View Full Version : Sithali, King of Burst DPS (12Mnk/6Rgr/2Ftr)

01-19-2013, 03:41 PM
Only recently did I discover the potential of AAs. Very often AAs will be put down and criticized but what I'm giving you is the highest burst DPS build in the game.
Nothing comes close to what FotW Epic moment + Adrenaline Manyshot can do.

I love this build. Monk movement speed, sprint boost, defenses. I have played this build (no OC version) at cap and it was a blast. I'm going through a couple of extra lives to perfect this build.
I love complex builds, I love to be self sufficient and solo stuff and most importantly I love to put barbarians to shame.
Forgive me for my lack of creativity for the build's name. I didn't have much time to think of one as I got a couple of requests after posting my original build's video (no OC ) that you can find on my youtube channel. I will be uploading videos of this build once I finish TRing.


A lot information found on the forums is wrong.
#1: Arcane Archers lack in terms of DPS - False: Well built and well played AAs can rival in terms of DPS with any other melee build.
#2: Arcane Archers need to specialize for TWF - False: You do not need to put down the bow when Manyshot and 10kstar is on timer, even for ki generation thanks to Enlightment.
#3: Arcane Archers cannot handle the aggro they generate - False: When you are in a group, you can stop kiting and stand your ground. With your very solid package of defenses, this build can tank anything but Epic Elite LOB.

#1: DPS
#2: DEFENSES Endgame isn't about DPS only anymore. PRR, AC, incorporeality, concealment, dodge, evasion, saves.
#3: SELF SUFFICIENCY 40 UMD for Scroll healing. This is very important on an AA as the use of silver flame potions will make 10kstars irrelevant.
#4: UTILITY Scroll healing/Off-tank/kiter

Playing an Arcane Archer is far more difficult than playing a melee. It isn't just sit back and shoot.
In every fight, you need to take into account many parameters:
Range: you need to be close to gain 1W from Point Blank Shot
Position: you will double, triple or more your DPS if you position yourself correctly to make use of Improved Precise Shot (Caves with many mobs such as Von1)
Situation: Precise shot is now a lot more user-friendly and allows you to gain up to 30% damage when shooting at a single mob (Boss fights for example)
Timing: Manyshot and 10k stars are very short abilities but they are also very powerful. Using them at the right times is key. This is the combination I usually follow: 10kstars->EpicMoment+Manyshot->10kstars.
Others: You need to respect the players you are playing with. Kiting a mob all around while all the melees yell at you because they can't hit is not a good way to play an AA. You have 2 options: take a beating (with the defenses you have with the Sithali, this will not be a problem) or play smart and handle your aggro.
Camera angle: Just like casters who cannot cast a spell because they are not facing the mob, you will need to anticipate enemies movements. With some time and practice, you will dramatically improve your gameplay, to the point where you can dodge an enemy's searing lights.

In every fight, you will need to analyse the situation and decide how to deal with it - especially if you solo a lot.
But remember, because it is complex and difficult, it is also very fun and doesn't get boring.

Unlike melees, the gap in terms of DPS between a well-played AA and the same AA that doesn't take into accounts all of those parameters is tremendous.

Finally, this build benefits a lot from past lives (Ranger, Monk) and 36 pt is pretty much a requirement.
As a matter of fact, you will get +6 damage from 3xRanger Lives, +3 from 3xMonk and +1 from Completionist for a total of +10 damage from past lives.

I give you the Sithali!




STATS (36) All sustainable
Str - 17+2(lvl)+4(tome)+2(compl)+2(yugo)+2(ship)+8(item) +2(insight)+4(alchem)+5(primal)+1(fighter enh.)+2(madstone)+2(destiny)+2(ram's)+1(exc)= 56
Dex - 15+4(tome)+2(compl)+2(ship)+2(yugo)+7(item)+3(insi ght)+4(alchem)+1(exc)-2(stance)=38
Con - 13+4(tome)+2(compl)+2(ship)+2(yugo)+(7item)+2(insi ght)+4(alchem)+1(human enh)+5(primal)+1(exc)+3(stance)+4(madstone)= 50
Int - 8+4(tome)+2(Compl)+2(ship)=16
Wis - 16+4(lvl)+4(tome)+2(compl)+2(yugo)+2(ship)+8(item) +3(Insight)+1(human enh)+3(monk enh.)+1(exc)+2(destiny)= 48
Cha - 8+4(tome)+2(compl)+2(ship)+2(yugo)+7(item)+2(insig ht)+1(exc) = 28

Note: +4 str/dex tomes are not required but it would be very difficult to reach the 19 dex required for Improved Precise Shot and the 23 str required for Overwhelming Critical and still have a very powerful 10kstars.

Normal (7) : Point Blank Shot, Completionist (or Toughness), Cleave, Great Cleave, Past Life: Arcane Prodigy, Weapon Focus: Ranged, Precision
Monk (3) : Power Attack, Zen Archery (8), Dodge
Fighter (2) : Improved Precise Shot, Improved Critical: Ranged
Ranger (2) : FE: Evil Outsider, FE: Construct
Epic (2) : Overwhelming Critical, Paladin Past Life (or Combat Archery when it works)
Leveling order: Depends on your playstyle, I'd pick up 2 monk early for evasion, 1 fighter for haste boost and the 6 ranger levels for TWF feats and use handwraps till 14 (Unwavering Ardency)

3. Critical Damage/Otto's Whistler (Tier 3 LD/Tier 3 Shiradi)
2. Pin (Tier 2 Shiradi)
1. Rejuvenation Cocoon (Tier 1 Primal Avatar)

Fury of the Wild
1. Primal Scream (3), Fast Healing (3)
2. Acute Instincts (3), Str (2)
3. Str (2)
4. Sense Weakness (3), Gird Against Demons (2)
5. Fury eternal (2)
6. Unbridled Fury (2)

HALF ELF Rogue Dillie (6), AA (4), Conjure +5 Arrows (4), Slayer Arrows (5), Human versatility IV (10), Wis (2), Con (4), Trap Sense I (1)
RANGER Ranger Sprint boost I (1), Favored Damage II (3)
MONK Dark Monk II (6), Static Charge (2), Improved Jump II (2), Improved Tumble II (2), Earth Stance II (5), Patient Tortoise II (3), Wind Stance I (2), 10k Stars (1), Wisdom III (10), Improved Recovery I (2)
FIGHTER Str I (2), Haste Boost I (1)

Max UMD (***)
Concentration (**)
Balance (**)
Spot (*)
Put 1 point in Tumble at start

F-16+4(GH)+6(res)+1(alch)+1(ship)+2(luck)+20(stat= 50
R-13+4(GH)+6(res)+1(alch)+1(ship)+2(luck)+15(stat)+1 (haste) =42 + Improved Evasion (Traps: 42+1(enh)+3(destiny)=46)
W-10+4(GH)+6(res)+1(alch)+1(ship)+2(luck)+19(stat) = 43
*Quick note concerning the saves: It comes out as one of the major build downsides, but it really doesn't bother me in EE content. The dangerous enemies (casters) for an AA are dealt with first and therefore cause no issues.
With minor changes though, you can get to mid 50's (Ex: +4 insight on bracers, +4 pally dilly & +6 reflex twisted means 58/55/49).

20 base
+10 Favor
+50 Epic levels
+164 class
+400 con
+35 GFL
+30 barb pl
+100 FotW levels
+10 tortoise
+45 shroud
+20 yugo
=884 HP sustainable (around 950 if you don't have Completionist and picked up Toughness).

Enough when you have good saves and improved evasion.


Ah, the gear... spent hours debating what was best and this is what I have.. although this will change in a few weeks when Epic GH is released.. Already have a few ideas :p

Helm: Epic Helm of Frost w/ Greater False Life
Goggles: Drow Smoke Goggles
Necklace: Gilvaenor's Necklace
Armor: Red scale robe w/ +1cha & +2 goodluck
Trinket: Planar focus of Prowess (str +8)
Cloak: Epic Envenomed cloak w/ Toughness
Belt: +45 hp belt
Ring1: Gilvaenor's Ring w/ +2 Insight. Str
Ring2: Seal of House Avithoul w/ +2 Insight. Wis
Boots: Epic Boots of corrosion w/ +1 con & +6 wis/ Madstone Boots
Gloves: Epic gloves of the claw
Bracers: Epic bracers of the claw

Weapon: Pinion, Cloud Piercer

New gear layout for U17

Helm: Helm of the Blue Dragon (Draconic Mind, Wis +3, Green slot: +14PRR , Yellow slot: +2 con)
Goggles: Intricate Field Optics (Spot +20, True Seeing, +8 wisdom, Yellow Slot:+2 insight cha, Green slot: +7 resistance)
Necklace: Gilvaenor's Necklace / Epic Adehrent's Pendant as a quick swap for +2 boosts & +54 spell power for cocoon (Constitution +6, Attack Bonus +2, Arcane Archer set)
Armor: Red scale robe/Black Dragonscale Robe (Colorless slot: Globe of imperial blood (+1 exc. all stats), Blue slot: Toughness)
Trinket: Planar focus of Prowess (Str +8)
Cloak: Mithril Cloak of the Wolf (Lose 1 seeker but the +3% dodge will stack with the +4% dodge from ring for a total of +7% dodge! ( Exceptional Seeker +4, Dodge 3%, Attack Bonus +3, Diversion 20%)
Belt: Epic Spare Hand (This is the GS cha item but it has 2 slots :p (Doublestrike 3%, Use Magical Device +3, Riposte, Exceptional Combat Mastery +5, Staggering Blow, Disable Device +15, Open Lock +15,Blue slot: +35 HP, Colorless Slot: +7 cha)
Ring1: Gilvaenor's Ring (Dexterity +6, Exceptional Dexterity +1, Arcane Archer set, Slotted: +20% Healing Amp)
Ring2: Dun Robar Ring (+7 con, +4% dodge, +10 Tendon Slice (fixed with ranged))
Boots: Treads of Falling Shadow / Madstone Boots (Striding +30%, Ghostly, Dexterity +8, Insightful Dexterity +3)
Gloves: Backstabber's Gloves (Bluff +20, Sneak Attack +5, Exceptional Sneak Attack +3, Improved Deception, Yellow slot: +2 str)
Bracers:+45 HP minII bracers
Quiver: Quiver of Poison (Venomed Ammunition - 1d10)

Weapon: Pinion, Cloud-Piercer (Red slot: +1d10 Ice damage)


w/ Pinion

(14-49=~32) - 2.50+1PBS=3.50 [2d6] + 7 Pierce, Magic w/ 19-20 / x3

+3 passive monk PL
+6 passive ranged PL
+2 good hope slotted
+25 strength
+2 ram's might
+4 prowess
+2 ship
+3 divine favor
+8 enh. bonus
+5 FotW
=~92 on first number // ~525 base damage on a crit (1 arrow out of 4 being a crit), ~2625 base damage on an adrenaline crit (you always crit on an adrenaline).. varies from 2175 to 3050 when not boosting). Don't forget there's an 80% (50% from Stunned mob from Pin and an additional 30% from FotW destiny) for huge crits.

I have not done crit calcs for the following calculations as it's pretty difficult to take the non-base dmge into account.

+25 slayer
+3d6=9.5 SA
+3d6=9.5 Wailing
+1d8=4.5 epic red dragonscale
+1 force dmge ritual
+13 static SA
+5.5 ice slotted
+5.5 poison
=~166 base per arrow

When using Precise Shot & boosting:
+3 titan
+25% HV IV

= 274 * 75% + ( 274 + 16 ) * 10% * 3 + (274 + 16) * 10% * 5
= 206 + 87 + 145
= 438 average damage per arrow

The Sithali Vs Dummy:

I've actually hit 5500 crits in raids with bard buffs and stunned mobs (Keep in mind Pin is +3W)

Parameters not taking into account:
Attack speed (22% Alactrity + 10% Competence from AA set + 25% from Haste boost)
-25% constant Fortification bypass with Precision (stacks with Precise shot and Improved Precise shot stances)
Manyshot, 10kstar
Non self buffs (bard buffs, artificers deadly's weapons)

HP # 900
Saves # 50/42/43 w/ Improved Evasion
PRR # 57
AC # ~80
Dodge # 18-20%
Incorporeality # 25% dark monk
Concealment # 50% displacement - GS displace clickies/scrolls (also have cloudkill clickies)
Ranged damage # 161 dmge per arrow (base), 221 dmg per arrow (boosted)


If you want to know how I did all my lives (i.e. what quests and how many times per level), check out the 2nd post of the Sith Project thread (link below).
If you want to see how I leveled this build, check out my Youtube Channel (I did 1 video per level w/ commentaries).


I had some requests and questions concerning my last build so I decided to write down a better version of it.
It took me a while to do it so I hope you guys enjoy it.

Waiting to hear your thoughts on the Sithali,


01-19-2013, 04:24 PM
Nicely laid out, and a nice build. :)
Ranged combat is definitely OP in this game, as you can tell by builds like these, and the amount of solo accomplishments of ranged chars. They do require both skills and smarts to play, and most people i find lacking in both. So i suppose it balances out haha :)

1 question, all your saves gain a +8 from CHA? Was this from another build that had a 2 pally in it? Or am i overlooking something?

01-19-2013, 04:28 PM
Nicely laid out, and a nice build. :)
Ranged combat is definitely OP in this game, as you can tell by builds like these, and the amount of solo accomplishments of ranged chars. They do require both skills and smarts to play, and most people i find lacking in both. So i suppose it balances out haha :)

1 question, all your saves gain a +8 from CHA? Was this from another build that had a 2 pally in it? Or am i overlooking something?

Thanks ;) And good catch too! Took me 3 hours to put it all together and I used the saves part from my tukaw build which has 2 pally levels :p My mistake, thx!

01-19-2013, 04:33 PM
Thanks ;) And good catch too! Took me 3 hours to put it all together and I used the saves part from my tukaw build which has 2 pally levels :p My mistake, thx!

Then i suppose that "Past Life: Arcane Prodigy" is from your Tukaw as well ;)

01-19-2013, 04:36 PM
+1, thx so much :)

01-19-2013, 04:39 PM
Then i suppose that "Past Life: Arcane Prodigy" is from your Tukaw as well ;)

It was either that or Mental toughness, and it's required for AA.

01-19-2013, 05:02 PM
It was either that or Mental toughness, and it's required for AA.

Ahh ofcourse, my bad. :)

Are you sure your starting saves are correct for this split though?
You have 16/16/16 as a starting point for a 12m/6r/2f, and i think it should be 16/13/10.
Which would make your ending saves 50/41/41. That's well into dangerous territory for EE as you know ;)
A solution might be getting the pally dilletante... 3d6 sneakattack is only a very minor portion of your DPS output at this point.

(hope I'm not overlooking something again :| )

01-19-2013, 05:06 PM
-2 dex from stance, and as has been stated your saves arent as godly as you think, maybe for anything not ee, but high 50's low 60's is now the number to reach for in saves.

01-19-2013, 05:14 PM
trinket: Planar focus of prowess (insightful str +8)

Minor typo :D

01-19-2013, 05:16 PM
Fixed the couple of mistakes now and there. I really didn't have any issues in EE running the non oc version of this build, mainly because everything is dead in seconds.

01-19-2013, 08:00 PM
Great Build, I am making something like this, but hadnt considered OC. Does Fury Eternal work on vorpal attack regenerage an adreniline?

01-19-2013, 10:58 PM
Where are you getting +2 destiny wisdom?

01-19-2013, 11:29 PM
Where are you getting +2 destiny wisdom?

You get +2 wis while raged from acute instincts so I assume he just put that as "destiny"

01-20-2013, 05:25 AM
Where are you getting +2 destiny wisdom?

Acute instincts

@sym - would artificer work in place of figther lvs? Feats id put out would be completionist and arcane prodigy. Taths more because i have no idea how you get 40 umd (ok you could do some gear swaps but i hate to swap gear for umd if it is my only source of heal).

- HV4 is a 25% damage increase, in your calcs you put as a +5

- Unfortunally we have to use red dragonscale robe :( id love if light armor were ki items, the eberron red dragonhide is the best looking armor in the game

01-20-2013, 08:10 AM
I'm really into the "cosmetic" aspect of any MMO and I truly love the look of the red robe so I'm cool with that instead of the dragonhide.

UMD looks like smthg like this for me
11 ranks
4 gh
1 lolth helmet
8 cha
1 arti PL
2 completionist
5 item (GS goggles that I have on except if fighting humanoids)
2 goodluck
5 epic levels
2 ship
= 40 (might have missed something because I remember having 41 with the +5 GS cha goggles)

16 starting wisdom so you could always get cleric dilly for 95% chance on heal scrolls.

The artificer splash might be something good for someone who does not have the completionist feat, but for me, it makes it all work right.

I'll fix the damage in a sec calcs in a sec, thanks.

01-20-2013, 08:30 AM
Looks pretty solid.

Although you have in Epic Feats, Combat Archery (when it's fixed). Not sure you can take that with 15 Dex and +4 tome. Pre-req is 21 Dex.

01-20-2013, 11:14 AM
Thanks for posting this build, was about to PM you to ask a couple questions then I saw you posted it! +1

Have a great day !


01-20-2013, 11:44 PM
I see it now, thank you for the clarification.

01-21-2013, 07:02 AM
Hey Sith, nice build I came across this looking at recent monkcher builds as thinking to TR my monk to one. Pretty sweet.

01-21-2013, 07:17 AM
So you don't put down the bow when 10k stars and manyshot are on timer?

Seems your average DPS drops quite a bit there during those times (40 seconds out of every 2 minutes). Of course, there's plenty of downtime in most dungeons running to the next encounter, so if you time things right, it's not that bad.

I'm not sure Overwhelming critical is worth 4 feats (3 of which are utterly worthless to you - Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave).

Seems a real waste to not have Stunning Fist and a melee option with such a nice Wisdom score.

01-21-2013, 10:04 AM
Great build, I may give this a try!

01-21-2013, 10:16 AM
Would be better as a Lawful Neutral Male.

Less distractions from guys in the group hitting on you.

Other than that, great build.

Oh, I agree with Thrud, not sure OC is worth 4 feats. Though, I cannot think of 4 feats that could increase you DPS more.

01-21-2013, 11:08 AM
You have to remember he has to build up KI. I myself plan on using a staff for just this purpose while using those feats. Stunning Fist is great. But there are other ways to generate KI, like with staves and cleave/GC

I'm not sure Overwhelming critical is worth 4 feats (3 of which are utterly worthless to you - Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave).

Seems a real waste to not have Stunning Fist and a melee option with such a nice Wisdom score.

01-21-2013, 11:41 AM
Hey Sith, nice build I came across this looking at recent monkcher builds as thinking to TR my monk to one. Pretty sweet.

Thanks RT :)

So you don't put down the bow when 10k stars and manyshot are on timer?

Seems your average DPS drops quite a bit there during those times (40 seconds out of every 2 minutes). Of course, there's plenty of downtime in most dungeons running to the next encounter, so if you time things right, it's not that bad.

I'm not sure Overwhelming critical is worth 4 feats (3 of which are utterly worthless to you - Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave).

Seems a real waste to not have Stunning Fist and a melee option with such a nice Wisdom score.

I never put down the bow.
Pre-Epic Destinies, there were 2 reasons why most AAs would specialize for TWF:
First - AA's DPS was very low for the 40 seconds that you mentionned where 10kstars and manyshot were on timer. Therefore, it was good to be able to switch to melee weapons to deal decent damage. The truth is, manyshot or 10kstars is enough to clear any group of EE mobs. Add in the time to rebuff (get some tensers going, haste clickie (yeah I do haste myself for that sweet 2% extra speed :p), heal scroll and run to the next group of mob, and the 40 secs really doesn't seem like much. Also, keep in mind you wouldn't have the Stunning fist DC for those EE mobs (not without diff. twists/Gear switching), so without CC options, you would take some nice damage in EE.
Second - because you needed to get ki back for 10kstars and shadow fade. There's enlightment now. Although taking it does sacrifice some DPS (I'm looking at you Critical Damage), it is awesome at what it does... regen your ki. There are situations where you will need to switch to melee weapons for a few seconds (long boss fights for ex) but other than that, is is enough for 10kstars.

OC means 3 useless feats taken, but having OC means roughly 400 extra damage on an adrenaline shot. On an epic moment manyshot, we are looking at thousands and thousands of extra damage. With Combat archery only bringing in 2% dodge, I don't know anything better than +1 crit multiplier on a massive-critical damage platform to add DPS.
Knowing there's no reason to specialize for some weak melee DPS anymore, 2 fighter splash gives you the extra feats for OC.

Would be better as a Lawful Neutral Male.

Less distractions from guys in the group hitting on you.

Other than that, great build.

Oh, I agree with Thrud, not sure OC is worth 4 feats. Though, I cannot think of 4 feats that could increase you DPS more.

I cannot either ;) In fact, the damage OC gives you (~400 dmg on a single adrenaline arrow (non-pinned mob)) justifies 3 useless feats. The first thing that came to my mind when I first used the FotW epic moment + manyshot was: "Holy ****, how can I fit in OC here?". A shame Critical damage cannot be taken on this build but I'm happy with the twist setup (melange of DPS (Haste), CC (Pin) and Utility (Enlightment)).

01-21-2013, 11:47 AM
You have to remember he has to build up KI. I myself plan on using a staff for just this purpose while using those feats. Stunning Fist is great. But there are other ways to generate KI, like with staves and cleave/GC

Still with those Staff builds haha :p

From my experience, I only need to build up KI after 3 uses of 10Kstars (without shadow fade). That's of course with enlightment that will generate some ki while you do your 10Kstars->Manyshot->10kstars Combo.

Brilliant idea actually, and it happens that all my Displace clickies are staves! Good deal ;)

01-21-2013, 02:15 PM
I think your build is the best full ranged (no melee) aa I know.

I play a 12monk/6ranger/2fighter too with a similiar set up and I find fury the best ED as you do. But I haven't taken OC and the cleaves feats. 3 feats for +7% dps may worth it or not... I just prefer more flexibility, I'm using twf line ima, vorpal strike, ic:bludg and stunning fists. Why?

Your 160 dmg/arrow is impressive but out of ms/10k this is not top dps. Sorry if I say this again, it's always the same story...

So I'll ask...have you done the math for melee dps in earth3 using fury(maybe after a stun)? Touch of death, 6d6+5sneak attack with tunnel visions and sense weakness, 6% doublestrike at the monk speed. After a stun this means 150+ damage on normal hit and 500+ on a crit... And many times/second not like 2-3 arrows/sec. That's a huge difference also if it's just for 20-30 seconds every 2 mins. Remember that if you attack faster you regenerate fury faster and you can use fury more often. Also, the possibility to stun on EE quests with around 60 dc makes my aa an all round charachter when the party needs a bit more of cc.

I'm not trying to convince you that going melee sometimes is the best solution but I would not say that full ranged is better than swap between the two :) mainly because math to verify this becomes very difficiult at this level, second because 90% of the players doesn't know how to play a full ranged toon(and doesnt have completionist and 3 ranger/monk pls), third because melee is fun sometimes and useful some other!

I can say this because (apart from my experience) I have few clones on argon (that used my zendark post on forums to grind), some of them says they love the melee part of the build, someone else says that the build doesn't really need tr or more past lives to be top dps (ofc it helps but it's not crucial to make the build work).

That's all I have to say, thanks for posting this, it was a very interesting reading and I'll wait for the vids :)

Have you considered 2 arti instead of 2 fighter? You would only loose 1 feat (mental thoughness is not required with arti levels) to have full umd.

01-21-2013, 04:18 PM
The problem with mleeing is that mobs can hit you, and you loose time swapping weaons, then running to them. As archer you usually have more than one mob near you because you want to make IPS work, and on EE isnt not good to have some of them hitting you.

01-22-2013, 03:38 PM
HALF ELF Rogue Dillie (6), AA (4), Conjure +5 Arrows (4), Slayer Arrows (5), Human versatility IV (10), Wis (2), Con (4), Improved Balance I(1), Trap Sense I (1)
RANGER Ranger Sprint boost I (1), Favored Damage II (3)
MONK Dark Monk II (6), Static Charge (2), Improved Jump II (2), Improved Tumble II (2), Earth Stance II (5), Patient Tortoise II (3), Wind Stance I (2), 10k Stars (1), Wisdom III (10), Improved Recovery I (2)

Excuse my noobness, but how are you getting Conjure +5 and Slayer Arrows with only 6 levels of ranger?


01-22-2013, 03:41 PM
Excuse my noobness, but how are you getting Conjure +5 and Slayer Arrows with only 6 levels of ranger?


Elf gives access to Arcane Archer, only slightly delayed.

01-22-2013, 04:14 PM
Elf gives access to Arcane Archer, only slightly delayed.

Thank you!!!


01-22-2013, 04:27 PM
Nice build.

01-25-2013, 12:10 PM
Thanks RT :)

OC means 3 useless feats taken, but having OC means roughly 400 extra damage on an adrenaline shot. On an epic moment manyshot, we are looking at thousands and thousands of extra damage. With Combat archery only bringing in 2% dodge, I don't know anything better than +1 crit multiplier on a massive-critical damage platform to add DPS.
Knowing there's no reason to specialize for some weak melee DPS anymore, 2 fighter splash gives you the extra feats for OC.


Combat Archery


Your 'Point Blank Shot'bonus is increased by +1[W]. You also gain 2% dodge bonus when using a ranged weapon.

Isnt the +1[W] a really big deal, or am I missing something about damage calculations?

01-25-2013, 02:05 PM
Combat Archery


Your 'Point Blank Shot'bonus is increased by +1[W]. You also gain 2% dodge bonus when using a ranged weapon.

Isnt the +1[W] a really big deal, or am I missing something about damage calculations?

Considering it doesn't even work? It's pretty useless.

01-25-2013, 03:07 PM
Considering it doesn't even work? It's pretty useless.

can we assume for the sake of this dps disscussion that it does?

01-25-2013, 03:21 PM
A bit surprised to see Fury in here as a great option. When I played with it, I found Adrenline to be a complete waste of time, although I wasn't using a bow. Basically, it seemed the time you spent using adreneline means the attacks you didn't make wasted as much damage as you gained. That said... I did it on a monk, so it could just be horrible with wraps and instant with real weapons.

So even assuming Adreline works like my instinct think it should (like a monk strike, not interupting your attack chain), I still wonder where you actually regain it from..... Reading the wiki seems to imply that the only wait to regain Adreline charges is making vorpal strikes with melee weapons. Is the "melee" part of that incorrect? (It says the same thing for Fury counters....)

01-25-2013, 04:42 PM
can we assume for the sake of this dps disscussion that it does?

No. Pretending something that isn't functioning is working in order to making a point that what's broken is better than what's not is a worthless endeavor. That's not to say Combat Archery would be a bad feat if it DID work - an extra 2d6 bow damage would be nice - but you can't assume as if it was functioning when it has been broken since release, with no fix in sight (not in u17 at all, from what I can tell...and wouldn't surprise me if u18 passes without it being fixed).

However, even if you did, overwhelming critical and combat archery are not mutually exclusive - it just requires more of a juggle (and +5 tome in either str or dex).

Side-note, fury doesn't mesh as well with monks - in my experience (and I've seen it elsewhere on here), adrenaline doesn't affect the crit-range for monks, denying you the best benefit. Since u16, though, it's worked fantastically (and correctly) with bows - the only problem is that the descriptions are still borked and report that many fury abilities only work with melee, which is completely wrong.

01-25-2013, 04:51 PM
A bit surprised to see Fury in here as a great option. When I played with it, I found Adrenline to be a complete waste of time, although I wasn't using a bow. Basically, it seemed the time you spent using adreneline means the attacks you didn't make wasted as much damage as you gained. That said... I did it on a monk, so it could just be horrible with wraps and instant with real weapons.

So even assuming Adreline works like my instinct think it should (like a monk strike, not interupting your attack chain), I still wonder where you actually regain it from..... Reading the wiki seems to imply that the only wait to regain Adreline charges is making vorpal strikes with melee weapons. Is the "melee" part of that incorrect? (It says the same thing for Fury counters....)

watch the video of symerith killing sobrien in 7 secs, its in her sig (youtube channel), youll understand.

01-25-2013, 04:52 PM
The Fury Eternal vorpal strike adrenaline recovery and
epic moment charge up works with unarmed as of a few
days ago, ditto for bows while in a monk stance.

Adrenaline stops a wrap user for like forever while
activating it. I don’t recall if the epic moment or
knockdown powers work with wraps as manyshotting
for a bajillion points of damage is way too much fun.

I’ll try to remember tonight to verify how adrenaline
works with wraps.

01-26-2013, 07:38 PM
I have a question, specifically about your haste boost twist from LD.
Don't your two fighter levels (access to fighter haste I) lock you out of this? Or is it something where you can put points in on a previous life, TR, and still have access to the haste boost?

01-26-2013, 08:06 PM
I have a question, specifically about your haste boost twist from LD.
Don't your two fighter levels (access to fighter haste I) lock you out of this? Or is it something where you can put points in on a previous life, TR, and still have access to the haste boost?

You're only locked out of it if you spend AP on the Fighter Haste Boost 1.

01-26-2013, 08:29 PM
Could you explain the damage in the Youtube video: 7 sec sobrian?

Looked unbelievable 2-3k over and over and over. Beautiful really.

But how does it work? How long can that damage be maintained? Is it only 7 sec or does that last longer?


01-26-2013, 09:29 PM
You're only locked out of it if you spend AP on the Fighter Haste Boost 1.

The things we learn! Thanks for the clarification on this one.

01-27-2013, 02:55 PM
Could you explain the damage in the Youtube video: 7 sec sobrian?

Looked unbelievable 2-3k over and over and over. Beautiful really.

But how does it work? How long can that damage be maintained? Is it only 7 sec or does that last longer?


And does it involve making use of Shears to do things which shouldnt happen, and may be changed at a later stage?

01-27-2013, 03:10 PM
And does it involve making use of Shears to do things which shouldnt happen, and may be changed at a later stage?

No shears use, but this is a 30-second burst ability every 5 minutes. Keep in mind the AAs are more burst damage than sustained, though the bursts are QUITE large.

01-27-2013, 04:07 PM

The target was helpless in that vedio, so thats +50% damage and SA damage. Add in 30% more from sense weakness. Also that looked like a 20 fighter. 20 fighters get 10% competence to attack speed and possibly +1 crit multiplier.

Real DPS vs a red named boss is likely to be significantly less. However even getting 2k dps for 20 seconds is still bursting for 40k damage.

01-27-2013, 04:13 PM

The target was helpless in that vedio, so thats +50% damage and SA damage. Add in 30% more from sense weakness. Also that looked like a 20 fighter. 20 fighters get 10% competence to attack speed and possibly +1 crit multiplier.

Real DPS vs a red named boss is likely to be significantly less. However even getting 2k dps for 20 seconds is still bursting for 40k damage.

In one video its 63k damage in 7 seconds.

01-27-2013, 04:29 PM
thanks for answering that

01-27-2013, 04:34 PM

The target was helpless in that vedio, so thats +50% damage and SA damage. Add in 30% more from sense weakness. Also that looked like a 20 fighter. 20 fighters get 10% competence to attack speed and possibly +1 crit multiplier.

Real DPS vs a red named boss is likely to be significantly less. However even getting 2k dps for 20 seconds is still bursting for 40k damage.

That's a 12 monk/6 ranger/2 fighter.

01-28-2013, 08:20 AM
what kind of concentration is necessary for this type of build, and maintining Ki?

According to wiki:

If your ki is equal to or less than your Concentration skill, it does not decay. For each multiple of your Concentration skill that it exceeds it by, you receive -1 ki for every 6 seconds

I am juggling skill points with arti (2) for traps and such. If i am understanding this right, a concentration of 30 (with item and constitution bonus) should be way more than adequate because one would need to have more than 60 ki before it degenerates. Am I understanding this right or missing something?

01-28-2013, 11:07 AM
what kind of concentration is necessary for this type of build, and maintining Ki?

According to wiki:

If your ki is equal to or less than your Concentration skill, it does not decay. For each multiple of your Concentration skill that it exceeds it by, you receive -1 ki for every 6 seconds

I am juggling skill points with arti (2) for traps and such. If i am understanding this right, a concentration of 30 (with item and constitution bonus) should be way more than adequate because one would need to have more than 60 ki before it degenerates. Am I understanding this right or missing something?

I have an almost 80 concentration on my build, but for a different reason - if I'm getting hit by an arrow while scroll-healing myself in EE, an 80 concentration is usually enough to make the check. As for combat only, a 30-40 may be enough, but I'm really not able to definitively tell you.

01-28-2013, 12:17 PM
I have an almost 80 concentration on my build, but for a different reason - if I'm getting hit by an arrow while scroll-healing myself in EE, an 80 concentration is usually enough to make the check. As for combat only, a 30-40 may be enough, but I'm really not able to definitively tell you.

Ah ****, I forgot about the heal part lol, ok

02-04-2013, 12:22 PM
Quick update on gear for U17:

Helm: Helm of the Black Dragon (Draconic Ferocity, Con +8, Green slot: +2 cha, Yellow slot: +2 cha)
Goggles: Dream Vision (Dream Vision +5, Spot +20, Yellow Slot:+7 dex)
Necklace: Gilvaenor's Necklace (Constitution +6, Attack Bonus +2, Arcane Archer set)
Armor: Red scale robe/Black Dragonscale Robe (Colorless slot: Globe of imperial blood (+1 exc. all stats), Blue slot: +14 PRR)
Trinket: Planar focus of Prowess (Dex +3)
Cloak: Ghost-Walking Cloak (Charisma +8, Resistance +7, Ghostly, DR 15/Evil)
Belt: Girdle of Giants' Brawn (Strenght +8, Yellow slot: Proof against disease, Green slot: Insightful Str +2)
Ring1: Gilvaenor's Ring (Dexterity +6, Exceptional Dexterity +1, Arcane Archer set, Slotted: +20% Healing Amp)
Ring2: Ring of Stormreaver Prophecy (Wisdom +8, Green slot: +35 HP, Colorless slot: +2 wis)
Boots: +45HP Boots / Madstone Boots
Gloves: Backstabber's Gloves (Bluff +20, Sneak Attack +5, Exceptional Sneak Attack +3, Improved Deception, Yellow slot: Deathblock)
Bracers: Steady Handed Armbands (Attack Bonus +4, Exceptional Seeker +5, Colorless slot: +2 con, Yellow slot: Proof against poison +10)
Quiver: Quiver of Poison (Venomed Ammunition - 1d10)

Thoughts are welcome. I'm guessing the Arkat's Cord die step increase will work on ranged?

02-04-2013, 12:29 PM
Thoughts are welcome. I'm guessing the Arkat's Cord die step increase will work on ranged?

Doubt it, text says reinforced fists, increases die step for unarmed.

Edit: Dont forget to write up slot consolidation for some of the egh items you have, including the new augments.

02-04-2013, 12:38 PM
Doubt it, text says reinforced fists, increases die step for unarmed.

Edit: Dont forget to write up slot consolidation for some of the egh items you have, including the new augments.

I'll have to find something to replace either the boots/belt slot.

I didn't think about the slots but I have a lot more now.. but also many more things I want slot =)

02-04-2013, 12:40 PM
Thoughts are welcome. I'm guessing the Arkat's Cord die step increase will work on ranged?

Don't bet on it. Reinforced fists appears on other gear. You can test it, but it won't work on ranged.

02-05-2013, 02:50 PM
Lovely AA build bud!

I'd love to hear your thoughts over on Smrti's gear. Looking at yours, and seeing as our builds are similar (12/6/2 pseudo rangers), although yours is pure ranged focused and mine is more Melee focused with a Ranged option.

02-05-2013, 03:25 PM
First of all, thanks for explaining archery is not gimped. We keep saying that a lot but it never seems to be enough. I 100% agree archers can be hard to play but they can be more than viable in the hands of a good player.

The build is well known; still, thanks for the breakdowns, always helpful to be able to compare details^^

I would definitely put down the bow at least in the "long" pause (the 30 secs one), I see no reason not to melee then.

I also don't think OC is worth the 4 feats, I think you lose precision? and some other useful stuff. It's defintely nice to see huge crits now and then with adrenaline on 19-20, but starting with 17 str might be a waste of stat points, and OC might be a waste of feats...

Also, 44 reflex seems a bit low (although improved evasion definitely helps a lot).

Other than that, it's a very nice build, ofc :)

P.S.: I think you can improve your post-U17 gear setup. Can't tell how exactly, but some items don't seem worth their slot. For example, aren't you better off with +8 str planar focus and any belt in place of girdle? And I see a lot of "so and so" yellow slots...I know planning gear setups is a pain, but you can probably switch some items^^ I'm also a fan of stunning fist, but it's nice to see a pure ranged build too.

02-05-2013, 03:59 PM
You consider changing the build up to 12 monk 6 fighter 2 ranger for update 17? Might get you some more dps squeaked out.

02-05-2013, 05:10 PM
6 ranger gives manyshot/rapid shot/bow strenght/precise shot
2 fighter gives 2 extra feats


2 ranger gives bow strenght/rapid shot
6 fighter will give you the 4 feats (2 that I already had and then I need to pick up manyshot/precise shot)
So overall - no change at all.
Kensai would be nice to have indeed but it requires one more feat investment: Weapon specialization: Ranged weapons
I'm not considering DoS but even if I did, it requires toughness which I'm not gonna take.
The problem is there is no feat I want to drop as I consider them all essential - did you have anything in mind?

02-05-2013, 05:29 PM
First of all, thanks for explaining archery is not gimped. We keep saying that a lot but it never seems to be enough. I 100% agree archers can be hard to play but they can be more than viable in the hands of a good player.

The build is well known; still, thanks for the breakdowns, always helpful to be able to compare details^^

The split is well known, but the concept is new as I don't recall seeing any ranged only AA that would take OC.

I would definitely put down the bow at least in the "long" pause (the 30 secs one), I see no reason not to melee then.

I do see a couple: No stunning blow/fist means you have no CC options - not really optimal for EE content. The only places where I do melee is for really high fort mobs and long boss fights (best example being abbot), especially considering I have good beaters available. Keep in mind during these seconds, I also rebuff/scroll heal or run to the next group of mobs.

I also don't think OC is worth the 4 feats, I think you lose precision? and some other useful stuff. It's defintely nice to see huge crits now and then with adrenaline on 19-20, but starting with 17 str might be a waste of stat points, and OC might be a waste of feats...

There's no better way to add damage. PA is just a feat requirement, precision & PA can't be activated at the same time but you can use Precision just fine. I only have -2 wisdom score compared to a non OC monkcher, which really, with completionist and 44 unbuffed wisdom, is just fine :p

Also, 44 reflex seems a bit low (although improved evasion definitely helps a lot).

Yeah, it's one of the downsides, but I haven't really encountered situations where that was a big deal. And if it truly was, there's several ways to fix it. Twist in +6 ED, +4 insight and +4 pally dilly and that's pretty much 60 reflex save right there. Considering U17 setup, you would lose +5 exc. seeker and 3d6 damage for +14 reflex and +8 on other saves. But again, I haven't felt the need to improve my saves - I'm ranged and any dangerous mob goes down first and fast.

Other than that, it's a very nice build, ofc :)

Thanks for the sentiments and sharing your thoughts.

P.S.: I think you can improve your post-U17 gear setup. Can't tell how exactly, but some items don't seem worth their slot. For example, aren't you better off with +8 str planar focus and any belt in place of girdle? And I see a lot of "so and so" yellow slots...I know planning gear setups is a pain, but you can probably switch some items^^ I'm also a fan of stunning fist, but it's nice to see a pure ranged build too.

I took a long time trying to figure out a good gear setup.. and the ONLY thing that comes close to what I have in terms of benefits in my mind is the sun soul set. The belt slot is tricky because there simply isn't anything good for an AA. Maybe Ravager belt for a weak +10 dmge on crits.
Concerning the slots, the globe of imperial blood saves a LOT of slots. And then, there isn't much you would want on an AA except max stats, +14 PRR, +35 HP and good luck (which I have 20 min/shrine of clickies). So the rest of the stuff is just to fill those slots really.
Let me know if you have anything better in mind, I'm not too happy with the belt slot particularly.

Comments in purple.

02-05-2013, 06:01 PM
what are you doing for ki gen? even with enlightenment twisted I found that it wasn't enough to sustain 10kstars every time it was up let alone 10kstars and shadow fade, have you ever considered ocean stance?

02-06-2013, 01:34 AM
what are you doing for ki gen? even with enlightenment twisted I found that it wasn't enough to sustain 10kstars every time it was up let alone 10kstars and shadow fade, have you ever considered ocean stance?

Ocean Stance buffs 10k stars, so you want to be in ocean stance whenever you are ranged. Sneak stance with shadow fade will give you another +1 passive ki, for an occasional bonus.

02-06-2013, 02:27 AM
Ocean Stance buffs 10k stars, so you want to be in ocean stance whenever you are ranged. Sneak stance with shadow fade will give you another +1 passive ki, for an occasional bonus.

The +3 wisdom from ocean stance is worth less than +1 crit multiplier, in my experience.

For ki gen, personally, I Pin an enemy and then melee it to death (in EE...in EH or less, I skip the Pin part) - that gives me enough ki for quite a while.

02-06-2013, 05:16 AM
Does OC really add 400 to your adrenaline damage considering it's only supposed to be working on 19-20 (so I guess the +16 crit range doesn't affect it?)?

02-06-2013, 05:58 AM
Couple of things:

Water vs Earth Stance: The problem with 10kstars is that it is extremely hard to quantify the difference +3 wisdom will be in terms of DPS knowing that: first - it will only affect 10Kstars; and two - that you only use 10kstars about half the time you are DPSing.
I have played this build with and without earth stance - to me Earth stance wins easy, but I do not know how to prove that through theory. What I can do though is make some videos when I reach cap, killing non-stunned sobrien with water stance and with earth stance, using only 10kstars.
Ki generation: From my experience, you have enough Ki when you enter a quest for both 10kstars and shadow fade. I run through this combo 10kstars->MS->10kstars in most situations, and by the time your manyshot finishes, enlightment has given you enough ki for another 10kstars. Simply put, it's a great addition to the build, but I still have to get some ki back every now and then.
Edit: Now that I actually understand the synergy btw adrenaline & ranged much better thx to Wrunt, I should have said "you gain 400 dmge from OC on an adrenaline 19-20. I'll have to change it on the main post along with some of the dps calculations.

02-06-2013, 06:39 AM
Concerning the Adrenaline damage, if I understand it right it means half the time you use it it is going to be a 19-20 roll so OC crit, the other half a regular 17-18 crit. That's an additional 200 half the time, but knowing that you get that damage on several arrows (up to 4), the damage is actually closer to 400. Can anyone confirm the way I think Adrenaline would work? Give me 1 or 2 weeks, I'll have had the time to cap, get to 25, and make some videos to show non oc crit and oc crit ;)

For this one, Adrenaline is a normal attack roll. All that happens is it adds a +16 to your crit range (though you still miss on a 1), effectively meaning that with Pinion you threaten a crit on a 2-20. The high crit damage still only happens on a 19-20, however, so it's still only a 10% chance, not a 50% chance.

02-06-2013, 08:04 AM
For this one, Adrenaline is a normal attack roll. All that happens is it adds a +16 to your crit range (though you still miss on a 1), effectively meaning that with Pinion you threaten a crit on a 2-20. The high crit damage still only happens on a 19-20, however, so it's still only a 10% chance, not a 50% chance.

Thanks for the clarifications, makes more sense now.

02-08-2013, 04:41 PM
I'm curious, how would you see a 8 fighter 6 ranger 6 monk variant (still with OC)? It would give up some some sneak/crit damage in favor of kensei I and haste boost III.

I haven't run any numbers yet but looks like more dps vs high fort, and kinda frees up a lv 3/4 twist (monk 12 is still miles ahead as survivability and utility ofc, just a curiosity)...

02-11-2013, 06:23 AM
Pretty hardcore weekend.. capped, done all the flagging, SF favor and now going to do some testing and get to 25 before EGH.
I won't make any vids until I get Sith the upgraded U17 Pinion along with some of the items mentionned in the new gear setup posted on the main page.

However I have done all of the videos for the DDO video leveling guide to 20..finishing the upload tonight so if you want to see how horrible it is to level a pure AA with a greatsword.. be sure to check out my youtube channel.


+3 dmge
+2 crit dmge
Haste Boost III (frees up 1 twist)
3 feat (2 really since you have to spend 1 feat on the kensai prereq anyway)
+1 str


+1 crit multiplier
+1 wisdom
+2d6 SA
Improved Evasion
Water Strider, speed, leap of faith

The build will have 45% fortification bypass. It's a solid alternative I guess but the current split is stronger.
Build related, I changed FE:Evil Outsiders to FE:Giants (Hello Sobrien! And your Gianthold friends of course)

I am thinking of picking up haste boost I from enhancements and dropping the tier 3 Haste boost. Which frees up 1 twist.. I have some ideas ;) but I want to wait for U17 to see how well the new setup does.

02-11-2013, 06:26 AM
Pretty hardcore weekend.. capped, done all the flagging, SF favor and now going to do some testing and get to 25 before EGH.
I won't make any vids until I get Sith the upgraded U17 Pinion along with some of the items mentionned in the new gear setup posted on the main page.

However I have done all of the videos for the DDO video leveling guide to 20..finishing the upload tonight so if you want to see how horrible it is to level a pure AA with a greatsword.. be sure to check out my youtube channel.


+3 dmge
+2 crit dmge
Haste Boost III (frees up 1 twist)
3 feat (2 really since you have to spend 1 feat on the kensai prereq anyway)
+1 str


+1 crit multiplier
+1 wisdom
+2d6 SA
Improved Evasion
Water Strider, speed, leap of faith

The build will have 45% fortification bypass. It's a solid alternative I guess but the current split is stronger.
Build related, I changed FE:Evil Outsiders to FE:Giants (Hello Sobrien! And your Gianthold friends of course)

I am thinking of picking up haste boost I from enhancements and dropping the tier 3 Haste boost. Which frees up 1 twist.. I have some ideas ;) but I want to wait for U17 to see how well the new setup does.

I'd quite honestly rather have Haste Boost I from enhancements (even though it's a lower haste boost amount), just so I can twist in Rejuvenation Cocoon, myself.

Personally going to trade out FE:Constructs for FE:Giants, though.

02-11-2013, 06:49 AM
I'd quite honestly rather have Haste Boost I from enhancements (even though it's a lower haste boost amount), just so I can twist in Rejuvenation Cocoon, myself.

Personally going to trade out FE:Constructs for FE:Giants, though.

There is a very specific reason why I'm keeping FE:Construct for now, but things shall be revealed when the time comes :)

02-11-2013, 11:54 AM
I'd quite honestly rather have Haste Boost I from enhancements (even though it's a lower haste boost amount), just so I can twist in Rejuvenation Cocoon, myself.
After playing it on my fleshy sorc and using it while leveling PA on my barb, I'd say every (nonbarb) fleshy should be twisting this in(along with a sp item or archmagi yellow slot). It's really that good.

02-12-2013, 05:56 AM
I wasn't really happy about the gear setup, but now truly it's perfect.

This was the first setup I thought about.

Helm: Helm of the Black Dragon (Draconic Ferocity, Con +8, Green slot: +2 cha, Yellow slot: Striding/FF)
Goggles: Dream Vision (Dream Vision +5, Spot +20, Yellow Slot:+7 dex)
Necklace: Gilvaenor's Necklace (Constitution +6, Attack Bonus +2, Arcane Archer set)
Armor: Red scale robe/Black Dragonscale Robe (Colorless slot: Globe of imperial blood (+1 exc. all stats), Blue slot: +14 PRR)
Trinket: Planar focus of Prowess (Dex +3)
Cloak: Ghost-Walking Cloak (Charisma +8, Resistance +7, Ghostly, DR 15/Evil)
Belt: Girdle of Giants' Brawn (Strenght +8, Yellow slot: Proof against disease, Green slot: Insightful Str +2)
Ring1: Gilvaenor's Ring (Dexterity +6, Exceptional Dexterity +1, Arcane Archer set, Slotted: +20% Healing Amp)
Ring2: Ring of Stormreaver Prophecy (Wisdom +8, Green slot: +35 HP, Colorless slot: +2 wis)
Boots: +45HP Boots / Madstone Boots
Gloves: Backstabber's Gloves (Bluff +20, Sneak Attack +5, Exceptional Sneak Attack +3, Improved Deception, Yellow slot: Deathblock)
Bracers: Steady Handed Armbands (Attack Bonus +4, Exceptional Seeker +5, Colorless slot: +2 con, Yellow slot: Proof against poison +10)
Quiver: Quiver of Poison (Venomed Ammunition - 1d10)

Weapon: Pinion, Cloud-Piercer (Red slot: +1d10 Ice damage)

Then after a long discussion with my friend Haek, I changed it.

Helm: Helm of the Blue Dragon (Draconic Mind, Wis +8, Green slot: +14PRR , Yellow slot: +2 con)
Goggles: Intricate Field Optics (Spot +20, True Seeing, +3 wisdom, Yellow Slot:+7 cha, Green slot: +7 resistance)
Necklace: Gilvaenor's Necklace / Epic Adehrent's Pendant as a quick swap for +2 boosts & +54 spell power for cocoon (Constitution +6, Attack Bonus +2, Arcane Archer set)
Armor: Red scale robe/Black Dragonscale Robe (Colorless slot: Globe of imperial blood (+1 exc. all stats), Blue slot: Toughness)
Trinket: Planar focus of Prowess (Str +8)
Cloak: Mithril Cloak of the Wolf (Lose 1 seeker but the +3% dodge will stack with the +4% dodge from ring for a total of +7% dodge! ( Exceptional Seeker +4, Dodge 3%, Attack Bonus +3, Diversion 20%)
Belt: Epic Spare Hand (This is the GS cha item but it has 2 slots :p (Doublestrike 3%, Use Magical Device +3, Riposte, Exceptional Combat Mastery +5, Staggering Blow, Disable Device +15, Open Lock +15,Blue slot: +35 HP, Colorless Slot: +2 Insigh. cha)
Ring1: Gilvaenor's Ring (Dexterity +6, Exceptional Dexterity +1, Arcane Archer set, Slotted: +20% Healing Amp)
Ring2: Dun Robar Ring (+7 con, +4% dodge, +10 Tendon Slice (fixed with ranged))
Boots: Treads of Falling Shadow / Madstone Boots (Striding +30%, Ghostly, Dexterity +8, Insightful Dexterity +3)
Gloves: Backstabber's Gloves (Bluff +20, Sneak Attack +5, Exceptional Sneak Attack +3, Improved Deception, Yellow slot: +2 str)
Bracers:+45 HP minII bracers
Quiver: Quiver of Poison (Venomed Ammunition - 1d10)

Weapon: Pinion, Cloud-Piercer (Red slot: +1d10 Ice damage)

I also played a lil' bit with twists yesterday, especially rejuvenation cocoon.. for EEs it's really all you need besides a SF pot now and there. Dropping enlightment especially since cleave/greatcleave with Sireth is an awesome way to get ki back.

DPS Setup:
3. Haste Boost/Critical Damage (when I drop destiny Haste boost for the fighter boost)
2. Pin
1. Cocoon

CC Setup:
3. Otto's Whistler
2. Pin
1. Cocoon

This is as good as it can get to me.. waiting for your thoughts

02-12-2013, 03:00 PM
I'd quite honestly rather have Haste Boost I from enhancements (even though it's a lower haste boost amount), just so I can twist in Rejuvenation Cocoon, myself.

Personally going to trade out FE:Constructs for FE:Giants, though.

I was thinking the same, haste boost I and free twist, depends on how much you need the free twist as opposed to the haste loss I guess.

I think FEs will be giant and undead after U17 anyway, unless you have specific reasons (wanna solo EE LoB?^^)

8 Fighter gives you +2 damage (spec), +1 kensei and +1 spec enhancement (ML:8) so it's +4 but yeah, 12 monk is still better overall (the 8/6/6 would also probably go light because of AP shortage I think), I just wanted a different build since I've already tried that one out.

Nice changes in equipment, would also work on a possible stunning fist version since you'd get the +10 from wraps. Could also consider the Mabar cloak if you wanted to get a bit more defensive...I'll see if I can think of something else but it looks very good. Keep in mind that boosts from Ahderent Pendant are only added after you rest so you'd have to rest=>use boost twice=>swap back to gilvaenor to take advantage of that...maybe better swap a 108+ item (weapon even) if you really want to boost cocoon.

02-12-2013, 03:36 PM
I was thinking the same, haste boost I and free twist, depends on how much you need the free twist as opposed to the haste loss I guess.

Keeping the Haste boost twisted for max DPS till I reach cap, upgrade Pinion and make some DPS videos. When that is done, I'll switch to Haste boost I.

I think FEs will be giant and undead after U17 anyway, unless you have specific reasons (wanna solo EE LoB?^^)

Giant & Construct till I'm done with what has to be done ;)

8 Fighter gives you +2 damage (spec), +1 kensei and +1 spec enhancement (ML:8) so it's +4 but yeah, 12 monk is still better overall (the 8/6/6 would also probably go light because of AP shortage I think), I just wanted a different build since I've already tried that one out.

Nice changes in equipment, would also work on a possible stunning fist version since you'd get the +10 from wraps. Could also consider the Mabar cloak if you wanted to get a bit more defensive...I'll see if I can think of something else but it looks very good. Keep in mind that boosts from Ahderent Pendant are only added after you rest so you'd have to rest=>use boost twice=>swap back to gilvaenor to take advantage of that...maybe better swap a 108+ item (weapon even) if you really want to boost cocoon.

Yup, when entering a quest - 7 boosts, switch back to AA neck when 2 are gone.
And I have been thinking about the swap to positive spell power for a more effective cocoon but in all honesty, most of the time I use it is during a fight, fast healing covers the rest. For a max self sufficiency, you could put it on the pinion but I'd rather have 5.5 dmge per arrow and be slightly more careful.
Haven't used a single heal scroll since cap (been doing some EEs), cocoon for healing and the occasional SF for emergency.

02-12-2013, 04:24 PM
Armor: Red scale robe/Black Dragonscale Robe (Colorless slot: Globe of imperial blood (+1 exc. all stats), Blue slot: Toughness)

I thought Toughness was being removed in U17 and that the old crystals did not work in the new slots.

02-12-2013, 04:28 PM
Yup, when entering a quest - 7 boosts, switch back to AA neck when 2 are gone.

Is there still the action boost bug - when you remove it you lose 2 boosts, regardless if you have used 2 or whatever.

02-12-2013, 04:34 PM
I thought Toughness was being removed in U17 and that the old crystals did not work in the new slots.

Correct. He'll have to wait another 4 months until u18 arrives.

02-12-2013, 04:37 PM
Is there still the action boost bug - when you remove it you lose 2 boosts, regardless if you have used 2 or whatever.

You lose the boosts if you haven't used them and switch gear, but switching after you've used them doesn't take them away like it used to.

02-12-2013, 05:07 PM
I thought Toughness was being removed in U17 and that the old crystals did not work in the new slots.

No big deal - already got it slotted.
Edit: I'll put the globe somewhere else and keep what I have on the robe - I'll wait till U18 to get +7 cha which is essentially +1 UMD for me.

@teth - how do you know U18 is in 4 months? just a random guess from time btw updates in the past?

02-12-2013, 11:02 PM
how can i find your youtube channel? got all my lifes and gear set for this AWESOME BUILD!!! just need to see funcionality and things.... BOSS BUILD!!!

02-13-2013, 01:42 AM
how can i find your youtube channel? got all my lifes and gear set for this AWESOME BUILD!!! just need to see funcionality and things.... BOSS BUILD!!!

I have not uploaded any 20+ videos of this build on my channel (you can find the link in my signature - or type on youtube "SithDDO").

I will do so when I have acquire all the pieces of gear that truly contribute to DPS.

There is however :
- 2 videos of a very close build (pretty much the same but without OC - so crits are significantly lower - On the Sithali, Adrenaline 19-20 are 5k damage arrows).
- videos for each level of the Sithali that I took while getting him to level 20.

02-13-2013, 08:11 AM
No big deal - already got it slotted.
Edit: I'll put the globe somewhere else and keep what I have on the robe - I'll wait till U18 to get +7 cha which is essentially +1 UMD for me.

@teth - how do you know U18 is in 4 months? just a random guess from time btw updates in the past?

Complete guess, but I would say April or May based on past.

02-16-2013, 09:00 PM
[center]Nothing comes close to what FotW Epic moment + Adrenaline Manyshot can do.

I've been using FotW on my Archer and I'm here to testify!

02-16-2013, 09:36 PM
I've been using FotW on my Archer and I'm here to testify!

Likewise, even my gimpy, first-life, somewhat-under-geared FotW 10K stars archer has more burst damage than many non-FotW Manyshot people I know. It's fun having a "I want aggro now" button. :P

02-21-2013, 08:44 AM
Quick update on the build:
Farming EGH like a madman to get the new gearsetup ;)
Videos coming soon!

I was getting some nice 5.4k crits in CITW the other day so after lunch today I set myself the task to get 5k on the dummy. Great success!


02-23-2013, 07:54 PM
I am about 200k from cap, 12 monk, 6 ranger, 2 ftr and the dps is absurd. I still have some gear to put on at 25, but I am pretty close stat wise to 50 str 44wis buffed. I am getting 3k crits but nothing close to 4 or 5 k ones.

Are you now a different build than the 12/6/2 and is it better?

Am I missing something? I still need to favor Pdk but how can that with prowess make up that damage.

While pin is nice, isn't there any tier two better?

02-24-2013, 07:51 AM
Pin adds +3W to damage so on an adrenaline+stunned+Pin(Or otto's whistler) you reach 5k easy.

So to reproduce that damage... Human Versatility IV Damage, then Pin a mob (or Dummy), press Adrenaline then Otto's Whistler. Enjoy the 5k crit
Dummy is nice to get the Precise shot stance to 15 charges (i.e. 30% damage).

I did the 5k crit on the same build.


For anything but EE GH, the Sithali build rocks the world of AAs.
You can't take a build out of its context, so here's mine:
- I do EE only
- I shortman or solo
- No healer in group: every person for himself
- I have an agressive playstyle so I like getting to mobs first and manyshot everything with Improved Precise Shot... which obviously makes me grab every mob's aggro (if they are still alive). And when you have everything aggroed on you, that's when you need saves. I'm sitting at roughly 40-45 and clearly that's not enough for EE GH.

Yesterday I did a lesser reincarnation in order to drop the 2 fighter levels for 2 paladin levels. Essentially, I am dropping OC for +15 saves. Drop 4 feats, you lose 2 anyway by going for pally splash, so 2 free feats and you can either go for:
1. Combat Archery/Improved Martial Arts for max ranged DPS (when those are fixed)
2. GTWF/Stunning fist
However, there was a bug during the lesser reincarnation and after 2 hours of waiting, a GM told me there was nothing he could do about it. I was pretty angry as it means my toon will be gimped for 1 week and I wasted 1800 turbine points (which I bet will not be refunded).
So since I don't see myself playing a gimp for 6 days, I'm TRing into the Juggernaut (one more to Haek's army). That will also reset my timers since I'm ransacked on citw/fall of truth/tor and give me +1 umd and +1 dmge (I'll benefit from the 3rd monk PL for my next AA life).

02-24-2013, 07:53 AM
While pin is nice, isn't there any tier two better?


If you are primarly interested in running EE content, then Otto's Whistler/Pin/Cocoon should be your twists. For EN/EH content, I'd suggest getting DPS-oriented twists such as Critical Damage/Pin/Shiradi Stance.

02-24-2013, 09:19 AM
Posted a video of the build on my youtube channel..

Quality is only 480 and with full screen I realise it's not really great but I couldn't figure out how to put pictures + videos on Virtual Dub (compressing program I use usually) so I had to do with sucky WWM.

02-24-2013, 09:22 PM
Posted a video of the build on my youtube channel..

Quality is only 480 and with full screen I realise it's not really great but I couldn't figure out how to put pictures + videos on Virtual Dub (compressing program I use usually) so I had to do with sucky WWM.

This guys has a pretty good guide: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jw6YAoai8fQ

02-27-2013, 11:25 PM

If you are primarly interested in running EE content, then Otto's Whistler/Pin/Cocoon should be your twists. For EN/EH content, I'd suggest getting DPS-oriented twists such as Critical Damage/Pin/Shiradi Stance.

1. So you dropped the haste boost tier 3 for the crit out of LD, the damage is better than the haste boosts?

2. have you tried twisting in the double rainbow shiradi (all three teirs obviously)

03-03-2013, 01:51 AM
So, I plan on TRing a character into this build for a third life. I already have 2 rangers PLs, but no completionist or Pally pastlife on this toon. I was planning on doing a cleric dilly instead of Rogue for amping my chances of using heal scrolls since I am lacking completionist, etc. Is it worth it? Also, I was thinking of using the pally splash for the extra saves for EE GH, et cetera, but I am not willing to drop OC. Since I do not have a pally PL, would it be conceivable to take pally splash and keep OC by dropping the pally PL feat and another feat not required for prestige enhancements? I was thinking the second would be either Precision or toughness. What would you suggest? Or is it even worth trying to do the pally splash with OC? Would I just be better going fighter splash with OC or pally splash no OC?

Thanks for the help and for posting this awesome build on the forums :).

03-04-2013, 04:30 AM
So, I plan on TRing a character into this build for a third life. I already have 2 rangers PLs, but no completionist or Pally pastlife on this toon. I was planning on doing a cleric dilly instead of Rogue for amping my chances of using heal scrolls since I am lacking completionist, etc. Is it worth it? Also, I was thinking of using the pally splash for the extra saves for EE GH, et cetera, but I am not willing to drop OC. Since I do not have a pally PL, would it be conceivable to take pally splash and keep OC by dropping the pally PL feat and another feat not required for prestige enhancements? I was thinking the second would be either Precision or toughness. What would you suggest? Or is it even worth trying to do the pally splash with OC? Would I just be better going fighter splash with OC or pally splash no OC?

Thanks for the help and for posting this awesome build on the forums :).

Easy answer ;)

Suggestion 1: Go for a 12monk/6ranger/2arti, you lose 1 feat (which is pally PL for you since you don't have that PL), pick up the the pally dilly for +4 saves and wear full time Greater convalescent bracers w/ +4 insight saves. You should be around 50 saves with full UMD from artificer and you still have OC.
Only downside of this build is that it's pretty rough on stats - while you have 36 pt build, if you think you don't have the tomes, simply go for a "easier (and better atm if you primarily run EEGH)" version which is the pally splash.

Suggestion 2: (What I'd do in your case) 12monk/6ranger/2paladin will net you higher saves, roughly the same UMD score, +9.5 damage per arrow with Rogue dillie and no starting stats difficulties at the cost of toughness (that's for the weak!).

Good luck with it!

03-04-2013, 07:32 PM
Hmm, now that gives me even more to think about.. I do have a full set of +4 tomes, so I might be able to pull that off, what would the stat split be? On the other hand, around what HP would I end up with on the pally splash without toughness or completionist? Would it be enough HP to be viable at endgame?

Thanks so much for all your help :).

03-05-2013, 02:56 AM
Given that Sithali seems tae be achieving 850ish + HP without thoughness, withdraw 25 HP from completionnist feat, and with the extra bonuses u should be around 800ish if ya withdraw them too.

800 HP seems totally reasonnable tae me given the badass saves (and extra survavibilities goodies) ya should get.

Might have some wee harsh times leveling at the very start HPwise, but as soon as ya'll have yer gear, ya'll be just fine IMHO

03-05-2013, 04:07 AM
Easy answer ;)

Suggestion 1: Go for a 12monk/6ranger/2arti, you lose 1 feat (which is pally PL for you since you don't have that PL), pick up the the pally dilly for +4 saves and wear full time Greater convalescent bracers w/ +4 insight saves. You should be around 50 saves with full UMD from artificer and you still have OC.
Only downside of this build is that it's pretty rough on stats - while you have 36 pt build, if you think you don't have the tomes, simply go for a "easier (and better atm if you primarily run EEGH)" version which is the pally splash.

Suggestion 2: (What I'd do in your case) 12monk/6ranger/2paladin will net you higher saves, roughly the same UMD score, +9.5 damage per arrow with Rogue dillie and no starting stats difficulties at the cost of toughness (that's for the weak!).

Good luck with it!

Dont forget arti buys you the ability to drop mental toughness/pl wizard as they qualify for magical training. Also you dont need to worry about slotting for umd/cha skills with being able to take the full 28ranks of umd & you pick up +30% scroll mastery currently im self scrolling for 391 with 20% amp bracers on 331ish wearing steady armbands, plus +1 to level of your scrolls and pots so 35seconds haste etc. Im not finding my saves to be an issue with 12monk/6ranger/2arti even without finishing out twists I can solo most of the EE stuff just fine with LD blitzing the whole way.

03-05-2013, 08:22 AM
Dont forget arti buys you the ability to drop mental toughness/pl wizard as they qualify for magical training. Also you dont need to worry about slotting for umd/cha skills with being able to take the full 28ranks of umd & you pick up +30% scroll mastery currently im self scrolling for 391 with 20% amp bracers on 331ish wearing steady armbands, plus +1 to level of your scrolls and pots so 35seconds haste etc. Im not finding my saves to be an issue with 12monk/6ranger/2arti even without finishing out twists I can solo most of the EE stuff just fine with LD blitzing the whole way.

Hence 1 lost feat from 2 fighter splash I mentionned :P

Honestly, if you are a completionist 2 arti splash brings you nothing but 30% scroll mastery. With no effort, I was sitting at 41 UMD without any GS cha item (well I used the epic spare hand and it covers 2 slots as well).

The saves were never an issue before EEGH for me. Brimbal went for the same route as you (although he's completionist as well), and he sits in the 50 saves although he had to work a lot for it and drop rogue dillie.

There are 3 different AA splashes, and it all comes down to what you prioritize.

03-05-2013, 05:53 PM
Hence 1 lost feat from 2 fighter splash I mentionned :P

Honestly, if you are a completionist 2 arti splash brings you nothing but 30% scroll mastery. With no effort, I was sitting at 41 UMD without any GS cha item (well I used the epic spare hand and it covers 2 slots as well).

The saves were never an issue before EEGH for me. Brimbal went for the same route as you (although he's completionist as well), and he sits in the 50 saves although he had to work a lot for it and drop rogue dillie.

There are 3 different AA splashes, and it all comes down to what you prioritize.

Arti version will get grease from the lvl1 spells, very important! ^^

Reason why i went for arti version is to get 3rd arti life when i tr next time (won't happen before we get something new class features, waiting to tr something funky-twf). Saves with pali dille just under 60 in fort and will, reflex is 53(/54 hasted) and i miss imperial globe which will add one more reflex. Those are on earth stance.

03-05-2013, 06:43 PM
What is your cocoon healing for each tick? Is scroll healing that bad to make you loose haste boost? I just think from the first build to now splashing paladin you dropped a lot of dps in favor to survavility. Talking about the build with OC, isnt it better to charge blitz with cleaves at entrace of quest then change to bow isntead of staying in FoTW?

03-06-2013, 03:01 AM
Essentially, I am dropping OC for +15 saves.

where does that +15 number come from, are you going to have 40 charisma on that already mad build? or did you mean +10 with 30ish cha?

03-06-2013, 05:41 AM
What is your cocoon healing for each tick? Is scroll healing that bad to make you loose haste boost? I just think from the first build to now splashing paladin you dropped a lot of dps in favor to survavility. Talking about the build with OC, isnt it better to charge blitz with cleaves at entrace of quest then change to bow isntead of staying in FoTW?

Both are situational once you know the quests well enough, you get to know if it's more spaced out smaller fights/raids. For those you will want to be running fotw, but for long drawn out things with many mobs say EE detour/arena challenges you want ld blitz running. Just remember that quests with portals/load screens means you lose your blitz and its a pain to get it built in EE got to prep some mobs before killing them to get you a good 4+ stack going or it will burn out before you clear the next lot. Another thing I like about blitz is I can easily whip out sireth and still drop 2k-3k crits cleaving/momentum/laywaste when both things are on timer for that 30second gap to keep the blitz going and the dps up.

Personally have not even bothered with cacoon I think I've died maybe 5times in tonnes of EE quests due to failing a scroll/not sf potting in time, but I only run lesser sf pots the slow down really hurts a ranged toon alot.

03-06-2013, 02:16 PM
What is your cocoon healing for each tick? Is scroll healing that bad to make you loose haste boost? I just think from the first build to now splashing paladin you dropped a lot of dps in favor to survavility. Talking about the build with OC, isnt it better to charge blitz with cleaves at entrace of quest then change to bow isntead of staying in FoTW?

Honestly, my heal amp was pretty low so roughly 30-50 a tick. The big thing with cocoon is the 150 hitpoints granted.. think of it as a lay on hands. It's good for protection and heals between fights.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "scroll healing that bad to make you loose haste boost". Are you talking about the 2 paladin splash vs 2 fighter or Haste boost twisted vs Cocoon?

As you said, it's less DPS in favor to survivability. But once again, what I do shouldn't reflect what all AA do for the simple reason that I run a lot of EE content without healers and I often have the aggro. In a different situation.. OC would be preferable.
You can also keep OC but sacrifice rogue dillie for the paladin dilletance, and work towards having mid 50's saves.

where does that +15 number come from, are you going to have 40 charisma on that already mad build? or did you mean +10 with 30ish cha?

32 charisma so (32-10)/2=+11 saves.
The +15 number comes from the +4 insight saves from Greater convalescent bracers of sup parrying. I was using +45 hp bracers, but decided to remove it in favor of extra saves.

03-07-2013, 06:19 AM
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "scroll healing that bad to make you loose haste boost". Are you talking about the 2 paladin splash vs 2 fighter or Haste boost twisted vs Cocoon?

As you said, it's less DPS in favor to survivability. But once again, what I do shouldn't reflect what all AA do for the simple reason that I run a lot of EE content without healers and I often have the aggro. In a different situation.. OC would be preferable.
You can also keep OC but sacrifice rogue dillie for the paladin dilletance, and work towards having mid 50's saves.

I am saying about both. First build had OC and haste boost 30%. Then you dropped haste boost to 15% to get cocoon. Now in u17 you dropped haste boost to 0% and also lost OC. I think its just to much less dps lost in favor to survavility. I think when i build my monkcher ill do 12mnk/6rgr/2art with paladin dilletante and OC, haste boost twisted instead of cocoon.

03-07-2013, 08:28 AM
I am saying about both. First build had OC and haste boost 30%. Then you dropped haste boost to 15% to get cocoon. Now in u17 you dropped haste boost to 0% and also lost OC. I think its just to much less dps lost in favor to survavility. I think when i build my monkcher ill do 12mnk/6rgr/2art with paladin dilletante and OC, haste boost twisted instead of cocoon.

Couple things:
You cannot put haste boost instead of cocoon for the simple reason cocoon is a tier 1 twist and haste boost a tier 3 twist.
The build stays the same. I'm not changing it, as it's still the best DPS archer out there.
The changes I do on my own toon reflect my playstyle and the evolution of the game. First, you mention you haven't yet "built" your own archer. Well, the truth is, with my experience as a person who's played the build, it doesn't have the saves for EE solo/shortman GH content. Simple as that.
Now, you may think the DPS loss doesn't justify the changes I'm going for on my toon, but you haven't even played the build. And I'm telling you the low saves will cause you a lot of frustration as you die.
Before MOTU, when a build was posted on the forums, you could just "copy" it and build the exact same version. Why? Because there was only one endgame.
Now, you HAVE to change things. If I take Otto's whistler, it's because the CC it provides will save my ass in more than one occasion as I have all the aggro and Otto's works with IPS. Getting Haste boost will slightly increase my DPS (Haste boost is better than damage boost for EVERY build but AAs) but it will most likely be the cause of my death.

Look at it this way.
In EEGH, Every couple failed saves I die once.
With OC and haste boost, I fail my save check 1/3 of the time.
Without OC and haste boost (paladin splash), I never fail a save.
Although the DDO's God once said "math never helps solve problems", this time he's wrong.

But this is MY scenario.
If you run EN/EH content or EE content in a group, YOUR scenario is entirely different. And YOUR build should reflect it. You can sacrifice the survivability aspect I care so much about to improve your DPS by taking OC and haste boost twisted, and you can dump the CC/self healing twists.

Think of it as what I posted is a solid platform that should help you build your toon according to YOUR endgame. Add or remove elements to the build according to your playstyle and your endgame.

We can debate all day about if OC+Haste Boost is better than high saves but the truth is simple: the first is better in a situation, the second is better in a different situation.

Hope that clarifies the changes I'm doing to MY toon, which doesn't change in any way the build itself as it will be the best route in 90% of the situations.

03-07-2013, 09:49 AM
Many people was attracted for this build due to high dps burst damage. Thaths exactly what you posted as title: Sithali the King of Burst DPS. Now you are changing to Sithali the King of Solo or Sithali the King of Survivability. You say it is still the best DPS archer arround there, ok. But its no longer the highest DPS archer arround there.

Edit: I shouldn't bother answering this. Everything is explained in the post you quoted (but apparently that you didn't bother reading).

Me: "The build stays the same. I'm not changing it"

You: "Now you are changing to [...]"

Have a good day.

03-07-2013, 10:40 AM
Extra credit question :

1) [Easy] Can you adjust this build to be ranger dominant (for PL)
2) [Hard] Can you adjust this build to be druid dominant (for PL)


03-07-2013, 10:59 AM
Extra credit question :

1) [Easy] Can you adjust this build to be ranger dominant (for PL)
2) [Hard] Can you adjust this build to be druid dominant (for PL)


1) 12 ranger 6 monk 2 fighter
2) I have absolutely no clue.. I didn't really play a druid. My druid PL was done THF with fighter splash, cleave/great cleave + firewall to cap.
Someone who knows more about druids than me might be able to answer that.

03-07-2013, 11:43 AM
Have you consitered a rogue version of this? With otto's and pin + improved deception i think you would qualify for sneak attack quite a lot.

I'm thinking 13 rogue for improved sneak attack, haste boost 4, 12 SA and 9d6 SA. 6 monk for 10k stars, and 1 ranger for bow strength.

Feats would be tighter but i think you could manage with:
Bow str (ranger)
rapid shot
point blank shot
precise shot
improved precise shot
zen archery
improved critical
PL sorc

improved sneak attack

take pally delquent for more saves.

What do you think?

03-07-2013, 01:29 PM
1) 12 ranger 6 monk 2 fighter
2) I have absolutely no clue.. I didn't really play a druid. My druid PL was done THF with fighter splash, cleave/great cleave + firewall to cap.
Someone who knows more about druids than me might be able to answer that.

11 Ranger/7 monk/2 Fighter is probably slightly better split for heal amp.

Drunkcer: 13 Druid/ 6 Monk/1 Wizard. See http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=397165

03-07-2013, 02:36 PM
what class i should start with for the skill points? monk or ranger?

03-07-2013, 04:39 PM
Sorry for asking so many questions, I only have a few more, hehe :). Most importantly, for an arti splash how would you adjust the starting stats to incorporate artificer? Also, besides the pally dille instead of rogue one and the greater convalescence bracers, is there anything else specific you would suggest to change over the pally or fighter splashes? Most important question would be the stat changes though :). Thanks again :).

Also, I assume you'd be starting arti to start with the UMD skill, would that be right?

03-07-2013, 05:07 PM
what class i should start with for the skill points? monk or ranger?


Sorry for asking so many questions, I only have a few more, hehe :). Most importantly, for an arti splash how would you adjust the starting stats to incorporate artificer? Also, besides the pally dille instead of rogue one and the greater convalescence bracers, is there anything else specific you would suggest to change over the pally or fighter splashes? Most important question would be the stat changes though :). Thanks again :).

Also, I assume you'd be starting arti to start with the UMD skill, would that be right?

Well, you don't really need to change stats besides for the pally dilly requirements (I can't really adjust stats for you, it depends on the tomes you have available. Lower what you can (most likely con/wis)).

And yes, start with arti for more skill points and boost up UMD.

03-07-2013, 06:37 PM
Well, you don't really need to change stats besides for the pally dilly requirements (I can't really adjust stats for you, it depends on the tomes you have available. Lower what you can (most likely con/wis)).

And yes, start with arti for more skill points and boost up UMD.

Okay, I have a full set of +4 tomes, so shouldn't be an issue. I'll stop asking questions now and figure out the rest myself, haha. Thank you very much for all the help!

03-09-2013, 04:05 PM
I find survivability is fantastic with standing with stone tier 4 twisted in (since I'm always in earth). End game with GH stuff I'm like:
10% Ghostly
part time 25% Incorp
16% Dodge
80-90 AC
And with SWS, Earth Stance, and blue slot 14 PRR I'm sitting at like 54 PRR or something.

03-09-2013, 07:05 PM
I find survivability is fantastic with standing with stone tier 4 twisted in (since I'm always in earth). End game with GH stuff I'm like:
10% Ghostly
part time 25% Incorp
16% Dodge
80-90 AC
And with SWS, Earth Stance, and blue slot 14 PRR I'm sitting at like 54 PRR or something.

Same but 18% dodge and 57 PRR without Standing with stone.. so I'm guessing it would be 72 with it. (don't think it's worth the twist though).
Just curious though, what are your saves like? I found it was my biggest issue with the build in EEGH, and I'm guessing that's what you are mainly running.

03-17-2013, 08:14 AM
Nice build sith. Have you got around to testing out the paladin splash variant?

03-17-2013, 01:47 PM
Nice build sith. Have you got around to testing out the paladin splash variant?

Sadly, no. The bugged LR left me with 2 choices: stay gimped for a week or TR, so I TRed into a Juggernaut, which I am about to TR into the Pyrene build that I posted yesterday on the forums.

Eventually, I guess I will go back to playing an AA ;)
Simply put, the fighter splash is better if you have PL and gear, the Arti splash is better if you lack the PLs.
The paladin splash has a different goal though so you can't really compare it to the 2 others. It is meant for soloing/shortmanning EE content.

03-17-2013, 06:12 PM
Sadly, no. The bugged LR left me with 2 choices: stay gimped for a week or TR, so I TRed into a Juggernaut, which I am about to TR into the Pyrene build that I posted yesterday on the forums.

Eventually, I guess I will go back to playing an AA ;)
Simply put, the fighter splash is better if you have PL and gear, the Arti splash is better if you lack the PLs.
The paladin splash has a different goal though so you can't really compare it to the 2 others. It is meant for soloing/shortmanning EE content.

Most of my gameplay focuses on solo EE. I'm looking for a build for my completionist who was previously a DC pale master (and we know how that went). The problem is, I'm fairly clueless when it comes to anything that isn't a caster and I honestly can't see a point in playing anything but shiradi for a caster at the moment (which I already have). I'm deciding between this and something juggernaut-like. I like the wings and burst DPS, but I'm worried about weaker self healing and downtime between boosts. Your pyrene build looks very nice too, but I dislike high amounts of clickies.

Basically, looking for some help deciding. It will be a big plunge since I'd need to completely regear.

03-17-2013, 07:06 PM
Most of my gameplay focuses on solo EE. I'm looking for a build for my completionist who was previously a DC pale master (and we know how that went). The problem is, I'm fairly clueless when it comes to anything that isn't a caster and I honestly can't see a point in playing anything but shiradi for a caster at the moment (which I already have). I'm deciding between this and something juggernaut-like. I like the wings and burst DPS, but I'm worried about weaker self healing and downtime between boosts. Your pyrene build looks very nice too, but I dislike high amounts of clickies.

Basically, looking for some help deciding. It will be a big plunge since I'd need to completely regear.

You've seen my 12 Monk/6 Ranger/2 Arti in action.

However, 6 Ranger can not take Empower Healing and have low class devotion for

Rejuvenation Cocoon. 5d6 with say devotion 102 is 17.5 * 2.02 = 35.35 x4 = 141.4 over 9 secs. Empower Heal + Devotion 102 will push that too 17.5 * 2.77 = 48.48 x4 = 193.90 over 9sec. Add in Paladin/Ranger Devotion 4 (80%) and you get 17.5 * 3.57 = 62.48 x4 = 250 over 9sec. Plus heal amp.

Even at the top end it is probably about the same as a couple heal scrolls with cool downs over 9secs - although artificer splash gets heal CL and mastery boost.

It's hard to say on a on low PRR build if it just good between combat or if can handle when you have aggro focus. Potentially if you mix it with scroll healing it may give you time.

At the moment I'm considering switching to 11 Ranger/7 Monk/2 Arti with a LR+5. CMW with Empower Healing/Devotion 2/Devotion 102 will hit for 21 * ( 1 + .75 + .4 + 1.02 ) = 66.57 * heal amp.

03-17-2013, 11:11 PM
You've seen my 12 Monk/6 Ranger/2 Arti in action.

However, 6 Ranger can not take Empower Healing and have low class devotion for

Rejuvenation Cocoon. 5d6 with say devotion 102 is 17.5 * 2.02 = 35.35 x4 = 141.4 over 9 secs. Empower Heal + Devotion 102 will push that too 17.5 * 2.77 = 48.48 x4 = 193.90 over 9sec. Add in Paladin/Ranger Devotion 4 (80%) and you get 17.5 * 3.57 = 62.48 x4 = 250 over 9sec. Plus heal amp.

Even at the top end it is probably about the same as a couple heal scrolls with cool downs over 9secs - although artificer splash gets heal CL and mastery boost.

It's hard to say on a on low PRR build if it just good between combat or if can handle when you have aggro focus. Potentially if you mix it with scroll healing it may give you time.

At the moment I'm considering switching to 11 Ranger/7 Monk/2 Arti with a LR+5. CMW with Empower Healing/Devotion 2/Devotion 102 will hit for 21 * ( 1 + .75 + .4 + 1.02 ) = 66.57 * heal amp.

Seems like an 11/7/2 split would lose a bit of DPS without earth III no? I get that you'd gain much better self heal, but you'd also out on wings and improved evasion.

Sorry to thread hijack some more, but what do you guys think about a 12 monk/6 fighter/2 paladin elven AA variant or even a 12 monk/6 paladin/2 fighter? Or even something crazy 12 monk/4 paladin/4 fighter. I'm looking to keep the paladin splash for saves and get back haste boost from fighter levels. Am I overvaluing haste boost? 4 paladin would gain access to empower healing as well.

03-18-2013, 02:20 AM
Sorry to thread hijack some more, but what do you guys think about a 12 monk/6 fighter/2 paladin elven AA variant or even a 12 monk/6 paladin/2 fighter? Or even something crazy 12 monk/4 paladin/4 fighter. I'm looking to keep the paladin splash for saves and get back haste boost from fighter levels. Am I overvaluing haste boost? 4 paladin would gain access to empower healing as well.

Gets really hard to fit feats.

The following would work:

12 Monk/4 Paladin/4 Ranger

7 + 3 monk + 2 epic = 12

Ranger (Free): Bow Strength, Rapid Shot, TWF, Precise Shot
Monk (3) Dodge (for Ninja), Zen Archery, Precision
Ranged (5): PBS, IC: Ranged, WF: Ranged (for AA, Bow Strength), Manyshot, IPS
Other(2): Toughness/Completionist, Mental Toughness/PL: Sorc (for AA)
Meta (2): Empower Healing (rq. Paladin 4), Quicken

The 12 monk/6 fighter/2 paladin works for feats, gets OC but does not get Empower Healing. 12 monk/6 paladin/2 fighter will only work if you drop Precision or Quicken.

If you want some details on ranged dps, check out:

http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=351973 - +2 WIS is 3.125% increase in 10k dps.
http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=4591969&postcount=57 - BAB and ranged number of shots
From http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=354668 - check out https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoKpf4fjuslWdExkeWVqYTF5bDRXcWZTYlJ4QzdtN VE#gid=0

03-27-2013, 12:02 AM
I did not see dark monk path listed in the feats. Am I just noobing out and missing something?

03-27-2013, 08:11 PM
I did not see dark monk path listed in the feats. Am I just noobing out and missing something?

The build does comment about using dark abilities, and does not comment on light abilities. In addition, the monk path is a choice between dark and light only, and no other feat can go in the slot... so it's assumed that dark will be taken.

Although it might not be explicitly stated, that is what the build states in other ways.

You don't have to follow along with the build even if you want to make a very similar character, but dark is arguably better for this build's purposes.

03-27-2013, 10:32 PM
Extra credit question :

1) [Easy] Can you adjust this build to be ranger dominant (for PL)
2) [Hard] Can you adjust this build to be druid dominant (for PL)


I can take this.

1: A ranger dominant version would lose a lot of dps, but it is doable. For my ranger lives, I am taking druid levels for reaving roar and to be able to melee with my greensteel bows, and TRing as soon as I hit 20.

2: I made a 13 druid, 6 monk, 1 wizard build that could match the dps of my other versions. It was a lot of fun to go up the Shiradi tree with that build. EDIT: I used divine power until my BAB matured at level 21. I also used a +5 Heart to get a monk past life. I had been toying with the idea of a druidic archer since druids came out, and just wanted to make one. G. Creeping Cold and Icestorm on a Shiradi archer actually does a lot of damage, and is very survivable with Regenerate.

I have been making builds like this since 10k stars started working with bows. Currently, I am grinding out past lives, and finding new ways to build my moncher.

This type of build takes skill to play well.

Personally, I never understood why people always said to take rogue dilly with a moncher, since I usually had most of the aggro.

I made one version with 2 arty instead of 2 fighter. That one actually worked out pretty well. My displacement scrolls roughly equaled my ninja evade timer, and I didn't have to make it a half elf (I was getting sick of half elves, and needed a break).

For my next moncher life, I plan on going with 12 monk, 6 fighter, 2 ranger, using arcane prodigy, Earth III and Defender. I am curious how high I can get my hp. It should be fun, and I have one more monk life to get anyway... good times! :)

Jyni, Kender, Thelanis

03-27-2013, 11:49 PM
It depends on how you have it set up. For instance. Using improved deception as well as the bluff skill forces SA dmg on the target even when it is ****ed at you. And if you do switch it up (that 10 or 13 second gap between the coowldowns) for wraps, once it's stunned (and with the wis that a 10k stars build should have their should be no problem in that) SA automatically comes out with every blow. That means any SA gear you have on, dark monk SA, and rog dili SA.

I love my monkcher. He sprays hell down with the bow then shadow fades (VERY USEFUL) and dukes it out with a few monsters killing em before the melee dude even gets to where i'm standing like a badass stone wall.

And as said it is about defense and with gear now, their is absolutely no reason in hell to not have defense all around. I mean turbine actually did something half way right. Theirs flippn slots galore on everything now.

However their is one grind, hellish in the making that every 10k stars build must make. That's correct. Ya gotta go find your tod set for the speed, and then ya gotta go sell whats left of your soul to get the citw bow.

03-28-2013, 12:30 AM
Yeah, I agree. There are many ways to still get sneak damage when you have aggro.

The truth of the matter is that I either prefer pally or cleric dilly. High saves are awesome, and a 75% chance to use a greater restoration scroll with 15+ negative levels has saved my hide more times than I can count.

My dps blows when I am dead, and I REALLY hate dying.

03-28-2013, 12:57 AM
I'm gonna bump in here again since we are talking about SA. It seams that with such reliable methods of SA (improved deception, pin, otto's) a 12 or 13 rogue with IPS would get the most DPS as a pure range toon. Any thoughts?

From earlier in the thread:

Bow str (ranger)
rapid shot
point blank shot
precise shot
improved precise shot
zen archery
improved critical
PL sorc

improved sneak attack

take pally delquent for more saves.

And you could take a second lvl of ranger for an extra feet to.

03-28-2013, 02:52 AM
I think a high sneak attack archer would still be better off with 12 monk.

I plan on trying one out, but it will be a while. Here is what I am thinking about...

3d6 SA from ninja 2.
3d6 SA from rogue dilly.
1d6 SA from Assassin I.
4d6 SA from 7 rogue.

You could gain 5d6 with a 13 rogue Assassin II, but you would lose 2d6 from Ninja II.

Earth 3, more Ki, and Touch of Death is worth 3d6 SA imho.

03-28-2013, 09:41 AM
hi guys,

where do you put your devotion item for cocoon? I was thinking about swapping trinket with 120 devotion for it when necessary.

plus I have the 1.3 on gloves, 1.1+1.1 human and monk ampli (cannot afford more) and 1.4 ranger devotion (does this one work with cocoon??)


03-28-2013, 11:49 AM
I noticed you have old red dragon armor with a +1 Globe of True Blood and Toughness. Can you still do that? I am trying to figure out how to put a globe in my old dragon armor without having to reset it and thus lose toughness as well (since we cannot slot that anymore). Since they are from two different augment systems, I am wondering how this is done or if this is possible. Before I try resetting my armor or trying to socket a globe, I would like to see if anyone has done this successfully yet.

03-28-2013, 11:51 AM
hmm I think I've found my next build, I'm done with the melee lives (3x on each) so I need something else to do, wouldve been either ranger or rogue because I hate casters, this one shows a lot of potential.


03-29-2013, 12:05 AM
I think I answered my own question. Lvl 3 monks get free light or dark feat. At least that is how I am reading it. I am so not familiar with monk... lol

03-29-2013, 03:04 PM
I'm looking to keep the paladin splash for saves and get back haste boost from fighter levels.
You have the option of twisting Haste Boost from LD.

03-30-2013, 02:39 PM
You have the option of twisting Haste Boost from LD.
I capped mine few days ago, having both Pin and Whistler is glorious.

03-31-2013, 02:18 AM
My arti splash version of this build is capped and I have been collecting gear for a while now and I came to realize something. I may be blind or just being silly at the moment, but is it just me or does the U17 gear layout lack heavy fortification? Also, now that we can not slot toughness how could that be incorporated into the gear layout?

03-31-2013, 09:01 AM
I capped mine few days ago, having both Pin and Whistler is glorious.

Makes me wish I could get a fourth level 1 twist and go 3/2/1/1 for Whistler/Pin/Cocoon/Enlightenment, myself...because I wouldn't give up any of the first 3 (and the last one is just annoying sometimes to not have).

My arti splash version of this build is capped and I have been collecting gear for a while now and I came to realize something. I may be blind or just being silly at the moment, but is it just me or does the U17 gear layout lack heavy fortification? Also, now that we can not slot toughness how could that be incorporated into the gear layout?

It could be said that the u17 gear has MORE flexibility on heavy fort, due to so many slots...I just keep to my min2 greensteel, though.

04-01-2013, 07:00 AM
Oh, I know that it is very easy to incorporate heavy fort into one of the slots, I just wanted to make sure the OP knew that they had not taken it into account in their version of the gear setup and if they knew, why would that be?

04-01-2013, 10:58 AM
GS bracers ;) (although +4saves/+30%heal amp is much better than 45 hp)

04-01-2013, 12:23 PM
EDIT: nvm

04-02-2013, 12:10 PM
What's the difference between 12mnk and 11-12rgr besides Imp Evasion? Can get more feats that way(and a melee ability), but what are the big losses by doing that(besides Imp Evasion)?

04-02-2013, 12:23 PM
What's the difference between 12mnk and 11-12rgr besides Imp Evasion? Can get more feats that way(and a melee ability), but what are the big losses by doing that(besides Imp Evasion)?

You lose a crit multiplier, abundant step, 2d6 sneak attack damage, the ability to do ice in abbot very easily, and potentially a few other things...but mainly the first 3.

04-02-2013, 01:43 PM
How's this for a first life 32 pt adaptation? Dropped the OC line. Allows me to focus less on str and more on wis. Dropped the past life goodies too. This gives me gtwf, stunning fist, ic bludgeon, vorpal strikes(does this now give a +.5W to unarmed like the wpn mod does to the wpn it's on?), toughness, and mental toughness.

sfist dc: 10base+12charlevel+10item+5cm+19wis=56+6ldtwist(if I need/choose to)=62

helf 12mnk/6rgr/2ftr:
32 ability points:
16wis+4tome+6lvls+8item+3ins+1exc+4enhs+2destiny= 44+2yugo+2ship= 48


rog dilly

bow str
rapid shot
precise shot
favored enemyx2: giant/undead

point blank shot
wpn focus: ranged
imp crit: ranged
zen archery
power attack
imp precise shot

mental toughness
imp crit: bludgeon
stunning fist

vorpal strikes

04-02-2013, 03:33 PM
Gets really hard to fit feats.

The following would work:

12 Monk/4 Paladin/4 Ranger

7 + 3 monk + 2 epic = 12

Ranger (Free): Bow Strength, Rapid Shot, TWF, Precise Shot
Monk (3) Dodge (for Ninja), Zen Archery, Precision
Ranged (5): PBS, IC: Ranged, WF: Ranged (for AA, Bow Strength), Manyshot, IPS
Other(2): Toughness/Completionist, Mental Toughness/PL: Sorc (for AA)
Meta (2): Empower Healing (rq. Paladin 4), Quicken

The 12 monk/6 fighter/2 paladin works for feats, gets OC but does not get Empower Healing. 12 monk/6 paladin/2 fighter will only work if you drop Precision or Quicken.
Quicken for what exactly? On a ranged build, you're out of harm's way most of the time, or can briefly duck behind a corner.

The 4 Paladin/4 Ranger split is certainly a good self-healer:

Devotion: 75 Empower Heal + 80 Halcyon Boots + 40 enhancements = 195.

Healing Amp: 20% helf + 20% monk + 30% PDK gloves + 20% ToD ring + 10% ship + 5% Paladin PL = 259%.

Rejuv Cocoon: 17.5 base * 2.95 devotion * 2.59 heal amp = 133 average per tick.

However, I haven't seen the need for Rejuv Cocoon if you have the Cleric dilettante which heals for 285 per scroll. Yes, you lose 3d6 SA but in the places it matters like FoT you aren't going to get SA anyway. You also lose OC with 12/4/4, which is significant.

04-02-2013, 03:47 PM
You lose a crit multiplier, abundant step, 2d6 sneak attack damage, the ability to do ice in abbot very easily, and potentially a few other things...but mainly the first 3.

I actually prefer water stance for the extra saves, dodge and WIS bracket. The CM, only applies on 10% of fury shots. Whereas I'm more likely to get 3 arrows at 1500 on a 10k Adrenaline shot with the higher WIS.

05-10-2013, 11:14 AM
If I were to use this feat list and wanted gtwf by lvl12, what would the feat order for lvling look like?

rog dilly

bow str
rapid shot
precise shot
favored enemyx2: giant/undead

point blank shot
wpn focus: ranged
imp crit: ranged
zen archery
power attack
imp precise shot

mental toughness
imp crit: bludgeon
stunning fist

vorpal strikes

05-14-2013, 12:31 PM
I finally hit lvl 20 on my WC Bard whom I hate. (I have 11 characters and I never play him so figured I'd suck it up and get to 20). Now I'm at 20 trying to boost my FS ED a bit while there before TR. A post got me inspired to look at a Bardcher and then while researching more I landed here.

I don't have any +4 tomes. I may be able to drop a +3 or two/three into this character with CON, STR and WIS I guess if needed.

Any suggestions on how to go about a 34 pt build with no +4 tomes? Will I be wasting my time trying this build and instead should roll bardcher, play to 20 and TR again to get a 36 pt build hoping to have gotten a +4 or two along the way?

To add to my complication I have a SOS on this character (was a THF). It's not epic yet. I just need a shard (like everyone else) but I feel bad leaving it in the bank. If I'd known I was going Monkcher I would have put it up for roll.

The concept of AA has me kind of excited lately. My exploiter tempest ranger steps back with FoTW Adrenaline and MS for DPS bursts and I love it. I want to concentrate on a build focused on this. Any suggestions?

06-03-2013, 01:06 AM

I give you the Sithali!




STATS (36) All sustainable
Str - 17+2(lvl)+4(tome)+2(compl)+2(yugo)+2(ship)+8(item) +2(insight)+4(alchem)+5(primal)+1(fighter enh.)+2(madstone)+2(destiny)+2(ram's)+1(exc)= 56
Dex - 15+4(tome)+2(compl)+2(ship)+2(yugo)+7(item)+3(insi ght)+4(alchem)+1(exc)-2(stance)=38
Con - 13+4(tome)+2(compl)+2(ship)+2(yugo)+(7item)+2(insi ght)+4(alchem)+1(human enh)+5(primal)+1(exc)+3(stance)+4(madstone)= 50
Int - 8+4(tome)+2(Compl)+2(ship)=16
Wis - 16+4(lvl)+4(tome)+2(compl)+2(yugo)+2(ship)+8(item) +3(Insight)+1(human enh)+3(monk enh.)+1(exc)+2(destiny)= 48
Cha - 8+4(tome)+2(compl)+2(ship)+2(yugo)+7(item)+2(insig ht)+1(exc) = 28

Note: +4 str/dex tomes are not required but it would be very difficult to reach the 19 dex required for Improved Precise Shot and the 23 str required for Overwhelming Critical and still have a very powerful 10kstars.

tried to find out where +4 alchemical to stats come from, but all I could find was +3s from house deneith.
would appreciate any info on the matter.

06-03-2013, 01:33 AM
tried to find out where +4 alchemical to stats come from, but all I could find was +3s from house deneith.
would appreciate any info on the matter.

Tenser's Transformation (http://ddowiki.com/page/Tenser's_Transformation)

06-03-2013, 03:34 AM
very detailed build.

Just wanted to comment that there is no need to prove that a well played AA is one of the best characters you can build.

Shataan has shown this time and again by soling every raid in the game (that is soloable) on his AA...

But cudos for your breakdown and getting into the nitty gritty!

06-19-2013, 01:23 PM
So you don't put down the bow when 10k stars and manyshot are on timer?

Seems your average DPS drops quite a bit there during those times (40 seconds out of every 2 minutes). Of course, there's plenty of downtime in most dungeons running to the next encounter, so if you time things right, it's not that bad.

I'm not sure Overwhelming critical is worth 4 feats (3 of which are utterly worthless to you - Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave).

Seems a real waste to not have Stunning Fist and a melee option with such a nice Wisdom score.

you could still pop out an eSoS and put out some decent damage with the cleaves out of ms and 10k stars specially if your in legendary and have epic moment

06-19-2013, 02:26 PM
you could still pop out an eSoS and put out some decent damage with the cleaves out of ms and 10k stars specially if your in legendary and have epic moment
Sireth/wraps maybe, but esos is pretty bad advice, it uncenters you = loss of ki for 10k/shadowfade/abundant, besides at least original Sith's build without pally splash doesn't have space for imp crit or Stunfist, Sireth is nice but can't compare to bow with good " positioning".

Melee is seldom needed, and if you have to, it's really only for ki generation not for damage. Natural "ki flow" with earth stance and enlightement twist is 90% time enough for 10k/shadowfade, it's low only when you have to abundant twice in a row from tough situation or something.

06-26-2013, 04:25 PM

New gear layout for U17

Helm: Helm of the Blue Dragon (Draconic Mind, Wis +3, Green slot: +14PRR , Yellow slot: +2 con)
Goggles: Intricate Field Optics (Spot +20, True Seeing, +8 wisdom, Yellow Slot:+2 insight cha, Green slot: +7 resistance)
Necklace: Gilvaenor's Necklace / Epic Adehrent's Pendant as a quick swap for +2 boosts & +54 spell power for cocoon (Constitution +6, Attack Bonus +2, Arcane Archer set)
Armor: Red scale robe/Black Dragonscale Robe (Colorless slot: Globe of imperial blood (+1 exc. all stats), Blue slot: Toughness)
Trinket: Planar focus of Prowess (Str +8)
Cloak: Mithril Cloak of the Wolf (Lose 1 seeker but the +3% dodge will stack with the +4% dodge from ring for a total of +7% dodge! ( Exceptional Seeker +4, Dodge 3%, Attack Bonus +3, Diversion 20%)
Belt: Epic Spare Hand (This is the GS cha item but it has 2 slots :p (Doublestrike 3%, Use Magical Device +3, Riposte, Exceptional Combat Mastery +5, Staggering Blow, Disable Device +15, Open Lock +15,Blue slot: +35 HP, Colorless Slot: +7 cha)
Ring1: Gilvaenor's Ring (Dexterity +6, Exceptional Dexterity +1, Arcane Archer set, Slotted: +20% Healing Amp)
Ring2: Dun Robar Ring (+7 con, +4% dodge, +10 Tendon Slice (fixed with ranged))
Boots: Treads of Falling Shadow / Madstone Boots (Striding +30%, Ghostly, Dexterity +8, Insightful Dexterity +3)
Gloves: Backstabber's Gloves (Bluff +20, Sneak Attack +5, Exceptional Sneak Attack +3, Improved Deception, Yellow slot: +2 str)
Bracers:+45 HP minII bracers
Quiver: Quiver of Poison (Venomed Ammunition - 1d10)

Weapon: Pinion, Cloud-Piercer (Red slot: +1d10 Ice damage)

why blue helm? why not black one for the draconic ferocity set?

06-27-2013, 06:58 PM
The set bonus doesn't do anything with Planar Conflux. The ranged part of the black dragon set is +2 Artifact bonus to damage. Planar Conflux is +4 Artifact attack/damage (and 15 PRR). And the black helm can't fit wisdom (it's options are str/dex/con).

06-30-2013, 06:53 AM
Sireth/wraps maybe, but esos is pretty bad advice, it uncenters you = loss of ki for 10k/shadowfade/abundant, besides at least original Sith's build without pally splash doesn't have space for imp crit or Stunfist, Sireth is nice but can't compare to bow with good " positioning".

Melee is seldom needed, and if you have to, it's really only for ki generation not for damage. Natural "ki flow" with earth stance and enlightement twist is 90% time enough for 10k/shadowfade, it's low only when you have to abundant twice in a row from tough situation or something.

I don't like cleaving with wraps, it just doesn't seem right and it really slows your attack rate. Sireth is the better option here. In earth stance you only gain ki if your hit, in ee that doesn't seem good because your trying to not get hit at all. Maybe water stance is better? Only lose some hp and x1 multiplier.

06-30-2013, 09:15 AM
I don't like cleaving with wraps, it just doesn't seem right and it really slows your attack rate. Sireth is the better option here. In earth stance you only gain ki if your hit, in ee that doesn't seem good because your trying to not get hit at all. Maybe water stance is better? Only lose some hp and x1 multiplier.
Without stunning fist, improved crit melee is for ki only really. Sireth is great if you have it, but everybody rolls on it so wraps might be easier for monk to get.
Doesn't really matter for that one whistler-ed dancing mob.

You can try water anytime, it's just enhancement. I like 40 hp, 12 prr more than 4 saves, 3 dodge and passive ki.
You haven't seen ranged damage until you try 5 x crits with fully upgraded Pinion and 10 - 21 seeker with 60% fort bypass in fury :)

06-30-2013, 05:37 PM
where are you getting your PRR of 57 from? all i see is 12 from mountain stance 3, 14 from saphire, and 15 from planar conflux set bonus thats only a 41. Would be a huge help to know where the extra 16 is coming from. thanks =]

07-01-2013, 05:46 PM
[QUOTE=Veles;5031670]Without stunning fist, improved crit melee is for ki only really. Sireth is great if you have it, but everybody rolls on it so wraps might be easier for monk to get.
Doesn't really matter for that one whistler-ed dancing mob.


with new enhancement bypass monks can use any weapon and stay centered with kensaii tree :)

07-05-2013, 01:03 PM
This build is solid of course. it took 40 minutes to do the quest. A lot of shiradi blue bars can do it way faster. FVS can do it faster, Sorc can do it faster. All of us players can solo EE's so basically we down to times and 40 mins is way too long for end of the road.

rebuff for 40 seconds is not my thing. The dps is not high at all if u average it over a long time. You are a good player and it is cool you have a nice build but do the math over time this build is horrible DPS compared to melees. HORRIBLE. Great for soloing and as you said AMAZING BURST, but overall not good. But again soloable and UBER burst so awesome for all the new raids with timed kills to prevent soloing raids.

TBH I like 12 monk 6 ranger 2 arti a lot more than this build, and go Deepwood sniper, the sniper shot adds +2 crit range and multiplier, and is 10 second cooldown, AND when you use sniper shot with many shot or 10k going you get the x2 on all the arrows................It is way better than this build..try it out brotha.......a 5k crit is NOTHING to this build homeslice.......also NEVER melee on it

07-08-2013, 06:23 PM
Says you got colorless:+1 exc stats and blue-toughness. But the black armour doesn't have colorless slot, just a blue. So would you just slot +1exc stats and drop toughness one?

07-14-2013, 05:01 PM
Sithali, I have been watching your youtube leveling guide 1-20 and you mention that while leveling I should get Life Shield Armour but I can't find where to get it from. The only Life Shield items I have found on the AH are bows and crossbows and google turned up nothing.


07-14-2013, 06:10 PM
Sithali, I have been watching your youtube leveling guide 1-20 and you mention that while leveling I should get Life Shield Armour but I can't find where to get it from. The only Life Shield items I have found on the AH are bows and crossbows and google turned up nothing.


lvl5 bound to account named ; or cannith crafting
Blademark's Docent
+3 Enhancement Bonus
Life Shield

good good armour for a WF and its not bad looking either

07-14-2013, 09:00 PM
Life Shield

**Every time you are hit, there is a 10% chance to gain 15 temporary hit points for up to 1 minute

Can Be Applied To: Heavy Armor, Medium Armor, Light Armor, Clothing, Docent, Off Hand Weapon/Shield

6 greater, 24 lesser, 9 Siberys shard(s), for the bound version

12 greater, 24 lesser, 9 Siberys shard(s), for the unbound version

look here for instructions http://cannith.cubicleninja.com/

07-22-2013, 07:42 PM
Love this build but i was wondering if this could be done on 2 life and if so what stats would you start on.

07-29-2013, 06:41 PM
I've had a blast trying this build out. Managed to get it rolling quite happily with +2's and a +3 on dex (36pt).

I was just wondering what the consensus was in regard to how to make the build viable when the enh pass comes rolling in. Will the expected changes to adrenaline/unbridled and manyshot/10kstars kill this build?

08-24-2013, 02:39 PM
Well I wasn't happy with the damage my riff on the Sithali build was doing under the new enhancement structure. She was 13 monk/6ranger/1arti +5 epic. The 1 arti was so I didn't need a feat for AA and could do traps while lvling. As a lvl 25 pre-U19 she was OK, but not huge DPS.

I used the +20 heart of wood and went 12 ftr/6monk/2ranger. That gave her access to the full Kensai enhancement tree including more crit opportunities, even an attack that is automatically a crit, plus the +8 strength boost for 60 sec. You need 6 monk to get the 10,000 stars feat. The 2 ranger grants bow strength.

Without the 6 ranger I had to take a lot more feats, but fighters get a gazillion anyways so it wasn't a problem.

I ran through Trial by Fury and the damage she did was way better. DPS was at least doubled.

Unfortunately, giving up improved evasion and shadow form makes her a bit squishier. Good thing she can self heal with cocoon and scrolls (dilettante).

08-25-2013, 10:31 AM
Well I wasn't happy with the damage my riff on the Sithali build was doing under the new enhancement structure. She was 13 monk/6ranger/1arti +5 epic. The 1 arti was so I didn't need a feat for AA and could do traps while lvling. As a lvl 25 pre-U19 she was OK, but not huge DPS.

I used the +20 heart of wood and went 12 ftr/6monk/2ranger. That gave her access to the full Kensai enhancement tree including more crit opportunities, even an attack that is automatically a crit, plus the +8 strength boost for 60 sec. You need 6 monk to get the 10,000 stars feat. The 2 ranger grants bow strength.

Without the 6 ranger I had to take a lot more feats, but fighters get a gazillion anyways so it wasn't a problem.

I ran through Trial by Fury and the damage she did was way better. DPS was at least doubled.

Unfortunately, giving up improved evasion and shadow form makes her a bit squishier. Good thing she can self heal with cocoon and scrolls (dilettante).

I noticed that the tooltip for 10,000 stars says that it shares a cooldown with Manyshot. Is this the case?

08-25-2013, 11:44 AM
I noticed that the tooltip for 10,000 stars says that it shares a cooldown with Manyshot. Is this the case?

It has always had a shared 30 second cooldown which a) prevented them from being used concurrently and b) meant that if you started with Manyshot, you had to wait 10 seconds to use 10K stars. If you started with 10K stars, the CD had expired allowing you to proceed immediately with Manyshot.

08-25-2013, 02:34 PM
Well I wasn't happy with the damage my riff on the Sithali build was doing under the new enhancement structure. She was 13 monk/6ranger/1arti +5 epic. The 1 arti was so I didn't need a feat for AA and could do traps while lvling. As a lvl 25 pre-U19 she was OK, but not huge DPS.

I used the +20 heart of wood and went 12 ftr/6monk/2ranger. That gave her access to the full Kensai enhancement tree including more crit opportunities, even an attack that is automatically a crit, plus the +8 strength boost for 60 sec. You need 6 monk to get the 10,000 stars feat. The 2 ranger grants bow strength.

Without the 6 ranger I had to take a lot more feats, but fighters get a gazillion anyways so it wasn't a problem.

I ran through Trial by Fury and the damage she did was way better. DPS was at least doubled.

Unfortunately, giving up improved evasion and shadow form makes her a bit squishier. Good thing she can self heal with cocoon and scrolls (dilettante).

I was actually thinking of converting a similiar build to Sithali I have to your 12 fighter version, like the old Helves Angel. Could you post some details of your version like feats, starting stats, enhancements?

08-27-2013, 01:05 AM
copypaste of zendark's build without any word about source... what a shame

09-12-2013, 07:40 AM
I really love this build best build i have ever seen!! i have seen a lot of people use this build in game it is really getting big. Great job i know what i am reincarnating into next life

09-12-2013, 08:04 AM
copypaste of zendark's build without any word about source... what a shame
Zendark has a completely different concept.
Sithali sticks purely to a bow, swapping over to wraps for ki - Zendark uses wraps and bows somewhat equally, using wraps for dps, CC and ki.

09-17-2013, 08:46 PM
Here's my build so far. She's lvl 27.

Lvl 1
16 +5 level ups +5 tome

Lvl 27 (with ship buffs)
44 (53 with kensai power surge)

HP 744
SP 423
AC 65
Dodge 25%

Relevant Feats

Bow Strength
Power attack
Power critical
Improved critical: Ranged
Great cleave
Overwhelming critical

AC bonus
Adept of forms
Favored enemy (undead)

Weapon focus: Ranged
Weapon specialization: Ranged
Greater weapon focus: Ranged
Greater weapon specialization: Ranged

Past life ranger (x2)

Precise shot
Improved precise shot
Toughness (x2)

Ten thousand stars
Zen archery

Half-elf dilettante: Cleric

Key enhancements
Half-elf: arcane archer
Half elf dilettante upgrades (gives 95% chance on heal scrolls)
Human versatility damage boost: +20% for 30 s
Kensai Keen edge : +1 to critical threat range
Kensai Power surge: +8 psionic bonus to strength
Kensai Deadly shot: Automatic crit. On vorpal does 500 damage
Kensaii Strike with no thought: 2% chance to doubleshot
Kensai Shattering shot: 2[W] damage attack
Kensai Improved dodge

10-02-2013, 12:50 PM
Well I wasn't happy with the damage my riff on the Sithali build was doing under the new enhancement structure. She was 13 monk/6ranger/1arti +5 epic. The 1 arti was so I didn't need a feat for AA and could do traps while lvling. As a lvl 25 pre-U19 she was OK, but not huge DPS.

I used the +20 heart of wood and went 12 ftr/6monk/2ranger. That gave her access to the full Kensai enhancement tree including more crit opportunities, even an attack that is automatically a crit, plus the +8 strength boost for 60 sec. You need 6 monk to get the 10,000 stars feat. The 2 ranger grants bow strength.

Without the 6 ranger I had to take a lot more feats, but fighters get a gazillion anyways so it wasn't a problem.

I ran through Trial by Fury and the damage she did was way better. DPS was at least doubled.

Unfortunately, giving up improved evasion and shadow form makes her a bit squishier. Good thing she can self heal with cocoon and scrolls (dilettante).

What are you getting from the last 4 levels of Ftr compared to 8Ftr/6Mnk/6Rng?

10-05-2013, 08:36 PM
What are you getting from the last 4 levels of Ftr compared to 8Ftr/6Mnk/6Rng?

You get access to 2 advantages with 12 Fighter
+8 psionic bonus to strength for 60 sec is the main thing. I use that when manyshot and 10K stars are both cooling down. Or stack it on top for extra DPS.

Also, you need greater weapon specialization to get access to the expanded crit range enhancement "Keen edge".

10-06-2013, 07:35 AM
Also, you need greater weapon specialization to get access to the expanded crit range enhancement "Keen edge".

No you don't! 8 levels (Gr. W. Focus) is enough. I don't think the 4 extra levels are worth it just for power surge.

10-26-2013, 07:15 AM
How its look after u19??? What feats til 28 you take and how enhancements setup tnx

10-28-2013, 05:17 PM
Does this build still work?

Unbridled Fury only gains Fury counter on melee strikes.
Also Fury Eternal gains adrenaline on melee strikes only.

Is the DDOwiki wrong, do these ED work with ranged strikes or is this build dead now?

10-28-2013, 05:21 PM
Does this build still work?

Unbridled Fury only gains Fury counter on melee strikes.
Also Fury Eternal gains adrenaline on melee strikes only.

Is the DDOwiki wrong, do these ED work with ranged strikes or is this build dead now?

I recharge fine with a bow. Build is still sick good, but there are better variants with u19 now and feats are slightly outdated.

10-30-2013, 05:45 PM
Just thought I'd leave a little update. I'm back to the game after a 6 months break.

2 options on the Sithali now:

Option 1 If there had to be a Sithali v2.0, it would be very similar to what Sestra (my new guildie - I changed servers) is running.
He runs a much more survivable version of it & convinced me of its potential.
Today's Sithali version is quite the opposite of the first concept, which was to pick up OC.. Now, you drop OC to free up 4 feats & pick up Combat Archery, Quicken, Paladin PL & Epic Toughness.
Race: halfling
Split: 12 monk 6 ranger 2 paladin
HP: 1200-1400
Pros over Sithali..: Insane saves, much more hitpoints, quickened heals that hit for 700+.. (with the dragonmark), Every arrow base damage is over 100 - The build doesn't rely on its critical potential anymore. Divine Might.. This is easily a +7-8 boost to every arrow (14-16 strenght bonus) at the cost of 1 twist.
Cons: -1 Critical multiplier, but the survivability makes up for it. You also lose the ability to dual boost, but then Haste Boost is not twisted very often..
New twists: Dance of flowers, pin/cocoon, bane of undeath
Basically trading off some DPS for survivability, which was always my number 1 goal as an EE soloer.
I'll post some videos on my channel when I cap the build.

Option 2 If you wanted to keep the same concept as the Sithali, which was to maximize DPS, go for 12 monk 6 ranger 2 paladin, human, twists: bane of undeath, dance of flowers, pin/cocoon.
Keep OC (2 less feats from losing 2 ftr levels, but +1 from going human & +1 from new lvl 28 feat) => feats stay the same.
With DM & dance of lowers, your damage will increase a lot.. crits over 20k.
Anyway, that's pretty much it, the last updates have boosted the Sithali a lot.


10-30-2013, 05:57 PM
Just thought I'd leave a little update. I'm back to the game after a 6 months break.

2 options on the Sithali now:

Option 1 If there had to be a Sithali v2.0, it would be very similar to what Sestra (my new guildie - I changed servers) is running.
He runs a much more survivable version of it & convinced me of its potential.
Today's Sithali version is quite the opposite of the first concept, which was to pick up OC.. Now, you drop OC to free up 4 feats & pick up Combat Archery, Quicken, Paladin PL & Epic Toughness.
Race: halfling
Split: 12 monk 6 ranger 2 paladin
HP: 1200-1400
Pros over Sithali..: Insane saves, much more hitpoints, quickened heals that hit for 700+.. (with the dragonmark), Every arrow base damage is over 100 - The build doesn't rely on its critical potential anymore. Divine Might.. This is easily a +7-8 boost to every arrow (14-16 strenght bonus) at the cost of 1 twist.
Cons: -1 Critical multiplier, but the survivability makes up for it. You also lose the ability to dual boost, but then Haste Boost is not twisted very often..
New twists: Dance of flowers, pin/cocoon, bane of undeath
Basically trading off some DPS for survivability, which was always my number 1 goal as an EE soloer.
I'll post some videos on my channel when I cap the build.

Option 2 If you wanted to keep the same concept as the Sithali, which was to maximize DPS, go for 12 monk 6 ranger 2 paladin, human, twists: bane of undeath, dance of flowers, pin/cocoon.
Keep OC (2 less feats from losing 2 ftr levels, but +1 from going human & +1 from new lvl 28 feat) => feats stay the same.
With DM & dance of lowers, your damage will increase a lot.. crits over 20k.
Anyway, that's pretty much it, the last updates have boosted the Sithali a lot.


First, great to have you on GLand! (unless Sestra has moved ...)

Second, the enhancement pass really took the wind out of the pally sails - 2 + Bane of Undeath is real sold - not at all surprised to see you ended up less pally. Thing I love about it is the twists are all (largely) lower levels. That's actually pretty reachable for a wider range of players.

10-31-2013, 10:15 AM
Just thought I'd leave a little update. I'm back to the game after a 6 months break.

2 options on the Sithali now:

Option 1 If there had to be a Sithali v2.0, it would be very similar to what Sestra (my new guildie - I changed servers) is running.
He runs a much more survivable version of it & convinced me of its potential.
Today's Sithali version is quite the opposite of the first concept, which was to pick up OC.. Now, you drop OC to free up 4 feats & pick up Combat Archery, Quicken, Paladin PL & Epic Toughness.
Race: halfling
Split: 12 monk 6 ranger 2 paladin
HP: 1200-1400
Pros over Sithali..: Insane saves, much more hitpoints, quickened heals that hit for 700+.. (with the dragonmark), Every arrow base damage is over 100 - The build doesn't rely on its critical potential anymore. Divine Might.. This is easily a +7-8 boost to every arrow (14-16 strenght bonus) at the cost of 1 twist.
Cons: -1 Critical multiplier, but the survivability makes up for it. You also lose the ability to dual boost, but then Haste Boost is not twisted very often..
New twists: Dance of flowers, pin/cocoon, bane of undeath
Basically trading off some DPS for survivability, which was always my number 1 goal as an EE soloer.
I'll post some videos on my channel when I cap the build.

Option 2 If you wanted to keep the same concept as the Sithali, which was to maximize DPS, go for 12 monk 6 ranger 2 paladin, human, twists: bane of undeath, dance of flowers, pin/cocoon.
Keep OC (2 less feats from losing 2 ftr levels, but +1 from going human & +1 from new lvl 28 feat) => feats stay the same.
With DM & dance of lowers, your damage will increase a lot.. crits over 20k.
Anyway, that's pretty much it, the last updates have boosted the Sithali a lot.


If you go with Halfling option, do you know if "Advanced Ninja Training (http://ddowiki.com/page/...)" from Ninja Spy Core Ability Tier 2 works with Bows? While we loose DM, we can dump strength and put more on dex.
Probably DM gives more damage but I would like to know to give myself more options on possible build(s).

Advanced Ninja Training (http://ddowiki.com/page/...): While you are centered, you can use your Dexterity modifier for damage with piercing and slashing weapons. You also gain a chance based on your Dexterity score to throw an extra shuriken per attack.

Also, excuse my lack of knowledge but doesn't Dance of Flowers not work with Bow/Zen-Archery (per DDOwiki)?
Has this been fixed?


10-31-2013, 02:14 PM
If you go with Halfling option, do you know if "Advanced Ninja Training (http://ddowiki.com/page/...)" from Ninja Spy Core Ability Tier 2 works with Bows? While we loose DM, we can dump strength and put more on dex.
Probably DM gives more damage but I would like to know to give myself more options on possible build(s).

Advanced Ninja Training (http://ddowiki.com/page/...): While you are centered, you can use your Dexterity modifier for damage with piercing and slashing weapons. You also gain a chance based on your Dexterity score to throw an extra shuriken per attack.

Also, excuse my lack of knowledge but doesn't Dance of Flowers not work with Bow/Zen-Archery (per DDOwiki)?
Has this been fixed?


This loses the advantage of divine might.

Good questions about flowers, I'd like to know that myself.

10-31-2013, 03:58 PM
If you go with Halfling option, do you know if "Advanced Ninja Training (http://ddowiki.com/page/...)" from Ninja Spy Core Ability Tier 2 works with Bows? While we loose DM, we can dump strength and put more on dex.
Probably DM gives more damage but I would like to know to give myself more options on possible build(s).

Advanced Ninja Training (http://ddowiki.com/page/...): While you are centered, you can use your Dexterity modifier for damage with piercing and slashing weapons. You also gain a chance based on your Dexterity score to throw an extra shuriken per attack.

Also, excuse my lack of knowledge but doesn't Dance of Flowers not work with Bow/Zen-Archery (per DDOwiki)?
Has this been fixed?


Yes, I'm on G-Land now ;)

Ninja training used to be "bugged" and worked with bows. This was not WAI. This was fixed. Your idea would have worked great then, now, no reason for it anymore.
You guessed it, now there isn't much point in going for that enhancement tree.

Dance of flowers works with bows, same as Combat Archery.

11-01-2013, 01:22 PM
]Pros over Sithali..: Insane saves, much more hitpoints, quickened heals that hit for 700+.. (with the dragonmark), Every arrow base damage is over 100 - The build doesn't rely on its critical potential anymore. Divine Might.. This is easily a +7-8 boost to every arrow (14-16 strenght bonus) at the cost of 1 twist.

I have couple of questions:

1. Don't you only get one Dragonmark Heal per rest?

2. How are you getting 14-16 Strength bonus from Divine Might and what Twist do you mean that helps it? If that is what you mean by the cost of 1 twist.

twists: bane of undeath, dance of flowers, pin/cocoon.

1. Why Bane of Undeath? The description says it only adds the Turn Undead feat. Is that for Divine Might?

2. How are you keeping your Ki up for 10k without Enlightenment and only using a bow?

I loved your original build. I went the OC route with mine and love the crits with fury, so still going that route. Been thinking the 2 FVS instead of the 2 Pally. The 2 FVS gives +2 Weapon Enhancement, +4 Damage boost every 30 seconds that stacks with Human damage boost, Divine Might and either 3 PRR or 5 HP, could get more but with my Enhancements I don't want to invest more in those. While you do lose out on saves, like 5 for each, I like the increased weapon damage.


EDIT: Was just testing out Divine Might on Lam and I am only getting a +4 when my CHA mod is a +7, does it cap out at +4 or is it bugged?

11-02-2013, 10:36 AM
I have couple of questions:

1. Don't you only get one Dragonmark Heal per rest?

2. How are you getting 14-16 Strength bonus from Divine Might and what Twist do you mean that helps it? If that is what you mean by the cost of 1 twist.

1. Why Bane of Undeath? The description says it only adds the Turn Undead feat. Is that for Divine Might?

2. How are you keeping your Ki up for 10k without Enlightenment and only using a bow?

I loved your original build. I went the OC route with mine and love the crits with fury, so still going that route. Been thinking the 2 FVS instead of the 2 Pally. The 2 FVS gives +2 Weapon Enhancement, +4 Damage boost every 30 seconds that stacks with Human damage boost, Divine Might and either 3 PRR or 5 HP, could get more but with my Enhancements I don't want to invest more in those. While you do lose out on saves, like 5 for each, I like the increased weapon damage.


EDIT: Was just testing out Divine Might on Lam and I am only getting a +4 when my CHA mod is a +7, does it cap out at +4 or is it bugged?

the twist from unyelding regenerates turns so you will have infinite dm, the str bonus is insightful so it doesnt stack with prowless +3.

For ki can stay ocean3 or 4 to regenerate it but it's slow. you would better use sireth or wraps sometimes.

11-02-2013, 03:31 PM
Hi have question How to setup enhancements for Option 2 thnx

11-02-2013, 08:13 PM
the twist from unyelding regenerates turns so you will have infinite dm, the str bonus is insightful so it doesnt stack with prowless +3.

For ki can stay ocean3 or 4 to regenerate it but it's slow. you would better use sireth or wraps sometimes.

Ah, thanks. I forgot about the prowess. Was driving myself crazy trying to figure out why I was not getting the other three. LOL. Makes sense.

But wouldn't fvs be better then? Frees up the twist spot and leaves DM always available and can also pick up empower healing for cacoon. I mean you lose a little bit on saves but gain a lot more benefits from the favor soul split.

11-04-2013, 06:39 PM
Any chance you or Sestra could post the halfling build here?
How would you split the starting stats and level up stats now that you use two paladin levels?
I'm eager to try it as my next TR life.

11-06-2013, 04:15 PM
Nearing my TR now and have come up with this draft of what a halfling monkcher might look like.

The character will be used for mainly solo/with hireling play on content around Epic hard difficulty. I have no aspirations to blaze through EE level difficulty.
Please excuse the augment summoning feat. I often play with a hireling and the extra *oomph* it gives them has always seemed worthwhile to me during leveling. This feat may or may not be included in the final lvl 28 version. (Any ideas on what feat to take instead, and when to take it instead?)
also the monk 12 is supposed to give Master of forms but for some reason the planner won't reflect it when selecting feats after, so the master of forms feat taken at 18 is supposed to be GM of forms.

I am by no stretch of imagination a very experienced DDO player when it comes to builds so please help me out by giving pointers on how to improve this build.

Thank you

Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 04.19.03
DDO Character Planner Home Page (http://www.rjcyberware.com/DDO)

Level 28 Lawful Good Halfling Male
(2 Paladin \ 12 Monk \ 6 Ranger \ 8 Epic)
Hit Points: 504
Spell Points: 180
BAB: 17\17\22\27\27
Fortitude: 26
Reflex: 27
Will: 21

Starting Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats
(36 Point) (Level 1) (Level 28)
Strength 14 16
Dexterity 18 23
Constitution 16 21
Intelligence 8 10
Wisdom 14 22
Charisma 8 10

Tomes Used
+2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
+2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
+2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
+2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
+2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7
+2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
+3 Tome of Dexterity used at level 11
+3 Tome of Constitution used at level 11
+3 Tome of Wisdom used at level 11

Starting Feat/Enhancement
Base Skills Modified Skills
Skills (Level 1) (Level 28)
Balance 4 30
Bluff -1 8
Concentration 7 37
Diplomacy -1 8
Disable Device n/a n/a
Haggle -1 8
Heal 6 41
Hide 4 18
Intimidate -1 11
Jump 6 31
Listen 2 16
Move Silently 4 16
Open Lock n/a n/a
Perform n/a n/a
Repair -1 8
Search -1 8
Spellcraft -1 8
Spot 6 18
Swim 2 11
Tumble n/a 18
Use Magic Device 1 19

Level 1 (Ranger)
Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Undead
Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Ranger
Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Ranger
Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Ranger
Feat: (Selected) Point Blank Shot
Feat: (Automatic) Attack
Feat: (Automatic) Bow Strength
Feat: (Automatic) Defensive Fighting
Feat: (Automatic) Halfling Agility
Feat: (Automatic) Halfling Bravery
Feat: (Automatic) Halfling Keen Ears
Feat: (Automatic) Halfling Luck
Feat: (Automatic) Halfling Size Bonus
Feat: (Automatic) Halfling Thrown Weapon Focus
Feat: (Automatic) Heroic Durability
Feat: (Automatic) Light Armor Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Martial Weapon Proficiency (ALL)
Feat: (Automatic) Shield Proficiency (General)
Feat: (Automatic) Simple Weapon Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Sneak
Feat: (Automatic) Sunder
Feat: (Automatic) Trip
Feat: (Automatic) Wild Empathy

Level 2 (Monk)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Toughness
Feat: (Automatic) AC Bonus
Feat: (Automatic) Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Kama
Feat: (Automatic) Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Shuriken
Feat: (Automatic) Finishing Moves
Feat: (Automatic) Flurry of Blows
Feat: (Automatic) The Way of Air
Feat: (Automatic) The Way of Fire
Feat: (Automatic) The Way of Earth
Feat: (Automatic) The Way of Water
Feat: (Automatic) Unarmed Strike

Level 3 (Monk)
Feat: (Selected) Least Dragonmark of Healing
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Zen Archery
Feat: (Automatic) Evasion
Feat: (Automatic) Meditation

Level 4 (Monk)
Feat: (Monk Path) Path of Harmonious Balance: Fists of Light
Feat: (Automatic) Fast Movement
Feat: (Automatic) Finishing Moves: Path of Harmonious Balance (ALL)
Feat: (Automatic) Finishing Moves: Path of Inevitable Dominion (ALL)
Feat: (Automatic) Still Mind

Level 5 (Ranger)
Feat: (Automatic) Rapid Shot
Feat: (Automatic) Two Weapon Fighting

Level 6 (Ranger)
Feat: (Selected) Augment Summoning
Feat: (Automatic) Diehard

Level 7 (Ranger)
Feat: (Automatic) Precise Shot

Level 8 (Ranger)
Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider
Feat: (Automatic) Archer's Focus
Feat: (Automatic) Improved Heroic Durability

Level 9 (Monk)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Ranged Weapons
Feat: (Automatic) Ki Strike: Magic
Feat: (Automatic) Slow Fall

Level 10 (Monk)
Feat: (Automatic) Purity of Body

Level 11 (Monk)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Ten Thousand Stars
Feat: (Automatic) Adept of Forms

Level 12 (Monk)
Feat: (Selected) Precision
Feat: (Automatic) Wholeness of Body

Level 13 (Monk)

Level 14 (Monk)
Feat: (Automatic) Improved Evasion

Level 15 (Monk)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Precise Shot
Feat: (Automatic) Curse of the Void
Feat: (Automatic) Ki Strike: Lawful
Feat: (Automatic) Moment of Clarity

Level 16 (Monk)
Feat: (Automatic) Diamond Body

Level 17 (Monk)
Feat: (Automatic) Abundant Step
Feat: (Automatic) Master of Forms (ALL)

Level 18 (Ranger)
Feat: (Selected) Master of Forms
Feat: (Automatic) Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Feat: (Automatic) Manyshot

Level 19 (Paladin)
Feat: (Deity) Follower of the Silver Flame
Feat: (Automatic) Aura of Good
Feat: (Automatic) Heavy Armor Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Medium Armor Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Smite Evil

Level 20 (Paladin)
Feat: (Automatic) Divine Grace
Feat: (Automatic) Lay on Hands

Level 21 (Epic)
Feat: (Selected) Epic: Combat Archery

Level 22 (Epic)

Level 23 (Epic)

Level 24 (Epic)
Feat: (Selected) Epic: Epic Toughness

Level 25 (Epic)

Level 26 (Epic)
Feat: (Epic Destiny) Epic Destiny: Holy Strike

Level 27 (Epic)
Feat: (Selected) Epic: Blinding Speed

Level 28 (Epic)
Feat: (Epic Destiny) Epic Destiny: Doubleshot

11-07-2013, 10:59 AM
Love the build. Just TR'd and went Human with 2 Cleric instead. 2 cleric gets you divine might, righteous weapons, and some toughness and prr if you want to spend the AP there in warpriest. Even toss in an Inflame. Radiant gets you Wand & Scroll Mastery at tier 1. Human I like getting 2 tiers of cheap healing amp. Healing amp is like ghostbane. You can't ever have enough.

My question though is what path to take with monk and does it matter. The build calls for using range all of/most of the time. That would be my intent too. Is there any difference or benefit of one over the other since you won't be using finishing (or any tactical) moves with the monk? I mean maybe while leveling at low levels, but later on? I've only ever played a dark monk so I have no idea.


11-07-2013, 03:00 PM
Any chance you or Sestra could post the halfling build here?
How would you split the starting stats and level up stats now that you use two paladin levels?
I'm eager to try it as my next TR life.

Here you go, you can thank Sestra ;) https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/429975-Sestras-Build-Thread?p=5161466#post5161466

11-07-2013, 07:10 PM
Cheers! Many thanks to you both!

11-07-2013, 07:25 PM
This is a formatted summary of the build posted by


Sestra - 12 Monk, 6 Ranger, 2 paladin. Halfling. Arcane Archer.
Base stats:
Str 14
Dex 16
Con 16
Int 8
Wis 16
Cha 8
Tomes: Plus 5 tome on every ability stat!

Least dragonmark of healing.
Favored enemy undead, human.
Grandmaster of forms.
Improved critical ranged.
Improved precise shot.
Fists of light.
Point blank shot.
Ten thousand stars.
Zen archery

Epic Feats:
Epic toughness.
Combat archery
Epic fortitude
Forced Escape

Halfling 12 AP: Heal
Arcane Archer 35 AP: arrow of slaying and runebow.
Deepwood stalker 13 AP: sniper shot
Henshin Mystic 8 AP: Contemplation tier 3
Shintao 12 AP: iron skin tier 3

Epic Destiny: Fury of the wild:
Primal scream T2.
Damage reduction T2.
Sence weekness T3.
Constitution 5 points.
Fury eternal.
Unbridled fury.

twists: Pin.
A dance of flowers.
Rejuvenation cocoon.

Skill points.
UMD maxed.
Diplo maxed.
Heal maxed.
Concentration maxed.
Some points in Bluff and Search.
Plus 4 tome on every skill except UMD.
Plus 2 tome of UMD.
Plus 5 tomes of Bluff, Hide, Haggle.

Past Life Feats: 3 x monk
3 x ranger
3 x atri
3 x barb
3 x fighter
3 x pally
3 x rog
3 x wiz
2 x sorc
2 x fvs
1 x cleric
1 x druid
1 x bard

11-11-2013, 04:56 AM
Might seem like a stupid question, but why such high wisdom and lower strength?
Ignore typo in the title. I'm on my phone.

May have answered my own question by reading further into Zen archery.

11-11-2013, 12:31 PM
Ty for the formatting Ancient.

Might seem like a stupid question, but why such high wisdom and lower strength?
Ignore typo in the title. I'm on my phone.

May have answered my own question by reading further into Zen archery.

The higher wisdom, the more arrows you get out of Ten Thousand Stars.

For an EE soloer that wants max self sufficiency, dropping Strength and not going for the OC feat means you free up 4 feats (quicken, epic toughness, dragonmark, toughness). The Strength drop means a loss of 3 base damage per arrow and -1 Crit multiplier on 19-20. Comes down to playstyle really and what you are aiming at with your character.

11-15-2013, 09:01 AM
Hi all, new to the AA scene but I do have one currently lvl24. Been loving it. I play a lot of EE content but have only done a few with my AA so far. So far so good but I have always liked to get great self sufficiency while keeping dps high. The new Sestra build looks pretty interesting. I have some questions.

1. How many heal dragonmarks do you end up with?
2. Do you need to use heal scrolls at all? if so...
3. Is UMD high enough?
4. Why FOTW over Shiradi? Can you please explain in detail as I am new to AA
5. Why fists of light? Not that it matters much from what I can tell.

Any other tips much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

11-15-2013, 12:13 PM
Hi all, new to the AA scene but I do have one currently lvl24. Been loving it. I play a lot of EE content but have only done a few with my AA so far. So far so good but I have always liked to get great self sufficiency while keeping dps high. The new Sestra build looks pretty interesting. I have some questions.

1. How many heal dragonmarks do you end up with?
2. Do you need to use heal scrolls at all? if so...
3. Is UMD high enough?
4. Why FOTW over Shiradi? Can you please explain in detail as I am new to AA
5. Why fists of light? Not that it matters much from what I can tell.

Any other tips much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Heya, here are some answers:

1. 4 Heals (5 if you have the Epic Chimera's Fang), 6 moderate, 9 light. I have 322 positive spell power at this time, so heals hit me for 800 with NO healing amp item. Crits for 1700+. You want to save these for emergencies. Cocoon is your main source of healing.
2. I have them, but never use them. Quickened cocoon every now & then & heal for emergency is more than enough.
3. Keep in mind you have 2 paladin levels so you want a decent charisma score. With about 30 charisma, and completely unbuffed, UMD is at 40 (I do have 2 UMD items though, the epic spare hand (+3) and the (+2 cha skills)). I know Sestra can easily get up to 60 UMD.
4. Think about it this way: Shiradi is a PROC ED, FotW is a CRIT ED. The more procs you get, the more benefit you get out of Shiradi (hence casters using magic missiles). If you shoot 1 arrow per second, you have 1 chance to proc one of the shiradi damages, while the caster gets a dozen of them per second. What makes AAs so powerful at this point is the ability to combine several elements: Applying adrenaline to a ranged attack will make all the arrows in that attack a crit (meaning if you are using manyshot, all 4 arrows are crits, if you are using 10k stars, you usually get 2 or 3 arrows a crit). Combine this with the very high Fortification bypass (-15% grim's precision twisted, -25% black scale, -25% precision feat, -20% debuff against undead for 20 seconds via bow of the silver flame) and most of your adrenaline arrows are crits. That's why you'll see AAs running in earth stance & with OC (that's a +2 crit multiplier). Knowing that slayer arrows (+250) damage works with adrenaline & on all your arrows in that attack, you could get 4 arrows that crit for 15-20k damage (Basically following this chain: Buff (Divine Might, Tensers, Damage Boost..), pin mob, use adrenaline, use manyshot, use slayer arrows.
Quick summary: AAs power comes from 1. Crits applied to several arrows, 2. High Crit damage and 3. Being able to bypass fortification.
They are a pain to level but starting at level 20 when you get FotW, it's a real pleasure.
Play around with your AA going in Shiradi & FotW, you'll understand why no true AA sticks in shiradi.
5. Pre-Enhancement pass, you'd go dark monk for: 1. Walk on water buff 2. very nice SA damage & 25% incorporeality
Now, there is no prereq to get the SA & incorporeality from ninja spy, and you are too tight on APs to invest in that tree anyway. Light monk gives you access to the light buffs, so for example grasp of dragon for immunity to stuns, which is quite useful in some raids such as LOB.

Hope that helps, Sith.

11-15-2013, 01:02 PM
Heya, here are some answers:

1. 4 Heals (5 if you have the Epic Chimera's Fang), 6 moderate, 9 light. I have 322 positive spell power at this time, so heals hit me for 800 with NO healing amp item. Crits for 1700+. You want to save these for emergencies. Cocoon is your main source of healing.
2. I have them, but never use them. Quickened cocoon every now & then & heal for emergency is more than enough.
3. Keep in mind you have 2 paladin levels so you want a decent charisma score. With about 30 charisma, and completely unbuffed, UMD is at 40 (I do have 2 UMD items though, the epic spare hand (+3) and the (+2 cha skills)). I know Sestra can easily get up to 60 UMD.
4. Think about it this way: Shiradi is a PROC ED, FotW is a CRIT ED. The more procs you get, the more benefit you get out of Shiradi (hence casters using magic missiles). If you shoot 1 arrow per second, you have 1 chance to proc one of the shiradi damages, while the caster gets a dozen of them per second. What makes AAs so powerful at this point is the ability to combine several elements: Applying adrenaline to a ranged attack will make all the arrows in that attack a crit (meaning if you are using manyshot, all 4 arrows are crits, if you are using 10k stars, you usually get 2 or 3 arrows a crit). Combine this with the very high Fortification bypass (-15% grim's precision twisted, -25% black scale, -25% precision feat, -20% debuff against undead for 20 seconds via bow of the silver flame) and most of your adrenaline arrows are crits. That's why you'll see AAs running in earth stance & with OC (that's a +2 crit multiplier). Knowing that slayer arrows (+250) damage works with adrenaline & on all your arrows in that attack, you could get 4 arrows that crit for 15-20k damage (Basically following this chain: Buff (Divine Might, Tensers, Damage Boost..), pin mob, use adrenaline, use manyshot, use slayer arrows.
Quick summary: AAs power comes from 1. Crits applied to several arrows, 2. High Crit damage and 3. Being able to bypass fortification.
They are a pain to level but starting at level 20 when you get FotW, it's a real pleasure.
Play around with your AA going in Shiradi & FotW, you'll understand why no true AA sticks in shiradi.
5. Pre-Enhancement pass, you'd go dark monk for: 1. Walk on water buff 2. very nice SA damage & 25% incorporeality
Now, there is no prereq to get the SA & incorporeality from ninja spy, and you are too tight on APs to invest in that tree anyway. Light monk gives you access to the light buffs, so for example grasp of dragon for immunity to stuns, which is quite useful in some raids such as LOB.

Hope that helps, Sith.

Thank you for your reply.

UMD of 40 is quite impressive given its not a class skill of any of the classes.

I am quite familiar with monks and understand the crit multi in earth and the difference between light and dark and all that. I was curious why you took it instead of dark on this new build since I did not see any enhancements that required it. Taking it for light finishers is a good idea.

My specific question is, why use fotw when you only get 5 adrenaline uses per rest and with shiradi the chance for procs are always there plus all the other beneficial stuff for rangers? Do the adrenalines recharge or something? I do understand the idea that a +400% damage +16 threat attack will make one powerful attack and also that when you use an attack during manyshot and 10k that all the arrows get the proc. It just seems that for only 5 uses per rest that, shiradi would provide more of a benefit overall. I know I must be missing something because so many AAs use fotw and I know you are very experienced with AAs. I just really want to grasp how it works and why it's better. Do the adrenaline uses recharge or something? 5 uses seems low compared to a constant chance for procs and all the other beneficial ranger stuff in shiradi.

11-15-2013, 02:01 PM
Thank you for your reply.

UMD of 40 is quite impressive given its not a class skill of any of the classes.

I am quite familiar with monks and understand the crit multi in earth and the difference between light and dark and all that. I was curious why you took it instead of dark on this new build since I did not see any enhancements that required it. Taking it for light finishers is a good idea.

My specific question is, why use fotw when you only get 5 adrenaline uses per rest and with shiradi the chance for procs are always there plus all the other beneficial stuff for rangers? Do the adrenalines recharge or something? I do understand the idea that a +400% damage +16 threat attack will make one powerful attack and also that when you use an attack during manyshot and 10k that all the arrows get the proc. It just seems that for only 5 uses per rest that, shiradi would provide more of a benefit overall. I know I must be missing something because so many AAs use fotw and I know you are very experienced with AAs. I just really want to grasp how it works and why it's better. Do the adrenaline uses recharge or something? 5 uses seems low compared to a constant chance for procs and all the other beneficial ranger stuff in shiradi.

Of course they recharge, 33% chance to get 1 back every 20. Also, you get 7, not 5.

Obviously, you only use them when you are using manyshot or 10kstars. Go ahead and try Shiradi.. 200 less HP, very low to non existant burst DPS. Think about it this way. 4 arrows with a manshot in shiradi will be what.. 2K damage, but with adrenaline, you are looking at 10k damage, and if the mob is pinned and you are using slayer arrow, that's a ridiculous amount of 15-20k x4.

Take a look at my elite shroud video posted yesterday, specifically how I 1 shot elite portals with adrenaline+slayer+10kstar, or even part 2 with the 4 red names kill, or part 4 when I unleash a fury shot on harry.

I did a 3 rounder on elite harry in part 4. I'm not even sure I could do it in 10 rounds with shiradi.

I can keep telling you how FotW is better, but in the end, I think you should try it on your own. Try both EDs on your monkcher.

11-15-2013, 02:24 PM
Of course they recharge, 33% chance to get 1 back every 20. Also, you get 7, not 5.

Obviously, you only use them when you are using manyshot or 10kstars. Go ahead and try Shiradi.. 200 less HP, very low to non existant burst DPS. Think about it this way. 4 arrows with a manshot in shiradi will be what.. 2K damage, but with adrenaline, you are looking at 10k damage, and if the mob is pinned and you are using slayer arrow, that's a ridiculous amount of 15-20k x4.

Take a look at my elite shroud video posted yesterday, specifically how I 1 shot elite portals with adrenaline+slayer+10kstar, or even part 2 with the 4 red names kill, or part 4 when I unleash a fury shot on harry.

I did a 3 rounder on elite harry in part 4. I'm not even sure I could do it in 10 rounds with shiradi.

I can keep telling you how FotW is better, but in the end, I think you should try it on your own. Try both EDs on your monkcher.

Fury eternal says on melee vorpal. Since you're telling me they recharge when using a bow, well it all makes sense now. Still working my way around to fotw with this particular toon. He was a character that I didn't play much so that is why I turned him into an AA. Just so I could check it out. Now that I've figured out that I really like it, he's been getting played a LOT more. Thanks for all your insight. Happy hunting.

11-15-2013, 03:01 PM
you only get 5 adrenaline uses per rest and with shiradi the chance for procs are always there plus all the other beneficial stuff for rangers? Do the adrenalines recharge or something?

In fact, the adrenalines DO recharge, at tier 5 of Fury of the Wild ED, there's an enhancement that gives you 33% to recharge an adrenaline charge on a vorpal attack.

11-17-2013, 02:39 AM
Just thought I'd leave a little update. I'm back to the game after a 6 months break.

2 options on the Sithali now:

Option 1 If there had to be a Sithali v2.0, it would be very similar to what Sestra (my new guildie - I changed servers) is running.
He runs a much more survivable version of it & convinced me of its potential.
Today's Sithali version is quite the opposite of the first concept, which was to pick up OC.. Now, you drop OC to free up 4 feats & pick up Combat Archery, Quicken, Paladin PL & Epic Toughness.
Race: halfling
Split: 12 monk 6 ranger 2 paladin
HP: 1200-1400
Pros over Sithali..: Insane saves, much more hitpoints, quickened heals that hit for 700+.. (with the dragonmark), Every arrow base damage is over 100 - The build doesn't rely on its critical potential anymore. Divine Might.. This is easily a +7-8 boost to every arrow (14-16 strenght bonus) at the cost of 1 twist.
Cons: -1 Critical multiplier, but the survivability makes up for it. You also lose the ability to dual boost, but then Haste Boost is not twisted very often..
New twists: Dance of flowers, pin/cocoon, bane of undeath
Basically trading off some DPS for survivability, which was always my number 1 goal as an EE soloer.
I'll post some videos on my channel when I cap the build.

Option 2 If you wanted to keep the same concept as the Sithali, which was to maximize DPS, go for 12 monk 6 ranger 2 paladin, human, twists: bane of undeath, dance of flowers, pin/cocoon.
Keep OC (2 less feats from losing 2 ftr levels, but +1 from going human & +1 from new lvl 28 feat) => feats stay the same.
With DM & dance of lowers, your damage will increase a lot.. crits over 20k.
Anyway, that's pretty much it, the last updates have boosted the Sithali a lot.


Thank you for posting again, much appreciated.

Opt 1: Sestra posted his build without Bane of Undeath. How does that fit in?
Opt 2: How would you distribute the 80 ap on enhancements for option 2 given the new enh system?

11-17-2013, 06:17 AM
As halfling archer is lining up small enemies for IPS easier?
On my Halfelf I can't hit a scorpion in front of me while shooting at one that is further away.

11-27-2013, 09:16 PM
With the new enhancement tree I also am very interested in how you spent your points. Also I see people saying AA"elf" is this over AA"ranger"? Are you spending 4 points to unlock the elf one vs. using the granted ranger one? I am trying this build out on a 3rd lifer that I always wanted to be ranged. She has all the trap gear so I went arti to try to pull off trap skills too. Going 12monk/6ranger/1Arti and filling in other level based on weakness vs plus at 20. Thanks for the build and any guidance you can provide.

12-11-2013, 12:40 PM
Of course they recharge, 33% chance to get 1 back every 20. Also, you get 7, not 5.

Obviously, you only use them when you are using manyshot or 10kstars. Go ahead and try Shiradi.. 200 less HP, very low to non existant burst DPS. Think about it this way. 4 arrows with a manshot in shiradi will be what.. 2K damage, but with adrenaline, you are looking at 10k damage, and if the mob is pinned and you are using slayer arrow, that's a ridiculous amount of 15-20k x4.

Take a look at my elite shroud video posted yesterday, specifically how I 1 shot elite portals with adrenaline+slayer+10kstar, or even part 2 with the 4 red names kill, or part 4 when I unleash a fury shot on harry.

I did a 3 rounder on elite harry in part 4. I'm not even sure I could do it in 10 rounds with shiradi.

I can keep telling you how FotW is better, but in the end, I think you should try it on your own. Try both EDs on your monkcher.

Well, finally capped fotw a few days ago and after playing it a lot this weekend, man, I can see why you like it. I finally got the button sequence down and wow, things were dying pretty fast in EE TOR. Thanks again for all your helpful replies. Happy hunting.

12-11-2013, 12:45 PM
With the new enhancement tree I also am very interested in how you spent your points. Also I see people saying AA"elf" is this over AA"ranger"? Are you spending 4 points to unlock the elf one vs. using the granted ranger one? I am trying this build out on a 3rd lifer that I always wanted to be ranged. She has all the trap gear so I went arti to try to pull off trap skills too. Going 12monk/6ranger/1Arti and filling in other level based on weakness vs plus at 20. Thanks for the build and any guidance you can provide.

13 monk grants you the feat diamond soul which gives you spell resistance 23 (monk level +10). Not real high but could be helpful.

01-21-2014, 06:47 PM
Awesome build so far, but could someone please write up their current enhancement points and where
They have spent them? Thanks

01-27-2014, 08:33 AM
is it possible to do a Bladeforged /2 pallyversion of this build for even more survivability (reconstruct SLA, reduced slashing damage taken)? Would build points be stretched to the point of not being playable?

If it is possible...can someone please provide the build modifications?

01-27-2014, 10:49 AM
well...I'm initially thinking 14/14/16/8/14/12. Use level ups as required to get to 21 DEX.

What provides more DPS...OC or a few extra points of WIS? Getting 23 STR is a bit of a challenge for a BF /2pally version.

05-10-2014, 01:49 PM
This is a very very nice build, I have told all my friends ''try the Sithali''. I'm only at level 14-15, and every time i play Sithali, is awesome. It is a very powerfull build.
But, there is something i really need to know, the leveling ordre, example:
1. ranger
2. monk
3 ranger
4. ranger

If you could write the leveling ordre, it would be awesome!

05-10-2014, 02:51 PM
well...I'm initially thinking 14/14/16/8/14/12. Use level ups as required to get to 21 DEX.

What provides more DPS...OC or a few extra points of WIS? Getting 23 STR is a bit of a challenge for a BF /2pally version.

You dont need that much con, drop it to 12 or 10 and put it in str.

05-17-2014, 08:33 AM
You dont need that much con, drop it to 12 or 10 and put it in str.

Your talking about Sithali, a balls to the wall zerger, solo epic elite, byoh everything end-gammer. You don't start with 10 con ever, on anything, especially Sith's build. If you do, the only time you'll be playing close to his level is when your in his backpack.

@ Luxmus

To start a new thread you just go to the forum page you want the thread to be on and
in the top left there is a button "+Post new thread", Hit that.

06-06-2014, 11:38 AM
Your talking about Sithali, a balls to the wall zerger, solo epic elite, byoh everything end-gammer. You don't start with 10 con ever, on anything, especially Sith's build. If you do, the only time you'll be playing close to his level is when your in his backpack.

@ Luxmus

To start a new thread you just go to the forum page you want the thread to be on and
in the top left there is a button "+Post new thread", Hit that.

I soloed plenty of ee with 10 con.
Btw it is you are, not your.

06-06-2014, 10:22 PM
I soloed plenty of ee with 10 con.
Btw it is you are, not your.

Yes you can solo plenty of EE's with a 8 con wind stance halfling. Agh 8 con halflings, remembering my heroic leveling builds, lol.

06-07-2014, 10:16 AM
yes you can solo plenty of ee's with a 8 con wind stance halfling. Agh 8 con halflings, remembering my heroic leveling builds, lol.

I find funny because you rely on having over one thousand HPs to run epic elites then whine when other people are better than you. Try strategy instead of brute force next time.

06-07-2014, 10:18 AM
Oh, also please look at my signature before you ***** some more about people using better strategy than you :)

06-08-2014, 09:57 AM
While it provides some useful information, the Sithali is quite old and outdated :) I think we should let it rest in peace ;)

06-08-2014, 12:40 PM
Saw some recent interest in the bladeforged version, so, posting what I can remember of mine:

16+5tome+2level STR
16+5tome DEX
10+5tome CON
8+4tome INT
14+5tome+5level WIS
8+5tome CHA

this gets you enough for OC and CA. Depending on your tome availability, you may have to adjust a few stats and make up the wisdom later in the game with gear. i remember having to wait til lv28 for 42wis a couple lives in a row, til i figured out my gear mapping and got all +5 tomes needed.

for enhancements:

all five core in bladeforged, recon x3, boost, seeker, and weap attachment.
enough for shadow fade and the PRR mod for earth stance from monk trees
1pt in deepwoods for increased PBS range
Three core from AA tree. all four elemental arrows, conjure arrows, whatever the ones are that give you SP, 3xterror and para arrows, and all four tier fives.
EDIT: Two points of wisdom in AA tree and one in one of the monk trees.

Twisting standing with stone, enlightenment and dance with flowers.

06-08-2014, 07:06 PM
Yes you can solo plenty of EE's with a 8 con wind stance halfling. Agh 8 con halflings, remembering my heroic leveling builds, lol.

I dont need 1.2k hp to do ee, I play it smart, not with stupid amount of hp that you can put in dps.

06-08-2014, 07:08 PM
Saw some recent interest in the bladeforged version, so, posting what I can remember of mine:

16+5tome+2level STR
16+5tome DEX
10+5tome CON
8+4tome INT
14+5tome+5level WIS
8+5tome CHA

Omg, 10 con?

Your talking about Sithali, a balls to the wall zerger, solo epic elite, byoh everything end-gammer. You don't start with 10 con ever, on anything, especially Sith's build. If you do, the only time you'll be playing close to his level is when your in his backpack.


06-09-2014, 02:03 AM
Omg, 10 con?


con has been @ dumpstat quite a while.
forum lemmings r sooo confuzed.
oh noooooooooz!!

06-26-2014, 02:28 PM
Omg, 10 con?

LOL... for those not in the know... I wind up at 951hp at 28, 1k+ with scream.

06-26-2014, 03:37 PM
LOL... for those not in the know... I wind up at 951hp at 28, 1k+ with scream.

wish we could start @ 4 or even 6 :)
--can almost hear lemmings little tantrums now---