View Full Version : Happy Holidays,Merry Christmas,Happy Kwanzaa,Happy Hannuka,et al

12-23-2012, 08:39 PM
With Holiday time upon us, just wanted to take the time to wish all Players a most lovely Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hannuka, Yuletide, whichever you Celebrate at this time of year...
May you all be Blessed with much Peace and Love,
Good Tidings,
Health and Happiness,
that will continue into the New Year that is also near.
For those of us that may find ourselves alone, do not let sadness prevail, I wish you wholeness and comeraderie;
do know that kindness does exist, and friends are just a thought away..

and do not stress or fret the small stuff

so may you find great treasures, fill yourselves with the best Awesomesauce there is,
and remember to smile :D

take care everyone,
travel safe too.. and let the energy of 'New Beginnings' take hold !
aka 'Lem' ( or my other alts lol.. )


12-23-2012, 08:47 PM
Will be happy nothing for me.

In fact, it won't even be happy at all.

12-24-2012, 03:16 PM
Will be happy nothing for me.

In fact, it won't even be happy at all.

Well, Ilindith...
then I'll hold a wish something good will come for you.
Even if it is something small, like you pull a treasure chest with something you've been looking for will bring a smile on your face,
then hold that moment... a smile is a start. .. 'kay?
It does not have to be grand, just nice.
sending 'good vibes' your way
and hope you feel better

( truth be told, I do not have a christmas tree, nor presents not even a turkey and family are away.. but I find peace and friendship where I am able, and count my blessings in the small things )