View Full Version : Dev seeking info: Fall of Truth treasure awarding
03-25-2013, 11:47 AM
After Update 17 went live, we saw reports that, in some circumstances, a player could get no reward when opening the raid chest in Fall of Truth.
We traced the issue to some old (dating from 2007) anti-exploit scripting on the treasure chest object itself, which we determined was no longer necessary. As such, we removed the anti-exploit scripting on this chest in Update 17, Patch 1, which went live a week ago.
Since then, we have not seen new player-submitted bug reports, or noticed any forum posts about this problem. (Though we can't read every thread posted, so it's entirely possible we missed a report somewhere!)
To that end, I'm here to ask you guys for information:
Is this still a problem? Has anyone completed the Fall of Truth, and not gotten anything in the chest?
If so, can you please provide us with the following information:
How many times had you completed the raid within the past seven days before experiencing the issue?
Were you logged into the game and inside the quest when your group completed the raid?
Were you logged into the game and inside the quest when the chest was opened?
Did the chest have any rewards in your name at all?
If so, exactly what did it have?
Please note, we are currently only looking for information pertaining to this problem with regard to the Fall of Truth raid. There are several other raids which can experience this issue, but we did not make a fix targeting those raids. If we can confirm to our satisfaction that the fix to the Fall of Truth was successful, we will deploy it to the other affected raids in the following game update.
Thank you, and we hope you're enjoying your adventures!
03-25-2013, 12:09 PM
There's a lack of data because most players are having a hard time completing the raid at all with the recent change to electric damage. The massive lightning damage combined with electric vulnerability and reflex debuff from breaths just destroys most groups.
03-25-2013, 12:36 PM
Come on. It's not that difficult now. There are still many EN and EH completions on Khyber. I've been in completions on EH 4-5 times and EN 3 or 4 times since Patch 1. Have not had the chest bug hit me in any, nor did anyone in group report it happening to them.
I'm sure there have been enough completions out there to know if it is still happening.
03-25-2013, 12:47 PM
Heya FoS:
Have completed FoT twice after the update on Epic Normal.
So far NO blank chests. Got 1 comm per run, gems, plat and trash as usual :)
03-25-2013, 12:54 PM
Anyone seen any named items drop on recent completions? I have not. None for the whole party. Only completed twice though......
03-25-2013, 01:15 PM
Anyone seen any named items drop on recent completions? I have not. None for the whole party. Only completed twice though......
I have run 2 EH's since the update. Both had several named items drop.
03-25-2013, 01:25 PM
reflex debuff
My favorite part is that I built my main melee with evasion and a high reflex save, giving up DPS and hps, and other trade-offs.
Then finally, a raid comes out where my guy really should shine for once, and you debuff my reflex save so I'm just a as flat-footed as that pure barbarian meat-bag next to me, but with less DPS.
Hurray. :mad:
But, to answer your question, I haven't seen anyone complain about an empty chest in FoT since the update.
03-25-2013, 01:25 PM
I have run 2 EH's since the update. Both had several named items drop.
That's good to hear. Thank you.
03-25-2013, 01:50 PM
Feather - thank you for following up on this. :)
03-25-2013, 02:06 PM
Then finally, a raid comes out where my guy really should shine for once, and you debuff my reflex save so I'm just a as flat-footed as that pure barbarian meat-bag next to me, but with less DPS.
Mirror Cloak
That one new cloak
03-25-2013, 02:24 PM
not to show off, but i didnt die many times(probably just once or twice) in about 3 runs that i've did after patch. all i have on is a crafted 33% absorption, energy sheath twist and regenerative cocoon twist.
even with the debuffs, the lightning only deals 300-400 dmg with energy sheath and the absorption item. pair that up with the fact that you could use regenerative cocoon right before the lightning hits ensures that you will not die when you only have 400 hp. so you dont really need rare named items just for this raid.
also to reply to the main thread, in the 3 runs, there hasnt been any event of an empty chest for my guildies and I. thanks for the follow up.
03-25-2013, 02:50 PM
Finished one on EH last night, no empty chest complaints.
Necklace, Bracers and quarterstaff dropped.
03-25-2013, 02:51 PM
Not trying to derail because I believe this is connected.
Was in a group for an at-level reavers fate yesterday on argonnessen. after completion the 3 regular chests contained loot, but the raid loot chest contained nothing but guild renown and a few cratfing essence.
How many times had you completed the raid within the past seven days before experiencing the issue? 0
Were you logged into the game and inside the quest when your group completed the raid? yes
Were you logged into the game and inside the quest when the chest was opened? yes
Did the chest have any rewards in your name at all? yes
If so, exactly what did it have? heroic deeds and 7 air essence, actually the entire group had just guild renown of various types, and some crafting essence. Not everyone got renown or essence.
03-25-2013, 02:54 PM
I have my disagreements about some of the recent loot decisions and changes, but it's nice to see this kind of request for feedback from the players. Keep it up :)
On-topic: have only run one FoT, but I don't recall anyone saying they had gotten nothing, and I received a commendation and some other standard chest loot.
03-25-2013, 02:58 PM
Not trying to derail because I believe this is connected.
Was in a group for an at-level reavers fate yesterday on argonnessen. after completion the 3 regular chests contained loot, but the raid loot chest contained nothing but guild renown and a few cratfing essence.
How many times had you completed the raid within the past seven days before experiencing the issue? 0
Were you logged into the game and inside the quest when your group completed the raid? yes
Were you logged into the game and inside the quest when the chest was opened? yes
Did the chest have any rewards in your name at all? yes
If so, exactly what did it have? heroic deeds and 7 air essence, actually the entire group had just guild renown of various types, and some crafting essence. Not everyone got renown or essence.
Unrelated, and not actually a bug so much as a poor design decision made years ago when setting up old raids. Thank you though!
03-25-2013, 02:59 PM
After Update 17 went live, we saw reports that, in some circumstances, a player could get no reward when opening the raid chest in Fall of Truth.
We traced the issue to some old (dating from 2007) anti-exploit scripting on the treasure chest object itself, which we determined was no longer necessary. As such, we removed the anti-exploit scripting on this chest in Update 17, Patch 1, which went live a week ago.
Since then, we have not seen new player-submitted bug reports, or noticed any forum posts about this problem. (Though we can't read every thread posted, so it's entirely possible we missed a report somewhere!)
To that end, I'm here to ask you guys for information:
Is this still a problem? Has anyone completed the Fall of Truth, and not gotten anything in the chest?
If so, can you please provide us with the following information:
How many times had you completed the raid within the past seven days before experiencing the issue?
Were you logged into the game and inside the quest when your group completed the raid?
Were you logged into the game and inside the quest when the chest was opened?
Did the chest have any rewards in your name at all?
If so, exactly what did it have?
Please note, we are currently only looking for information pertaining to this problem with regard to the Fall of Truth raid. There are several other raids which can experience this issue, but we did not make a fix targeting those raids. If we can confirm to our satisfaction that the fix to the Fall of Truth was successful, we will deploy it to the other affected raids in the following game update.
Thank you, and we hope you're enjoying your adventures!
i did reavers fate HE on friday 3-22-2013 on the orien server. there were 11 people in the raid, all were present when the raid was completed and the chest was opened,.. none were offline. the gold chest had no loot for anyone in the raid. I had not done the raid at all on the character i was in with (not on its current life anyways).
i know this isn't the fall of truth raid, but figured it was related. i did not submit a bug report for this as i figured it was a known issue, however several others in the raid submitted bug reports right after the chest was opened with no loot in it.
Edit: sorry just noticed the above post right after posting this one
03-25-2013, 03:05 PM
Mirror Cloak
That one new cloak
mantle and mirror don't have enough charges (depending on the group) It was 37 charges off my pl last time I ran it.
03-25-2013, 03:08 PM
Ran it once on EN, nobody had an empty chest.
03-25-2013, 03:08 PM
the gold chest had no loot for anyone in the raid.
This may be related.
Can you please verify that the chest was completely empty? No gold, gems, anything at all?
03-25-2013, 03:47 PM
I've run several times on normal and hard. No empty chests, and always at least one named item. The trinket seams to be dropping a lot.
03-25-2013, 03:59 PM
Thank you, everyone. Due to this thread, we've confirmed that the issue that was occurring in the Fall of Truth and many old raids has been conclusively fixed.
We've also uncovered and successfully reproduced a different issue with one specific raid, The Reaver's Fate, where a Jewel of Fortune or a Loot Bonus Weekend can cause you to get no treasure. This only affects that raid, and no others. This issue will be fixed in Update 18.
03-25-2013, 04:08 PM
We've also uncovered and successfully reproduced a different issue with one specific raid, The Reaver's Fate, where a Jewel of Fortune or a Loot Bonus Weekend can cause you to get no treasure.
... or alternatively, a Wand of Magic Missiles lvl 1, 12 charges on your 20th run
(would have bugged it at the time, but Codemasters customers had no bug reporting rights)
Still, glad to hear that one's being fixed at last -- completely turned me off that particular raid...
03-25-2013, 04:18 PM
Thank you, everyone. Due to this thread, we've confirmed that the issue that was occurring in the Fall of Truth and many old raids has been conclusively fixed.
We've also uncovered and successfully reproduced a different issue with one specific raid, The Reaver's Fate, where a Jewel of Fortune or a Loot Bonus Weekend can cause you to get no treasure. This only affects that raid, and no others. This issue will be fixed in Update 18.
Many piles of gold wished your way!
03-25-2013, 04:35 PM
We've also uncovered and successfully reproduced a different issue with one specific raid, The Reaver's Fate, where a Jewel of Fortune or a Loot Bonus Weekend can cause you to get no treasure.
I ran into that bug as well, and our whole party got nothing from the Reaver's raid chest.
I opened a ticket, and...the GM mailed me...a Jewel of Fortune. :confused:
03-25-2013, 04:49 PM
I ran into that bug as well, and our whole party got nothing from the Reaver's raid chest.
I opened a ticket, and...the GM mailed me...a Jewel of Fortune. :confused:
We broke your chest with loot table shennanigans, so here 's a free item that will make-sure you remain broken!
03-25-2013, 04:51 PM
Thank you for your engagement, your communication, and most importantly... the fix. :)
03-25-2013, 08:41 PM
This may be related.
Can you please verify that the chest was completely empty? No gold, gems, anything at all?
yes i can verify that it had no loot at all, no gold, no plat, no gems, no renown, no anything at all for anyone in the raid.
03-25-2013, 11:25 PM
Thank you, everyone. Due to this thread, we've confirmed that the issue that was occurring in the Fall of Truth and many old raids has been conclusively fixed.
We've also uncovered and successfully reproduced a different issue with one specific raid, The Reaver's Fate, where a Jewel of Fortune or a Loot Bonus Weekend can cause you to get no treasure. This only affects that raid, and no others. This issue will be fixed in Update 18.
STOPPPPPP! You keep this kinda stuff up and I won't have anything to complain about and will have to buy a bundle of points... just sayin'.
03-25-2013, 11:30 PM
My favorite part is that I built my main melee with evasion and a high reflex save, giving up DPS and hps, and other trade-offs.
Then finally, a raid comes out where my guy really should shine for once, and you debuff my reflex save so I'm just a as flat-footed as that pure barbarian meat-bag next to me, but with less DPS.
Hurray. :mad:
But, to answer your question, I haven't seen anyone complain about an empty chest in FoT since the update.
Odd comparison, given the lightning attack is considered a trap, thus Barbarians have the highest base reflex bonus versus it of any class except only rogues.
If you wanted to contrast classes with low reflex, Fighters, Artificers, Sorcerers, Wizards, Clerics and Druids are all far better candidates.
I actually pretty much always make my reflex save on my barbarian when I tank the reaver, as I wear an ion stone and the base dc is pretty low (25ish on EH), least tell it runs out anyways (though I carry several other spell absorp items i can swap should the need arise).
03-26-2013, 06:59 PM
Thank you, everyone. Due to this thread, we've confirmed that the issue that was occurring in the Fall of Truth and many old raids has been conclusively fixed.
We've also uncovered and successfully reproduced a different issue with one specific raid, The Reaver's Fate, where a Jewel of Fortune or a Loot Bonus Weekend can cause you to get no treasure. This only affects that raid, and no others. This issue will be fixed in Update 18.
To be clear: if a 12 man raid party does Reavers Fate, and the person who opens the chest has a loot gem active, you get nothing from the chest?
Or is it: if a 12 man raid party does Reavers Fate and ANYONE in the group has a loot gem active, you will receive nothing from the chest?
03-27-2013, 01:32 AM
Anyone seen any named items drop on recent completions? I have not. None for the whole party. Only completed twice though......
Yes was in a EH on my monk and 3 of the bone club things drop, a few comms. I've seen bracers, boots etc..
03-27-2013, 01:41 AM
I ran into that bug as well, and our whole party got nothing from the Reaver's raid chest.
I opened a ticket, and...the GM mailed me...a Jewel of Fortune. :confused:
Heh heh heh, and people says the GMs do nothing. . .
03-27-2013, 09:49 AM
Odd comparison, given the lightning attack is considered a trap, thus Barbarians have the highest base reflex bonus versus it of any class except only rogues.
If you wanted to contrast classes with low reflex, Fighters, Artificers, Sorcerers, Wizards, Clerics and Druids are all far better candidates.
I actually pretty much always make my reflex save on my barbarian when I tank the reaver, as I wear an ion stone and the base dc is pretty low (25ish on EH), least tell it runs out anyways (though I carry several other spell absorp items i can swap should the need arise).
Proof that no one can mention the word "Barbarian" on the forums without Shade tracking them down and saying his piece :D.
03-27-2013, 09:49 AM
To be clear: if a 12 man raid party does Reavers Fate, and the person who opens the chest has a loot gem active, you get nothing from the chest?
Or is it: if a 12 man raid party does Reavers Fate and ANYONE in the group has a loot gem active, you will receive nothing from the chest?
Neither. (
When a server-wide loot bonus is in effect, the entire party might suffer, however loot gems only influence the loot of the person using the gem.
03-27-2013, 09:54 AM
Proof that no one can mention the word "Barbarian" on the forums without Shade tracking them down and saying his piece :D.
... and then apparently confusing absorption with making a save. :p
03-27-2013, 10:25 AM
Thank you, everyone. Due to this thread, we've confirmed that the issue that was occurring in the Fall of Truth and many old raids has been conclusively fixed.
We've also uncovered and successfully reproduced a different issue with one specific raid, The Reaver's Fate, where a Jewel of Fortune or a Loot Bonus Weekend can cause you to get no treasure. This only affects that raid, and no others. This issue will be fixed in Update 18.
03-27-2013, 10:58 AM
My favorite part is that I built my main melee with evasion and a high reflex save, giving up DPS and hps, and other trade-offs.
Then finally, a raid comes out where my guy really should shine for once, and you debuff my reflex save so I'm just a as flat-footed as that pure barbarian meat-bag next to me, but with less DPS.
Hurray. :mad:
But, to answer your question, I haven't seen anyone complain about an empty chest in FoT since the update.
I feel this way also.
I built my Cleric as a 18CLR/2PLD and I went out of my way for saves and PRR and stuff like that.
I even rock a Triple Electric GreenSteel Stick and a Ring of the Djinn...and I can still be one-shotted...
03-27-2013, 11:38 AM
I feel this way also.
I built my Cleric as a 18CLR/2PLD and I went out of my way for saves and PRR and stuff like that.
I even rock a Triple Electric GreenSteel Stick and a Ring of the Djinn...and I can still be one-shotted...
Try twist for Magister's 60 stacking resistance and Shiradi 15% absorption (which I presume should stack with absorption items).
I was wondering if with triple elec abs GS + ring of Djinn + 60 stacking res + 15% abs more would minimize the damage enough to make it tolerable.
03-27-2013, 12:13 PM
Unrelated, and not actually a bug so much as a poor design decision made years ago when setting up old raids. Thank you though!
Wow, I actually find myself respecting that admission.
I wish we saw more of these kinds of admission on subjects that are more obvious than this one.
03-27-2013, 12:47 PM
Wow, I actually find myself respecting that admission.
I wish we saw more of these kinds of admission on subjects that are more obvious than this one.
Worlds of difference between "That guy? Who's no longer here? He sucked!" and "Maybe random effects on challenge weapons wasn't the most awesome idea since sliced bread."
Just sayin'. ;)
03-27-2013, 12:53 PM
worlds of difference between "that guy? Who's no longer here? He sucked!" and "maybe random effects on challenge weapons wasn't the most awesome idea since sliced bread."
just sayin'. ;)
:D ;)
05-26-2013, 10:52 PM
I have not had any blank chests, but I have not seen very many named Items either. The raid is a big pain the the keester to run and it really sucks when you dont get anything worthwhile in the chests. I am always a big fan of increasing drop rates. However, concerning commendations, way to go! I love that commendations are 100Percent on Normal and scale up with difficulty. CITW should be changed to follow suit.
08-09-2013, 07:32 AM
I have not had any blank chests, but I have not seen very many named Items either. The raid is a big pain the the keester to run and it really sucks when you dont get anything worthwhile in the chests. I am always a big fan of increasing drop rates. However, concerning commendations, way to go! I love that commendations are 100Percent on Normal and scale up with difficulty. CITW should be changed to follow suit.
100% on normal? I only do elite and don't always get comms :(
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