View Full Version : TWF Piercing Specced Question...

02-27-2013, 03:18 AM
I am planning on making a TWF Piercing Specced Character...

Was going to use a new Deathnip in one hand for the Seeker 10 and its sexy Crit Profile (19-20x4)

Anyway, I was unsure what to pair with it?

So far I have a few ideas...



Epic Cutthroat Blade


Epic Envenomed Blade

Epic Garos Malice (I think this is a junk item btw)

Anyway, I wish there was a nice Epic Heavy Pick, but there isn't.

SO to me Balizarde seems like the obvious choice. Or maybe a really nice Loot-Gen weapon? Maybe a Drow Weaponmaster Rapier?

BTW...I do not have any of these except the Tome Pages to make the Deathnip and I have mats for Epic Envenomed Blade and the Epic Garos Malice.

Any suggestions are certainly welcome.

02-27-2013, 03:23 AM
Dual deathnips look a lot cooler :)

02-27-2013, 03:26 AM
Honestly, i'd say go with whatever's best in the particular situation :) Even the "junk" Garos Malice can be decent, especially vs. cold-based enemies & being ML20 instead of higher like some of the others on the list it can certainly be handy for a while.

Oh, and add a Sacrificial Dagger http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Sacrificial_Dagger to the list too, they're surprisingly good, especially in EE content for debuffing - if anything, in EE I'd skip pure dps and just use a pair of them to level-drain things to oblivion.

02-27-2013, 03:28 AM
Dual deathnips look a lot cooler :)

I knew a gir......no wait.........

I'll get my coat....

02-27-2013, 03:43 AM
Dual deathnips look a lot cooler :)

Yeah...my Clonk Atropine even has 2 of the Old Deathnips...just for the look lol.

Favorite "look"

Deathnip and Death's Door (shield) with an Undying Gaze (the not Minos Legons)

Loved that look on Atropine's WIZ/ROG life(s)...granted I just wore that in town.

02-27-2013, 10:07 AM
Sunblade (http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Star_of_Day) from clerics turn-in in Eveningstar is not too shabby if you get lucky with mutations, at least as a placeholder until you get raid loot.