View Full Version : Please stop avoiding!!!

11-05-2012, 05:07 PM
ok guys, i am begging you to stop instantly putting my tickets up for higher review...several days does not mean months...i have been a loyal customer and have put plenty of money into turbine...PLEASE, handle my tickets, aren't you embarrassed to treat your customers this way :(...i am losing my mind at this point...i have 6 tickets in that were just bumped up and never dealt with...its crazy...since 9/11/2012...and 2 more trying to get some attn to the issues..NO im not going to post what about as it is none of the general publics concern..however i would like an explanation as to why they are diliberately being ignored...PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU PEOPLE...what do you want me to do...do you realize that this is important stuff to a hardcore gamer...we take it VERY seriously..it is impacting my life and you all don't give a darn cus it doesn't impact you at all.


it has been a while since i made this post, i can see many have viewed with no replies...i cannot believe none of the intended audience has come across this message/plea...i can only assume they feel shame and are cowards...at the end of the day turbine staff, you are the one who has to look at yourself in the mirror...one day, as it does everyone...you will hold YOURSELVES accountable for the people you directly and indirectly affected negatively...thanks for nothing, I am still in waiting.
