View Full Version : Guild Lists

02-28-2006, 09:13 AM
Lets get a list of the guilds on Aerenal going here, whos gonna RP whos not, whos hardcore etc...

Ill start it.. try to stay in format and keep it going..

Companions Of The Realms

Family Oriented, laid back, light roleplay..always recruiting


02-28-2006, 09:32 AM
Griffon Fires

"Where everybody knows your name"
Always recruiting, but we'd like to group with you first :D


02-28-2006, 09:37 AM
"Guardians of VoL"

small group of friends that play together so we stay together
like pnp, same characters, same groups week in week out
no real use for pick up groups and zergers

have to /tell Straad in game

02-28-2006, 09:56 AM

Multi mmo community with a small representation in DDO. All mature easy going members spread between Europe and the US. Not openly recruiting but always happy to group with like minded people :)

02-28-2006, 10:54 AM
"Seekers of Fargoal"
Small group of friends that go way back to AD&D PnP days. We are also big fans of old Commodore 64 fantasy games, hence the name of our guild.

Not at all RP, we're of the mindset that we're sitting at a table with our pop and chips and chatting "normally".

We're not actively recruiting members, but if one of us groups with you, who knows?

02-28-2006, 11:05 AM
Small group of players from Beta. We still like each other. Not looking for more any more than you'd want to join us.

We "recruit" based upon mutual desire. Never want to make a website, attend functions, or call ourselves a "clan". Some of us are more elite than others.

We'd like to establish a small group of any class melee specialists to train in unison on close combat tactics, defensive and offensive. Maybe in a month or so we'll organize something.

Would like to get into text/in character roleplay in the future.

02-28-2006, 11:59 AM
Red Water Brigands

Active, friend oriented guild. Non-RP, all welcome though.
Large group of head-start and beta players involved.

Gin is the leader, I'm co.

02-28-2006, 12:32 PM
The Inner Circle

Started as a guild with a few friends, we are always looking for more friends, laid back guild.

02-28-2006, 02:05 PM
Rusty Pickle Jamboree

Hardcore perma-RP guild. If someone doesn't roleplay their character correctly, they are called out on Guild Chat and forced to delete their characters/start over. :eek:

Also, members get bonus points for pointing out cliche fantasy names.

02-28-2006, 03:11 PM

Integrity is not just a guild, it is a circle of friends.

We welcome mature players who are in Stormreach for the fun of the adventures. If this sounds like you and you can leave greed and negative attitudes at the door contact us. Light Roleplaying.

02-28-2006, 03:20 PM
Knights of Nastika

Bunch of competitive Battlefield 2 players of all ages and backgrounds who also get involved in various MMORPG's and are very interested in DDO. We're set up to accomodate the light players or the hard core 80 hours-a-week players. We'll find a place for everybody who wants to join our community. We have a teamspeak server but for those shy ones out there, use of teamspeak is optional.


02-28-2006, 03:23 PM
Rusty Pickle Jamboree

Hardcore perma-RP guild. If someone doesn't roleplay their character correctly, they are called out on Guild Chat and forced to delete their characters/start over. :eek:

Also, members get bonus points for pointing out cliche fantasy names.
I want to be in this guild.

03-01-2006, 02:20 AM
I am a proud member of the Rusty Pickle Jamboree.

03-01-2006, 10:22 AM
Space Pirates from Uranus

We are a group of evil pirates who crash landed our spacejammer here and are looking for a way off the planet(we think that dragonshards may help somehow). We are all hardcore roleplayers, and I've already had to remove my own brother from the guild for not roleplaying.

03-01-2006, 02:30 PM
Space Pirates from Uranus

We are a group of evil pirates who crash landed our spacejammer here and are looking for a way off the planet(we think that dragonshards may help somehow). We are all hardcore roleplayers, and I've already had to remove my own brother from the guild for not roleplaying.
This is the best guild ever.

03-01-2006, 03:42 PM
Order of the Phoenix

We have a listing under the main guild list thread, or you can check out our website at:


Not much on the website yet, but it is up and running. :)

03-01-2006, 04:39 PM
Hey need a guild Y not us lotsa cool peeps over 50 members make some friends and some static pt"s inside the guild ask ne member 4 an invite and enjoy DDO!!!!!!!!!

03-01-2006, 05:31 PM
Death Guild

Mostly IRL or long-time net friends, all adults. Most of the guild is going to be goth or otherwise darkside types. We might take other members but we have to play with you first quite a bit as this is meant to be a guild of friends with a similar mindset.

03-02-2006, 06:17 AM
a laid back giuld for anyone.......all are welcome, the only rule is we dont run through the quests......anyone intereted, please send a tell to ameron

03-02-2006, 07:23 AM
Sorry about the delay, ive been working on my guild website and guild forums and havent had much time to get back to this one.

Knights of the Old Code was created on Feb 24th. Seconds after Launch of the Head Start. By the End of the head start (feb 27th) we had over 50 Charactors. Our hope is to be the best Guild on the server but as i can see i have alot of competition.

03-02-2006, 08:23 AM
I don't really see any need for guilds to compete to be "the best" in this game. Its all instanced, and there is no PVP. So, go ahead and shoot to be the best :D !

03-02-2006, 08:45 AM
I define the best as being the guild who helps its members, who cares if they advance in levels, who helps them with quests they are stuck on. A guild who doesnt leave its members behind because they can figure out or complete a quest.
Its not about the game, its about people playing the game.

I don't really see any need for guilds to compete to be "the best" in this game. Its all instanced, and there is no PVP. So, go ahead and shoot to be the best :D !

03-02-2006, 11:26 AM
Space Pirates from Uranus

We are a group of evil pirates who crash landed our spacejammer here and are looking for a way off the planet(we think that dragonshards may help somehow). We are all hardcore roleplayers, and I've already had to remove my own brother from the guild for not roleplaying.

The Rusty Pickle Jamboree would like to forge a permanent alliance with the Space Pirates from Uranus. If you would like to discuss this, please send a carrier pigeon to Rhyld or Twisted.

Also, we may possibly have some information about a troupe of space conquistadors that have plans to plunder uranus while you are are wandering around Eberron.

03-02-2006, 01:23 PM
Indeed we demand an accord with our brothers from Uranus.

03-02-2006, 01:40 PM
Iron Circle is a private invitation ( sponsorship ) only guild. We welcome and look forward to teaming with everyone on Aerenal, but will refrain from mass recruiting. Our goal is to maintain a core group of players in a small to mid-sized guild. We would welcome friendly / mature players we team with who show an interest in joining, and want to be part of a smaller and hopefully closer knit community.

Iron Circle Forums (http://ddo.dreamwolf.us/phpbb/index.php) & Team Speak server are now online.

Founders & Leaders:



03-03-2006, 08:06 AM
The first sentries from Khaldun make up the Horse Clan, a come-as-you-are clan devoted to member participation, sharing, and oogling attractive characters (not warforged). Currently 20 members strong, the goal of this clan will be balanced parties available for all members at all times. Preferably, mature.

/t us if you're interested in joining a party and we'll go from there.

03-03-2006, 08:42 AM
I will considering the offering from our Pickled breathren, and dispatch my message post haste.

03-03-2006, 01:34 PM
Guild carried over from FFXI Linkshell. Small guild of about 10 so far looking to grow will get website changed soon. Needing Rouges and Rangers, but am accepting different jobs. RP or not your always welcome!


03-03-2006, 01:49 PM
I will considering the offering from our Pickled breathren, and dispatch my message post haste.
We await your missive, and chance to score some sweet booty.

03-05-2006, 11:28 PM
Diligence Hardcore players only need apply. Roster so far is Cain Bourne lvl 7 rogue, Khlaarel lvl 8 ranger, Thadeius lvl 6 paladin, Teresias lvl 5 fighter. Just starting out but willing to give anyone a shot grouping. We can make lvl 6 in 1 day so if yer serious lets get moving send me a tell. All about having fun but lvling and looting like mad is a fringe benefit.

03-06-2006, 05:43 PM
Team Nemesis

Coming soon......^_^

03-08-2006, 12:21 PM
Knights of Ni

entertaining, fun loving, adventure crazy sorts

03-08-2006, 02:20 PM
ANZAC has moved to Sarlona. Feel free to PM me for further info!

03-10-2006, 01:38 PM
The Knights Templar

A small group of friends that enjoy questing and having fun. Were easy going fun to group with. We try to get up on the weekends and have big guild group quests. We have no heavy power gamers in the guild. If your looking for a good guild to join then send a tell Parragon, Mailisar, or Chazar. Have fun and be safe.

03-12-2006, 12:13 AM
Drak's Silver Legion

laid back, helpful, mild twinking, action and tactics, extended group of friends

40 members approx current, we have a guild bank account established

webpage is in the works

requirements are manners, playing to the best of your ability, and upholding our Good Name...

always recruiting, on a trial basis, pst drakkos for more info

alternately speak with thaen, shrapnel, blackberry, dirtnap


03-12-2006, 12:21 AM

We're a small band of adventurous travellers joined in our travels by many carrier pigeons. (aka guild chat. =P) We've a merry band of about 50-60 members as of current and we like dark places, smelly kobolds, earth elementals, and are particularly fond of the Cult of the Dark Six. If you seek adventure, thrills, plenty of people to band together with, and treasurous/trecherous adventures, you might be a Maverick.

Guild officers: Arinell, Sasarrn, Torvold, Taervyn, Stilletto, Demetrias, and many more. Send a tell to any of the above for an invite, we're always open and recruiting(level doesn't matter, we help players from level 1 all the way up. That's what a guild or a party's all about.)

03-12-2006, 08:11 AM
Allow me to introduce myself, I am Anastia Ravenshadow. I am the youngest daughter of Aerigon Ravenshadow keeper of the Sacride Flame of Mages, first Wizard of the Order of Light, and third Lord of the Council of the 12 elven Lords. I send you this parchment in good faith that I may hear from you in Stormreach, in regards to becoming a member of your guild.
P.S. Am only level 1.0 wizard:)

03-12-2006, 07:15 PM
Exiled From Humanity

We're a laid-back guild. I plan on having role-playing events (We don't mind roleplayers, we just prefer chatting about things more modern), scavenger hunts, and tons more events. We're fairly new, since I just got this game last week, only have 8 members.

We have ONE and ONLY one requirement: Voice Communication. You don't have to have a microphone, but must be able to hear/type. As far as I know we are the only such guild thus far on Aerenal who is Voice Chat ONLY. So those who enjoy voice communication/humor while gaming/and a loyal guild who shares loot accordingly hit me up or send a private to me here.

Bizzy Da Beast (Guild Master)
Shets An Giggles (Alt)

03-12-2006, 10:21 PM
Raven, please feel free to send word to any of the Guild Officers. They will be happy to invite you to our band of brothers. (Now at 60+ members.)

03-13-2006, 08:46 AM

03-16-2006, 10:50 AM
the Ungodly Heathen NBC
Just starting up in Aerenal

:) Looking to have fun
;) For Mature Players (our language slips sometimes)
:rolleyes: Accepts all Races (though halflings will be made fun of with height jokes)
:cool: No immediate acceptances, run a few quests with us first to see if WE are compatible.
:D Make a joke = Take a joke. No hating or whining
Obviously we aren't the Religious types, but clerics and Lawfuls welcome

We take time to go through the quests and take care of each other.
No Experience runs, though will reenter quests for those that haven't not done.
We work, and have lives, so won't be rushing up the levels, so no one should be left far behind.

NBC = A secret for members only

Look for our officers: Fadred, Shadro, Aeryk

Have fun and see you all on the battlefield

03-17-2006, 11:16 AM
Brotherhood of the Storm
4 members so far, just a guild to get together have fun, make friends, and kill stuff, not hard into RP but u got to have a RP name, and also no major name stealin from a fantasy book

Look for Shalis or Jakarr(GM)

I swear i will go off on the person i c with the name Drizzt:)

03-20-2006, 08:56 PM
A small group of pnp players that are always looking to quest at all times of the day. True the the spirit of the game we share the wealth of treasure, passing on what we don't need to others who need it more....

Setzer McIver,
Leader of THe Celtic Twilight

03-22-2006, 04:22 AM
We started the Linear Guild during Headstart for a few friends. We usually play together but due to our Navy duties one or all of us sometimes won't be online for weeks or months on end. We aren't actively recruiting but we ask people we have grouped with, like playing with, and are unguilded if they would like to join. We're laid back, like to have fun and get the booty! :D

03-23-2006, 08:29 AM
[FONT="Arial Black"]We r goodhearted but we are absolutely a roleplaying guild.we help our members with all neccesitys.but me and my crew have just switched from xoriat so we may be a little low level but on xoriat we had a decent file.so if ppl out there want in /tell tye. [FONT]

Ideas wanted we need more ppl on this server but we have tests.

03-27-2006, 11:31 PM
For serious players that know what they are doing. Send /tell to polynikes and we will see what happens.

03-28-2006, 08:13 AM
Hey everyone heres a little bit about us..

We are a stricter guild only looking for classes that are pure no multiclassing, no warforged.... ummm we are currently recruiting members from any class... we prerfer you have a real name not like 1337 haxor or anything like that umm tell me in game if your interested and we'll give you a try out! anyways name in game is Nenoa Eveningfall

03-28-2006, 08:14 AM
Hey everyone heres a little bit about us.. [Royal Guards of Aerenal]

We are a stricter guild only looking for classes that are pure no multiclassing, no warforged.... ummm we are currently recruiting members from any class... we prerfer you have a real name not like 1337 haxor or anything like that umm tell me in game if your interested and we'll give you a try out or you can leave your details in an email at ddorgoa@gmail.com! anyways name in game is Nenoa Eveningfall

Email format

A little about yourself..

04-05-2006, 12:09 PM
Militant Midgets of Mystra

Primarily a group of IRL friends, we're pretty laid-back. We help each other out if needed. If we find someone through grouping that particularly impresses us, we'll invite them to the guild as well. So, it's mostly used for networking with people who you know you can automatically trust to be good players, good sports, good in a group, and do what they're supposed to do.

EDIT: Militant Midgets of Mystra has merged with Voice Chatter Apotheosis. We are no longer a functioning guild.

04-05-2006, 04:42 PM
Lead by Dnae, over 60 people. Primarily functions to allow for grouping with skilled players of all levels for a hell of a good time. all or welcome of course

04-05-2006, 05:12 PM
We're pleased to announce our arrival.

Some of our members date back to the original MUD circa 86, and we're all about the environment. Here to have fun with decades of experience coding / administering online games all we want is to adventure with the coolest gamers in town.

Wolverines (http://www.wolverines.name) - visit the site to learn more.

I'm the leader, Tobin.

Our recruiting officers include:

. . . and we are recruiting. It's an age 18+ environment with zero tolerance policies on racial slurs, sexism, gay bashing, and over swearing/spamming. If you're into entitlement this isn't your guild, go be a noble and experiment with caste systems on someone else's time. If you want to have fun and have a fair shake every raid amongst friends then lets meet up. Feel free to send me a tell if you see I'm on.

04-06-2006, 04:26 PM
Mystic Knights Guild Disbanded due to changing servers.

04-10-2006, 02:42 AM
We are all here for the fun of it.

So have fun, help your guildies have fun, help outsiders have fun and have some more fun!!!

That is more my own motto than my guilds, but you will be hard pressed to find someone who does not think that way in our guild. We are a controlled anarchic guild in that we have the basic infrastructure in place to be a guild, but we are not draconic enough to be beyond that.

With the merger with Ozzy Storm almost complete we now can guarantee that there are guildies on at all times. Visit the site on my sig to look around and contact any of the officers if you want to join us.

Stuck-Up Sticky-Beats need not apply!!!

04-13-2006, 04:36 AM
Adventurer's Guild

A group of great people with a very well organized guild. We offer a guild bank for trading and loner program. We have guild ranks including officers, advisors and a treasurer. We also offer Guild questing, we set up times for certain quests so everyone can quest together. Come check us out at


04-14-2006, 10:32 AM
QA sadly went out of business due to MIA founder; reincorporated as Storm Reavers.

04-14-2006, 04:08 PM
Contact: Valandia(leader) Asura(officer) Tilani(officer)

Members: 30

Mission: To limit the amount of times Bonnie (or any other guild member, for that matter) must exclaim, "Bloody Hell" upon defeat...

Time: Full groups forming from 8pm PST all through the late night hours.

Seeking: Laid-back, Mature, Fun-Seeking, Team-Oriented players with Microphones! Officers range from lv7-10

Goals: Raid Groups! And of course, to continue to have fun! Many of us are in the process of rerolling new toons to help new members level.

04-16-2006, 03:17 PM
This text removed because guild is defunct

04-16-2006, 09:19 PM
The Lone Wolves is recruiting.

A few of our playerbase have a bad taste in their mouth after the dragon so we are missing a few. Looking for some skilled and friendly players. Send Helen/Blink or Kyth a tell ingame.

It's all about companionship.

04-19-2006, 12:34 AM
Were you ever in a party with Laggin, Fortius, Lajahn, Elrad, Zellgotis, Shanara or many others? Well the common thread is we are all non stress, have a good time people.

Don't know how many members we have, but they are all fun to play with. We are about quality not quanity.

We currently have a 32 man ts server that is tons better than the in game voice.

So leave me a tell in game and we will run with ya, get a feel for each other. See you on the trail.


04-19-2006, 09:20 AM
When we were new to this game , we were invited to group with a ranger named Haely. We were new and impressionable and Haely was the best player with a bow we had ever seen. On top of her mad skills, she/he was kind and generous and very patient while showing us around WW. We made this guild in honor of her/him.

We accept new players as well as seasoned ones all we ask is that you remember it is just a game !!!!

Look for :
Tinzie lvl 6 wiz
Mickie lvl 6 cleric
Garwin lvl 6 fighter
Talitha lvl 5 wiz
Merith lvl 4 or 5 ranger (cant rem Merith sorry :P)

04-20-2006, 10:19 PM
The Dark Horde

Family Oriented, laid back, light roleplay..always recruiting

04-20-2006, 10:57 PM
Brotherhood of the Storm
Friendly in everyway, no selling of item to other guild members(they are guild members be nice)we have chars from 1-8 on every day and night at least 1 atm

04-23-2006, 12:53 PM
This is my guild we group everyday right now we are currently working towards the dragon, we are on the 5th part trying to get all our high lvls into the raid.:) :)http://www.grimstone.o-f.com/

04-24-2006, 06:17 PM
Myself and 2 friends I've met (palo and tinzie) in ddo have started a lil guild named Disciples of Haely. We're a lil group of friends now (myself Merith,Palo,Tinzie,Guygus,Jennis)
We are not a big guild, we can't even fill out a party of 6 right now. But we're almost always online (I'm east coast, guy, palo, tinzie are west coast) at night. Palo tinzie and guy are 3 of the best people I've ever met in a game. So in short, if youre looking for a small group of friends, that aren't powerlvlers/grinders Then we are the lil group for you. Don't forget, this is just a game =D

04-25-2006, 09:11 AM
The guild is Redemption and we are perhaps the largest guild on the Aerenal server. The plan is to bring together mature players and explore the game together. We frown on "frat housing" in guild chat. Feel free to contact an officer in game for more details or see our forums (http://com4.runboard.com/bredemption/).

Our members are in all North American time zones. With members in USA and Canada. Would love to hear from you if your interested in joining.

Check out our Redemption Video (http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=-8691940640195141148&q=DDO)!

Officers: Xantus, Gith, Unhealpod, Falcone and Tinkle

04-26-2006, 12:36 PM
We are a fun guild with 50+ Players. (like 12 lvl10, 10 lvl9 bunch of 8's and under) We dont just randomly invite people, you generally have to group with a few people from the guild before you get an invite. We all get along Great and have a good time. Most nights you will see a few groups guild only going on. If you see any of us in game just throw a shout and we would be happy to group with you or find you a group within our guild.....

We dont really care what level you are as the levels of our players varies

04-28-2006, 02:09 PM
VERTAGK..... order of the Phoenix...

any relation to Order of the Phoenix from NWN / the CEP NExus??

I know this is a common guild name, but I was wondering if there was any relation to it?

04-29-2006, 12:39 PM
If your not talking french well this message is not for you.

Bonjour a tous , bienvenu sur ddo.Sur se serveur, vous devrier retrouver quelque francais meme si ils sont rare mais ne vous découragé pas puisque ici vous trouverer une guilde francais venu du Quebec , Les chevaliers du Quebec n'attend juste un signe de présence pour que vous soyez accepté.

Tout les francais sont admit sauf ceux qui cause le trouble.

Pour l'instant nous ne somme que 2,sa fais pas bcp mais tout a un début dans la vie.

Voici pour linstant le leader et l'officier:


Un forum sera bientot crée pour répondre a vos questions et aussi pour des chose comme dongeons etc...

05-01-2006, 09:06 AM
For those of you willing to have a laid back game or two Look us up. For those newer players we are recruiting.

Even if there aren't a lot of us online at once, we almost always find groups for fellow guildies and are always well spoken of.

For those of you looking to join send a tell to Vitreketren or Aion

05-01-2006, 12:37 PM
If your not talking french well this message is not for you.

Bonjour a tous , bienvenu sur ddo.Sur se serveur, vous devrier retrouver quelque francais meme si ils sont rare mais ne vous découragé pas puisque ici vous trouverer une guilde francais venu du Quebec , Les chevaliers du Quebec n'attend juste un signe de présence pour que vous soyez accepté.

Tout les francais sont admit sauf ceux qui cause le trouble.

Pour l'instant nous ne somme que 2,sa fais pas bcp mais tout a un début dans la vie.

Voici pour linstant le leader et l'officier:


Un forum sera bientot crée pour répondre a vos questions et aussi pour des chose comme dongeons etc...

Does that mean im on a canadian server? I hate candada....;)

05-02-2006, 05:42 PM
I am a level 6 Cleric looking for a hardcore guild. Could some one send me a invite or tell? When I get online I usually dont have a lot of time to sit around. I like to get out and adventure as quick as possible. I would prefer to roleplay.

05-03-2006, 10:10 AM
Looking for a good guild. My buddy and I are currently running a L7 Rogue and a L7 Fighter. We've been playing exclusively with PUG's, and would like to find a great guild now that we are reaching higher levels with these characters. Both are experienced, mature players (27 and 28 years old) that have multiple years of gaming experience and over 15+ years of experience in traditional PnP.

We're looking for a guild that has a decent player base of all classes and enjoys helping each other out. When adventuring, we always help out others and always end up giving away countless thousands in gold worth of items to party members of items we won't use. We never ask for anything in return.

We'd prefer a guild that has members playing during times we are online. We live on the east coast in the US and usually are online during the week somewhere between 8 PM - 1 AM EST. It varies by day, but usually falls in that range. We do the same on weekends, but also have some additional day time hours. If we sound like we'd be a match, let me know about your guild if you're looking for new members. hit us up here, or as Zarathorn and Dreagon in the game. Thanks!

05-03-2006, 02:12 PM
My guild is always looking for more good players. Send a tell to any of the officers or myself in game. Some names are Mook (guild leader), Crows, Dryder, Yahuel, Elizabet and Reever all of these are good players and can send you an invite after a short trial run. If you are interested you can check out the guild site below.

05-09-2006, 07:53 AM
Legends of Aerenal

We are a fast growing guild on the server and looking to recruit folks who have the same interests in the game as us. We offer a fun gaming experience and the capability to enjoy all of the content of the game.

If you are interested please send a tell to: Bickle, Sany, Solars, Nology, or Agraoth in game.
We may additionally be on our latest alts: Braylin, Sponge, Ryvun, Switchblade
As well as take a visit to our site at The Legends of Aerenal (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=83235&TabID=716688)

We will be posting and organizing Tempest spine raids on various settings as well as building Von1-4 groups to get the guild and friends the opportunity to encounter the Dragon in Von5/6

05-10-2006, 07:19 PM
Divine breath of the dragon

Everyone is accepted.its a french guild

we have 3 officer,3 members and 1 leader for now but i think we can make a little bigger.

leader : Dyzmo

Here the adresse for the forum.


If you want enter ,register in the forum and i will add you in the guild,if im online send me a tell.

05-16-2006, 09:13 PM
Vale of the shadows (http://valeoftheshadows.guildportal.com)

05-19-2006, 12:27 PM
Found each other at lvl 1 we're all around lvl 3-5(05 16 2006)
Recruitment is still active..

05-27-2006, 10:21 PM
Have previously been part of two large guilds but decided to start up a guild especially for the Australian and New Zealand players out there, and what better name than ANZAC. Was talking to another Aussie while questing and we both decided that it would be beneficial to start an Australian guild where everyone is in the same neighbourhood, or all share something in common. Small atm but who knows what may happen when more Aussies and Kiwis catch on.

05-28-2006, 01:05 PM
The Regiment. I command those who follow. To join is to prove ones self in adventures (group with us and you will probably get asked about joining). THose who have yet to test their mettle will be given the chance. Proven adventurers will find challenges amongst our ranks (we will take anyone who isnt a jerk or of the similar types.) If you think yourself ready, then enlist in.......

The Regiment

Harim Redfist,
Commander of The Regiment

Executive Officer of The Regiment

05-29-2006, 09:24 AM
Life changes. :D

06-07-2006, 01:09 PM
Keep your arms and legs within the ride at all times!

We use mics, enjoy teamwork & good communication, look us up at www.guilduniverse.com search DDO section for "Storm Reavers" to see current officer list and who to look up on Aerenal server.

We are recruiting and don't mind low level folks, because someday those folks won't be low level any more. :)

Formerly "Quality Adventurers"

06-12-2006, 05:37 PM
please delete this post as i am unable

06-15-2006, 01:15 PM
Guild disbanded. Move along. Nothing to see here.

06-16-2006, 10:53 AM
Farewell for now

06-18-2006, 01:06 PM
Killacams, diplomatic immuniti, cimney sweeper lf new guild. One that sticks together ...please.

06-23-2006, 12:50 PM
Legends of Aerenal

We are a fast growing guild on the server and looking to recruit folks who have the same interests in the game as us. We offer a fun gaming experience and the capability to enjoy all of the content of the game.

If you are interested please send a tell to: Bickle, Sany, Solars, Nology, or Agraoth in game.
We may additionally be on our latest alts: Braylin, Sponge, Ryvun, Switchblade
As well as take a visit to our site at The Legends of Aerenal (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=83235&TabID=716688)

We will be posting and organizing Tempest spine raids on various settings as well as building Von1-4 groups to get the guild and friends the opportunity to encounter the Dragon in Von5/6

Just bumping our LFM note and to add that:

If your disenchanted with PUGs or your current guild due to lack of event coordination, lack of participating members, or just interested to get on the server and play send me or the above officers a tell or visit our forums noted above.

We are interested in recruiting Clerics and Wizards at the moment, but not restricting ourselves to good players of other classes. All levels are welcome.

We think its important that you first group with one of us first so that you get a feel for our play style (which is laid back) and vice versa.

06-25-2006, 08:32 PM

New guild just friendly :P

06-28-2006, 02:41 PM
have a 9th ftg - 7th rougue/ranger - 6th cleric - 6th paly - 3rd repeatr rougue
been looking forever for a group who says you help me through this and i will help you with that and means it.. so so tired of people leaving a group and now the quest you wanted does not happen after you spent hours helping them do some part you already have. simple rules i think should apply 1. let everyone know when you have to leave at the outset 2. invite guildies 1st 3. keep your word

06-30-2006, 10:03 PM
OK, so im taking the easyway out but, to try to sift through all the guilds and narrow it down to ones that fit....near impossible.

Basically, im trying to find a guild that is laidback and active at the same time. I have kids, therefore, i cannot play as much as id like:eek: Even still i put in a few hours every night and weekends are touch and go. I have a few different toons right now, highest level is 10.2 If anything ive said describes your guild please send me a PM or find me in game:D :D :) :D

07-12-2006, 06:27 AM
Stormhaven is a medium-sized, North American based guild. We have a fairly even split between PST and EST players, with a few Australians thrown in just to royally mess up raiding scheduling. New recruits are encouraged to group with an officer or two before expressing interest, just to make sure they fit with the "type" of player we recruit.

Stormhaven follows an unofficial "restricted" age policy, members under the age of 18 must be accompanied (in the guild) by a parent or guardian. The majority of our members are (im)mature adults(?) who are always serious, down to business slacke- adventurers.

07-17-2006, 09:37 PM
Order of the Southern Cross

Divine warriors looking to lay the smack down on evil. Clerics and Paladins only all experience levels welcome!

IGN: Nicarus Icarus

07-20-2006, 08:12 AM
A reminder re ANZAC :

ANZAC is a majority of Australian and New Zealand players, with special invites being extended to aspiring companions - those that portray the ANZAC qualities and continue the legend.

Aussies and Kiwis join the fold and be amongst your brethren!

07-21-2006, 04:39 AM
Oblivion's Touch

Laid-back, helping guild. Lottery prizes and 40+ members, Strategic Recruitment (so no matter what time you play someone is always online).

08-07-2006, 12:19 PM
Long Fell Winter;
This is a new guild started by myself (Winterwolf) and two others (the name of the guild is named after the first three founders (Longshank, Fellpockets, and Winterwolf). We are looking to recruit members to boost our ranks and help others in the guild find groups faster and easier. We always try to invite guildies over others first. If none can be found then we look for outside help. I personally am a fun and outgoing type of leader always trying to help when I can or at least putting an effort into finding you the help you need.

We are a very nice group of people and every one that is looking to join;
Must be at least level 3.
All Classes and Races Accepted.
No Bashing of other members.
Funloving people are a must!

Thanks in Advanced,

Jackgrim Longbow (Formerly Jackgrim Winterwolf)
<Long Fell Winter>

08-12-2006, 05:17 PM
new guild recruiting

Located on the East Coast, we mostly run 8pm-1130pm. Sometimes around lunchtime on the weekends. If you are an adult with children, then this is a guild for you. No worries about having to afk because the baby is crying or someone needs a hug. We mostly play after the littles have gone to bed :)

Looking for people to just run and have FUN playing the game? Or if you are new to the game and looking for a team familiar withthe game to help you out? We have all levels, so can help walk you through.

All races and classes are welcomed. All levels too. Main purpose is to have fun playing as a group.

If you are interested in feeling us out, send a tell in game to Theadora, Zahra, Wire, CaptBlack or CaptJack. We'll set something up!!!!

08-18-2006, 12:12 AM
Oracle of Vengeance : We are a newly formed guild with about 30 players with all races and levels(mainly levels 3-10) WE focus on cooperation, teamwork, FUN, reliability, some role playing and we never bail out on anyone. Oracle of Vengeance welcomes all players that are fun and reliable and trys to group with you before you join just to see how you play. If you are interested in joining please send a tell to Shevi, Moemoe, Krennel, or Selynvia because we are looking for more members now! We like to have a good time...hey give us a shot!

09-06-2006, 11:46 PM
My name be Davi Myrth, and i just landed in the Harbor of Stormreach. I've only been in this town for a number of days, and i already be hearing of the great deeds accomplished by the Knights of the Old Code. Being yet a petty rogue (level 1.0) i wish, that one day i may sign your charter so that my name too shall be sung in the inns of Stormreach.

-Davi Myrth

09-09-2006, 07:59 AM
The only officially sponsored ATi/AMD team.
Our team consists of TeamATi members and friends of TeamATi. We run 2 Americas Army servers, 2 Battlefield2 servers and have been caught playing DDO, AA, BF2, GuildWars, GhostRecon, Joint Operations and a slew of other games.

Used as a marketing team you can find us at most large mid-west LAN parties and online at www.teamati.com (http://www.teamati.com)

Visit our site for contest prizes and giveaways. We are discussing a possible DDO only contest for prizes so stand by for details.

www.teamati.com (http://www.teamati.com)

09-12-2006, 02:27 PM
One thing my friend forgot to mention.

Even though we are sponsored, that doesn't mean we aren't just normal gamers. We're just basically a bunch of guys that like ATi, like gaming, and love to go to LAN parties and talk about both. :)

Feel free to look up our toons and hop on TeamSpeak with us. We're easy going and always welcome good players into our groups.

09-24-2006, 07:37 AM
Enchanted Circle

09-27-2006, 12:48 PM
The Fallen, new guild to the server.

10-02-2006, 08:50 AM
"The Underground Empire"

"We will kill from the shadows, as we creep through the night, we will never run, nor lose a fight. We will live by honor, kill by stealth and never deprive each other of our wealth. The innocent will never be harmed as long as we are around, ready and armed. We are the ss assasins and that will be known, as we are prepaired to die for each other, that has been shown. We will train day and night, night and day, to creep around our enemy and make them pay. Our speed, strength, and craftiness will be unmatched, as we are the begining to an entirely new batch. The ss assasins shall be known to the world as they admire, and as we shall always be known as the underground empire.
~Ross of Sloot~

10-02-2006, 01:36 PM
As the sucessor of this guild built by me and my good friend Due, we enjoy inviting all kinds of people we started our group by inviting newbies and teaching to play the way we do as to build a good strong group now we are expanding even more as to take anyone in. Everyone deserves a chance and we do just that! Off for a month or more though and you will be booted, you are always welcome back in at anytime but, if you are not using the character we have to assume you do not play anymore. A month is a very fair time frame. Come one come all...

11-17-2006, 10:49 AM

-Rozz Of Sloot

11-20-2006, 04:55 AM
Servants of Chaos,

Well the guild is led by myself "Ten of Ten the Sorcerer" or otherwise knows as the warforged in the pink Tu Tu.

Recently our members have grown a bit. Have roughly 2 full groups playing together every night. Were a layed back and relaxed guild with a few skilled players and a few not so skilled. I suppose we might be better if I quit drinking every night!!!! Everybody goes on a 2 month probation. After 2 months all members are allowed the right to recruit other members into the guild. I'm mostly looking for mature and responsible players who play in the evening and weekend hours. We do have a guild website since were a cross-over from WoW. We also have a guild Ventrilo Server.

If anybody has any further questions please feel free to send me a tell.

12-01-2006, 05:43 AM
Beware of the Bot
All are welcome, We play for the fun of it!

We are but a small group of people who all get along, have a good time and help out anyone who needs it- guildie or non-guildie. The laughter is just too much some time! So if you are ever in need we have clerics, rogues, sorc/wiz, rangers, and tanks willing to help out. If you are looking for just a fun time playing the game with no worries then look us up!

12-07-2006, 11:05 AM
Splinter of the Minds Eye consists of me and one of my best friends. Currently we are the only 2 in the guild, but we do have 12 characters. We are also looking for more players who are not typical players.

We are looking for decent players, who are:
1) Not rude to others, we rib each other...but nothing serious.
2) Don't mind taking their time in a quest (optionals etc)
3) Patient & helpful with new players
4) Tired of switching MMO's
5) Want to have fun
6) Don't mind filling whatever need the group has at the moment

We are EX-SWG gamers, who happened to play the d20 version of it also. Since the game that we actually loved became something perverted, and a bit silly, we moved on to DDO, which we also play the d20 version of. We enjoy the game entirely, and would like to invite those interested in joining our guild to give us a tell in game. My alts are listed in my info. Thanks, and Good Adventures!

01-31-2007, 09:37 AM
We are based on loyalty its really that simple. Our guild does not consist of people just getting on to play the game,we are a 2nd family here.I have watched our original guild(assassins of the light)from day 1 and have enjoyed its growth every day after.We focus on really just having a good time while playing the game, don’t get us wrong though we play the game to KICK ASS! And we do!But the focus is to treat others how you want to be treated(remember being taught that growing up?) The people here get on to enjoy them selves after a long day of work,they want to sit down drink a beer, smoke some wakki tabaci, or just put the **** kids to bed so they can relax and enjoy an hour or two on ddo.We really don’t look at things any other way.We have had our guild issues and lived through them all including this last one when I my self was gone for about 2 months (family issues) this is the 1st time I have missed game time since day one of ddo.well anyways to make a long story short in my absents my brothers and sisters of the guild refused to let things crumble and took it upon them selves to create a loyalist guild who would wait for my return and keep our guild strong!!!(Shadow assassins) Now im back and things are all coming back together under our true name the Assassins Of The Light.Well any ways before I get to sappy I just want to get this out of the way...We may not be the largest guild in the game but I challenge ANY GUILD to compete with our HEART,our FREINDSHIP,and our HONOR and LOYALTY to each other.AND last but not least to my BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF THE LIGHT N SHADOWS I LOVE YOU AND THANK YOU FOR THE GREAT TIMES WE HAVE HAD AND I ONLY PRAY THEY CONTINUE FOR MANY YEARS TO COME;)

-PROUD Leader Of The Assassins Of The Light
- Rozz Of Sloot

03-05-2007, 08:29 PM
Patriots of Stormreach is always looking for a few good players. Regular Dragon and Demon Queen raids scheduled and quite a few players still looking to get 1750 favor. Loot runs are also scheduled throughout the week. Very easy going and fun guild with tons of characters! We love to have fun first and foremost. Check us out at Patriots of Stormreach (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=147264&TabID=1250422) website!

03-06-2007, 07:06 PM
Allegiance of Blades

created by revyn/illyrial formerly of grimstone and myself formerly of dnd explorers inc.

recruiting generally looking for experienced players

we run raids 2-3 times per week

we are all adults

guild is large and all of us are good friends,every one has a voice with us
we are more f a democracy we want everyone to enjoy gameplay on the server

check us out www is listed below sig

03-14-2007, 11:23 AM
I would talk about our Guild, but that is against rule #1 and #2. I can say we are old friends. I'm new to the game but 3 members have been on for sometime. We like to have fun and are willing to group with about anyone.

Give us a shout....no elitist here.

But remember...." If it's your first night.......you gotta fight."

06-06-2007, 09:31 AM
"Knights Templar"

a group of 6 meeting friday nights to play together.
remember P&P?

06-22-2007, 02:14 AM
The Rusty Pickle Jamboree would like to forge a permanent alliance with the Space Pirates from Uranus. If you would like to discuss this, please send a carrier pigeon to Rhyld or Twisted.

Also, we may possibly have some information about a troupe of space conquistadors that have plans to plunder uranus while you are are wandering around Eberron.

I haven't laughed this hard in a very very long time

07-18-2007, 07:16 PM
Just bumping our LFM note and to add that:

If your disenchanted with PUGs or your current guild due to lack of event coordination, lack of participating members, or just interested to get on the server and play send me or the above officers a tell or visit our forums noted above.

We are interested in recruiting Clerics and Wizards at the moment, but not restricting ourselves to good players of other classes. All levels are welcome.

We think its important that you first group with one of us first so that you get a feel for our play style (which is laid back) and vice versa.

Just wanted to add to Chrimson's add-to.... anyway...

You may have noticed guilds coming and going, splitting and reforming. We remain and are still going strong. Leaders/officers have changed as RL has demanded, but we remain committed to exploring all quest level content in a laid back, fun approach. And we sell lame members for uber lewt... I mean...

If interested in our guild, look around for any toon with our guild tags and let them know. Or send an in-game e-mail to an officer: Agaroth, Allectus, Caelan, Chrebet, Chrimson, Crazius, Eeva, Europa, Krahs, Lufeng, and Mercuria. (and before any of you dogs start commenting on the order it is alphabetical. and yes, we do give each other hard time about such petty things. it's much more humorous than getting worked up over important stuff.) :)

10-01-2007, 09:22 AM
why was i like the 7th person metioned??

10-01-2007, 11:12 AM
why was i like the 7th person metioned??

i knew it... when i did that post i knew someone would focus on the order... therefore, i was smart!!!! it's alphabetical! so there! :P next time pick a name like AAAA-Europa!

10-03-2007, 10:24 AM
An updated guild list has been made here by Ekental: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=122934

Working on getting it stickied.


Just a note to call attention to please not post in the new guild listing so as to not clutter it up. Please send a forum pm, in-game tell or mail to Ekental if you would like your guild added.