View Full Version : Unacceptable

03-03-2013, 06:31 PM
In Fall of Truth

Things going smoothly - take all giant/dragons down and then lag hits

Wiped grp on a perfect EH run

This is unacceptable

Lagged out for 6mins+ and still lagged

Turn off cove or whatever **** makes this happen - cant even release

I will not pay for this ****!

-Thank you a paying customer for Seven YEARS!!!

03-03-2013, 06:32 PM
Turbine really needs to take some of that money the players are throwing at them and invest in better hardware get that warehouse with a wall of cluster server rolling.

03-03-2013, 06:34 PM
I've had two lag wipes in fall of truth today. It really is absurd. I have resorted to playing cove even though I have all the items because that is the only thing that doesn't lag out.

03-03-2013, 06:36 PM
We have gotten into the habit of checking instances again. The further away from 2049/2050 the better.

Edit: to stay on topic. Just buy 2 new computers! That way when the first lags out you can switch to the other one. You can flip flop back and forth all night long! Buy the crappiest computer you can find too so people can blame your hardware

03-03-2013, 06:39 PM
I have not had any problems save for 2 dc's in EBT prior to this years crystal cove. Now i'm failing runs and dc'ing all over the place. This is purely pathetic, whats the point of a preview night and test server when this type of stuff makes it into the game?

Crystal Cove has to go, plain and simple, It has to go. We can tell across the entire server when it opens because of how bad the performance gets.

03-03-2013, 07:05 PM
In Fall of Truth

Things going smoothly - take all giant/dragons down and then lag hits

Wiped grp on a perfect EH run

This is unacceptable

Lagged out for 6mins+ and still lagged

Turn off cove or whatever **** makes this happen - cant even release

I will not pay for this ****!

-Thank you a paying customer for Seven YEARS!!!

May I ask?

What server? what instance?

Just wondering because Im not noticing the same think happening on Argo

I do notice it on Cannith, but not to that extent...

03-03-2013, 07:10 PM
It's especially irritating when you're on healing duty and people are dieing because you are lagging so hard. You can see everything go on around you and you're just sitting there, watching them die and you're sitting there, spamming your heal buttons and nothing is happening. :(

03-03-2013, 07:15 PM
In Fall of Truth

Things going smoothly - take all giant/dragons down and then lag hits

Wiped grp on a perfect EH run

This is unacceptable

Lagged out for 6mins+ and still lagged

Turn off cove or whatever **** makes this happen - cant even release

I will not pay for this ****!

-Thank you a paying customer for Seven YEARS!!!

paying customer for 7 year's yet you choose too log into a forum account that has only been active for 5 hmm i thinks you lie

03-03-2013, 07:54 PM
paying customer for 7 year's yet you choose too log into a forum account that has only been active for 5 hmm i thinks you lie

Your account information and the join date on forums can be different.

03-03-2013, 08:19 PM
I've noticed a big lag a few hours ago, lasting for maybe 30 mins (on Wayfinder).
That may or may not have had to do with the cove, because it was very crowded there (for Wayfinder).
I played most of the day and all the time except the above I had my normal latency of 145-150 ms. So I really can't say anything bad about the cove.

03-03-2013, 08:44 PM
So when I lag wipe in Shroud two weeks ago it was Cove's fault too? Correlation does not equal causation.

03-03-2013, 08:49 PM
What are u talking about?
I had not lag for few hours when I was downgrading gems in front of barter box, so this all must be ur hardwares' fault.

03-03-2013, 08:52 PM
We have gotten into the habit of checking instances again. The further away from 2049/2050 the better.

For whatever reason it seems that TFoT gets stuck in those instances a lot. We've had to back out a number of times and the times we didn't, yup, lag.

03-03-2013, 08:52 PM
I've noticed a big lag a few hours ago, lasting for maybe 30 mins (on Wayfinder).
That may or may not have had to do with the cove, because it was very crowded there (for Wayfinder).
I played most of the day and all the time except the above I had my normal latency of 145-150 ms. So I really can't say anything bad about the cove.

When Wayfinder is lagging you know it's serious :D.

It is definitely cove. I've had quite a bit of lag since it started, as have a lot of people I have talked with. Turbine will probably not address it but when the entire party gets it at the same time, for several minutes...it is hilarious, but also means a wipe in any kind of challenging content, and lagwipes are not fun.

Hell you can tell when cove OPENS because it means the entire server has an earthquake.

03-03-2013, 09:11 PM
i have been dabling in lotro lately,and i am impressed,rare lag open world with lots to do and very polished graphics.

comming back to ddo to the same ol lag (or worse)and exp grind(on my 10th life atm) just seems less and less apealing.

epic GH eh w/e,some decent items but nothing amazing and the drop rates for the decent stuff is pretty bad.

now they want more $ to raise lvl cap in the next expack(seems more like a $ grab).

this game is turning into diablo 2 for me.

lots of good times,but abandoned by devs and a shadow of its former glory.

i think alot of us have just been waiting for the next big mmo to move on from this one,but most havent lived up to the hype so you come back,like comfort sex with a ex girlfriend.then you go "o ya thats why i left"

anyways back to lotro and enjoying the newnes of a truly emersive open world mmo.feel free to come join me : p

03-03-2013, 09:24 PM
So all I see for forum posts is "Lag lag lag, lag lag, lag lag lag lag, XP nerf, lag lag, lag lag, Turbine is the problem, lag lag"

How many times do people have to whine about lag, before they just stop. Every game lags, some a little, some a lot. Deal with it?

Note: Whining on the forums ISN'T dealing with it.

Helpful steps: See if your ISP can get you another connection to the servers (when I was playing Guild Wars I had an MS of 64,000 becuase halfway down the line something was blocking the signal when I did an IP trace to their servers. My isp altered the route as best they could, it was still within local range, and it helped at least a bit.)

Check if you are running unnessessary programs in the backround (Windows Update is a big offender of this, and causes most of my lag)

Relog if you switched characters a few (or bunch) of times

If possible, defrag DDO.

If none of those worked, well.... I dunno then. We don't know what turbine is running hardware wise, for all you know they could be running year or two old hardware. They could also be having the same issue with your connection where it's dying on the route they take to connect with your machine. But complaining on the forums about lag, no matter how numerous, will overall probably do squat to "fix lag". And I've also done raids on the "dreaded crafting instances" and never had issues, so it's not everyone who has problems.

But that's just me.

03-03-2013, 09:44 PM
For whatever reason it seems that TFoT gets stuck in those instances a lot. We've had to back out a number of times and the times we didn't, yup, lag.

Yup. Every time we go into the raid it has been 2049. Rarely we see 2050, but from there we just go back to the /loc check and pray for a smooth run.

I will admit that this is my most favorite raid in the game. Lag and all. The chaos and coordination is amazing

03-04-2013, 12:39 AM
Lag? In MY instance?


03-04-2013, 04:43 AM
Same thing on Khyber with FoT also, 2 consecutive wipes.

03-04-2013, 04:45 AM
I think it's also unacceptable that you have to wait 3 minutes and 2 seconds between clicking enter on the character screen and being able to play. Yes, I used a stopwatch.

03-04-2013, 05:15 AM
I heard of a place there is never winter.

03-04-2013, 05:49 AM
Something to consider:

If there is a sudden spike of lag, it is due to activity of a mass of players.

The fact that - allegedly* - the cove causes lag to the entire server, proves that it a popular event. Face it: if nobody cared about the cove opening, there would be no lag.

So you can turn the question around: while the cove is active, why not turn off the raids because it is only adding to the lag for the most popular event?**

Neither the latter suggestion, nor your own are good ideas. Nothing needs to be turned off.

* Allegedly = Not disputing your allegation here, just stressing that we don't know for certain that the cove is really to blame.

** To those who are going to troll reply with "Then I quit": nobody cares.

03-04-2013, 06:37 AM
Something to consider:

If there is a sudden spike of lag, it is due to activity of a mass of players.

The fact that - allegedly* - the cove causes lag to the entire server, proves that it a popular event. Face it: if nobody cared about the cove opening, there would be no lag.

So you can turn the question around: while the cove is active, why not turn off the raids because it is only adding to the lag for the most popular event?**

Neither the latter suggestion, nor your own are good ideas. Nothing needs to be turned off.

* Allegedly = Not disputing your allegation here, just stressing that we don't know for certain that the cove is really to blame.

** To those who are going to troll reply with "Then I quit": nobody cares.

Face it: Costumers want to have good gaming experience, without taking care of technical/server issues. If the company can not handle massive number of players in event instances, the event should not be provided. In every case you could think of server-sided lag it is not the players fault.