View Full Version : acrobat 2...what else

05-16-2013, 09:10 AM
im currently 2monk/12rogue acrobat 2 halfling. im debating myself between going 7monk/13rogue and take ninja spy or 2monk/12rogue/6fighter an take kensai. im also going dragonmarked so the plus feats from fighter would be nice but theres also goodies on the ninjaspy option. Any suggestions?

05-16-2013, 10:33 AM
Um aren't they up to Acrobat 12 now?
I know that the auto-updates Keep causing DDO to Crash... almost as bad as those AVIRA Punks!

I'd go fighter. The goodies on NinjaSpy are not as great as the feats you can get extra with fighter... especially if you want Dragon marks.... (although with enough UMD (scrolls/wands) and favor (silver flame pots) the Dragon marks slowly look like a waste of 3 feats (even if the Tattoo Looks bad @$$).

At least that's what I planned... anyway.

05-16-2013, 11:57 AM
thank you for reponse. I know going dragonmarks maybe its not the best choice but tried similars builds in the past and loved them. I dont miss any must-have feat anyways. In fact im still not sure wich fighter feats id take if I choose that option

05-16-2013, 12:22 PM
thank you for reponse. I know going dragonmarks maybe its not the best choice but tried similars builds in the past and loved them. I dont miss any must-have feat anyways. In fact im still not sure wich fighter feats id take if I choose that option

If you could post a build... so we could know what feats you were considering?

You have power attack and the cleave/great cleave feats?
thf and the follow on (improved/greater) feats
IC blunt...
all three Dragon marks?

for kensei weapons Focus and weapons specialization blunt?

Toughness or Barb past life...?

et cetera

05-16-2013, 12:23 PM
you might consider splashing 1 druid in there. Shillelagh + Empower Healing metas for your dragon marks.

13 Rogue, 6 monk, 1 druid ?

05-16-2013, 12:53 PM
you might consider splashing 1 druid in there. Shillelagh + Empower Healing metas for your dragon marks.

13 Rogue, 6 monk, 1 druid ?

yes I considered that for the empower healing but im not sure if silleagh works on non wooden staffs. anyways its a good choice instead of monk7 since dm empowered heals much more and faster than wholeness of body.

good one. Thx

05-16-2013, 12:59 PM
If you could post a build... so we could know what feats you were considering?

You have power attack and the cleave/great cleave feats?
thf and the follow on (improved/greater) feats
IC blunt...
all three Dragon marks?

for kensei weapons Focus and weapons specialization blunt?

Toughness or Barb past life...?

et cetera

can't post the buil right now im at job right now, just wanted some opinions of my fellow rogues, and u giving great ones. I decided to avoid thf line, no doing much at high lvl anyway. Got PA, toughness, IC:blund. and cleave

05-17-2013, 04:46 PM
Rog 13 / monk 6 with druid (Ram's Might, Shillelagh, Devotion I, access to Emp Heal) or wiz (extra metamagic) would be my votes. Feats: 7 base + 3 monk + 2 epic (possibly +1 wiz); DMs x3, Power Atk, Toughness, Dodge (Ninja pre-req), Cleave, GC, IC:Blunt, rest for metas maybe?

06-08-2013, 02:05 PM
I am runing a pure acrobat rouge now but my bigest problem is that i use up my staffs to fast some times i only have 1 staff left after a long quest.

08-10-2013, 09:19 PM
13 rogue is optimal in my opinion, lets you get 2 rogue feats... Opportunist is my first choice, And since splashing monk, reflex shouldnt be a problem so i would dare to let go of improved evasion just so i would give a chance to Defensive Roll, unless it proves to still being useless lol. Avoidance and damage mitigation is the way to go for melees, so 6 monk levels is the best way to go along with Acrobat synergy. The last option, in my opinion would be to take a class that would either boost your dps or helps your healing capabilities (druid is best in my opinion)

Thats what i think :)