View Full Version : 3xPos Warhammer or Maul on TWF?

03-03-2013, 11:12 AM
It seems pretty clear from the latest update that we're going to be beating on giant undead skeletons and big dragon liches for a while. The most straightforward route to getting the job done for these would be a 3x Positive Greensteel blunt weapon. For my THF characters, it's an easy call: Maul. Done, and done. However, I'm kind of leery about proceeding with my other melee characters because they are either S+B or TWF.

The S+B, is easy, Warhammer. Next.

What's left is TWF Tempest, TWF Khopesh Kensai, and TWF Khopesh Paladin. If it was up to you, would you keep pushing for Warhammers for all to play into their TWF strengths, or say to heck with it and save 9 scales and just give them all Mauls? 9 scales vs 18 scales is a big difference.

Or, give the Tempest Warhammers and the other two Mauls?

Or, say to hell with it and just get epic Hammers of Life?

Bonus question 1: Has anyone else seen their 3x Pos weapons severely worn down in Madstone? Mine get worn from full to under 25% in just one run. I don't see this with other weapons in the same quest on the same difficulty vs the same skellies.

Bonus question 2: What do you think about 3x Pos Throwing Hammers for Fall of Truth? Had never considered greensteel throwing weapons, really, but, maybe this is just what is needed here.

03-03-2013, 11:21 AM
If you plan to TR that toon make it a Maul.
If you plan to always use s&b or twf go for Warhammer.
If you have to much money and time make what you want.

03-03-2013, 11:29 AM
Bonus question 1: Has anyone else seen their 3x Pos weapons severely worn down in Madstone? Mine get worn from full to under 25% in just one run. I don't see this with other weapons in the same quest on the same difficulty vs the same skellies.


For weapons, each time you attack an enemy, a roll is made: It compares your weapon's hardness versus the CR rating of the monster, plus a secret modifier based on how dangerous the monster is, or how damaging Turbine intends it to be towards your equipment.

If your weapon's hardness is at least equal or higher than the CR of the monster you attack, it's very unlikely it will be damaged in the attack. Although the chance never goes to 0%, it can get as low as 0.01% if you're using a hardness 30+ weapon against a CR1-2 enemy.

If the monster's CR is just slightly higher than your weapon's hardness rating, you have a small chance of damaging it with each swing. Somewhere around 1-10% depending on how much higher it is.

Epic monsters have extremely high CR ratings, and as such in the original release of epic, non-adamantine weapons would tend to be destroyed extremely fast. This was later nerfed however, and now epic monsters have the same CR, but have a hidden modifier that makes them deal far less damage to your equipment.

03-03-2013, 03:14 PM
Get a Fury of the flame and don't sweat the small stuff :)

03-03-2013, 03:21 PM
Mournlode Maul is a cheaper, easy to farm option for those who don't have access to the materials to produce GS items at will.

03-03-2013, 03:25 PM
Mournlode and Fury of the Flame are darn good replacements if you don't want to spend the Shroud mats.

03-03-2013, 04:00 PM
If it was up to you,...

Me? I wouldn't worry about it... I'd actually be more concerned about pulling aggro away from whoever was expected to manage Dracolich-aggro.

But I realize that DPS calcs are what these forums thrive on. So here goes, assuming you don't have improved crit bludgeon and you hit on a 2:

3x Pos Warhammer:
05.0 Enhancement
07.0 Holy
04.2 Good Burst
01.8 Good Blast
21.0 Greater Disruption base
05.3 Greater Disruption 20
44.3 bonus damage per swing

06.0 Enhancement
02.0 Righteous
14.5 Greater Bane
07.7 Radiant Blast (vs Undead)
03.5 Brilliance
05.5 Red Augment Slot (Sovereign Augment)
39.2 bonus damage per swing

Looks like 3xPos wins.

Edit: The Mournlode will have a 2[W] base damage while the greensteel will just be 1.5. You could add another 0.5 * 4.5 = 2.25 points to the Mournlode.