View Full Version : Eye of the Beholder Quest packs

11-26-2012, 01:31 PM
I'd pay good money to see the original SSI series for FORGOTTEN REALMS recreated as a set of quest packs complete with optional puzzles and npc hierling adventurers you could pick up along the way just like the original. the only tweak I'd make to the original would be that the first beholder in the EOB 1 quest pack be kill-able instead of trapping him.

11-26-2012, 01:55 PM
I would like to see an Explorer-like randomized dungeon with multiple level tiers to simulate the old Dungeon Hack game. But, realistically, I think there is more probability that the moon will crash into the Earth. ;)

11-26-2012, 02:08 PM
It would be fun to see some older games and pen and paper modules pop up as DDO quests, but I think licensing issues would and have made it problematic.

Also, I'd be a bit saddened if the Devs were reduced to making what ultimately amounted to a cover song of somebody else's hit. Blaze new trails, and all that. :)