View Full Version : mabar drama, the blacklisting........

11-21-2012, 04:43 AM
dear sarlona,
first i would like to thank everyone i have ever grouped with. i have learnt much and it has been fun but sadly as of last night it will be no more....

what i dont care about, me being blacklisted.
last night i was in mabar standing up on the rocks (solo with my wizard) by the dragon entrance collecting some motes when i get a tell from somone saying go away your getting our kills and we were here first etc etc.(come on to my way of thinking there are only 2 decent spots in mabar,where i was and in the centre and there must of been 6 plus people on that rock and i was getting all the kills lol.) after a few tells which went back and forth(them telling me to go, me saying no etc etc) i was informed by a person by tell that he/she was the leader of a top guild here on sarlona(no idea of guild name i didnt bother to look) and that i had been blacklisted by there guild and also that as they new all the top guild leaders here on sarlona word would be passed on and my grouping days were over. after 4 or 5 minutes of more tells etc going back and forth i finaly had enough of there badgering and changed instance.so...

my guild name is big bager boom, my toons names are as follows, rizaloo, rizalina, rizlapaper, rizlapapers and silinterest. i dont want no mistakes with the blacklisting.

what i do care about and why im writing this.
over my morning coffee(knowing what these type of games can be like and my friend not having a clue) i decided as the leader of my 2 man guild(me and real life friend) i would ask that my actions(in game or on these forums) would have no reflection on my friends toons as i feel this would be unfair..

tho i feel that there was nothing wrong in what i was doing and guess what im off right now back to the same bit of rock i always stand on, i felt i had to come to the forums not to appologise but to ask my friend does not suffer.

thankyou for reading
your friend sil :)

11-21-2012, 08:03 AM
They should just give groups their own instance of mabar and we wouldn't have this problem.

I think the reason they were upset is that a large group of 12 spawns larger mobs so that the group gets a fair # of items. When a solo caster/divine stands by the large group and then "marks" mobs by getting the first hit in with a spell that can hit many enemies, that one person is getting an unfair percentage of the items that spawned due to the large group of 12. That is why so many people prefer to solo in Mabar - you do get more stuff that way.

For the most part the groups I've been in will either invite the person (who almost always accepts) or just change instances and I've never seen anyone follow us. You could have really done the same as well - to me that is far better than having a confrontation where everyone loses.

As for the banning, that is just childish. There are people that think of themselves more highly than they ought to and I wouldn't worry to much about the banning. Not everyone even understands how the mechanics work, they just try to kill everything they see. What is the point in getting mad at and then banning people that don't even understand how the system works.

Oh and stay away from my group please :)

11-21-2012, 08:19 AM
One guild added (I am quite confident you are not the only person they would add to their list, seeing their childish response to your gaming) you to their list.

Meh. I would like to have them add my name to their list, thereby saving me the trouble of finding out the hard way they are not a group I would want to run with.

Sarlona has many, many great guilds and players that don't "blacklist" someone simply because they were playing in a public instance too close to an area they had staked off as their own. (As if they "owned" that particular spot anyway)

I support your (from what you wrote) decision to stand where you wanted, and told them no, you were not going to move. Good for you for standing up to the bullies.

One, and I stress ONE guild deciding they don't want you in their groups is not a big deal. They just further puffed up their percieved importance by informing you of it. Laugh it off and move on.

Oh, and I was running around at the same time last night as you were nuking the spawns. I was still getting drops, and not whining about someone else's gameplay.

Continue doing your thing your way, you were not griefing anyone in any way. Happy Hunting!

11-21-2012, 08:20 AM
Le sigh...sorry you had to deal with something like this because of a poor thought out event, it's just the way it's designed. Btw imo they were griefinggg you.

11-21-2012, 08:34 AM
For me, a lot of the fun in Mabar is being a gremlin to the "hardcore, serious, take it to the mat" players that think they are entitled to better drops or more relaxed grinds.

Mabar isn't a time for hardcore farming of motes, but rather an opportunity for some harmless mischief.

That's how I enjoy the festival anyway.

11-21-2012, 08:41 AM
Anyone who claims to be a "top" guild is generally not a group that is fun to run with anyway, so no big loss on your part, OP. I say that because, if they feel they have to toot their own horns then chances are they are egotistical snobs and people like that just aren't fun to group with unless you are a snobbish player yourself.

Any number of people can blacklist you, and it doesn't mean beans if you have a group of friends/guildies you enjoy running with. Take it from someone who is a part of a guild that is blacklisted from running with two of the larger guilds on the server, lol. We don't need them to fill groups, we don't need them to have fun. And the ironic part is, people from guilds that "blacklisted" us frequently try to join OUR groups :)

11-21-2012, 08:43 AM
would have been easier to right click - report harassment.
-I suspect threatening to cross guild black list you and defame you would net them a forced holiday from the game.

It is doutbful anyone from a top guild would recongnize Mabar kills worthy of blacklisting anyway, since most of these guild players would be in the same situation.

Alternative - invite you to their group and benefit from group kills.

11-21-2012, 08:54 AM
I find it more interesting that a whole group of players from a "Top Guild" couldn't stop one dude from getting all the kills. One thing I have learned in my 3+ years playing this game. There is only one right way to play this game, your way, the way you enjoy to do so.

11-21-2012, 09:09 AM
first off thankyou all for your kind words, it makes me happy to see not everyone is like that :)

in some ways i agree with a comment from above that there should be some way in which a group could have a private instance if they chose to this would stop things like this happening.

anyway enough of this now, it seems my friend will have no worries and thats good.

your friend sil :)

11-21-2012, 10:09 AM
If a guild considers what you were doing in Mabar as being worthy of blacklisting, then that is a guild you probably have little interest in running with in general.

There are ways to run around Mabar as a solo or small group and provide benefits to all, and there are ways to appear to just be annoying or trying to snipe kills. I know if I am running around and someone or a group is already engaged with some mobs, I just keep on running by. If a new bunch of mobs pops, I jump in on them until they drop. I pass out buffs (when on a caster) when it seems appropriate in lulls.

As a melee I can stay in there almost continuously, while as a caster I have to step out of the graveyard to restock blue juice pretty often. (not drinking looted pots for this stuff:eek:).

Personally as a solo caster I found running around some of the back passages to the sides of Joe can be pretty effective. Picked up a lot of drops last night

11-21-2012, 11:11 AM
Anyone who actually makes threats about being "from a top guild" usually isn't.

And let's be honest, Sarlona is the most drama-filled server next to Khyber, guilds don't coordinate, they hate each other :D

11-21-2012, 12:53 PM
/squelch add <username> solves all of your problems.

What you met with were internet tough guys thinking they can influence you. Squelch them and carry on with what you're doing. No matter how "big" their influence, there's still 10,000 other people you can party with.

I saw you in Mabar yesterday, I was camping your kills :)

11-21-2012, 01:04 PM
You should have just reported them for harrassment. Conviniently that /squelches them automatically too.

11-22-2012, 12:13 PM
dear sarlona,
first i would like to thank everyone i have ever grouped with. i have learnt much and it has been fun but sadly as of last night it will be no more....

what i dont care about, me being blacklisted.
last night i was in mabar standing up on the rocks (solo with my wizard) by the dragon entrance collecting some motes when i get a tell from somone saying go away your getting our kills and we were here first etc etc.(come on to my way of thinking there are only 2 decent spots in mabar,where i was and in the centre and there must of been 6 plus people on that rock and i was getting all the kills lol.) after a few tells which went back and forth(them telling me to go, me saying no etc etc) i was informed by a person by tell that he/she was the leader of a top guild here on sarlona(no idea of guild name i didnt bother to look) and that i had been blacklisted by there guild and also that as they new all the top guild leaders here on sarlona word would be passed on and my grouping days were over. after 4 or 5 minutes of more tells etc going back and forth i finaly had enough of there badgering and changed instance.so...

my guild name is big bager boom, my toons names are as follows, rizaloo, rizalina, rizlapaper, rizlapapers and silinterest. i dont want no mistakes with the blacklisting.

what i do care about and why im writing this.
over my morning coffee(knowing what these type of games can be like and my friend not having a clue) i decided as the leader of my 2 man guild(me and real life friend) i would ask that my actions(in game or on these forums) would have no reflection on my friends toons as i feel this would be unfair..

tho i feel that there was nothing wrong in what i was doing and guess what im off right now back to the same bit of rock i always stand on, i felt i had to come to the forums not to appologise but to ask my friend does not suffer.

thankyou for reading
your friend sil :)

LOL, the guy who would send a tell threatening to blacklist someone? Sounds like a cyber hall monitor that needs to get laid. I wonder if he sits in his grandmothers basement wearing his Boy Scout uniform with a blaze orange safety sash. He's on patrol throughout Stormreach ready to pounce on any violators of his self imposed rules...

11-22-2012, 01:07 PM
Anyone who actually makes threats about being "from a top guild" usually isn't.

And let's be honest, Sarlona is the most drama-filled server next to Khyber, guilds don't coordinate, they hate each other :D

Yup. True "top guilds" (how the hell do you measure that anyway? Obviously not guild size, so the ability to complete Epic Elite content?) don't feel the need to prove anything to anyone nor flaunt their status.

11-22-2012, 01:17 PM
how long does it take them to kill something and isn't all about arcanes and divines anyway

11-22-2012, 01:20 PM
You should have just reported them for harrassment. Conviniently that /squelches them automatically too.

Also if what some people state on the forums is correct, that could be grounds for getting that guild disbanded. I have no idea if this is true or not. The threat of blacklisting that is.

11-22-2012, 04:55 PM
anyone who actually makes threats about being "from a top guild" usually isn't.

and let's be honest, sarlona is the most drama-filled server next to khyber, guilds don't coordinate, they hate each other :d


11-23-2012, 08:04 AM
lol :p would love to know who the leader was xd

i find it much worse that ppl like necro get the chance to join groups, leave to get the vampire/lich/whatever kill (and therefore the item) to then join back to put the just gotten item up for roll in party chat (or keep it) while celebrating himself as a true killer machine.. o0

11-23-2012, 08:42 AM
I find it more interesting that a whole group of players from a "Top Guild" couldn't stop one dude from getting all the kills. One thing I have learned in my 3+ years playing this game. There is only one right way to play this game, your way, the way you enjoy to do so.

This ^ there is no single player who can kill-steal an entire group. It just indicates they don't know what they're doing. One v one, yah, I can see that. I'd ignore and move on - if they're that bad, you don't wanna play with them anyway.

11-23-2012, 10:29 AM
dear sarlona,
first i would like to thank everyone i have ever grouped with. i have learnt much and it has been fun but sadly as of last night it will be no more....

what i dont care about, me being blacklisted.
last night i was in mabar standing up on the rocks (solo with my wizard) by the dragon entrance collecting some motes when i get a tell from somone saying go away your getting our kills and we were here first etc etc.(come on to my way of thinking there are only 2 decent spots in mabar,where i was and in the centre and there must of been 6 plus people on that rock and i was getting all the kills lol.) after a few tells which went back and forth(them telling me to go, me saying no etc etc) i was informed by a person by tell that he/she was the leader of a top guild here on sarlona(no idea of guild name i didnt bother to look) and that i had been blacklisted by there guild and also that as they new all the top guild leaders here on sarlona word would be passed on and my grouping days were over. after 4 or 5 minutes of more tells etc going back and forth i finaly had enough of there badgering and changed instance.so...

my guild name is big bager boom, my toons names are as follows, rizaloo, rizalina, rizlapaper, rizlapapers and silinterest. i dont want no mistakes with the blacklisting.

what i do care about and why im writing this.
over my morning coffee(knowing what these type of games can be like and my friend not having a clue) i decided as the leader of my 2 man guild(me and real life friend) i would ask that my actions(in game or on these forums) would have no reflection on my friends toons as i feel this would be unfair..

tho i feel that there was nothing wrong in what i was doing and guess what im off right now back to the same bit of rock i always stand on, i felt i had to come to the forums not to appologise but to ask my friend does not suffer.

thankyou for reading
your friend sil :)

If this so called Top Guild on Sarlona couldnt get any kills against YOUR Wizard---I wouldnt worry too much about getting blacklisted... They just mad they couldnt get any kills.

Also, The Top Guild on Sarlona is very subjective.. I know alot of great guilds and cant really point to a definate Top Guild on this Server.

So keep doing your thing.. and get your Motes....

11-23-2012, 12:02 PM
I know people in more than one guild that like making those outrageous claims. First that they are 'top guild' in the server, and then that they can convince all other guilds to blacklist you.

The people who manage to get blacklisted by half the server didn't do it by 'stealing' kills in mabar (as if they had an owner or something), they did it by consistently ****ing off people in pugs every single day. It takes time and effort to do something like that, just laugh and move on.

11-23-2012, 12:55 PM
I know people in more than one guild that like making those outrageous claims. First that they are 'top guild' in the server, and then that they can convince all other guilds to blacklist you.

The people who manage to get blacklisted by half the server didn't do it by 'stealing' kills in mabar (as if they had an owner or something), they did it by consistently ****ing off people in pugs every single day. It takes time and effort to do something like that, just laugh and move on.

^ This

Haha. I can come up with a couple names off the top of my head. XD

Yet, even then... I have still sucked it up and grouped with them a few times. In worst case scenario, it gives me a decent challenge. ^.^

Public events are a bit different... but hey, if you are STEALING KILLS from a so called TOP GUILD on Sarlona, then you can join my groups anytime. lolz.

11-27-2012, 09:36 PM
This reminds me on my chars 1st life

Blacklisted by people which says they are from a top guild accused of piking

Char is a trap pally, been wand/scroll healing them and doing traps
a. their cleric is a "battle" cleric with 3000 sp and 150hp
b. their rog have low disable and high search.

They kicked me and I never complain, being blacklisted by such top guilds with that those qualities is not a loss


I was also doing mabar solo, down the rock before the top rock near the trade-in area. was their for 30 minutes alone and solo except the regular mabar guys who come and go leaving me alone with my 5 spawns.

Later comes this group of people telling me to go away and 4 message me that I should bugged off or they will black list me on their guild and friends guild (all claimed to be top guilds). When I refuse to move being the first person on the spot without bothering anyone, they kill steal on me, 1 vs 6-8 guys or so. I enjoy wasting their time, lost mote ingredients are easily attained by asking guildies and their suppose to be owned spots with a large radius was occupied by a group of people with a low guild lvl between 20-40 killing stuff efficiently while they are pestering me to go away.

11-27-2012, 10:13 PM
I enjoy wasting their time, lost mote ingredients are easily attained by asking guildies and their suppose to be owned spots with a large radius was occupied by a group of people with a low guild lvl between 20-40 killing stuff efficiently while they are pestering me to go away.

And yet those.... players, are too dumb to figure it out that it takes a large group of people in on region or lots of very fast killing in a region to spawn vampires/litches.

You use those groups to your own benifit if you have to. Saddly I found very few people that could actually kill Litches the majority of the time. I normally established agro and kept it. Got plenty of dust.

11-30-2012, 01:32 PM
I wouldn't worry to about any 1 guy in this game no matter who he/she says they are. I seriously doubt the entire Sarlona Elite would care about what you did. Play on brother and don't worry about this goon.

12-01-2012, 04:59 AM
I would never worry about claims of being blacklisted by a whole guild, there are simply to many players running around on the server that you can play with instead. Instead of cowering away I instead provoke them even further to ensure they DO blacklist me. [Mind you I rarely heard such claims and find them most entertaining considering my own network of ppl I like online is most likely more extensive then theirs.]

Il give you my standard line which I always respond with to ensure they freak out even more: Tell me, do you cry allot IRL? followed by Can you show me your wrists, cuz I am quite sure you cut yourself allot.

If they keep responding after that then you know they won't blacklist you at all. Grab some popcorn sit back and enjoy the drama to unfold. Some people take this game way to seriously, I always imagine it are the ones that are suppressed IRL by their Wife / boss / friends *winks*