View Full Version : To the melee in ADQ last night

04-10-2013, 09:58 AM
I failed you.

I want to personally thank Ironthatcher for saving my bacon multiple times last night in an elite at level ADQ run. I cannot express how disappointed I was in my own gameplay last night in there, it should NOT have been that tough.

I am not really specced for "healing". I have Life magic II I think, having put every available point into smiting and melee enhancements. When our cleric DCed I assumed we were in trouble, and ESPECIALLY after me and the cleric (was his first time in there) went the same way and hit Scorp out of turn and then died like noobs (well I did, he was new to the quest) in the little time out room at the bottom (failed 3 concentration checks and died during raise dead casting... really?!)

In the first Lailat encounter I should have just stayed there and shield blocked after I had her DPed and had blade barriers up all over the place, but I didn't want the fight to take forever and that ended up costing us quite a bit. I ended up drinking more SP pots (some due to having to heal all of a sudden, some due to my own idiotic choices) than I have ever drank in a quest, and that was a knock down drag out slog that I won't soon forget.

I will find a way to repay you for going through all of your SF potions, had some trouble keeping the sorc and wiz up (wiz was the worst, kept hitting him with heals and seeing he was in PM mode, but he had all half of his SP and was usually hovering around 12 HP at a time?!) along with the cleric, those aren't my usual roles with this build but that's no excuse. I sucked in that quest, only learning after many deaths to just DP, BB and kite her through all the ice storms and **** we set out.

I'm posting this 1) to show that even though I can easily dish it out when it's NOT my fault I can accept blame when it is, and 2) What you saw in that quest is NOT how I usually play. Usually I'm piking.

Anyway, like I said I will get something good to you in the mail, thanks again!

04-10-2013, 10:32 AM
Props for admitting your mistakes !

You can tank her with quicken with something like Plate of the Defender and Levik's or life shield/hammerblock shield.
Lawful good robot without quicken, low reflex, she eats your for breakfast.

2 divines, wizzy+ sorc, should just kite her to be safe anyway. Dual DPs, niacs, she dies in a minute or two.

04-10-2013, 10:39 AM
Props for admitting your mistakes !

You can tank her with quicken with something like Plate of the Defender and Levik's or life shield/hammerblock shield.
Lawful good robot without quicken, low reflex, she eats your for breakfast.

2 divines, wizzy+ sorc, should just kite her to be safe anyway. Dual DPs, niacs, she dies in a minute or two.

I don't have quicken. I just took empower healing when I took 15 last night... I have been focusing a LOT on melee :(

Up until that quest it hadn't been a problem, I was like a paladin before spellpower came out: I could heal myself for around 100, and with all the smiting and radiance stuff on mobs would die before I had to really heal anyway.

I don't think the other cleric had DP, the sorc was laying down Ice storm like there was no tomorrow, the barb was admirably trying to tank her but she hits fast and hard on l33t. I just wanted to point out that I am NOT apparently elite or a good player by forum standards because I had trouble in a quest :)

04-10-2013, 11:12 AM
I don't have quicken. I just took empower healing when I took 15 last night... I have been focusing a LOT on melee :(
I have only experience with caster divines, usually don't need quicken until Vale unless doing Adq, or tanking Sinvala.
Even though warforged fvs is thing of the past I would think emp heal, quicken should be one of the early feats.

I could heal myself for around 100
Almost afraid to ask, you got healer's friend ?

Up until that quest it hadn't been a problem
Haha, isn't it an eye opener sometimes ? Adq with Invaders is usually the first time to die.
Fall in lava.
Die in trap.
Get held, meleed to death.
Fall in lava because you can't see **** surrounded by mephits.
Eat 400 disintegrate from those stupid things in monkey.
Disjuncted in monkey trap > "Oh God why is this ONE scorp killing me ? Oh, disjuncted, might as well fight naked."
Die in trap.
Get your brain eaten.
Killed by the Marilith.
Lagged by disjunction orbs, killed by Marilith.
SO much fun ! :-)

04-10-2013, 11:18 AM
I failed you.

It wasn't me, but I'm sure they'd say "no worries". Every one has a bad day or bad run once in a while. The trick is not to make a habit of it. :-)

I want to personally thank Ironthatcher for saving my bacon multiple times last night

Yup, he's good people.

me and the cleric (was his first time in there) went the same way and hit Scorp out of turn and then died like noobs (well I did, he was new to the quest) in the little time out room at the bottom (failed 3 concentration checks and died during raise dead casting... really?!)

I usually make a point of hitting one of the runes out of order. It's a nice chunk of XP for taking out the multiple orange-named critters in that pit.

What you saw in that quest is NOT how I usually play. Usually I'm piking.


04-10-2013, 01:04 PM
Almost afraid to ask, you got healer's friend ? I do, just took second tier, but had not slotted a devotion item as the only thing I had that I could use was docent of corpsecraft and that was no bueno. Someone said to take adamantine body but I am 1) too lazy to redo feats and 2) thought that cause spell failure but haven't read up on it

Haha, isn't it an eye opener sometimes ? Adq with Invaders is usually the first time to die.
Fall in lava.
Die in trap.
Get held, meleed to death.
Fall in lava because you can't see **** surrounded by mephits.
Eat 400 disintegrate from those stupid things in monkey.
Disjuncted in monkey trap > "Oh God why is this ONE scorp killing me ? Oh, disjuncted, might as well fight naked."
Die in trap.
Get your brain eaten.
Killed by the Marilith.
Lagged by disjunction orbs, killed by Marilith.
SO much fun ! :-)

If I could have gotten an easier win for the other people in the party, I could have taken a step back and saw that that really WAS a fun run, but I wanted the other peeps to have a good time too, and was still embarrassed I got my metallobutt saved.

04-10-2013, 01:06 PM
It wasn't me, but I'm sure they'd say "no worries". Every one has a bad day or bad run once in a while. The trick is not to make a habit of it. :-)

Yup, he's good people.

I usually make a point of hitting one of the runes out of order. It's a nice chunk of XP for taking out the multiple orange-named critters in that pit.


Ironthatcher was who I was trying to thank. He singlehandedly made the insane fight at the end possible, all while not getting annoyed that I couldn't hear half of what he said so we spent most of the quest going into either already cleared rooms or clearing them out of order... Oh well.

04-10-2013, 01:16 PM
I was the Cleric in the quest. I can vouch that Ironthatcher saved our backsides. Couldn't have done it without him.

I may have been new to the quest but I'm most definitely not a noob when it comes to DDO but I still feel I sucked it up too :\

Getting a BSOD in the middle of running the puzzles sucked. Although it's better that it happened then and not during the fight with the boss.

I used about 12 SP pots, 15 Heal scrolls, and 10 Res scrolls. Me and Llew finally killer her off at the end via Blade Barriers and kiting (after Iron demolished most of her HP and the casters each had a total of like 30 SP left.)

Thank you sir. Very much.