINY now. I still have two 20'th lvl fvs over there and I log on each day and see that there are 2 lfms, 60 people or less on... And shrinking. Even Superiority Complex, one of the first guilds on the server, one of the first to lvl 60, the guild I was in, is losing people. Pretty soon only the dedicated players will be left and that will be about 20. And then Turbine will have to figure out another way to grow the server (besides 10% xp, which really doesn't work, now does it?) or merge it into another international server, or just scrap it as a failed project altogether.

Every major MMO I've tried, including my first from Everquest at age 10, to Anarchy Online, to DDO (on Thelanis) and even silly ftp MMO's with awesome graphics but cheesy gameplay like Perfect/Forsaken World, there is always solid group gameplay or at least many players in the new zone to help a newbie out. Unfortunately, Wayfinder does not include itself in that category. Any MMO worth its money has people playing it in the newbie zone and having fun and exploring and answering each other's questions to ENCOURAGE other players to join and do the same.

Because Idk about you, but I went through a phase when Wayfinder started its descent where I gave up on DDO and looked for other games that were ftp. When I would find a game, try it out, and there's no one around to answer a simple question like where's the closest merchant (after exploring), I got discouraged. I stopped logging in. And eventually, I uninstalled the game and looked for another. And another after I encountered the same deal. Eventually, I went back to DDO, but on Argo. As dead as Wayfinder is, and still shrinking, DDO is losing customers by making Wayfinder its 'recommended' server and offering 10% xp to that server and not others. Its a bribe and its failing.

I'm not trying to provoke or antagonize anyone. I am only trying to offer a way out for players who empathize with me.
And honestly, I WISH a dev will reply to this thread so we can at least have an idea if we are wasting our efforts on Wayfinder. Free character transfers ON or off sound really good about now. :)

Successor to Argonessen guild, Claddagh.

07-21-2013, 09:42 PM
When I joined Wayfinder, it was MANY times bigger than what it is now, and that was on the first week the server opened. I've it on good authority that that is exactly what new players are doing: joining the game on Wayfinder, seeing not many people around, no one to answer their questions (as new players are want to have) and feeling discouraged and leave. Wayfinder is TINY now. I still have two 20'th lvl fvs over there and I log on each day and see that there are 2 lfms, 60 people or less on... And shrinking. Even Superiority Complex, one of the first guilds on the server, one of the first to lvl 60, the guild I was in, is losing people. Pretty soon only the dedicated players will be left and that will be about 20. And then Turbine will have to figure out another way to grow the server (besides 10% xp, which really doesn't work, now does it?) or merge it into another international server, or just scrap it as a failed project altogether.

Every major MMO I've tried, including my first from Everquest at age 10, to Anarchy Online, to DDO (on Thelanis) and even silly ftp MMO's with awesome graphics but cheesy gameplay like Perfect/Forsaken World, there is always solid group gameplay or at least many players in the new zone to help a newbie out. Unfortunately, Wayfinder does not include itself in that category. Any MMO worth its money has people playing it in the newbie zone and having fun and exploring and answering each other's questions to ENCOURAGE other players to join and do the same.

Because Idk about you, but I went through a phase when Wayfinder started its descent where I gave up on DDO and looked for other games that were ftp. When I would find a game, try it out, and there's no one around to answer a simple question like where's the closest merchant (after exploring), I got discouraged. I stopped logging in. And eventually, I uninstalled the game and looked for another. And another after I encountered the same deal. Eventually, I went back to DDO, but on Argo. As dead as Wayfinder is, and still shrinking, DDO is losing customers by making Wayfinder its 'recommended' server and offering 10% xp to that server and not others. Its a bribe and its failing.

I'm not trying to provoke or antagonize anyone. I am only trying to offer a way out for players who empathize with me.
And honestly, I WISH a dev will reply to this thread so we can at least have an idea if we are wasting our efforts on Wayfinder. Free character transfers ON or off sound really good about now. :)

Successor to Argonessen guild, Claddagh.

Wayfinder is not recommended server anymore, that lasted about 48 hours, even wayfinder people don't want that. and if you test it dosn't come up first all the time.

All we asked for was the DE to be removed. That's been done.

The rest of your comments, Meh.. this thread is for the people who are still here and discussing what they want to do. not the ones that have already left.

you don't need to justify yourself to us. We actually don't care.

Good luck to you and your guild. they will have to force me to leave.



07-22-2013, 12:41 AM
there are 2 lfms, 60 people or less on... And shrinking.
Pretty soon only the dedicated players will be left and that will be about 20.

It's this kind of blatant misinformation that causes the doom threads these boards are famous for. Wayfinder IS about 1/6th as busy as the other servers, but even that still counts for something like 2800 logins per day. Your numbers are just plain fear mongering. Can Wayfinder (and DDO in general) stand a boost to population? Of course. Advertising and Marketing are probably Turbines most tragic weakness, but let's not burn the barn just yet.

07-22-2013, 01:48 AM
It's this kind of blatant misinformation that causes the doom threads these boards are famous for. Wayfinder IS about 1/6th as busy as the other servers, but even that still counts for something like 2800 logins per day. Your numbers are just plain fear mongering. Can Wayfinder (and DDO in general) stand a boost to population? Of course. Advertising and Marketing are probably Turbines most tragic weakness, but let's not burn the barn just yet.

Blatant misinformation? I log on every day to Wayfinder, and watch with my own eyes, the lfms and who window, sometime for hours, hoping to see something change, or maybe to see my friends log on. I count the lfms. I count the people online. This is not misinformation at all, this is average. I didn't start this thread, I'm not about the doom of Wayfinder. I wish that Turbine would find a way to restore Wayfinder's former population... maybe better advertising, offering free character transfers onto the server like they did in the beginning, something. I've friends who are on that server still, and stuck. They don't log on anymore because they are stuck. Its not just me. And I know its not just them. I'm trying to help by offering a way out for disgruntled players before Turbine decides to scrap Wayfinder for good, leaving players stranded. I've seen it happen on other games.

07-22-2013, 02:03 AM
Blatant misinformation? I log on every day to Wayfinder, and watch with my own eyes, the lfms and who window, sometime for hours, hoping to see something change, or maybe to see my friends log on. I count the lfms. I count the people online. This is not misinformation at all, this is average. I didn't start this thread, I'm not about the doom of Wayfinder. I wish that Turbine would find a way to restore Wayfinder's former population... maybe better advertising, offering free character transfers onto the server like they did in the beginning, something. I've friends who are on that server still, and stuck. They don't log on anymore because they are stuck. Its not just me. And I know its not just them. I'm trying to help by offering a way out for disgruntled players before Turbine decides to scrap Wayfinder for good, leaving players stranded. I've seen it happen on other games.

So if your on for so long why don't you post one.

I do.

quest blah, ip anyone welcome is usually what i say.

sometimes i get ppl. sometimes not.

The bang you saw when u first started on Wayfinder was all the TP favor runners getting there first time TP rewards.

And even though you believe its getting worse. i can see a positive increase in the numbers.

and i also am on everyday. And ive aslo seen over 150 peeps on over the weekend.

Anyway, we don't want a way out or we would of already left.

07-22-2013, 02:23 AM
The rest of your comments, Meh.. this thread is for the people who are still here and discussing what they want to do. not the ones that have already left.

you don't need to justify yourself to us. We actually don't care.

You don't consider the opinion of somebody who evidently cares about the state of Wayfarer to be relevant? When considering a course of action, be it one way or another, don't you think it prudent to consult those who, you know, have actually done it already?

Your strict thread participation requirements are BS, and I think your adversarial attitude is brought on by frustration with the game, as opposed to this forum poster.

07-22-2013, 02:31 AM
You don't consider the opinion of somebody who evidently cares about the state of Wayfarer to be relevant? When considering a course of action, be it one way or another, don't you think it prudent to consult those who, you know, have actually done it already?

Your strict thread participation requirements are BS, and I think your adversarial attitude is brought on by frustration with the game, as opposed to this forum poster.

i suppose your entitled to your opinion.

as am i to mine.

07-22-2013, 02:58 AM
i suppose your entitled to your opinion.

as am i to mine.

Agreed sir!

07-22-2013, 04:10 AM
You don't consider the opinion of somebody who evidently cares about the state of Wayfarer to be relevant? When considering a course of action, be it one way or another, don't you think it prudent to consult those who, you know, have actually done it already?

Your strict thread participation requirements are BS, and I think your adversarial attitude is brought on by frustration with the game, as opposed to this forum poster.

It just get tiresome hearing from all those doomsayers who advocate merging Wayfinder with another server while they go on about how their own server is so great with their thriving metro populations. Why should the opinions of those who don't play on Wayfinder carry any weight in this thread?

07-22-2013, 10:14 AM
It just get tiresome hearing from all those doomsayers who advocate merging Wayfinder with another server while they go on about how their own server is so great with their thriving metro populations. Why should the opinions of those who don't play on Wayfinder carry any weight in this thread?

I can sympathise with this, and I really do wish this wasn't the case. As I see it none of our servers exist strictly in a vacuum, and we can include the experiences of players old and current in guaging what might be the best course of action for those still around, but thats just my subjective approach to a problem i guess. I hope the server gets an influx of players as it deserves.

07-22-2013, 01:04 PM
So if your on for so long why don't you post one.

I do.

quest blah, ip anyone welcome is usually what i say.

sometimes i get ppl. sometimes not.

The bang you saw when u first started on Wayfinder was all the TP favor runners getting there first time TP rewards.

And even though you believe its getting worse. i can see a positive increase in the numbers.

and i also am on everyday. And ive aslo seen over 150 peeps on over the weekend.

Anyway, we don't want a way out or we would of already left.

I do post lfms. And no one joins. I have two lvl 20 fvs that both need their Eveningstar quests. I try every day to make progress. I'm not so much as a doomsayer as someone who's saddened by the deterioration of the server I used to call home. I want the server to repopulate again, not just with favor farmers, but with players who want to stick around. This forum's title is Should we stay or should we go. As in both options are being considered. I'm only trying to help those who are for the latter option. I am not patronizing or insulting or condescending or whatever you want to call it, players who wish to stay. I wish those players the best of luck, as I am trying to make progress on that server myself, and failing. Like I said in my original post, I am a social person. I pay to play an MMORPG. Meaning I like to play with other players, as the acronym implies. And when I can't find other players to play with, it depresses me. So I did find a way out. And I am trying to help others who are also seeking a way out. I am not ''doomsaying'' the server; everything I've said so far is from my own observation over the last year.

Don't be frustrated at me. I'm only trying to help, be it one way or the other.

07-23-2013, 06:52 AM
It saddens me, that you think about it this way. Because no new player in any MMO expects that there must be solid group gameplay from the beginning in the starting zone until highend. No one. In fact many new players want enough time and space to get into the game and their favorite class. They do not feel discouraged, they do not uninstall DDO and they do not move onto something else.

Wayfinder is growing. Sadly you left. We miss you :)

I played EverQuest for 3.5 years, and left due to the mechanics of the game. When I left, ofc I had heard of Warcraft, so I gave that a try when they had 14 day trials. Within 2 days I had a max level character due to people being so apt in power leveling. It was ridiculous. So I uninstalled that and did a trial of Final Fantasy XI. In the 7 days on that, I never once saw another player below level 60. And here I am, level 3 at the end of the first week with no one to talk to and no one to play with. It was extremely discouraging. I uninstalled that and somehow found DDO during a google search of mmo's. Luckily, I went straight for Thelanis server - The name sounded the most fantasyish out of all the servers - and got to play with a heck of a lot of people on what seemed an excellent international server. I think for Turbine to make an almost completely dead server the starter-recommended was a poor choice. I do see people logging in, having a little fun the first few days by themselves, then moving on to the next game as I did due to there not being a whole lot of people around. Since moving to Argo, I've had more fun than ever in game. It completely justifies my actually paying for the game. I've been VIP since starting, since I believe in supporting the company who provides my favorite hobby (or alternate life? Lol!).

I have nothing against soloists either, nor anyone on Wayfinder - My wife and I met our best in-game friends on Wayfinder. If you wanna stay there and play, that's cool. If you wanna move and play, that's cool. If you wanna quit and find another game, feel free. I play my game my way, you play your game your way. All I was doing was throwing out an open invitation to anyone who might want to choose for themselves that a relocation was the right thing for them. You can feel sorry for me all you want. But I'm actually happy and having fun on a daily basis, without all the standing around wondering what to do at random awkward times anymore. (I'm not saying that's how it is for everyone on Wayfinder. That's just how it was for me.) Anywho, off to work to make money to support my dragon slaying addiction. I hope all of you have a wonderful and fun filled day! ^_^

Argo Server

07-26-2013, 12:49 AM
The vid says it all.

Remove the DE from the server name (sorry to the German community, no offence)


so I am confused is this a German server or a everybody server. was told for everybody but even looking at website under wayfinder its in a different language.

07-26-2013, 03:42 AM
so I am confused is this a German server or a everybody server. was told for everybody but even looking at website under wayfinder its in a different language.

It was once set up as a German server, but I think the timing was a bit late, because lots of German players were already on other servers. You will find Wayfinder threads in German and in English, and the World Broadcasts in game are now in English.

07-26-2013, 12:01 PM
It was once set up as a German server, but I think the timing was a bit late, because lots of German players were already on other servers. You will find Wayfinder threads in German and in English, and the World Broadcasts in game are now in English.

why is the broadcast not in German and English? Think I might be the only non German who feels bad for them.

07-26-2013, 02:49 PM
why is the broadcast not in German and English? Think I might be the only non German who feels bad for them.

Yes, but the server was originally mostly for German players. As in the broadcast was German, the forums were german, the devs spoke only german, account requests were german. But that started a small war. Soon German players were hounding on people who spoke English to speak German since it was a "German server". And English-speaking players could not get any help from the Devs. Not long after that, there were German-only guilds and English-only guilds and it just blew up out of proportion. So Turbine got ride of the DE tag to encourage players from all over to play on Wayfinder. Now its an international server like the rest are. If they wanted to do a broadcast in German as well as English, they'd also have to do it in at least Portuguese, Spanish, and Bulgarian, three languages I've encountered since playing DDO. Turbine IS based out of the US, and English is the second most spoken in the world (behind Mandarin Chinese) so they will default to English.

So bit of a long-winded answer, but hope this clears it up a bit.

07-26-2013, 03:21 PM
Yes, but the server was originally mostly for German players. As in the broadcast was German, the forums were german, the devs spoke only german, account requests were german. But that started a small war. Soon German players were hounding on people who spoke English to speak German since it was a "German server". And English-speaking players could not get any help from the Devs. Not long after that, there were German-only guilds and English-only guilds and it just blew up out of proportion. So Turbine got ride of the DE tag to encourage players from all over to play on Wayfinder. Now its an international server like the rest are. If they wanted to do a broadcast in German as well as English, they'd also have to do it in at least Portuguese, Spanish, and Bulgarian, three languages I've encountered since playing DDO. Turbine IS based out of the US, and English is the second most spoken in the world (behind Mandarin Chinese) so they will default to English.

So bit of a long-winded answer, but hope this clears it up a bit.

everything you said sounds solid to me. still feel sorry for the Germans who thought that this was goign to be their server.

07-26-2013, 03:39 PM
everything you said sounds solid to me. still feel sorry for the Germans who thought that this was goign to be their server.

It may have worked out, but most German players had already settled on other servers. I wonder that the devs don't implement Broadcasts in other languages, with the one displayed depending on a flag in options.

08-09-2013, 09:41 PM
everything you said sounds solid to me. still feel sorry for the Germans who thought that this was goign to be their server.

Was andererseits aber auch nicht bedeutet, dass der Server am Sterben ist. Ich habe hier vor ein paar Wochen angefangen und mir zumindest kommt es so vor, dass immer mehr Leute on sind. Ich sehe auch immer mehr herumwuseln. Dass das an dem +% XP Bonus liegt, den Wayfinder exklusiv hat. glaube ich nicht. Neulich habe ich auch erfolgreich gepugged, es hat Spaß gemacht und ich werd's wohl wieder mal wagen. Aber puggen ist nicht mein primäres Ding, also selbst wenn das Tool nahezu leer ist, würden bestimmt dreimal soviel Leute oder mehr helfen, wenn sie direkt angesprochen werden oder wenn im Chat danach gefragt werden würde (gibt's hier eigentlich einen global chat?).

Ich kann mich jedenfalls nicht beklagen. Gut, die Raids sind unterrepräsentiert, das stimmt, aber ansonsten macht es Spaß, ich komm auf meine Kosten, ich lerne viel, lerne alles kennen und hab vor hier zu bleiben, bis ein Servermerge mich zwangsumsiedelt.

Das Forum ist das A und O für ein MMO. Hier gibt's Hilfe, Diskussionen und Theorycrafting. Zuerst schau ich in die Foren und wenn da der letzte Post vor zwei Jahren war, dann interessiert mich das Spiel schon viel, viel weniger. Dann muss es mich echt von der Mechanik her ansprechen, sonst geh ich woanders hin, so schnell kann man gar nicht schauen. Kommunikation darüber ist mir sehr wichtig, ohne geht gar nicht. Drum Ja zum Server und Ja zum Forum und @Turbine überdenkt nochmal die Sache mit der deutschen Lokalisierung bitte :)

08-09-2013, 10:03 PM
and English is the second most spoken in the world (behind Mandarin Chinese)

I'm wondering whether the different rune symbols in ddo puzzles have a sense in mandarin? At least the one related to the puzzle-wheels seem as it could really be so^^

08-11-2013, 04:17 PM
I'm wondering whether the different rune symbols in ddo puzzles have a sense in mandarin? At least the one related to the puzzle-wheels seem as it could really be so^^

I can't say I've seen Mandarin Chinese in DDO so far. But server transfers are back open, so mayhap we will. ^.^ Speaking of, I gotta get my divines off Wayfinder soon here. I need my raid healers back!

08-22-2013, 09:38 AM
Hi all. This is the author of the Grow Wayfinder campaign letter that was circulated in May and June. It was posted on the Warrior's Way guild site www.warriorsway.guildportal.com, and also on www.scribd.com/doc/144420083/grow-wayfinder-campaign-form-letter-for-wayfinder-server-ddo-dungeons-dragons-online as well.

I contacted every other guild leader I could locate and every one of them said they would participate and spread the campaign. Many in my guild sent in their letters, and lots of other ppl from other guilds said they had also. Weeks passed and nobody had any direct replies about it. Several players started to peel off and jump servers, and finally I did as well - taking many of my guild with me to Thelanis where we are now 'Collective Dominance', and thriving.

It was just too little too late from turbine insofar as helping a struggling game community. We maintain the Warriors on Wayfinder with a few diehards that don't want to invest time or money in starting over, but unless that server receives a serious makeover or infusion of life I will only be visiting for the free roll a few times a week.

While some like the small town sense of community where everybody knows everybody, it's obvious that many are disappointed by the bare pawns and outrageously overpriced Auction, the sparse or nonexistant grouping menu opportunities, and the dead air ghost town feel of it. Seasonal events are also at a disadvantage for new players there as well, with very few PUG opportunities. On the plus side, there is maybe less lag if you want to clique up with the Big Four guilds or run solo.

I'd love to help more as I still have two lv 25 toons stranded with all sorts of goodies accumulated over two years on Wayfinder, but maybe I'm falling into Turbines business plan of marketing character x-fers to those in exodus haha.

But seriously, if they can't fly this kite maybe it's time to reel it in and merge it with the next lowest rung on the ladder, or figure out another better idea for the many dedicated players who hang in there! Best luck!

08-22-2013, 10:31 PM
Hi all. This is the author of the Grow Wayfinder campaign letter that was circulated in May and June. It was posted on the Warrior's Way guild site www.warriorsway.guildportal.com, and also on www.scribd.com/doc/144420083/grow-wayfinder-campaign-form-letter-for-wayfinder-server-ddo-dungeons-dragons-online as well.

I contacted every other guild leader I could locate and every one of them said they would participate and spread the campaign. Many in my guild sent in their letters, and lots of other ppl from other guilds said they had also. Weeks passed and nobody had any direct replies about it. Several players started to peel off and jump servers, and finally I did as well - taking many of my guild with me to Thelanis where we are now 'Collective Dominance', and thriving.

It was just too little too late from turbine insofar as helping a struggling game community. We maintain the Warriors on Wayfinder with a few diehards that don't want to invest time or money in starting over, but unless that server receives a serious makeover or infusion of life I will only be visiting for the free roll a few times a week.

While some like the small town sense of community where everybody knows everybody, it's obvious that many are disappointed by the bare pawns and outrageously overpriced Auction, the sparse or nonexistant grouping menu opportunities, and the dead air ghost town feel of it. Seasonal events are also at a disadvantage for new players there as well, with very few PUG opportunities. On the plus side, there is maybe less lag if you want to clique up with the Big Four guilds or run solo.

I'd love to help more as I still have two lv 25 toons stranded with all sorts of goodies accumulated over two years on Wayfinder, but maybe I'm falling into Turbines business plan of marketing character x-fers to those in exodus haha.

But seriously, if they can't fly this kite maybe it's time to reel it in and merge it with the next lowest rung on the ladder, or figure out another better idea for the many dedicated players who hang in there! Best luck!

no thanks.

08-23-2013, 04:45 AM
I think they cant merge servers anymore since they introduced True reincarnation.
I think it would destroy all reincarnation cages from all charakters.
When we transfered our charakters to Wayfinder we had to empty all reincarnation cages.

And that is the reason they never merged and will never merge Wayfinder with another server.

08-23-2013, 09:04 PM
To really jump start this corpse server, get players invested quickly. Options include:

1. Free Veteran 7 upgrade, through free favor if needs be. Free stone of xp (Lv. 16 version.) for every first character of an account brand new on Wayfinder.

2. Contest giveaways for every 10th character that gets created by an account brand new to Wayfinder. Give cool stuff, lots of xp pots.

3. Boost the 'bonus xp' up to 15-20% for non-epic adventures.

4. Reward all first characters of brand new accounts to Wayfinder a skill or stat tome upon reaching level 20, or some other worthy item that gives new players a sense of attachment and affirmation.

I know a bunch of people are hating on the idea of this outright bribery to attract a player base, but in reality what the server needs are new players who can build up quickly and feel invested in their toons at the same time so they stay and keep on playing. It's like in WW2 when in Europe the Allies had to send in troops with just a few weeks training to fill the ranks and stop the gaps in The Battle of the Bulge!

So maybe you folks have good ideas too, lets keep them coming!

09-26-2013, 01:16 AM
I started a couple of toons here, but I am really Leary as to whether I should stay and play or cut my losses and go to another server? I want to stay here, but I am concerned that if i stay, and they shut down the server, I will lose everything I have done up to now.
Anyone out there can confirm the possibility of server shut down?

09-26-2013, 08:42 AM
They won't just shut the server down.

If they have any plans they will

1. Announce it before they do it
then either
merge the server with another one
give you free server transfers

09-26-2013, 02:09 PM
Wayfinders pariahs are welcome to transfer to Khyber.

Time to abandon the sinking ship, you knew it was sinking from the day it was launched.

09-28-2013, 02:32 PM
Well against all odds the last months a certain increase of player activity is clearly noticeable. We even start with getting noticeable lag, something I missed on Wayfinder so far, being used to the crushing lag from Orien.

While the numbers do not reflect in DDOracle or any other statistics site, I can see it daily from the LFM and WHO´s panels...

I think it will still take some time for Wayfinder to develop. But better than to be on an overcrowded server like Orien.

02-11-2014, 10:49 PM
Well against all odds the last months a certain increase of player activity is clearly noticeable. We even start with getting noticeable lag, something I missed on Wayfinder so far, being used to the crushing lag from Orien.

While the numbers do not reflect in DDOracle or any other statistics site, I can see it daily from the LFM and WHO´s panels...

I think it will still take some time for Wayfinder to develop. But better than to be on an overcrowded server like Orien.

I agree Nestroy, 6 months after my original post I can certainly see a increase in the numbers. We personally have some new Guild Members (some new and some from other servers) There are more people running around the Snowy Side of Korthos (I have rolled multiple lvl1 toons to offer my assistance) , More people in the Harbor and Marketplace, new guilds popping up and in general more activity. This is healthy growth for Wayfinder, just what we are seeking.

Well done to each of you that took some time out to help a new player or send a message to someone who took notice

05-18-2014, 12:52 PM
Bumping an old thread, but from my perspective, this server sucks.

I was in the open beta for DDO and was a "founder," built one of the first clans.

Then I had a second child and my account expired, not long after Tempest Spine was introduced.

I got involved again because a friend from way back (30 years) I used to play D&D with got started. He happened to play Wayfinder, and here I am.

Wayfinder is unbelievably dead. He still likes to play, running around with a companion and a couple hirelings. I have a character that I've built to his lvl, but it's been a bear and I'm constantly pestering him to transfer servers.

I can't imagine how someone would knowingly go from a populated server to this server. The experience on Wayfinder is so much different than the way I think DDO was conceived. It really is a shame.

05-21-2014, 08:05 AM
If anyone wants to come to better server, come to Thelanis, lots of Germans here, and Europeans.

05-22-2014, 01:57 AM
If anyone wants to come to better server, come to Thelanis, lots of Germans here, and Europeans.

you find them on every server.

The biggest problem for Wayfinder is the bad rep. I started a toon a while ago and played him now several days on Wayfinder (28 point build, no money, no euqipment, nada). It's hard to find groups and no one joins and no one will volunteer as an opener and it's hard to get your hands on good equipment.
It's just like the old days! So if people liked that kind of struggle, and remember the proudness of reaching 20, that challenge, than you've found the perfect server.

05-22-2014, 05:10 AM
You wont find better ones on other servers.

06-25-2014, 04:08 PM
Another night I logged off from Wayfinder feeling kinda depressed and annoyed. This place currently offers as much excitement as the far south eastern part of Menechtarun. I quickly checked Orien (the only server where I ever made another char and 2nd lowest in population iirc) and the situation seems so much better there, but that's just a first impression. Anyway, I would immediately without hesitation give back U22 for a server merge. WF is not yet dead but certainly seriously ill. Too bad I have too many chars to transfer and I would also miss some people still playing on WF...

06-25-2014, 04:12 PM
They should offer a monthly transfer token to vip.

06-25-2014, 05:50 PM
They should offer a monthly transfer token to vip.

I'd love this ^

But I'd prefer for EVERYBODY to get easier access to transfers NOT just VIPs!