View Full Version : Need a few items, offering EE items and possibly tp.

03-28-2013, 09:26 AM
Hi all,

I am after:
EE Nether grasps
EE Intricute field optics (with +8 int/+3 int)
EE Dream visor
EE/EH Black dragon helm with +8 str

I have the following to sell/trade:
EE ancient band
EE Aquatic bracers
EE Giantcraft siberys compass
EE Hammer of the leaden clouds
EE Bulwrack of the storm's fist
EE Allegiance
EE death's locket
EE manacles of ceasless toil
EE white dragon helm with 8 dex
EE shaman's beads
EE Ring of the Djin - The ring will only be traded for a deal with Nether grasps

Thank you.

Goodthings, Goodtings, Goldmooon, Lichlordd, Blackart, Catalyster

03-30-2013, 01:54 PM

04-01-2013, 12:27 PM
Hello m8

I got some of these in EH if you are interested - only difference is the second slot is colourless. If interested, make me an offer. If not, I'll see you in-game soon
