View Full Version : Any Sarlonians on Diablo III?

11-10-2012, 10:53 PM
Been playing for a few days purely solo and just wondering if anyone from here played it too.

Getting my first character through Inferno, a monk. Haven't tried the other classes yet.

Would be nice to get some other people to play with once in a while.

11-10-2012, 11:29 PM
been there done that, also played a monk.

go sword n board.

11-10-2012, 11:29 PM
Been playing for a few days purely solo and just wondering if anyone from here played it too.

Getting my first character through Inferno, a monk. Haven't tried the other classes yet.

Would be nice to get some other people to play with once in a while.

Me and a guildy have been thinking of taking a break from DDO and trying out the low level free to play versions of different MMOs to compare and contrast. Let me know what you think of Diablo.

11-10-2012, 11:33 PM
been there done that, also played a monk.

go sword n board.


Me and a guildy have been thinking of taking a break from DDO and trying out the low level free to play versions of different MMOs to compare and contrast. Let me know what you think of Diablo.

It's been fun, but I don't think I'll have any reason to stay once I'm done with all the classes, which won't take very long apparently.

11-10-2012, 11:45 PM

It's been fun, but I don't think I'll have any reason to stay once I'm done with all the classes, which won't take very long apparently.

D2 had the same issue-- the main story is extremely linear, with very little re-playability aside from item/xp grind. Once you are geared enough to do the hardest difficulty, all that is left is PVP-- something that doesn't yet exist in that game.

11-10-2012, 11:57 PM
D2 had the same issue-- the main story is extremely linear, with very little re-playability aside from item/xp grind. Once you are geared enough to do the hardest difficulty, all that is left is PVP-- something that doesn't yet exist in that game.

Fully edited post below, felt like adding more to it :p

To me, Diablo 2 vs Diablo 3:

Looting unique/set items in Diablo 2 was very rewarding, you knew they were good items. Stats varied on them, making a version potentially more valuable than another, but both would still be useful regardless. Diablo 3's legendary and set items are kind of disappointing. More precisely the random attributes thing. More often than not you'll get useless properties, resulting in an item you do not really want.
Diablo 2 had an immense amount of build possibilities with stat allocation and skill points and the various trees. Diablo 3 all characters are the same.
Diablo 2 you still had exp to get after you finished the highest difficulty, which meant making your character better through skill and stat points. Diablo 3 you pretty much cap by the end of Hell difficulty. Paragon levels are generic and not very rewarding.
Storylines are fine in both games.
Diablo 2 you could go back to any part of the game as you wished. Diablo 3 has the quest choice thing and no travel through acts.
Runewords/runes were fun, now they're gone.
Diablo 3 has crafting, but I don't see any point doing any of it.
Hell difficulty was brutal in Diablo 2. Inferno feels like a cakewalk right now, on my first character ever.
Auction house makes acquiring gear too trivial. I was able to afford gear that's easily getting me through Inferno for under 1mil gold. I also looted a 30% exp Leoric Signet that got me 60mil gold on my first day.
Diablo 2 everyone pretty much used the same act 2 hireling, but at least he could be made extremely powerful. Diablo 3 companions have felt mostly useless to me.
Diablo 2 "elites" had vast array of abilities they could have (auras, extra strong, resistances, etc). I have seen very few on Diablo 3, not even a dozen I think.
And many more things I can't remember at 1:45am.

I think Diablo 2 had a lot more to offer and a lot more replay value and was all around superior to Diablo 3. Not that I don't like Diablo 3 though, like I said in my previous post it's been fun up to now, but I just don't see myself comming back to it in the future once I'm done with all the classes.

11-11-2012, 06:56 AM

Look into the way two weapon fighting works in diablo 3, it's not worth having 2 equipped in inferno.

While dual wielding, the character alternates weapons each attack. Dual wielding grants a +15 Attack Speed % bonus though, which does make it worth while in easier difficulties.

But when i played, you needed life steal in your on hand, and a shield in your off hand to really get anywhere in inferno, the game probably has been made easier since then though.

11-11-2012, 09:15 AM
Look into the way two weapon fighting works in diablo 3, it's not worth having 2 equipped in inferno.

While dual wielding, the character alternates weapons each attack. Dual wielding grants a +15 Attack Speed % bonus though, which does make it worth while in easier difficulties.

But when i played, you needed life steal in your on hand, and a shield in your off hand to really get anywhere in inferno, the game probably has been made easier since then though.

As long as you have two similar weapons there's not really any problems with it. The 15% IAS is a great bonus to have.

11-12-2012, 10:54 AM
:DHey buddy, not sure if you remember me I've been off DDO for about 6 months now. Had some things to do for the Army. But I'm mostly back now, just bought Diablo III the other day. Let me know some times you are looking to play and info and we'll hook up. Shoot me a private message. Laterz


11-12-2012, 09:15 PM
:DHey buddy, not sure if you remember me I've been off DDO for about 6 months now. Had some things to do for the Army. But I'm mostly back now, just bought Diablo III the other day. Let me know some times you are looking to play and info and we'll hook up. Shoot me a private message. Laterz


Althar#1574, don't really have any specific times that I play. I log on when I feel like playing. Been alternating between DDO and D3.

11-13-2012, 12:11 AM
GOto 2 d3 noob.