View Full Version : Quijonn's 40th life

05-03-2013, 09:43 AM
They do say life begins at 40.

To celebrate Quijonn reaching the grand old age of life number 40, I thought I'd put a post up to mark the occasion.

Along the way, he has:

* ran maximum favour lives
* ran maximum Elite streak lives
* completed a Legend life in under 36 hours of quest time
* maxed out his crafting skills at 150/150/150
* capped out all ED's without grinding Rusty Blades a million times at 25
* only used the one XP stone we got with the MotU Collectors edition
* obtained Favored Soul with favour
* obtained Artificer class with House Cannith favour
* done a pure build of every class
* added some of the best and most fun players on the server to his Friend list
* added some of the most cluelessly argumentative and noob-tastic players on the server to his squelch list
* always been self-healing for the benefit of the whole party
* tracked down just about every creature possible for the Monster Manual
* made and spent countless millions of platinum with enough left over to have 4 characters currently sitting VIP plat capped
* had HP over 1600
* had no-fail saves over 100
* capped and TR'd with zero deaths

I'll be running his 40th life through every quest to max out favour and streak again. I'll also be double-checking the Monster Manual completion and revising the Quest Log that I compiled in preparation for taking the step from Completionist to Triple Completionist.

The details of the lives that I've done are in the code block below - I've modified the forum template that I see to be maximum screen width, and to not use yellow text on a white background, so this all looks fine to me:
EDIT: If you can't read the code block then you should see jjflannigan's excellent post on changing the DDO forum defaults (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/415713-Forums-Stylebot-Changes)

Life Main Class Actual Build Build Description Self-Healing
---- ------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
1 Monk 16 Monk -> 20 Monk Halfling Dragonmarked Wind Stance Shintao (transfer from Keeper at 16) Halfling Dragonmark + Light Monk
2 Monk 20 Monk Half-Orc Sun and Ocean Stance Shintao Light Monk
3 Fighter 2 Rogue / 18 Fighter Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante UMD Healing Kensai UMD
4 Rogue 20 Rogue Halfing UMD Healing Assassin UMD
5 Sorcerer 20 Sorcerer Warforged Water Savant Repair + Reconstruct
6 Barbarian 2 Rogue / 6 Fighter / 12 Barbarian Halfling Dragonmarked, UMD Healing Trapper Defender Barbarian Halfling Dragonmark + UMD
7 Ranger 2 Monk / 6 Fighter / 12 Ranger Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante Kensai Tempest Ranger
8 Wizard 2 Rogue / 18 Wizard Warforged Trapper Archmage Repair + Reconstruct
9 Artificer 6 Rogue / 6 Fighter / 8 Artificer Warforged Kensai Mechanic Battle Engineer Repair + Reconstruct
10 Favoured Soul 20 Favoured Soul Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante Offensive Caster Favoured Soul Favoured Soul
11 Cleric 2 Monk / 18 Cleric Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante Melee Cleric Cleric
12 Bard 2 Rogue / 6 Barbarian / 12 Bard Half-Orc UMD Healing Trapper Barbarian Virtuoso UMD + Bard
13 Paladin 2 Rogue / 6 Fighter / 12 Paladin Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante UMD Healing Kensai Defender (MOTU XP Stone) UMD + Paladin
14 * Monk 20 Monk Half-Orc Sun and Ocean Stance Ninja Spy Wholeness + Pots
15 Sorcerer 20 Sorcerer Warforged Fire Savant Repair + Reconstruct
16 Druid 20 Druid Half-Elf Rogue Dilettante TWF Druid Druid
17 * Sorcerer 20 Sorcerer Warforged Air Savant Repair + Reconstruct
18 Ranger 20 Ranger Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante Arcane Archer Ranger
19 * Ranger 2 Monk / 6 Fighter / 12 Ranger Half-Orc Stalwart Defender Tempest Ranger
20 Artificer 20 Artificer Warforged Battle Engineer Artificer Repair + Reconstruct
21 * Artificer 20 Artificer Warforged Battle Engineer Artificer Repair + Reconstruct
22 Favoured Soul 20 Favoured Soul Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante Offensive Caster Favoured Soul Favoured Soul
23 * Favoured Soul 2 Monk / 18 Favoured Soul Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante Melee Favoured Soul Favoured Soul
24 Cleric 20 Cleric Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante Cleric Cleric
25 * Cleric 2 Monk / 18 Cleric Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante Melee Cleric Cleric
26 Paladin 20 Paladin Dwarven Heavy Armoured Defender of Siberys 1600hp Tank Paladin
27 * Paladin 2 Rogue / 6 Monk / 12 Paladin Halfling UMD Healing Ninja Spy Defender of Siberys UMD + Paladin
28 Rogue 2 Fighter / 6 Monk / 12 Rogue Half-Orc UMD Healing Wind Stance Ninja Spy Thief Acrobat UMD
29 * Rogue 2 Paladin / 6 Fighter / 12 Rogue Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante Stalwart Defender Assassin UMD
30 Barbarian 20 Barbarian Half-Elf Cleric Dilettante Self-Healing Barbarian Cleric Dilettante
31 * Barbarian 2 Rogue / 6 Ranger / 12 Barbarian Half-Orc UMD Healing Trapper Bowbarian UMD + Ranger
32 Fighter 20 Fighter Half-Elf Cleric Dilettante Self-Healing Stalwart Defender Cleric Dilettante
33 * Fighter 6 Rogue / 6 Artificer / 8 Fighter Warforged Mechanic Battle Engineer Stalwart Defender Repair + Reconstruct
34 Druid 2 Rogue / 6 Fighter / 12 Druid Half-Orc Trapper Stalwart Defender Nature's Warrior UMD + Druid
35 * Druid 1 Rogue / 2 Fighter / 17 Druid Half-Elf Rogue Dilettante Trapper Druid UMD + Druid
36 Bard 20 Bard Human Dragonmarked Chest Blesser Virtuoso UMD + Bard
37 * Bard 2 Rogue / 6 Barbarian / 12 Bard Half-Orc Trapper Barbarian Virtuoso UMD + Bard
38 Wizard 2 Rogue / 18 Wizard Warforged Trapper Archmage Reconstruct
39 * Wizard 20 Wizard Elf Necromancer Necromancer

40 Monk 2 Artificer / 2 Paladin / 16 Monk Halfling High Saves Ranged/Melee UMD Ninja UMD + Wholeness + LOH

* 3rd completion for class

A massive thanks to all of the good people that I've ran with. The difference between grinding a life and enjoying a life is 100% down to the people that you run with (and not being a Druid because they suck no matter what).

I can't say that I'll never TR him again, we'll see what the new Epic Reincarnation is all about first, but definitely no immediate plans apart to have fun with him as always.

05-03-2013, 06:28 PM
Eppy Woot!

Fawn extends you her deepest congratulations!

05-03-2013, 07:08 PM
They do say life begins at 40.

Along the way, he has:

* ran maximum favour lives
* ran maximum Elite streak lives
* maxed out his crafting skills at 150/150/150
* capped out all ED's without grinding Rusty Blades a million times at 25
* only used the one XP stone we got with the MotU Collectors edition
* obtained Artificer class with House Cannith favour
* done a pure build of every class
* added some of the best and most fun players on the server to his Friend list
* added some of the most cluelessly argumentative and noob-tastic players on the server to his squelch list
* always been self-healing for the benefit of the whole party
* tracked down just about every creature possible for the Monster Manual
* made and spent countless millions of platinum with enough left over to have 4 characters currently sitting VIP plat capped
* had HP over 1600
* had no-fail saves over 100
* capped and TR'd with zero deaths

Your not the first bud, but your the first one to brag this much.

05-04-2013, 12:09 AM
They do say life begins at 40.

To celebrate Quijonn reaching the grand old age of life number 40, I thought I'd put a post up to mark the occasion.

* added some of the best and most fun players on the server to his Friend list

But more importantly, am I on this list above? rofl

EDIT: and grats of course! I couldn't do any of that, I'd get too burned out.

05-04-2013, 01:59 AM
Your not the first bud, but your the first one to brag this much.

Lol. Who gives a **** who's first.
This is a pretty damned big DDO achievement.
Jealous much?

05-04-2013, 03:39 AM
very nice accomplishment, I think you are currently the third player in the game to ever reach life 40! Extra credits are in place because it used to be tougher to run quests and there were less quests to do for xp.

I also like the bucketlist of things you achieved, everyone has things they either want to reach or things they achieved that were awesome.

~crim from Argonessen

05-04-2013, 03:58 AM
Your not the first bud, but your the first one to brag this much.

You're kidding right?

05-04-2013, 05:32 AM
Gratz Quijonn

Always a pleasure seeing you in group.

Good job being a both a skilled player and fun to play with as well.

Post again when you hit 80. :-D

05-04-2013, 09:57 AM
Your not the first bud, but your the first one to brag this much.

Wow. There's always one.

I'm sorry, but I couldn't possibly be buds with someone who only sees negativity in the world. I don't blame you, I'm sure you're just a product of some ignorant upbringing where you didn't learn the correct use of your and you're. I post to celebrate a landmark achievement for my character. You post to let us all know how small minded you are. Thanks for your pointless trolling anyway.

05-04-2013, 03:03 PM
Congrats on your 40th

Truely a grand achievement indeed

05-05-2013, 03:23 PM
I think you are currently the third player in the game to ever reach life 40!

then Cloey of Khyber
then another one I don't remember the name of but Cloey does
also one that was rapidly approaching this uber milestone awhile back

05-05-2013, 03:26 PM
I hope you don't mind, but I could not read the code and have
no intention of altering my forum view so I can see what other's see.

Life Main Class Actual Build Build Description Self-Healing
---- ------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
1 Monk 16 Monk -> 20 Monk Halfling Dragonmarked Wind Stance Shintao (transfer from Keeper at 16) Halfling Dragonmark + Light Monk
2 Monk 20 Monk Half-Orc Sun and Ocean Stance Shintao Light Monk
3 Fighter 2 Rogue / 18 Fighter Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante UMD Healing Kensai UMD
4 Rogue 20 Rogue Halfing UMD Healing Assassin UMD
5 Sorcerer 20 Sorcerer Warforged Water Savant Repair + Reconstruct
6 Barbarian 2 Rogue / 6 Fighter / 12 Barbarian Halfling Dragonmarked, UMD Healing Trapper Defender Barbarian Halfling Dragonmark + UMD
7 Ranger 2 Monk / 6 Fighter / 12 Ranger Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante Kensai Tempest Ranger
8 Wizard 2 Rogue / 18 Wizard Warforged Trapper Archmage Repair + Reconstruct
9 Artificer 6 Rogue / 6 Fighter / 8 Artificer Warforged Kensai Mechanic Battle Engineer Repair + Reconstruct
10 Favoured Soul 20 Favoured Soul Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante Offensive Caster Favoured Soul Favoured Soul
11 Cleric 2 Monk / 18 Cleric Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante Melee Cleric Cleric
12 Bard 2 Rogue / 6 Barbarian / 12 Bard Half-Orc UMD Healing Trapper Barbarian Virtuoso UMD + Bard
13 Paladin 2 Rogue / 6 Fighter / 12 Paladin Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante UMD Healing Kensai Defender (MOTU XP Stone) UMD + Paladin
14 * Monk 20 Monk Half-Orc Sun and Ocean Stance Ninja Spy Wholeness + Pots
15 Sorcerer 20 Sorcerer Warforged Fire Savant Repair + Reconstruct
16 Druid 20 Druid Half-Elf Rogue Dilettante TWF Druid Druid
17 * Sorcerer 20 Sorcerer Warforged Air Savant Repair + Reconstruct
18 Ranger 20 Ranger Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante Arcane Archer Ranger
19 * Ranger 2 Monk / 6 Fighter / 12 Ranger Half-Orc Stalwart Defender Tempest Ranger
20 Artificer 20 Artificer Warforged Battle Engineer Artificer Repair + Reconstruct
21 * Artificer 20 Artificer Warforged Battle Engineer Artificer Repair + Reconstruct
22 Favoured Soul 20 Favoured Soul Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante Offensive Caster Favoured Soul Favoured Soul
23 * Favoured Soul 2 Monk / 18 Favoured Soul Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante Melee Favoured Soul Favoured Soul
24 Cleric 20 Cleric Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante Cleric Cleric
25 * Cleric 2 Monk / 18 Cleric Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante Melee Cleric Cleric
26 Paladin 20 Paladin Dwarven Heavy Armoured Defender of Siberys 1600hp Tank Paladin
27 * Paladin 2 Rogue / 6 Monk / 12 Paladin Halfling UMD Healing Ninja Spy Defender of Siberys UMD + Paladin
28 Rogue 2 Fighter / 6 Monk / 12 Rogue Half-Orc UMD Healing Wind Stance Ninja Spy Thief Acrobat UMD
29 * Rogue 2 Paladin / 6 Fighter / 12 Rogue Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante Stalwart Defender Assassin UMD
30 Barbarian 20 Barbarian Half-Elf Cleric Dilettante Self-Healing Barbarian Cleric Dilettante
31 * Barbarian 2 Rogue / 6 Ranger / 12 Barbarian Half-Orc UMD Healing Trapper Bowbarian UMD + Ranger
32 Fighter 20 Fighter Half-Elf Cleric Dilettante Self-Healing Stalwart Defender Cleric Dilettante
33 * Fighter 6 Rogue / 6 Artificer / 8 Fighter Warforged Mechanic Battle Engineer Stalwart Defender Repair + Reconstruct
34 Druid 2 Rogue / 6 Fighter / 12 Druid Half-Orc Trapper Stalwart Defender Nature's Warrior UMD + Druid
35 * Druid 1 Rogue / 2 Fighter / 17 Druid Half-Elf Rogue Dilettante Trapper Druid UMD + Druid
36 Bard 20 Bard Human Dragonmarked Chest Blesser Virtuoso UMD + Bard
37 * Bard 2 Rogue / 6 Barbarian / 12 Bard Half-Orc Trapper Barbarian Virtuoso UMD + Bard
38 Wizard 2 Rogue / 18 Wizard Warforged Trapper Archmage Reconstruct
39 * Wizard 20 Wizard Elf Necromancer Necromancer

40 Monk 2 Artificer / 2 Paladin / 16 Monk Halfling High Saves Ranged/Melee UMD Ninja UMD + Wholeness + LOH

* 3rd completion for class

05-06-2013, 06:44 AM
Your not the first bud, but your the first one to brag this much.Typical post from one of the usual suspects... I doubt he's you're "Bud" In fact, I doubt anybody woudl really want to be... Grats to the OP.. That's a lot of XP....

05-06-2013, 11:39 AM
Very cool! Count me impressed. :)

05-10-2013, 02:32 PM
Congrats! Amazing achievement, and dedication! :)

We have two Tripletionists on Thelanis, both pure human Artificers. I can see why, I love Artificers myself.
Could you tell us more about your end Build?

05-13-2013, 01:28 PM
then Cloey of Khyber
then another one I don't remember the name of but Cloey does
also one that was rapidly approaching this uber milestone awhile back

you forgot tink (not full name) on argo :P

05-13-2013, 03:08 PM
Congratulations on your accomplishment

05-13-2013, 03:31 PM
Awesome job and congrats from Cannith server! I am aiming for 3 lives of each class for myself eventually.


05-15-2013, 12:27 PM
Congrats, and well done! Hope you still enjoy playing and remember to have fun. :)

05-18-2013, 09:50 AM
you forgot tink (not full name) on argo :P

Heh Beat me to it.
She's also sitting on life 42 atm I believe. :)

Daerius of the Blessed Blades
05-28-2013, 04:37 PM
Great job and congrats - I am both impressed and jealous.

06-14-2013, 09:56 PM
Congratulations! :D

You set a nice example for those that aim so high.

06-17-2013, 03:20 PM
Gratz on that!

08-14-2013, 08:23 PM
Firstly congratulations. 40 lives is quite a feat!

One question; with life #7 (7 Ranger 2 Monk / 6 Fighter / 12 Ranger Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante Kensai Tempest Ranger) how did you self heal (reliably)? Ranger 12 gets access to Cure Mod Wounds but doubt this will provide effective healing for long...?

08-19-2013, 09:12 AM
Firstly congratulations. 40 lives is quite a feat!

One question; with life #7 (7 Ranger 2 Monk / 6 Fighter / 12 Ranger Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante Kensai Tempest Ranger) how did you self heal (reliably)? Ranger 12 gets access to Cure Mod Wounds but doubt this will provide effective healing for long...?

Yip, ranger healing was sufficient for me more than once. Remember that there are various ways that you can amp up your self-healing with item, feats and enhancements. Not dumping your defensive options and being able to kill things quickly helps too. Also, you don't need to stand still and be a punchbag for a dozen angry devils. Rangers also get sprint boost :)