View Full Version : Math is hard

03-19-2013, 08:04 PM
Do you find yourself listing ancient bands on the shard exchange for 5000 astral shards (the equivalent of nearly 30,000 turbine points, or 30 million platinum, or 6 ottos boxes, or 100 flawless red dragon scales...) How about tomes for multiple times what they can be purchased directly from the store on a regular basis, or epic normal items that can be obtained from a chain completion on casual for more than the best epic elite versions.

I know math is hard, but you don't have to suffer. I am now offering free tutoring in basic arithmetic including addition, multiplication, division and subtraction. Participation is confidential, though if you are under the age of 13, I will require the consent of your parent, guardian, or guild leader.

03-19-2013, 08:15 PM

Excellent post, thank you.

When I checked out the AS exchange, the impression I got was that it might not cater to my own unbridled greed.

Where is the option to list items for a bajillion astral shards? Or a bazillion? I can't remember which one is bigger, but either way it should be possible. Perhaps a text field where you can type the unit value is needed.


03-20-2013, 04:35 AM
Do you find yourself listing ancient bands on the shard exchange for 5000 astral shards (the equivalent of nearly 30,000 turbine points, or 30 million platinum, or 6 ottos boxes, or 100 flawless red dragon scales...) How about tomes for multiple times what they can be purchased directly from the store on a regular basis, or epic normal items that can be obtained from a chain completion on casual for more than the best epic elite versions.

I know math is hard, but you don't have to suffer. I am now offering free tutoring in basic arithmetic including addition, multiplication, division and subtraction. Participation is confidential, though if you are under the age of 13, I will require the consent of your parent, guardian, or guild leader.

I was guessing the same last night, chette :\

About your class lesson : start with apples, than pie slicing, than try with a little bit addiction and subtraction (but keep calm on them) and if u see they've learned well this part try, for failure's sake, to teach multiplication and division. The last 2 can cause a lot of headache in very smart medium people and lemming's instinct into the others :)

03-20-2013, 08:01 AM
lol +1 indeed. I'm seeing stuff for 3000+ AS posted! That's ~2,800TP per 500AS or 16,800TP! for just normal epic items lol. Math r hardz indeed.

03-20-2013, 08:34 AM
lol +1 indeed. I'm seeing stuff for 3000+ AS posted! That's ~2,800TP per 500AS or 16,800TP! for just normal epic items lol. Math r hardz indeed.

Which, during a double-bonus-points period like now is equivalent to about $100...but math is hard, so I don't want to try to figure out how much more it is during normal times. ;)

03-20-2013, 10:57 AM
Hey! The syllabus said there would be no math! :eek:


03-20-2013, 11:09 AM
Storage space.

Think about it. You want free storage space, with an absolutely stupid big winfall if you trip on a sucker? Well, that's what you are seeing with those bids. They don't expect them to be purchased. It's especially useful in quest when you can put 20 items in storage to free up inventory space if you get to full.

03-20-2013, 11:14 AM
I am now offering free tutoring in basic arithmetic including addition, multiplication, division and subtraction.
Something like 100 shards=800k plat=600 tp from the Orien thread looks ok to you ? Server difference aside, you probably have an idea about top trades :)

03-20-2013, 11:20 AM
Hehehe, great idea :)

So, 2+2 is 5, right? I got that one?

03-20-2013, 11:25 AM
One reason is because there is a sucker born every minute. How many quest objective pieces were usually listed in the AH?

03-20-2013, 11:52 AM
One reason is because there is a sucker born every minute. How many quest objective pieces were usually listed in the AH?

Ha ha ha. Nice theory. If you find a person that will pay $100 for a single item I stead of having fun grinding out that item please show em my way. I have some swamplan.. I mean real estate I wanna sell em.

Some are CLEARLY putting these items out there to a. Dangle it in front of people and 2. To clear up space. Period. That's it.

03-20-2013, 11:56 AM
lol +1 indeed. I'm seeing stuff for 3000+ AS posted! That's ~2,800TP per 500AS or 16,800TP! for just normal epic items lol. Math r hardz indeed.

The problem for most of us though is that some of this stuff is selling.

There are plenty of people who are either new, clueless or both but have pretty
deep RL pockets.

03-20-2013, 12:11 PM
Ha ha ha. Nice theory. If you find a person that will pay $100 for a single item I stead of having fun grinding out that item please show em my way. I have some swamplan.. I mean real estate I wanna sell em.

Some are CLEARLY putting these items out there to a. Dangle it in front of people and 2. To clear up space. Period. That's it.

Both sides are suckers. It costs shards to list stuff, and you win $100 worth of shards . . . how many feet-swaps could you possibly need?

That said I'm enjoying ripping people off.

03-20-2013, 12:11 PM
Ha ha ha. Nice theory. If you find a person that will pay $100 for a single item I stead of having fun grinding out that item please show em my way. I have some swamplan.. I mean real estate I wanna sell em.

Some are CLEARLY putting these items out there to a. Dangle it in front of people and 2. To clear up space. Period. That's it.

An item on the ASAH with an astronomical price can still sell. Typically it means someone is using ASAH as a bank. People also over sell so they can feel like they are getting value back after figuring in Turbines cut. Its no different than people doing the same thing on the AH figuring in AH cut for plat. I have paid too much for items before on the AH because of plat cap.

03-20-2013, 12:45 PM
Do you find yourself listing ancient bands on the shard exchange for 5000 astral shards (the equivalent of nearly 30,000 turbine points, or 30 million platinum, or 6 ottos boxes, or 100 flawless red dragon scales...) How about tomes for multiple times what they can be purchased directly from the store on a regular basis, or epic normal items that can be obtained from a chain completion on casual for more than the best epic elite versions.

I know math is hard, but you don't have to suffer. I am now offering free tutoring in basic arithmetic including addition, multiplication, division and subtraction. Participation is confidential, though if you are under the age of 13, I will require the consent of your parent, guardian, or guild leader.

** Cheers**

Anymore common sense posts like this, and I'll hang up my forum reading glasses in utter amazement.

A drip more sarcasm and irony though, and I would of made you an honorary Englishman.

03-20-2013, 03:45 PM
meh who cares, someone put more ottos boxes on the AH

03-20-2013, 05:20 PM
I am now offering free tutoring in basic arithmetic including addition, multiplication, division and subtraction. Participation is confidential, though if you are under the age of 13, I will require the consent of your parent, guardian, or guild leader.

Hi. A man leaves the train station at 8am on a Wednesday, heading in an Easterly direction at the speed of 23km/h. At the same time, another man enters the first man's house to bed his wife.

Hmmm... this isnt so much a maths question...


03-20-2013, 05:37 PM
I tried maths once, somebody told me it was cool. I started with addition, but after a while that wasn't enough and I moved on to subtraction and then division. Before long I was into the harder stuff, long-division, before I finally hit an all time low - algebra.

I realised what I was doing when one day I woke up to find I had attempted string theory when I was strung out on algebra - it was just too much for me. I went cold turkey and vowed never to use maths again.

Sometime though, the urge to add and multiply is overwhelming - at those times I drink until I forget...coffee mainly, but sometimes tea.

03-20-2013, 05:44 PM
Both sides are suckers. It costs shards to list stuff, and you win $100 worth of shards . . . how many feet-swaps could you possibly need?

It costs nothing to post stuff unless it sells.

03-20-2013, 06:08 PM
Hehehe, great idea :)

So, 2+2 is 5, right? I got that one?

Yes, that's correct. But only for really large values of 2.

03-20-2013, 06:49 PM
math is hard, when there are multiple factors that play into he real money to gear aspect of the astral shard ah

in ops post he states an established tp to pp ratio based on point code trades and other store bought tradable items and established pp value of those items

the asah bypases all these player dependant comversion means with a tp to shards to gear path

what value do you assign to that ?

straight math doesnt apply very well when there are factors such as conveniance,time and no hassle aspects that factor alot into the asah option of gear aquisition