View Full Version : Are epic scrolls dropping for you?
12-09-2012, 10:51 AM
I've been running the House P & House K epics but the last week or two I haven't seen a single scroll drop.
I've run at least 15-20 runs (total) in House P and House K in 3-4 man groups over the last two weeks and though I've been seeing shards and seals, no scrolls whatsoever for anyone in the group.
Is anyone else experiencing this, or am I just experiencing a bad luck streak?
12-09-2012, 10:52 AM
I got a scroll for one of the house P masks the other day, so they are still dropping.
12-09-2012, 10:53 AM
I saw a lot of scrolls drop (including one for myself) in VoN 5 last night.
Not on Sarlona though, if that makes a difference to you.
12-09-2012, 11:10 AM
2 manned EH A Small Problem last night, got 1 scroll
12-09-2012, 11:11 AM
I got two in a VoN 3 run and one in a Lords of Dust run on Thursday evening.
12-09-2012, 12:26 PM
Bad luck.
Crazy amount of scrolls in Desert and House K in the last few days here.
12-09-2012, 01:57 PM
Awesome. Thanks for the replies. I thought it was probably just a run of bad luck since I was seeing seals and shards, but I've never gone this long without seeing a scroll drop.
12-09-2012, 03:42 PM
It's been raining scrolls my last few runs. It goes in fits and spurts, and sometime there are dry spells and then sometimes there are monsoons of paper.
12-09-2012, 03:51 PM
It's been raining scrolls my last few runs. It goes in fits and spurts, and sometime there are dry spells and then sometimes there are monsoons of paper.
You're snatchin' all my scrolls, yo!
(that's OK, what i really need is more shards and that freaking antique great axe seal!)
12-09-2012, 04:31 PM
I think everyone has a "dead zone" when it comes to epic scrolls, every guild member complaints that they cant get scrolls somewhere, always a different pack. for me it is web of chaos, i can not get a scroll to save my live, and my guild members say they dont have a problem with WoC, they run with me and they grab scrolls i do not. thats my theory
got an SOS scroll 2 nights ago
on a related note... anyone on Orien need an SOS scroll? i have an extra now? :D
12-09-2012, 05:02 PM
I suggest getting yourself into a VON 5 group...I don't think I've ever seen less than 7 scrolsl drop, often times it's closer to 10.
12-13-2012, 02:39 PM
I scroll and seal farm on my WF sorc and go into demon queen pre raid a lot. In there over the last 3 weeks and killing approx 300 or so creatures. Of those I had 1-2 Scrolls drop and 1 seal (of about 40 chests). Not great odds but averaged out sounds about right. I think that is about 3% drop on seals and less then 1% on scrolls. I do not know what it should be but I thought it was about a 3% drop rate from other forums.
I too have notices less scroll (but particularly seals) drop and I do this on Epic Elite.
12-13-2012, 02:43 PM
Lords of Dust on Cannith ... scrolls dropping ... havent seen a single seal ... farming on EH
12-13-2012, 02:59 PM
I got three scrolls in my first 50 kills in EN Servants earlier today.
Sorry, everyone.
Lords of Dust on Cannith ... scrolls dropping ... havent seen a single seal ... farming on EH
Probably because seals only drop on EN in Dust/Servants.
12-13-2012, 10:30 PM
Ive pulled 11 scrolls in the last 2 days from all over the place :-D
12-18-2012, 06:58 PM
3 epic normal = no scrolls 1 shard 1 seal.
2 epic normal w/o end fight = 1 scroll 1 seal
2 epic hards = 1 scroll.
They are dropping but seems to depend on the quest.
12-18-2012, 07:30 PM
Night before last
1 wiz king normal 2 scrolls and a seal (solo)
Last night
Von 1 norm SOS scroll in the first 3 fights and a crimson prophecy(two manned)
Von2 norm scroll of silver prophecy (two manned)
Claw of voulkor norm sfro of sirens belt ( solo)
So yeah they are dropping.
Havent seen a shard in forever though.
12-18-2012, 09:03 PM
Been grinding WoC chain and House D BoB, trying to get the last component of either an eMG or an epic envenomed blade (or both..). Scrolls in WoC seem VERY rare lately in all 3 quests; seals and shards are just regularly rare; any component at all of the Golden Guile seems absurdly rare (some guildies looking for it too, we've just got 1 scroll between us and no other components dropped). BoB drops everything except the stupid seal of the stupid eMG.
Dear loot gods, my dex-based halfling rogue is gimpy enough even if he DID have a reasonable weapon, I promise, you don't have to keep these from me.
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