View Full Version : Hamstring queston

06-10-2013, 11:18 AM

I what ddo wiki says the target's movement rate is reduced by 50% for 12 seconds

But a friend tells me it also reduce attack speed is it so?

And if attack speed is reduced how much?

08-26-2013, 09:13 PM
I tried Hamstring on my rogue after someone told me about the attack speed reduction effect, but I could never notice a difference, so after a while I dropped the feat again.

08-30-2013, 09:12 AM

I what ddo wiki says the target's movement rate is reduced by 50% for 12 seconds

But a friend tells me it also reduce attack speed is it so?

And if attack speed is reduced how much?

Apparently it reduced attack speed once but got nerfed to only reduce movement speed. Kind of useless. My rogue uses the Razorend shortsword (though daggers are now better). It procs the hamstring like crazy but it is just movement reduced. It is useful on annoying mobs that run away upon melee assault

09-03-2013, 10:18 AM
Don't think hamstring was ever intended do reduce enemys attack speed but some(very few) monsters like mariliths, horned devils and pit fiends do get slowed by it! This was due their attack coding being somehow linked to their movement speed... there was a whole forum post about it years ago explaining the whole thing in-depth. Though all I care is that it does slow down some nasty bosses!

Back in days it was actually very common feat to take when the end game was all about Devils and all the big bosses like harrys and sulos were vulnerable to hamstring slow. They still are so I'd say it is a great feat to take if you are going to run the old lvl 20 content with lots of devil bosses at lvl. Otherwise, not sure if it is worth the feat unless you are a fighter or don't know what else to pick. No one seems to play Devils at lvl anymore and even Shroud Elite is a cakewalk now :)