View Full Version : Shamm's trade

03-21-2013, 01:40 AM

EE Gloves of Forgotten Craft
EE Intricate Field Optics +3 in int
EE Intricate Field Optics +3 in cha
EE Bronze Ingot Arcanum
EE Silver Ingot Arcanum X 2
EE Skyvault Shield
EE Giantcraft Siberys Compass
EE Bulwark of the Storm's Fist
EE Arcing Sky X 2

Planar Focus of Subterfuge +3 in wis
Seal of dun robar +2 str stunning 10

sos scroll
claw scrolls
plat, raid timer
scales of any color

Interested in tp, otto's, augment, and useful EE items.

+7 str stunning 10 dun robar ring, avithoul rings. Plat is ok too.

* = more hesitant atm

03-21-2013, 11:49 PM
Updated w/ new items.