View Full Version : My only suggestion for future Mabars

10-31-2012, 11:23 AM
and this is because I don't know if the drop rates are where you want them to be...

But let us turn in extra keys to simulate 25-50 standard turn ins to open up the gate/door faster.

I'm not saying they have to give us 25-50 finger fragments or the like, but just make the count go down by 25-50 for the door.
Getting a handful of motes for the turn in would be nice as well.

Why? I've got such an excess of keys.

10-31-2012, 11:27 AM
Good idea. I know my wife's main character had 22 keys saved up at this point. I ran 2 dragons and pulled 5 keys while farming stuff for motes. You want the key drop rate to more or less ensure access to the quest, much like you want compasses in CC to drop, but excess ones have no other value and could be put towards some other use as well which would be great.

10-31-2012, 11:28 AM

I'm up to 30ish keys right now. 12 from the last event.

10-31-2012, 11:30 AM
Instead of having different instances based on player character level, have different instances based on mob level. I think that would help with a lot of the "griefing" and frustration experienced by players at the moment.

Those who only want to handle lower level mobs won't suddenly find themselves confronted with a CR 18 Skeletal Giant, and higher levels will much less frequently get the "creature too low level to give rewards."

It would also allow those whose combat abilities are greater against undead than their player character level would indicate an opportunity to actually be challenged without raining on the higher levels parade by spawning puny mobs.

To my mind it would look like this:
1. Mobs spawn from CR 3-6
2. Mobs spawn from CR 6-9

Not sure if its feasible, but I think it'd solve a lot of frustrations with the current spawning system.