View Full Version : Update 16 Patch 1 Preview

11-30-2012, 11:35 AM
Lamannia is now Online with Update 16 patch 1!

Release Notes can be found here:

Known Issues can be found here:

Keep an eye on the Forums for information on Events happening in the near future!


11-30-2012, 02:08 PM
Hmmm... ice races.

-Fixed the level range fields on the Who tab and LFM window.

-Tsunami and Gust of Wind cast by party members/hirelings no longer knock down halfling party members, nor affect party members/hirelings in anyway.

Ugly - Biggest Missing Changes:
-Unpopulated friends list/chat channels requiring relogin. <- More often occurring and annoying than the physics bug at least for me.
-Niac's, Creeping Cold spells getting 0'ed damage by crushing wave type weapon effects.

"Hey look at this new [oceanic, long sword raid, new cannith challenge] weapon I got!"
"Dont use it or you'll crush all our druid/arcane DoT's!"

11-30-2012, 02:09 PM
Ugly - Biggest Missing Changes:
-Unpopulated friends list/chat channels requiring relogin. <- More often occurring and annoying than the physics bug at least for me.


11-30-2012, 02:31 PM
I am happy that lamannia is back up, altho i still think you should have wiped the servers. How long has it been since the last wipe?

11-30-2012, 03:09 PM
I am happy that lamannia is back up, altho i still think you should have wiped the servers. How long has it been since the last wipe?

They have said there will be a wipe. Also was said it would not happen until U-16 is patched and tested. So it will most likely be for U-17

11-30-2012, 03:14 PM
Lets see 50 motes to rent skates. Tokens 4. First run 16 motes. No way will this work to be properly tested. Need Skates to be added to the store. Or more free tokens to be handed out. After all this is for testing. Also add tokens to the store or forget any testing. I do not think many on the server have toons that had skates from live.

11-30-2012, 04:04 PM
I am curious how you get these 'astral shard' things.

11-30-2012, 04:14 PM
Saw the winter festival in Eveningstar, but nothing in the harbor.

Will the Midwinter Ice Races and Winter Festival run simultaneously?

Premium player....but only received 2 tickets for the Midwinter Ice Races.
No tickets showing in the DDO store for Midwinter Ice Races.
No ice skates in DDO store.

Snow is only on the ground?

11-30-2012, 06:48 PM
Yay - Harbor will not be a lag fest.

Boo - Eveningstar will be a lag fest.

Yay - something for my monk to do......1million times

Boo - it will all probably be BTC

Yay - more collectibles (astral shards, winter motes, snowfrakes)

Boo - I put a boo comment in my yay category

Yay - I'll stop now.

11-30-2012, 06:59 PM
Yo squeaks Thanks so much! Can you stock the Auction house now? Please?

11-30-2012, 08:39 PM
Looks good but where is the fix to Celestia not working with damage type enhancements and the Paladin capstone? Don't tell me it'll take u17 and beyond to fix that?

Edit: It's not even in the known issue list...


11-30-2012, 09:38 PM
Newly-found Potions of Wonder will now stack in your inventory, and are more unpredictable.

Does this mean they sell to the NPC trash vendors for random amounts of gold? I mean, that IS the only thing anyone ever does with the stupid things, isn't it?

Or did they add Void Strike IV to the other two effects the potions typically produce: Burning Blood or Disintegrate?

Or did they make it so your rogue can sneak through a group of enemies and drop them on the ground so your less intelligent foes will pick them up and drink them?

If not, then this was a waste of time.

12-01-2012, 05:27 AM
Does this mean they sell to the NPC trash vendors for random amounts of gold? I mean, that IS the only thing anyone ever does with the stupid things, isn't it?

Or did they add Void Strike IV to the other two effects the potions typically produce: Burning Blood or Disintegrate?

Or did they make it so your rogue can sneak through a group of enemies and drop them on the ground so your less intelligent foes will pick them up and drink them?

If not, then this was a waste of time.

I don't know anyone, barring a few PUGers, that sells them. Everyone I regularly play with, as well as myself, plays by 'The Adventurer Rule': You find it, you immediately drink it. Of course, the people I play with are also are the easygoing types that would find dying that way hilarious, rather than frustrating- and given your unwarranted tone, I imagine that may tie into your problems with the potions.

The main effects they produce are Burning Blood, Disintegrate, AND Major SP Pot. So they can also make for great desperate situation pots- though that's not near as much of a game element as it used to be.

Nevertheless, I will agree that Potions of Wonder are in desperate need of more variety and range of potency. Given the statement in the release notes, and the other recent randomized effects in the game, it seems as if that'll be taken care of.

For those of us that enjoy the potions of wonder, this is, thus far, a fine thing that deserves no complaint.

Now, on a more important note:
"New Winter Races" sounded a whole lot more awesome at first. Not to say that the race doesn't sound interesting, and far far better than Risia, but...

...I dunno. Snow Elf toons? :P


12-03-2012, 06:04 PM
Am I blind or is the captain's option screen here to stay?

12-04-2012, 11:27 AM
Am I blind or is the captain's option screen here to stay?

You talking about the dialogue box that no longer goes away after the airship captain drops you off?

The one that was supposedly 'fixed' last patch?

Yeah, pretty sure that is a permanent change now.

12-04-2012, 01:21 PM
Yes I have also been getting this too its annoying

12-04-2012, 05:39 PM
You talking about the dialogue box that no longer goes away after the airship captain drops you off?

The one that was supposedly 'fixed' last patch?

Yeah, pretty sure that is a permanent change now.

YEah, that's the one. Happy times, coupled with Challenges nerf and broken physics it will make for a more interesting game altogether :>

Seriously tho, it's silly how long something like this can persist.

12-05-2012, 10:58 AM
Hey squeaks when's the next event? I'm just curious.. :)

12-05-2012, 06:18 PM
The egregiously long alert on negative levels has been trimmed back down to its original size.

T-thank you...

12-05-2012, 11:09 PM
Removed a stuck spot from the crafting hall.

Uhm, I don't think they are stuck. They just can't move because of Carpal Tunnel.

12-06-2012, 07:55 AM
seems like the floating weapon bug was fixed in this patch, at least i dont see it happen on lammania anymore, so i hope its fixed.

as for the ice races, cost of skates in motes is too high compared to the number of motes recieved from each run. also getting limited runs dayly will also kill the event for most ppl, learning the place takes much more runs that 2-3-4. that grand 10k mote reward seems pretty unreachable without paying with tp for it in tickets.

12-06-2012, 08:46 AM
i can log in on live and forms but unable to log in on preview server I get user dose not have a active account and i do have 3 but am unable to log into the game on any of them is anyon else had this problem and what do i do to correct it?

12-06-2012, 08:51 AM
i can log in on live and forms but unable to log in on preview server I get user dose not have a active account and i do have 3 but am unable to log into the game on any of them is anyon else had this problem and what do i do to correct it?

YEAH! It's not only you experiencing this problem, even I'm still encountering this problem as I write this forum post -_- devs help us!

12-06-2012, 08:55 AM
well i wonder what is going on hope the get it fixed I sent a message to +Squeaks. I got i new idea i want to try

Squeaks we need your help

this sucks :-(

12-06-2012, 09:13 AM
well i wonder what is going on hope the get it fixed I sent a message to +Squeaks. I got i new idea i want to try

Squeaks we need your help

this sucks :-(

Squeak's on, so far the problem remains and no replies from squeak yet :(

12-06-2012, 09:22 AM
Looks like Lamannia is being a pain. I'm also unable to log in. :( I'm currently addressing the issue.

12-06-2012, 09:26 AM
thanks for the info keep us advise

12-06-2012, 10:09 AM
Ok. I was able to log into Lamannia. I know that it's currently down for the update, but you should be able to log in. If you still run into problems, don't hesitate to let me know!

12-06-2012, 10:37 AM
Squeak! I'm unable to log in. I've been trying for about twenty minutes. Anyone else having a problem?

12-06-2012, 10:47 AM
Unfortunately, I was just lucky and was able to get in. Looks like the problem is still persistent. We are still looking into it!

12-06-2012, 10:54 AM
i am getting the null thing hope things will be there when it come back if not oh well time to rebuild

was going to TR a couple anyway with a new idea

12-06-2012, 10:54 AM
Unfortunately, I was just lucky and was able to get in. Looks like the problem is still persistent. We are still looking into it!

Okay, thank you for responding so quickly! :) I must practice patience, which could be rough.

12-06-2012, 11:22 AM
logged in on live and put the word out for others to try and log in and then let you know what they get hope that will help you out

12-06-2012, 12:15 PM
It's the thin ice Lamannia fell in

12-06-2012, 01:24 PM
OK! Would you try to get into Lamannia again? I was able to get in without issues (tried a number of times).

12-06-2012, 01:45 PM
Okay got in with no issues. Skates in store Cider in store:). But no tokens.:(

12-06-2012, 02:17 PM
I don't know anyone, barring a few PUGers, that sells them. Everyone I regularly play with, as well as myself, plays by 'The Adventurer Rule': You find it, you immediately drink it.

Agreed .. Potions of Wonder are an excellent flavour element. even moreso now.

12-06-2012, 02:19 PM
Okay got in with no issues. Skates in store Cider in store:). But no tokens.:(

QuarterMasterX is fixing the tokens now. Also let us know (http://forums.ddo.com/forumdisplay.php?f=263) if you're not getting the expected amount of free tokens from Brace this time around.

12-06-2012, 03:05 PM
Any word on the broken chat/guild channels/missing friends list login issue that is plaguing live right now? Is that testable on Lama or only rears it's evilness with live's higher population?

12-06-2012, 03:20 PM
i finally got logged in client froze twice on me after each update but once i got in had no issues thank +Squeaks and all the DEVS that got the problem solved now it is time to take a nap

12-06-2012, 03:41 PM
Any word on the broken chat/guild channels/missing friends list login issue that is plaguing live right now? Is that testable on Lama or only rears it's evilness with live's higher population?

Still working on this one :( Although if you DO experience it on Lamannia please let us know (helps with the investigation)

12-06-2012, 03:42 PM
QuarterMasterX is fixing the tokens now. Also let us know (http://forums.ddo.com/forumdisplay.php?f=263) if you're not getting the expected amount of free tokens from Brace this time around.

Thank You. That will be great.

12-06-2012, 04:42 PM
was able to log-in easily now, thanks devs!

12-06-2012, 05:15 PM
Still working on this one :( Although if you DO experience it on Lamannia please let us know (helps with the investigation)

Btw, nice title!

Heey, just saw mine :)

12-06-2012, 08:59 PM
Hey squeak, tolero.. my perants are software devs ;) actually my mom is a senior software dev. hehe.

and aww I want a title... :(

12-07-2012, 03:07 PM
NEW: Overall experience for the quest "House of Rusted Blades" has been increased - base experience for the quest has been reduced, but the experience for the optional objectives has been increased even more.

not complaining about this, since just about everyone with common sense would say it was to be expected. however, afaik (from hearing from others) optional exp still has repetition penalties depending on how many times you ran it, even at cap. so is there some way we could get that looked into to either change it so that at cap you dont get any base or optional exp penalty once capped (no matter if you currently have a repetition on quest or not)(<- this would be the prefered method, atleast by me XD), or just remove optional exp penalty altogether.