View Full Version : Looking to form RP community

04-30-2013, 12:12 PM
Greetings all,

This is an invitation to anyone and everyone with a flare the the dramatic, for those with creative imaginations, for all those RPers looking to give their characters some life. I'm looking for like-minded players to help me develop a small roleplaying community on Sarlona, and hopefully create opportunities for more server RP events and story-based grouping and progression.

My two weeks of roaming around Sarlona has provided several opportunities for RP, and I have seen one or two confirmed RP guilds, so I feel this is the best server for a venture like this.

To start off, I think it would be awesome to start a campaign based guild at level 1, on Korthos Island, and build from there. I have been tinkering with the idea of a secret society that works either for or against certain houses and organizations to further their own agenda (working behind the scenes for the benefit of the good people of Stormreach), but really I would be open to suggestions and creative ideas.

If this sounds like something you may want to be a part of, please reply here or message me and let's get the wheels turning : )

04-30-2013, 10:27 PM
Sarlona is meant to be one of the better servers for RP, but having asked around on there a couple of times, no one seemed able to point out any groups or guilds.

What time would you, (and so this guild/group) be likely to be running?

05-01-2013, 03:36 AM
Hey! We would be running usually at nights, and on weekends. That is when I am available, though as more people show interest, these times will most likely expand.

05-01-2013, 09:50 AM
I meant what time zone?

05-01-2013, 11:30 AM
I meant what time zone?

Ah, my apologies XP. I'm in the Mountain time Zone. Also, days I work late (which is most days), I am typically on for a couple hours during the day, usually between 10am and 1pm mountain time, then again for an hour or two between midnight GMT and 2 am. Look for Drzza or Zarkesh (alt) online.

05-02-2013, 03:50 PM
I'm coming back to the game, and I would love to roleplay my character if possible.

I'm pretty sure I am going to give it a try as an elf, though I'm not sure about which class(es) I will be picking.

05-03-2013, 06:02 PM
Aight my character's named Dreviand, I'm still in the snowy khortos, lemme know if i need to skip the tutorial and switch to the sunny one to rp with you guys. Been trying to get in touch but being unable.

05-04-2013, 04:55 AM
Hey sorry yeah long, hectic work day. My apologies. I think it would be fitting to start snowy side. Once we have 3 or 4 people interested I say we kick it off. Look for Drzza or Exovaris online to set up a date on which we can start, or drop your availability here.

05-04-2013, 01:09 PM
I'm afraid I skipped the tutorial so now im on the sunny side.

May I ask how we will settle things? we just 'IC' each quest one time per quest?

P.S. My character is an elf rogue.

05-05-2013, 08:25 PM
It would really be up to each player how they RP and when. I will probably RP each quest the first time through, but not again on repeats. I think I will make a healer, though I am not sure what exactly. I am up to start once we get another player or two, as soon as this week.

05-09-2013, 03:18 PM
I'm just starting ddo and if your are looking for a rougish type character I'd like to try one. I'm at mountain time and the only nights I wont be able to play are Thurs. and Sunday because of a static group I'll be in. If you still need people I'd like to volunteer.

05-09-2013, 03:34 PM
I have been tinkering with the idea of a secret society that works either for or against certain houses and organizations to further their own agenda (working behind the scenes for the benefit of the good people of Stormreach)
Do you have any more information about this theme? I generally roleplay on Thellanis, but might start up a character on Sarlona if this actually goes anywhere.

05-09-2013, 05:08 PM
Do you have any more information about this theme? I generally roleplay on Thellanis, but might start up a character on Sarlona if this actually goes anywhere.

Yes, I have several ideas for a theme, and I am open to any ideas people have. So far there are three possible founders, and ideally the guild's story will be all inclusive. One idea I thought would be fun would be a secret society type guild; a group of like minded characters working from the shadows to regulate corruption and scandal within the political framework of Stormreach. Or sellswords, or anything really. The goal is really to get a group of RPers together for weekly RP sessions, and hopefully begin some server-wide RP events for all the people looking to bring some life to their toons xP.

05-09-2013, 05:12 PM
Okay we have a few volunteers, and it looks like we should be good to go once we set a date and time. I need to look at my schedule, but I will be playing a new toon most of today so look for Arzza online if you happen to jump on. Other wise post your availability here for the next week if you can xP.

05-10-2013, 02:03 PM
I'll be on most of Saturday, will post character name once I've gotten of work and generated him. I'l be availible any night next week except for Thrusday or Sunday.

05-10-2013, 03:19 PM
I dont have recurring evening/late night appointments so any day of the week should be fine to me. lemme know ;)

p.s. I am gmt rome/london timezone.

05-11-2013, 06:26 PM
I'm on now and will be for rest of day, name is Thorvar for anyone who wants to get rping early!

05-12-2013, 11:33 AM
It doesn't matter to me if we start snowy or sunny Korthos. Going to make the toon for this today, and I was hoping either monday or tuesday of this week we can meet up in game?

05-12-2013, 12:07 PM
On second thought, it would probably make sense to start on snowy Korthos, unless someone is already on sunny side...if that works for everyone xP. Toon is created, his name is Arzariah. Just got past the first little quest and now looking forward to getting some RP going!

05-12-2013, 12:46 PM
Hi there!
There's an RP custom channel on Sarlona (/rp) and a fairly active RPguild called Roleplayers of Sarlona. Try to form an alliance with them of some sort. They also try to revive an old weekly RP-event called Sarlona Sunday (But the day might be changed).

Tried to form an RP-community there before without too much luck.. I hope you can do it!
If you'd like some help, please feel free to contact me! :D

05-12-2013, 03:32 PM
Hi there!
There's an RP custom channel on Sarlona (/rp) and a fairly active RPguild called Roleplayers of Sarlona. Try to form an alliance with them of some sort. They also try to revive an old weekly RP-event called Sarlona Sunday (But the day might be changed).

Tried to form an RP-community there before without too much luck.. I hope you can do it!
If you'd like some help, please feel free to contact me! :D

I guess the title of the thread is misplaced. This is more a 'try' at forming a static roleplay group.
Though I do not know how we will handle things as we didnt started just yet. Mainly because I dont really know how the roleplay should be approached in order to dont break any possible scenario with other roleplayers.

05-13-2013, 01:51 PM
I guess the title of the thread is misplaced. This is more a 'try' at forming a static roleplay group.
Though I do not know how we will handle things as we didnt started just yet. Mainly because I dont really know how the roleplay should be approached in order to dont break any possible scenario with other roleplayers.

Absolutely. Get a static RP group going, get comfortable with the RP, then open up to more members and get involved with other RP guilds and set up events, etc etc. AFter some exploring, this definately seems like the best server to do it.

Hi there!
There's an RP custom channel on Sarlona (/rp) and a fairly active RPguild called Roleplayers of Sarlona. Try to form an alliance with them of some sort. They also try to revive an old weekly RP-event called Sarlona Sunday (But the day might be changed).

Tried to form an RP-community there before without too much luck.. I hope you can do it!
If you'd like some help, please feel free to contact me! :D

Thanks for the info! I have the names of a few of the Roleplayers of Sarlona officers and will be in contact with them. It would be grreat to re-establish Sarlona Sunday (or mon, tue haha whatever it ends up being). So yes, I will definately be in touch!

05-14-2013, 04:00 AM
I guess the title of the thread is misplaced. This is more a 'try' at forming a static roleplay group.
Though I do not know how we will handle things as we didnt started just yet. Mainly because I dont really know how the roleplay should be approached in order to dont break any possible scenario with other roleplayers.

Ops. Well, a static-group sounds like tons of fun and I'd be happy to give it a try! I am a bit rusty in terms of RP tho.

05-14-2013, 11:00 AM
Static group could be rewarding. In terms of fun it's morelike PnP gaming. Also, I couldnt imagine how different rp guilds could melt into one storyarch. It's either gonna be something very big or either very unique in order to dont sound similar..

05-16-2013, 02:28 PM
Would anyone be available this Saturday? Should be available all day and would love to get this started! Let me know asap so we can plan something.

05-17-2013, 10:57 AM
Would anyone be available this Saturday? Should be available all day and would love to get this started! Let me know asap so we can plan something.

I'm available. My character is already on sunny khortos though. At this point we must decide if starting to act IC in khortos or gather around a tavern in stormreach and begin our adventure there.

05-17-2013, 12:08 PM
I'm available. My character is already on sunny khortos though. At this point we must decide if starting to act IC in khortos or gather around a tavern in stormreach and begin our adventure there.

We could start in Stormreach if you're already finished with Korthos. What time zone are you in, and what time is good for you?

05-17-2013, 08:08 PM
Im gmt rome/london. and we could start in the evening till late night if thats ok.

05-17-2013, 09:45 PM
so around 5 or 6 pm gmt?

06-17-2013, 07:58 PM
Okay I am totally down to join you guys as long as I am welcome! I have been looking everywhere for a good RP Guild!

06-26-2013, 02:29 PM
This may be a bit late, but Roleplayers of Sarlona is under-going some major changes at the moment. Might be a good idea to hop on if you are looking for RP.

The guilds focus is RP, exploring new content and TRing. A bit of everything, but RP is always kept in mind.