View Full Version : Icey Flowers or Ice Storm?

06-18-2013, 12:32 PM
Right now I am following the Markeyx build with a few exceptions.

I see a lot of druids mentioning using Ice Storm alot.

I was wondering peoples thoughts on the Icey Flowers spell? I generally find the cone fairly narrow and difficult to land with mobs that
run around a lot.

So if you had a choice which spell would you put in your spell bar (and why) if you run in a Water Elementalist form like I do?


06-18-2013, 09:16 PM
Right now I am following the Markeyx build with a few exceptions.

I see a lot of druids mentioning using Ice Storm alot.

I was wondering peoples thoughts on the Icey Flowers spell? I generally find the cone fairly narrow and difficult to land with mobs that
run around a lot.

So if you had a choice which spell would you put in your spell bar (and why) if you run in a Water Elementalist form like I do?


Ice flowers is one one shot area of effect (AoE) spell (like fireball), Ice storm is a damage over time (DoT). Ice storm is an essential druid spell. it gives good damage per mana and debuffs if you're in water elley. Ice flowers is possibly useful to quickly apply your cold debuff and for a bit of damage, but druids don't really have the SP to "Nuke" with one shot spells much, so you're not going to get that much mileage out of it.

Ice flowers really ought to be made into a "real" SLA with a low SP cost and free metamagic. Then it would be great.

06-19-2013, 08:23 AM
Ice Storm is a great persistent AoE that works well with Mantle of the Icy Soul to decrease movement speed and reflexes of enemies hit with the Ice Storm. This means you can go gather mobs, run them through an Ice Storm, and suddenly they are all moving in slow motion. Add Earthquake, and the -4 to reflex saves means that most mobs suddenly find themselves sitting down. :)

Icy Flowers is a one-time spell. Great if you are helping to take down a boss or something, but if I have to choose, Ice Storm wins every time.

06-19-2013, 12:34 PM
Ice flowers really ought to be made into a "real" SLA with a low SP cost and free metamagic.
Yeah, it sucks that Season's Heralds got the short end of the caster stick in that regard. :(