View Full Version : Another stupid question - is there a list of untradeable things somewhere?

05-30-2013, 04:16 AM
Hi all,

I've been having sort of silly issues recently.

First, a couple of my toons got raid timer bypass hourglasses from the dice. These don't show up as bound or anything, but still can't be sold or traded? It would have been nice to know that before trying to trade it to someone who asked for one in /trade ... and I can't get to any raids with timers at the moment anyway (f2p, low level.)

And then I've pulled omnispell dust from low-level chests a couple of times, once in Korthos even. I see that stuff for sale in the AH regularly, so why can't I put these up there? Again no mention of it being bound or anything, and it's sort of useless for a non-spellcaster too... AND in /advice some of the other guys mentioned being able to trade/auction their omnispell dust.

So. Is there a list of supposedly unbound but still untradeable items anywhere? How do I determine which kind it is, when at a chest as, say, a pure rogue or...?

The kinds that say they bind on acquire I do understand, such as the concentrated elixirs - those are merely slightly annoying at times. (High-level concentrated sp pots from the dice, for the same pure rogue. Well, at least my caster toons occasionally get those too.)

05-30-2013, 06:12 AM
Maybe someone else can post a list as you ask, but I would say, just look at the item description in your inventory, in order to see if it is bound in any way.

Daily dice stuff is usually bound (maybe some stuff is not, but most is I think). Then you have special end rewards, also bound. Other special anual events rewards are also bound.

But in any case you can read it in the item information panel. Click an item and press Z key, or hover your mouse on it. It always says "bound to account" "bound to character" "bound to account on aquire" "bound to character on equip", etc.. So in the last item, you just don't equip it and can trade it and sell in the AH. Every other stuff that is bound you can always sell in a general game vendor for some coins worth of almost nothing.

Or, you can save that bound to account stuff in your bank, even if you don't have shared bank or other toons. One day you may have (I had a blood of dragons in my fighters bank for months, then I bought shared bank and send it over to my sorc) and if you have the space, you don't loose anything.


05-30-2013, 07:25 AM
Maybe someone else can post a list as you ask, but I would say, just look at the item description in your inventory, in order to see if it is bound in any way.

Usually, yes. However, my two examples (Omnispell dust stacks and raid timer bypass hourglasses) do NOT say they're bound, or anything of the sort.

Also showed the items on chat (/advice, ctrl-rightclick) and the other guys said they didn't see a mention of it being a bound item, either.

Daily dice stuff is usually bound (maybe some stuff is not, but most is I think). Then you have special end rewards, also bound. Other special anual events rewards are also bound.

Heroism potions and crafting essences from the dice don't seem to be bound. (Some of my toons have been selling the heroism pots when they get those.)

But in any case you can read it in the item information panel. Click an item and press Z key, or hover your mouse on it. It always says "bound to account" "bound to character" "bound to account on aquire" "bound to character on equip", etc.. So in the last item, you just don't equip it and can trade it and sell in the AH. Every other stuff that is bound you can always sell in a general game vendor for some coins worth of almost nothing.

Actually, plenty of the items you get from the dice are bound and unsellable even to general vendors. Such as the concentrated sp pots.

And I have been selling plenty of lacerating weapons and even some binds-on-equip named items in the AH, I know how to check for "binds on equip". Bind-on-acquire items from chests usually have a confirmation dialog AND have the text in the description box. (BTW, in the Catacombs end reward list for example, usually there's at least one item that's binds-on-equip and not binds-on-acquire. Taken that one and sold it, a couple of times.)

This latest stack of omnispell dust certainly didn't show a dialog, doesn't have any words even resembling "bound" or "binds" in the description, was from a regular mid-quest chest, and still isn't tradeable or auctionable.

And trading the raid timer bypass for the tome certainly would have benefited both myself and the other guy, but no, it just wasn't tradeable (or mailable, or...) despite not admitting to being bound.

I seem to remember that there are also items that specifically are NOT bound but also NOT auctionable, AND it does say so in the item description. Like the chocolate box trinkets (binds on equip) that there was a coupon for, at one point...

06-07-2013, 11:53 AM
Everything I have gotton from the daily dice has been bound to account since they fixed it from bound to character other than essences. Maybe bug report it that it's not displaying properly as bound would be my suggestion.

06-07-2013, 01:37 PM
Everything I have gotton from the daily dice has been bound to account since they fixed it from bound to character other than essences. Maybe bug report it that it's not displaying properly as bound would be my suggestion.


Well, so far all the potions of heroism I've gotten from the dice have been unbound. Even the level 15 ones that did fetch a nice sum in the AH...

And just a couple of days ago I got an unbound +1 str tome. The +1 perform skill tome was bound to account though...

Sure, maybe the unbound str tome was a bug. Used it myself anyway...

And this still doesn't explain the unsellable, untradeable, unbound omnispell dust from the Waterworks chest.

06-08-2013, 09:34 PM
A few months ago Turbine had a promotion where all accounts created were given 500 free Turbine Points. In order to avoid people creating accounts just to buy DDO store items (e.g. Raid Timer Bypasses) and transferring them to their main accounts, Turbine created a rule that DDO store items such as bypasses and omnispell dust cannot be traded by free-to-play accounts. Yes, you can get some of these from Daily Dice and chest drops, but they are still considered DDO store items.

Even though that promotion has long since ended, you cannot trade or auction your Bypasses or Omnispell stuff because you're F2P.