View Full Version : DDO from scratch.
05-30-2006, 01:20 PM
This is not exactly a story, more of a factual telling of what is possible with existing content.
My wife, a friend and I had decided to play a party in DDO that would be a 3 person self suffecient team. Further, the rule would be no twinking these new characters, no completing quests above our level, and only running each quest once (Unless level appropriate content had run out). We wanted to see how far we could get like this.
We initially though the group should be a Cleric, Rogue and Wizard combo, but then thought without a good fighter or paladin, we'd not have the melee damage to keep up. We rethought, and decided on a group of Fighter, Combat Rogue, and Wizard. Further we decided on Warforged, so that our Wizard could repair us and save us the need of a cleric or bard. We decided on a name theme of trees, as warforged are mainly made of living wood (contrary to popular opinion). After a while, a guild mate decided to join us, and thus added to the group.
The Party:
Ginkgo, Adamantine Warforged Fighter
Yew, Adamantine Warforged Rogue/Ranger
Palm, Composite Warforged Wizard
Noyse, Mithral Warforged Bard
Level 1:
We thouroughly rampaged level 1. Nothing save elemental damage seemed to be able to hurt us. Our inate resistances to most spells served us well, and Palm's timely repairs kept us running. We actually made level 2 before we were able to complete all the level 1 quests.
Level 2:
Second level was much the same as first level, we trounced all that opposed us quite soundly with teamwork. Our typical strat was to have Ginkgo make first contact, Yew hang back ready, and Palm lay down crossbow fire or enchanted fire. If anything headed for Palm, Yew would put them down fast. If a spell caster apeared, Yew would go over the top of the melee and take out the casters. We worked like a military unit. Ginkgo as the main infantry, Palm as artillery and Yew as the skirmisher. Once again we turned Third level prior to finishing level 2 contant, but this was just helping us along.
Level 3:
Here is where we ran into trouble. There is simply not enough level 3 content to make level 4 without doing a level 4 quest. We came only 5000xp shy, but it was a bit disappointing. We even went so far as to do the helm quest inside Shan To Kor 2, without complating the level 4 quest it is found in. We have decided that we will return to the harbor, and take on several level 2 quests set on hard. (And yes, we are breaking up most of the series quests by only doing the quests that match our level, example we have completed the first two parts of Splinterskull but then stopped as the third quest is a level 4 quest)
05-30-2006, 01:25 PM
Interesting side note, it has become a bit of a running joke that adding squishy people to the group is such a bother. We have to make special precautions for them, use up wand charges, find them a special healer... its irritating, but far be it from me to try and disuade them from playing a gimped race. :p
06-01-2006, 11:21 AM
Last night the Warforged group went out again, this time repeating some level 2 content on hard in an effort to make 4th level.
Den of the Kobold Brothers (Hard): On hard this dungeon can be a pain with the shamans' spam casting Hold Person, Obscuring Mist and Scortching Ray. Fortunately, our Warforged Group was completely immune to the Hold Person part, and our pair of back line Repeating crossbow users were not hampered at all by the mists. The rays stung quite a bit, but nothing that our mechanic Palm couldn't fix. Muck actually spawned this time, and were were suprised to find two muckbanes for party use. Our two front liners (Yew and Ginkgo) have these now, and are much better prepared to take down those oozes.
Butcher's Path (Hard): This run had us running much slower than the Brothers. The sheer number of Shamans in it forced some very tactical play. Once again we ignored the Hold Person spells, and managed to make it out without a casualty, or even an Incap. The loot was fairly decent for a level 3 as well.
We stopped here, with around 1000xp to go for 4th level. Tonight we should have another outing, and should be into level 4 content.
06-01-2006, 11:52 AM
Good idea :)
I'm interested to see how far you folks get with this
06-05-2006, 02:29 PM
The Warforged foursome took a few brief trips recently. As we had finished all the level 3 content on normal, we were returning to certain dungeons on Hard. As we had only 1k xp to go after the Den of the Kobold Brothers and Butchers Path, we set out into the Catacombs with the game set to hard. After the first two dungeons, we had made our fourth level.
To ensure we would not forget, the foursome headed into the Harbor to tackle Irestone Inlet. I had personally not done this one since it was changed, and had the shrines reduced, and it was quite a challenge. We completed the quest, and all the optionals, and suffered a single death when a certain Rogue/Ranger attempted to try out his new two weapon fighting on Dinks. It worked fabulously... up until the point when Dinks turned around and pounded me into the ground like a tent peg. (Mental note, +1 heavy steel shield of Stability>Short Sword +1 when facing named critters).
Next time, we take on the Market and house level 4 quests!
06-05-2006, 02:34 PM
How about once u reach a point where there are no more current level quests you go back to beginning and do hard/elite 1st, 2nd, etc.
Anyway, I love the idea and hope to hear more.
06-07-2006, 06:41 AM
There are definitely spots where it's hard to find quests of the right level. I just rerolled a character and worked up to level 5. I did tangleroot, redwillow, and gwylan's stand at level 3. I ended up doing greymoon and stormcleave at level 4. There's just so many times you can do waterworks and shan-to-kor and the nickel and dime quests get old fast.
p.s. I was able to solo waterworks at level 2, so you can imagine how bored I was questing in the harbor.
06-13-2006, 05:12 PM
After a brief halt in the adventure last week the Warforged forged on. All of us were freshly minted 4.0's and ready for more level 4 content.
Rest for the Restless: Great quest! We entered this quest with only one person in the party having ever done this quest before, and he'd vowed to keep his mouth shut and let the others lead. Yew, the scout of the group led the way, and only managed to set off one trap. (Thank my rogue survival sense or I'd have been kindling). We trounced the lot of them until we suddenly discovered they were throwing Daze monster at us. For the first time a member of our previously Hold proof party locked up. (Me of course). Being immune to hold person really spoiled us. We prevailed however with only one of us being beaten to unconciousness. (Did I mention I HATE Daze Monster?)
Next we headed out to House D for fun and Prizes in the Depth's series. Of course we could only do two of them, but we will return. The Depth's quests were almost too easy for us until we all gathered at a door looking at a minotaur. Halfway through picking the lock on the door, a rust monster suddenly appeared dead in the middle of the group. General panic broke out as Noyse and Palm ran for the hills, Ginkgo tried to whip out a weapon that wouldn't be destroyed by the beast, and the brave brave Sir Yew tried to squeeze eight feet of Adamantine shell through the six inch gap into the minotaur cage. (I'd rather wake a sleeping minotaur than have a rust monster climb up my backside.) Luckily Palm and Noyse can tripple task quite well, as they managed to run backwards, scream, AND empty the clips of their repeaters into an enraged rust monster. Once the screaming from that little episode died down we were quite fine for the duration.
So we're about halfway through the level 4 content, and at Rank 4.1. This doesn't look good for no repeats. We may be forced to take some level 3's on hard or level 2's on Elite.
06-15-2006, 01:47 PM
When you go back and do them on hard / elite, it's a technical non-repeat. The level changes. n_n;
06-15-2006, 09:01 PM
I wish I had a regualr , tight group to do something like this.
Sounds like a blast, and a great way to break the monotomy.
What server do you guys play on?
06-19-2006, 02:30 AM
Luckily Palm and Noyse can tripple task quite well, as they managed to run backwards, scream, AND empty the clips of their repeaters into an enraged rust monster. Once the screaming from that little episode died down we were quite fine for the duration.
"Suckers!" Screams the fleshy DM as he watches the living constructs flee in mortal terror.
06-21-2006, 06:41 PM
Thats Good Stuff Right There
06-22-2006, 12:06 PM
This little adventure team is currently running about on Argonnessen.
The Forged Foursome once again headed out into the unknown. (Well, to be fair the slightly unknown). Last night we took on Splinterskull 3 and 4. The hobgoblins of this dungeon really had no chance. Ginkgo stayed just behind Yew all night, charging forward as Yew called out the targets. Once Ginkgo had made contact, Yew, Noyse and Palm would steadily pour accurate missile fire into the melee. Combined with the expert casting of Noyse and Palm, the fights went without much fuss at all. Noyse did however discover that appearantly Brown Spider Prices take exception to being shot in the butt repeatedly by heavy repeating crossbows. Luckily warforged do not digest easily as Palm and Yew were able to pry Noyse out of the enraged beast.
On our return trip to Splinterskull, Whisperdoom was allegedly in the area. Her daughters were not much more trouble than the "typical" 8 foot long Black Widows that seem to inhabit this area. Once we'd located Whisperdoom, we learned our error. (well, some of us knew it, but in the interest of fun, we conveniently shut up). Luckily, Ginkgo took the brunt of her attack. Noyse headed for the chest, and Yew took out her spawn. Palm meanwhile kept Ginkgo up. Once the Wizard and Bard were out of the area, brave brave (stupid) Yew drew Whisperdoom's attention to allow Ginkgo time to get his share of loot. Unfortunately, after Whisperdoom discovered this, she ate poor Ginkgo, and made a desert of Yew. Have no fear though... we got better.
As we are almost out of level 4 content, and have just recently achieved Rank 3, I must state that level 4 content is also lacking. We have but one level 4 quest remaining if I remember correctly... Freshen the Air, which we've been putting off as facing a tribe of Troglodytes at level 4 seems a tad suicidal.
Pre XP requirement drop stats
Level 1 content: There is enough level 1 content to achieve level 1 and still have 2-4 quests left over. (Excellent job) (Note, the xp for level 2 drop has utterly destroyed this)
Level 2 content: There is perfectly adequete content for a character to go from creation to level 2 only using level 1-2 content and never repeating a dungeon. After level 3 we still had a couple level 2's to handle.
Level 3 content: Pre patch we were left around 5k xp from level 4 and were completely done with all level 1-3 content. We were forced to repeat several level 2 dungeons on Hard.
Level 4 content: Results not in, but it does not apear we will make it to level 5 without once again repeating content on hard.
06-22-2006, 12:33 PM
Like the four tinman recking crew and do you take fresh recruits.:D
06-23-2006, 02:15 AM
Excellent stories of your adventures. The devs could use your running commentary to figure out what dungeons they need to make for what levels. :)
06-23-2006, 05:44 AM
That's going to prove interesting when you eventually encounter rust monsters. :eek:
06-25-2006, 03:25 PM
The fourged foursome has become the Forged Fivesome.
Current Roster
Yew: Adamantine Rogue2/Ranger2
Ginkgo: Adamantine Fighter 4
Noyse: Mithral Bard 4
Palm: Composite Wizard 4
Beech: Adamantine Cleric 2, Fighter 1
With the addition of another frontline warrior and with the addition of extra SP reserves for Palm, the team is running better than ever. Of course Beech need not waste his clerical spells on something as trivial and healing, so he can put to use the full might of a "battle cleric."
This session we tackled three repeats for lack of any unused level 4 content.
Den of the Kobold Brothers (Elite)
The third and final encounter with the kobold brothers proved confusing. Upon entering the lair, we rounded the first corner only to find that the brothers had appearantly hired a kobold witch doctor of signifigant power to be their door man. Our reception was quite cold, and quite blunt as the pounding ice severely damaged all present save the intrepid Yew. Luckily, Yew was on the ball, and more importantly ontop of the Kobold with a Reptile Bane Axe in one hand and a Reptile Bane Kukri in the other. Once the party regained their feet, they rescued Yew from his quick if suicidal actions. The remainer of the run was a mystery. For some reason none of the other shamans would cast on us. Prehaps word of Yew's two fisted beat down of casting shamans travelled fast. (We didn't know about the bug on Friday afternoon). Once again Muck appeared, and once again we were able to save a single Muckbane from the chest.
Butcher's Path (Elite)
The third run of this dungeon proved quite fun. The kobolds for some reason still only threw flaming jars at us rather than casting, and this likely made it easier. The CR 9 slimes that permeated the area fell rapidly to our 3 party Muckbanes and only the high level Troglodyte Shaman gave us pause. Of course as the shaman spent the duration of the fight flat on his back no warforged were harmed in the aquisition of this troglodyte loot.
Redfang the Unruled (Hard)
Poison, traps and giant bugs are no match for this warforged team. The only serious injury resulted when Palm discovered that is a warforged falls down the middle of an open shaft, and there is no one around to hear her, she does indeed make a noise. (A rather high pitched scream which is abruptly cut off by the resounding clanging thud and then drowned out by the roaring flames of the trap she's landed in.
We leave our heroes with 2,000 xp to go until level 5 and more repeated content ahead.
06-25-2006, 05:40 PM
after reading this story, I believe this is how DDO is meant to be played. A group of friends log on together and play together as a group. It does sound like a blast... I wish I can join in the fun... :-(
07-17-2006, 06:49 PM
So after two weeks of vacation, an update, and two or three hotfixes, the Warforged return.
We spent some time discussing the new favor system and what that meant to our future. As the only way to get the goodies from the factions appears to be repeating quests, we've grumblingly agreed to repeat content. I'll leave my personal comments about the favor system and Drow alone and move on with our factual story.
Several of our team were down for minor repairs (read contemplating not reactivating their accounts due to changes in the game). This outing consisted of the more squishy of the forged. Noyse, the Bard, Palm the Wizard, and Yew the Ranger/Rogue set out to conquer the Bonebite hideout yet again, this time on Hard and then Elite.
I have no idea what happened on this run other than nearly cracking my jaw yawning. We went in, we fought, we did the same thing we did the last time. Kobolds died, Bloodknuckle threatened to smash us, (and he did sound like he meant it this time... really, he did.). We hit him repeatedly with things and he died, we earned phat lewt, and a little piece of my soul died.
So we're fifth level now and half the group is likely about to cancel, huzzah.
07-24-2006, 09:22 AM
Really enjoying this tale... Hope there is more to come :)
07-27-2006, 06:41 PM
With the postponing of NWN 2, the group has agreed to stick together and ride as far as we can.
Our group has added a member. Our current regular group is:
Yew: Adamantine Rogue/Ranger
Palm: Composite Wizard
Ginkgo: Adamantine Fighter
Noyse: Mithral Bard/Sorc
Labrunum: Adamantine Paladin
Our first run out into the land of 5th level brought the completion of Shan-To-Kor. This run was actually a breeze. The hobgoblins didn't stand a chance as the now improved Warforged saves (thanks to a paladin) negated almost every spell they threw. Tripping most of us was a moot point due to our ref saves and frontline 30AC. Yew disarmed every trap quite flawlessly, never taking a point of damage from the many traps (including the dash through the blast furnace room). Finally we stood before the guardian of Shan-To-Kor. We formed a shield wall to protect our Wizard, and the guardian could not reach her. Unfortunately due to a slight slip of a buff prior to the combat, Palm came up exactly ONE magic missile spell short of single handedly dispatching the Guardian. Fortunately, Noyse had located a +1 adamantine Rapier, and the front line was not reduced to discovering if our natural slam attack counts as Adamantine. Much loot and glory was gained, and our heroes plunged on, to locate the tomb of the sainted Delera.
Yew has recently aquired a knack for locating good deals from brokers, and once again came through with Dryden's Mace, made the way they used to in the olden days (read, pre nerf). Due to this mace, Yew lead the charge into Delera's tomb. Ginkgo of course graciously saved Yew on several occasions from Yew's own stupidity, and the repair capabilities of both Noyse and palm kept us running. Labrunum, our latest addistion proved a boon companion in the tomb. Several interesting pieces of loot were found, including several wands of fireball for Palm to fry the enemies with, we'll soon see how they work.
07-27-2006, 07:06 PM
The same group once again met, and plunged on into more new (to us) content.
Tangleroot 5
The outer fortress of the Splinterskull was to be blunt, cake. We fully explored the area, picking up several chests that most groups blow past, and located quite a bit of good loot. According to some people, there are hobgoblins in this area, but we did not notice any, there were only squishy piles that ran toward us and then were either splattered, diced, perforated or turned to cinders... they /may/ have been hobgoblins, but none lasted long enough to get a good look at. The inner keep was much the same, though we were able to watch a nice gladiator match between some squishy things and a much larger squishy thing. Much loot was had, much smiting occured but alas, no squishy women lamented.
Chamber of Insanity
Yew struck again, this time locating a +1 Holy Heavy mace just prior to the group's departure into this den of the undead. As Yew also has been gifted with the Blade of the Inquisition, Yew was volenteered as "Wraith Slayer/Scratching post". At some point one of the Wraithes managed to slap Yew ugly, as his Charisma dropped 5 points... and man, slapping Yew ugly is amasing. Between Ginkgo and Labrunum's frontline power, Noyse and Palm's machinegunning, and Yew's... well Yew's.... doing of stuff... The Warforged were victorious. Interestingly enough, the Warithes were individually 4-5 times harder for us to take down that the glass jawed Spectre.
Lair of Summoning.
The Lair of summoning kept us on our toes (even though we each only have 4). The variety of creatures in the lair, and the variety of traps was a very welcome change to out general. Okay, this place has undead, or Hobgoblins "again?" Of course, at one point the most horrible word that a rogue can utter was uttered by Yew. "Whoops" It seems some smart guy decided to put two traps in the same exact spot, and Yew had only deactivated one. Luckily though, yew always goes first, and what speed his mind lacks, his reflexes more than make up for, lest he'd have become Lightningstruck SOREwood. At the final altar, Yew was once again nominated to go poke the creepy looking thing while the rest of the party "covered him" from the entrance. After being nearly turned into Charred SOREwood, Yew managed to unlock the altar, and was quickly set upon by hot and cold running death. Ginkgo and Labrunum charged in, while Noyse laid down cover fire, and Palm slowed the enemies and then sped up the heroes. This enabled Yew to roll around screaming while on fire at a much faster rate! (Actually, I took very little damage thanks to fancy footwork, 32AC, 3DR, and FR10).
The warforged emerged from their trials victorious and with many new toys to try out on those squishy things that die too fast. So far, so good. Not a single death in two ranks.
07-28-2006, 07:59 AM
Good reading! I am happy I am not the only one who notices it seems to lack starting level 5ish. Hopefully the augest update will give enough at lvl 5-6 to be enjoyable, but we will see. Happy you 5 are having a great time playing warforged I've seen people leave a group from 1 being in it and just dont understand. DDO is based of the biggest ROLEPLAYING game... why cant people just roleplay and not be timmy the powergamer? GL on your adventures!
08-27-2006, 11:46 AM
I’ve been neglecting this thread for a while as our Warforged group has been rehashing content from the harbor/market on hard and elite. I didn’t think retelling the same dungeons over on differing difficulties would add anything to this thread.
Recently, the ‘forged gathered to put a stop to the growing menace in the Necropolis. As we approached the initial 4 seals required to unlock the main crypt, our roster was:
Noyse, Mithral Bard4, Sorc1
Labrunum, Adamantine Paladin3, Cleric1
Palm, Composite Wizard5
Yew, Adamantine Rogue3, Ranger2
The randomly decided first crypt we selected was a nice little crypt full of psychotic clerics, dumber than normal zombies and tons of traps. We all agreed that this dungeon’s scenery by FAR takes the eye candy award. We were all a bit disconcerted about the exterior landscaping (Sorry Keeper). Looking up into the Eberron night sky and seeing a single yellow moon hanging alone in the stars was… disconcerting to say the least.
As usual, Yew lead the way, in his super stealthy, “clank scrape, clank scrape” way. (0 ranks in stealth+adamantine armor). Of course anything could hear us coming a mile away, but the goal here was not to miss anything and take it slow. Yew somehow managed to spot and deactivate every last trap in the place, and his ranger hatred of the undead seems to have served him well. Labrunum being the new kid on the block showed his true colors in this series. Lab was always there to protect Noyse and Palm when things got rough. Palm and Noyse were their usual phenomenal selves, with their constant repeating crossbow barrage and well placed spells they kept the undead busy. Palm of course flexed her newfound muscle with selected use of maximized Fireballs when the waves of undead slammed into Yew and Lab.
The large inverted Ziggurats filled with acid arrow casting fleshies was a bit trying, but we found that if Yew crept into range, fired a shot and then the remainder of the group locked on and attacked the incoming threat, they generally died before hitting spell casting range.
(Longbow+Light Repeater+Heavy Repeater+Returning Axe)+Human Mage=Sputch
Somehow a dead fleshy wrapped in cloth managed to give Yew a disease. I don’t know how, but apparently mummies now carry a mutant strain of Dutch Elm Disease.
On our last foray into the crypt we discovered a place with 4 panels on the floor… Well as many readers know, we found ourselves suddenly split up. (none of us so much as read about these dungeons before hand). Luckily we were split into Yew and Palm, and Noyse and Lab. Noyse and palm both repair, and Lab and Yew both fight, so we were set.
Both groups explored their areas and took out all obstacles in their paths quite well. Once we had rejoined, we then fully explored both areas. At the end of this dungeon, our Warforged Paladin somehow managed to become infected with a weird strain of this Dutch Elm Disease that caused him to flash purple. I think these fleshies are delving into biological warfare!
08-27-2006, 01:01 PM
With the four seals undone, it is time to take the Vampire Brother down.
Noyse, Mithral Bard5, Sorc1
Labrunum, Adamantine Paladin4, Cleric1
Palm, Composite Wizard6
Yew, Adamantine Rogue3, Ranger2, Fighter 1
Ginkgo, Adamantine Fighter 5
With the return of Ginkgo, we geared up and headed out to take down Mr Bloodsucker. We had no fear of this egotistical ex-fleshie, we don't have blood. The way to the Vampire was a walk in the battlefield for us (Warforged park).
The priests stood no chance against Yew's new Improved Trip feat, or Ginkgo's steady damage output. Lab held the line stoicly, Noyse's new 10 minute buffs kept us slaying longer and faster than ever before, and Palm's sheer damage output and clever use of Control undead put the ex-fleshies down. Each battle turned into a well crafted football play. Ginkgo would slam into the onrushing hordes a split second before Palm and Noyse would begin their relentless crossbow fire. Yew would fly over the top of the melee to land squarely on the priest or barrow wight in the back ranks, and any who were foolish enough to make a run at Noyse and Palm were obliterated by Labrunum's blade.
On a couple of occasions the battle came to a close and moments later one of the Forged would incredulously state, "Heh, they actually hit me once." Spell points were never at a miss either, with all but Gingko able to heal themselves with wands, and Lab's DV's our main casters always seemed to have the power to put down whatever came.
The dungeon was far from easy, in fact we performed so well simply because we were forced to work even more closely together. The true power of this group is not the individual build. The true power of this group is our unity. Each of us was built with the others in mind, and built to do more than one thing. Yew can master any trap, and fights like a Flesh Render. Ginkgo hits like a raging titan, yet has the ability to draw attention and turtle up. Labrunum's blade tears through fleshies like a Fire Reaver through butter, but he also supports with DV and restores. Noyse keeps the buffs and CC's flying, yet he also lays down a barrage of heavy crossbow fire. Palm lays down crowd control like an elven enchantress, yet when things get sticky, one cry of "Nuke!" calls down an artillary barrage a trebuche would be proud of.
When we finally located the "Good Brother" we were prepared. Palm protected us all from his gaze, Noyse inspired us for battle, and the fight began. Gingko and Lab charged him, while Yew, Noyse and Palm took off for the coffins to locate his heart. Amasingly Yew managed to spot the heart due to a smoothing of the stone near the coffin. (Huzzah spot checks!)
As soon as yew dispatched the vampire's heart, the entire unit converged on the vampire. Yew and Labrunum pierced the brother with their silvered blades, Gikgo slammed the Mace of Gerard Dryden into the fiend, while Noyse peppered the walking corpse with Silvered Bolts. Moments later the purple barage of Palm's missiles began to fall. Let me tell you, Maximized/Empowered Missiles from that forged while she holds her +30% force club are a sight to see.
All told, once the heart was located, teamwork laid the Brother low in under ten seconds.
Our rewards left something to be desired. I still marvel that these fleshies insist on offering me their pale enchanted replicas of my own armored skin, bah. Palm won the greatest prize it seems, a Magestaff of Greater Potency I. Now Palm has an extra 40% added to all her first level spells... This can only end badly for the other fleshy foes we are to face.
08-27-2006, 11:35 PM
Nice work Skaves ! Keep it up. Nice to see someone else do wtih this GAME what was intended. GROUP and have FUN !
Great reading :)
10-23-2006, 07:18 AM
Any updates?
10-23-2006, 03:44 PM
Great Stuff here!
A group of friends and I have done something similar (Keeping the characters as pure as possible).
Imperious- Elf Wizard
Belaam- Elf Fighter (Archer)
Syrenna- Elf Ranger
Domozintine- Human Cleric
Praxus- Elf Rogue
Larrsy- Warforge Barbarian
We have run all our quests ONCE, trying to keep to our levels and not missing one until we have exausted that level of quest. We are now all at 6.2/6.3 and doing 7th level quest and almost done with them too. There are definalty not enough quests per level to level up without doing stuff on hard/elite or moving up to the next level of difficulty. We do have freakin awesome Tuesdays nights with these characters though.
Keep it up. To the rest of you, try to do weekly party like this, its alot of fun. You can always power game with your alts, lol.
10-23-2006, 05:09 PM
The Warforged team had pretty much agreed to quit at Module 3 until a month ago. When the Warforged fixes were announced, the team started running again. Updates are on the horizon, the Forged will fight again.
10-23-2006, 10:55 PM
Excellent thread Skaves! This the first thead I've seen with no flame attached. ...and by far the most entertaining. I've recently rolled a couple WF and must say that I prefer them to thier fleshy counterparts. All I can say is that I pity the poor fleshy that finds himself up against a 32pt build WF!
; )
11-01-2006, 04:57 PM
Skaves, I noticed there have been some server issues lately :) , but come on man, I need an update!!! Your story has inspired me to make a toon and try to keep him untweaked.
11-02-2006, 01:24 PM
Noyse, Mithral Bard6, Sorc1
Labrunum, Adamantine Paladin5, Cleric1
Palm, Composite Wizard7
Yew, Adamantine Rogue3, Ranger2, Fighter 2
Ginkgo, Adamantine Fighter 6
Recently the Warforged group has been re exploring the harbor quests in an effort to gain favor and some of the newer rewards. I will leave out most of the typical runs as they turned out rather less than exciting at least in the telling. Do not mistake me, running any quest with this group is a kick in the pants; it is simply that the tale of 5-6 Level 5-7 warforged in a level 2-3 quest is not thrilling.
Gwylan’s Stand, or the tale of the teleporting minotaur.
The elf that sold us on the idea of hunting for this long dead ex-fleshie’s resting place failed to mention several key details about the quest. Most notably, no one said anything about a rust monster infested cave! Then again, this proved to be somewhat less of a challenge when one considers the massive ranged firepower this team is capable of. WE do still have work to do however… one of them actually lived long enough to spit at Palm. Granted he completely missed, but he really should not have been allowed to live that long!
Back outside, we discovered that 2 repeating crossbows + Flame Arrow Spell = Roast Troll surprise. The standard practice was, trolls come in sight, Palm and Noyse open fire, Ginkgo intimidates the Trolls onto him, then Lab and Yew tear them apart. We simply work too well together at this point.
Every time I think or say “we just work too well together” fate reminds me that hubris is a fatal flaw. I believe Yew’s last words this time were, “Wait here guys, I’ll get the Minotaur’s attention.” Yew moved in, aimed his mighty bow, and let fly. He hit the beast squarely… and the beast didn’t even move. He fired again, with the same result. At this point the Minotaur vanished, and teleported across the screen to appear next to Yew’s corpse. The remaining warforged dispatched the beast, and all agreed that some fell magic simply teleported the minotaur across the screen, Yew instantly died (took 3 hits for 64, 64, and 64), and then the Minotaur started to actually move.
After a brief trip back to the rest shrine, Yew got better, and the adventure went on. The remaining minotaurs stood no chance. The warriors would swarm them, tripping and stunning then, while the fire support laid them low. As we approached the numerous magical traps that infested the area, Yew disabled them quite effectively while the remained of the group disabled their owners quite effectively.
Much treasure and excitement was had, but the best prize awaited us in the final battle. The fight with Thunderhoof was a thing of beauty. After a brief scouting run, we discovered what lay ahead. Ginkgo and Lab formed a wall of shields, with Noyse and Palm behind them. Noyse and Palm then set about making us into living wood gods. Strengthened, resistant to damage, inspired with spell and song, we were prepared. Yew went forward, to draw the beast’s ire, and did so quite admirably. (Minotaurs really do not like it when you crit on them for 50+ damage with a bow.) Luckily, Yew had his bracers of expeditious retreat activated, and bravely ran away. No sooner had Yew returned safely behind the shield wall, then came the rush of boot and hoof and the battle erupted.
Ginkgo’s constant bellows called the attention of all to him, while he steadfastly defended his friends. To further draw attention, he would strike out with his shocking hammer with deadly accuracy.
Labrunum stood his ground and relentlessly slashed away at the masses of flesh and steel that pressed into the fray. The aura and shield of Lab saved us all that day.
Yew stood back in the beginning, placing arrows the size of javelins into carefully chosen targets. With their attention on Ginkgo, Yew’s arrows found the sneakiest places to lodge themselves in the foes.
Noyse used his magics to great effect, dazzling and befuddling enemy casters and leaders all the while pouring a relentless fire of accurate repeating crossbow fire into the front ranks.
As the battle reached climax, and the warforged started to show the strain with gashes in their plate and wood, Palm let the magics fly. This day Palm’s repairs took second priority as she poured in fire, ice and lightning to devastating effect.
As the battle ended, we were all battered, dented and singed, but the smoldering embers on our wooded bodies were easily quenched in the viscera of our mangled foes. That day Thunderhoof learned that the strength and power of a bull cannot compare to those who were forged for war.
11-09-2006, 11:21 AM
Noyse, Mithral Bard6, Sorc1
Labrunum, Adamantine Paladin5, Cleric1
Palm, Composite Wizard7
Yew, Adamantine Rogue3, Ranger2, Fighter 2
Ginkgo, Adamantine Fighter 6
The Warforged gatherd together again to investigate the tomb of a famous squishy named Delera. Previously the warforged had looked into this matter, and found her tomb to be crawling with long dead fleshies that refused to stop moving. Now, we did give them credit for tenacity, but many of our members found their lack of dedication to the laws of nature quite disconcerting. A decision was reached that famous or not, long dead fleshies were simply not allowed to get up and wander around.
Now, we have thus far noted that any place where dead fleshlings are piled up, gathered togather or planted they seem to just ignore the whole dead thing and get back up. Indeed these dead fleshlings seem to outnumber the living fleshlings by a large margin. Stormreach, though a newer fleshling city, has at least three locations for the storage of dead fleshlings. (Catacombs, Necropolis, Delera's Graveyard) In addition, many dead fleshlings seem to be piled up in the sewers. As these piles of dead fleshlings tend to get back up and cause all manner of problems, we the helpful warforged have some advice for live fleshlings that wish to dispose of dead fleshlings.
1: Burn the bodies. Many fleshlings follow something called the Sacred Flame, prehaps these ex-fleshlings could be put in that.
2: If you do not burn the body, remove the head and/or arms of the ex-fleshy prior to storage. Without arms or a head, the likelyhood of an ex-fleshy being a bother when it decided to stand back up is greatly lessened.
3: STOP STORING EX-FLESHIES WITH WEAPONS! Even if 1 and 2 are ignored, perhaps you could stop giving these things weapons, armor and ammo. You know they are going to get back up so stop giving them things to make you an ex-fleshling!
The unit entered into the tombs in search of Delera and instead found hundreds of ex-fleshlings running about with sharp objects. As Ginkgo is a master of all things bludgeoning, Labrunum had powers to dispatch ex-fleshies, and Yew had studied extensively the habits and weak points of Ex-Fleshies, the front ranks were in fine shape. Palm had several incantations to sieze control of the ex-fleshies, and to make them stand about motionless. Noyse had no special skill relating to this things, but his inspiration and enhancement magics kept us all fighting fit, and his new shock repeating heavy crossbow did not seem to have problems with the ex-fleshies.
After locating the information we were after (and a party of ex-fleshies who had the good tact to not get up and move about) we headed out to find Delera herself by unlocking several "soul-locks". Now Labrunum goes off at length about these soul things that fleshies and a few warforged believe they have. While no one other than Lab is devoutly religeous, we do acknowledge that there are many, many strange things in this world of fleshies, and do not discount anything. (Much to Yew's chargrin after being enticed to go attempt to locate a rare and wonderous bird using a burlap sack. After several days in the prescribed location, Noyse politely informed Yew that there were in fact no snipe hiding in the western jungles of Stormreach and the whole afair was scrapped.)
After many battles with ephemeral fleshlings (that Noyse and Lab insisted were Wraithes), the party broke through into Delera's sanctum. The oh so virtuous ex-fleshling of course did what every ex-fleshling does and attempted to harm us. She was put down with ease. The front rank 'forged all have blades made of an ephemeral material, while Noyse and Palm have the ability to simply pour raw energy into these things. As the battle closed, the ex-fleshling took on another form and began to babble on at length to Lab. Labrunum even seemed to understand the crazed ex-fleshling and insisted we had to help her. We've begun to doubt the sanity of Labrunum, and the sanity of warforged who follow his ideas.
11-09-2006, 01:07 PM
Now, we have thus far noted that any place where dead fleshlings are piled up, gathered togather or planted they seem to just ignore the whole dead thing and get back up. Indeed these dead fleshlings seem to outnumber the living fleshlings by a large margin. Stormreach, though a newer fleshling city, has at least three locations for the storage of dead fleshlings. (Catacombs, Necropolis, Delera's Graveyard) In addition, many dead fleshlings seem to be piled up in the sewers. As these piles of dead fleshlings tend to get back up and cause all manner of problems, we the helpful warforged have some advice for live fleshlings that wish to dispose of dead fleshlings.
1: Burn the bodies. Many fleshlings follow something called the Sacred Flame, prehaps these ex-fleshlings could be put in that.
2: If you do not burn the body, remove the head and/or arms of the ex-fleshy prior to storage. Without arms or a head, the likelyhood of an ex-fleshy being a bother when it decided to stand back up is greatly lessened.
3: STOP STORING EX-FLESHIES WITH WEAPONS! Even if 1 and 2 are ignored, perhaps you could stop giving these things weapons, armor and ammo. You know they are going to get back up so stop giving them things to make you an ex-fleshling!
That's awesome!
A good read too, I hope you can keep the story going!
11-09-2006, 01:50 PM
Very enjoyable, a nice read. Keep it up.
11-10-2006, 04:19 AM
These are some of the best stories.
11-10-2006, 05:47 PM
My 6 member guild (started out as 12 but it soon dropped to 1 party) has been doing the same thing. We started out with non-twinked level 1 characters and are doing each quest at our level and repeating back to the begining on hard/elite. The only difference I see is that we don't break up series. Instead we do the series when we reach the level of the highest quest in the series unless we know we can complete it sooner. The same with other quests. We ran out of quests at level 5 and started level 6 quests without having any issues.
We have been having a blast. Same six guys meeting every week with the same characters picking up up right where we left off. When we're not playing we have forum space where we talk about upcoming or past quests. We're really developing a nice playstyle and are begining to predict each others moves before their made.
Currently were on taming the flames and that has proven to be a challenge!
11-30-2006, 12:26 PM
**************SPOILER ALERT for the Pit*********************
Noyse, Mithral Bard6, Sorc1
Labrunum, Adamantine Paladin5, Cleric1
Palm, Composite Wizard8
Yew, Adamantine Rogue4, Ranger2, Fighter 2
Ginkgo was unable to join us this week as he has some extra things to do in a far away land called, real life. None of us was quite sure on this, but never the less he was left to his own devices.
Last week, Yew, Palm, and Ginkgo revisited Three Barrel cove, and once again entered an active volcano in search of the dragon below... That burned a little, but the trio made it out whole and with more experience under their belts.
This week, our sights were set on new territory, and Palm decided that as no one in our crew had ever so much as set one toe into the Pit, it was next on the list.
We entered the pit, manual in hand, ready to reset a magical waste processor, eliminate a few troglodytes, and liquify a few oozes. Our hopes were high and our confidence soared. Of course it wouldn't take long for that to end.
At first, we entered and used our typical, follow the shield approach to this maze like chamber of insanity. After viewing the harbor, house P and this Pit I have come to a conclusion. Fleshies delight in slipping and falling screaming to their deaths for lack of a HAND RAIL! What is it in you fleshies that makes building a ten story spiral ramp over a boiling pit of lava seem like a good idea?!
Anyway, to make a painful story short, we eventually found the backup generator, and the troglodytes we'd been warned about. The fight was... uh... quick. Palm decided to take her frustrations about hand rails out with a nice fat fireball. Now we had 9 switches. Being locical creatures, we of course flipped several to get an idea as to what they did. We discovered that they each toggled on/off four lights. After turning them all off, and turning each on in turn, we discovered exactly which ones to flip, and turned all of the lights on. Meanwhile several troglodytes arrived, much to their chargrin.
Next we ran in circles for another eternity attempting to locate the furnace rooms. Labrunum at this point discovered how to get to the bottom of one of the shafts in a most expediant manner. He also discovered that when a large adamantine coated warforged impacts a rock at terminal velocity it makes a rather large hole in the warforged. As an aside, Lab actually hit his push to talk and screamed the whole way down. Hysterical does not begin to describe this situation.
After Lab got better, we found the furnace rooms, and entered the first one. Luckily Yew's evasion kept the nast stuff off him, and kept him moving along the narrow pipes and ledges. Many many falls later, the party finally threw all the switches and valves and the furnace roared to life. A rest was had and we pressed on.
We found the security room rather quickly, having run by it often enough trying to locate other rooms, and we entered. The minor fight with troglodytes was a non-issue and we at last had the room clear. I now want to speak to the artificer who constructed this monstrosity. Why in the world would you make the order of wheel settings random and then put the settings on glowing plaques places about the room in annoying places?! What are you trying to accomplish? Are you terrified of being attacked by color blind brigands?! Are you preparing to keep the room safe from thieves with short attention spans? It is dogs you're worried about? (Because dogs can't look up, just ask Ed)
Moving on, we left the security room, and discovered hundreds of now active force traps blasting away with arcane power into the circular shafts. Who builds thousands of force traps to protect poo? I know you fleshlings are sentamental creatures... but trapped poo?! Are there many color blind, lupine rogues with ADD and a penchant for poo theft running about?
So we went on to the second furnace room... More jumping about because while hundreds of force traps were in the budget, appearantly walkways that don't disintegrate are not. At this point, one and a half hours into the mission, a group concensus of "These insane fleshlings can tend to their own trap filled , multi elemental powered poo processor!" was reached.
I hope all your poo gets stolen by a Blue/Green defecient mutt with ADD.
(We ran out of time as wednsday is our short day, we'll be going back another time.)
11-30-2006, 01:51 PM
The undead story is still my fave though!
11-30-2006, 10:34 PM
Dogs can look up.
At least he was right about the Winchester.
Anyway, great read, especially the frustration for lack of handrails and pointless force traps. Seriously, ***!? "Hm.. how can we really screw people running the Pit?"
"I know! Put in unblockable traps at 3-foot intervals that you MUST set off to move around."
We fleshies must be really maso-effing-chistic.
Keep it up, guys. Hope to hear about the Vons soon.
12-13-2006, 04:10 PM
Any updates Skaves?
12-17-2006, 11:51 AM
Last week we had a few players out sick, so there were no Warforged runs. Next week we should be back in fighting trim. (Yes I know, we're not DDO 1337 as we let illness get in the way of gaming)
12-21-2006, 02:39 AM
I love WF. tried a few out, found a WF pally build that i like. shame i dont play on yoru server. i could join in on the escapades.
01-03-2007, 06:53 PM
Well now we have a few members working weird hours, and are likely to fall into repeating lower level quests on higher difficulty as we wait for the team to get back together.
01-15-2007, 11:08 PM
I just discovered your wonderful recounting. Thank you very, very, very, much.
:) :) :) :) :)
01-25-2007, 11:16 AM
Return to the Pit.
Yew, Adamantine Rogue 4, Ranger 2, Fighter 2
Palm, Composite Wizard 8
Laburnum, Adamantine Cleric 1, Paladin 6
Noyse, Mithril Sorcerer 1, Bard 6
Atanamir, Squishy pink thing Wizard 6
Yes, we have somehow acquired a squishy, fleshy pet. Palm assures us that he can be used as a meat shield, as none of us is made of meat and ill suited to the task.
Our return to the Pit was an educational affair. I will outline some of the lessons learned instead of a breakdown of the exact adventure.
We learned that House Canith, while capable of creating the exemplar of functional magical technology (namely the warforged), is also mysteriously incapable of creating stairs that don’t fall apart the second a problem occurs in their magical trash bin.
We learned that when Noyse becomes startled, he is capable of putting three bolts directly on target regardless of whether or not he knows what the target is. (Much to our dismay when he’s startled by oozes).
We learned that Palm can repair one warforged who’s stuck to a towering ceiling, while simultaneously repairing one that’s on the floor, all while balancing on a pipe and being attacked by a crazed troglodyte.
We learned that Yew makes an excellent projectile weapon, and that if a warforged falls in the pit, and no one is around, it does indeed make a noise. This noise sounds suspiciously like “Ow.”
We learned that Laburnum delights in turning Yew into a projectile weapon and will do so regardless of any fight he is currently in.
And finally we learned that when a human mage is cut into four equal pieces, he does indeed bleed! (Had to rib Atanamir for taking the only death on the run in the last room)
The same group then set out into taming the flames, on hard. The quest was beaten, and all parties concerned have stated that it shall NOT BE SPOKEN OF AGAIN!
01-25-2007, 01:13 PM
We learned that Palm can repair one warforged who’s stuck to a towering ceiling, while simultaneously repairing one that’s on the floor, all while balancing on a pipe and being attacked by a crazed troglodyte.
Hail Palm! :D
01-26-2007, 09:14 AM
I thoughroly enjoyed this tale so much so that I spent a half hour of my tim ereading it from the top, when I could have been leveling my own toon. Cheers!
01-26-2007, 10:44 AM
Excellent read, thanks for letting the rest of the world see a side of DDO that many miss out on. While not as formal, I have a regular threesome of players that have done many quests together. Two sets of toons with the higher level ones now being a nice WF Ftr10/Wiz1, Cleric 11 and Wiz 11, so I have seen the awesome power of a well run WF in action. Good stuff.
01-28-2007, 05:28 PM
Crypt of the Shadow Guard.
Yew, Adamantine Rogue 4, Ranger 2, Fighter 2
Palm, Composite Wizard 8
Laburnum, Adamantine Cleric 1, Paladin 6
Noyse, Mithril Sorcerer 1, Bard 7
Atanamir, Squishy pink thing Wizard 7
Ginkgo, Adamantine Fighter 7
Having heard the tales that evil was once again afoot in the necropolis; the group has met and decided to put an end to this threat. With the trouncing we gave this lot a while back, this little matter should be put to rest quite quickly.
Upon entering the crypt, we were greeted by the turncoat Shadow Guard, he informed us that to unlock the seal, a certain bandaged ex-fleshy was to be put down. We were also informed that the tomb was falling apart due to an earthquake, and there would be swimming involved. Well luckily for this shadow fleshy, the warforged have no need of breathing.
The mazelike map was fairly easy to navigate, though we did have to stop and wait for stragglers who decided to play “Spaceman” with the bubbly moss. Luckily our pet fleshy has a trinket that allows him to breathe water, this stopped us from adding to the amount of ex-fleshies in this place.
Of course, the ethereal shifting wolves, spiders and ex-fleshies were annoying, but no more annoying than trapped poo. All of our warriors have blades that are able to hit these creatures (regardless of their ability to pick a dimension and stick with it), and both Palm and Atanamir have the ability to form walls of fire.
After much swimming and a little bit of fighting these annoying ex-fleshies, we reached the altar upon which lay the bandaged form of our quarry. The party readied itself for battle, and then charged, with the songs of Noyse ringing in our spirits.
The mummy, as Lab insists upon calling it, proved quite annoying. The creature would not stand still, and for some reason ran about like Yew on fire. (Though the mummy screamed less.) Eventually the creature was put down, and the gates opened, revealing that this hour long swimming trip had taken us 20 feet from where we started. Ginkgo immediately set about planning the Shadow Guard’s untimely end.
01-31-2007, 07:27 PM
great stories
02-01-2007, 01:53 PM
Crypt of the Shadow Knight.
Yew, Adamantine Rogue 4, Ranger 2, Fighter 2
Palm, Composite Wizard 8
Laburnum, Adamantine Cleric 1, Paladin 6
Noyse, Mithril Sorcerer 1, Bard 7
Atanamir, Squishy pink thing Wizard 7
Ginkgo, Adamantine Fighter 7
This quest was more to our liking. The traps slowed our group down some, but Yew managed them with his usual excellence. (He did however have exactly 3 tools left at the end of the quest, a fact that scared the party just a bit). With our lessons from the Shadow Guard, this quest became a well planned multi stage combat. The buffed group would push deep into a group of shadow creatures, Noyse would haste our actions, Ginkgo would draw the ire of all the shadows, then Palm and Atanamir would let fly with their walls of fire. Yew and Lab performed their usual clean up duties, and Lab’s clerical training has proven valuable to remove any loss of strength caused by these ethereal beasts. A fair amount of loot was had, and a fair amount of fun was had. All in all, an enjoyable contrast.
Crypt of the Shadow King.
Yew, Adamantine Rogue 4, Ranger 2, Fighter 2
Palm, Composite Wizard 8
Laburnum, Adamantine Cleric 1, Paladin 6
Noyse, Mithril Sorcerer 1, Bard 7
Atanamir, Squishy pink thing Wizard 7
Ginkgo, Adamantine Fighter 7
Ow, the pain, it burns like hygiene. Nothing stays dead in this insanity of a crypt! Our intrepid heroes battled these fell beasts for what seemed like hours (two in fact). After “clearing the north hallway” and heading back to the central area, we were nearly dispatched by reformed legions of these creatures! Atanamir, Palm and Noyse were depleted quite quickly as each corner of this maze of shadow put us into direct contact with hordes of shadows. Eventually, the group struck upon a strategy. We rested in the center, then hasted, and ran like a startled gnome. We would gather up armies of shadows, bent on our destruction, then lock down in a semi circular battle line at a light. The light would curse our foes, and both Palm and Atanamir would unleash their magic. Lab and Yew would protect the two fire mages, while Ginkgo tried to keep the shadow’s attention, and Noyse ensured we stayed hasted and filled with battle confidence. Eventually, Nsu rose. When this fell creature rose up, we lead him, and legions of his followers to the lighted chamber. Many brave warforged fell. Palm fell while holding the line, blasting away with magical fire to keep the hordes back so that the others could complete their tasks. Atanamir fell as well, while tracing walls of fire through the room to keep the shadow creatures busy. Ginkgo gave his functionality up to lure the fell lord Nsu into our lighted trap. Once the creature was in the cage, Yew and Noyse slammed shut the gates. Lab rained down beams of holy light, while Yew bent his bow and launched arrows of undead bane into the walking corpse. Eventually the menace fell, and his minions soon after. Our party was reunited at the shrine, and the looting of the boxes began. For such a staunch fight as this, our rewards were a pittance.
02-02-2007, 11:12 AM
Thanks for the awesome stories!
02-05-2007, 11:00 PM
This is a little description of the Warforged group. I have been part of it, almost from the beginning.
The leader is Yew. Ranger, fighter and rogue with an emphasis on rogue. Has a tendency to lead us into danger, but where he goes we tend to follow. As near as I can figure, he was the instigator. He plays as a PnP gm in RL He has gotten his haggle up there, so he is always looking for the next great weapon. I know that he has a higher level character on another server, but I do not know where. He has other characters on this server in the clan, but that is a different story. He is in competition with Gingko for the most kills. I swear that he takes us into deadly situations, and every night I am sure is the one that is going to get me killed again, but my dieing in his dungeons does not happen that often. He admits to his foibles, he seems to be able to take a ribbing, but we have more “Yew’s turn in the barrel nights” than anyone else. I got to admit it is nice to have him out front. He has kept us together as a group, and when he cannot make it, the party does not seem half as fun. Every once in a while, he “has a plan”. Most of them get him killed, but we always get a laugh out of it.
The leading wizard is Palm. She of the quick heal and light repeating crossbow. By now she is almost to level 9 (the last adventure had her fall short by only 1,000 points. Her husband laughed at her, boy was I glad I was not in the room.) She and he play at two different computers in the same room. For the first couple of months, she did not have a mike, so we only corresponded by typing; she could hear our comments through his speakers. She does not scant us on the heals, nor does she deprive us of the support that a good wizard can provide.
Our fighter is Gingko. I know that he has higher level characters. He seems to take inordinate pride in his high AC. He currently wields a killer mace. As I said, he is in a race each night for top kills honors. Periodically, he retreats to another game, where he takes out his frustration by doing PvP. But he returns to us on Wednesday nights to beat up on the monsters. He is the one that seems to get under Yew’s skin the best. His snappy comments and harping from the front line are a joy to listen to.
The next member of our wooden band is Noyse. Unfortunately, he did not get the message to name his character for a variety of tree. He is apparently a glutton for punishment; he must be to try and grow a bard out of a race that is congenitally detracted from being one. He took a level of sorceror, so that he could do back up healing, and was pleasantly surprised with how much extra spell points that he ended up with. Palm took the light repeater, he took the heavy one. Between them they throw out the bolts; both go into combat with at least 700 bolts a night. They always come home with some, but it is not from lack of trying to get rid of them by turning the monsters into pincushions. He plays his “banjo” and that really adds to the damage-dealing of the party. Now that he finally has Good Hope, the skills are being improved all around. In some of those middle level dungeons, he practiced his Resistable Dance, and he has seen some amazing things dance. But he wants to watch one of everything do it, so he keeps trying. Unfortunately, with this group, he never seems to be able to fascinate the mobs, the rest of the party kills them too fast. He swears that hypnotic pattern makes a better door guard than Web, and uses it often to prove it.
Laburnum is the paladin/cleric in the group. An odd mixture, but it allows him to provide DVs to the two mages in the party. Brother to one member, he is late comer to the forest, but he is always in the thick of things. Nicknamed “Lumpy”, he tends to be the butt of some jokes, but he takes it in stride. He has stayed back in the early going protecting the weak (ie a wizard and a bard), but he can hold his own now. He is not in the kill point race with Gink and Yew, he is better than that. (Plus they seem to just kill things faster).
Every party must have a mascot and instead of a puppy or a kitten, we just use a soft and squishy. Atanamir - the other wizard. The bard does not have healing spells, the mage cannot cast them, and the light heals that the paladin/cleric could cast do not seem to go very far. So, he carries potions, healing wands and his own share of complaints about the other players unfeeling nature. At’s current favorite spell is Wall of Fire. Both he and Palm do offensive spell casting. They do not stint and they run out of spellpoints in a hurry. Dungeons without copious amounts of shrines are anathema to him. As we were doing the crypt adventures, one of the monsters threw Cloudkill – while the WF did not care, he had to run, fast – so that he would not die. I do not want him gone, he is a pleasure to have around.
The team fights as a team. We watch out for each other; if someone’s hit points get low, it is not just Palm that notices it – more than one person will say “heal your self”. We are conscious of what is going on around us. If another is in trouble, we can yell for help and someone will come to the rescue. This is a TEAM. We fight as one, if some one is lagging, the rest of the party settles down and waits for that person. If the party gets wiped (and it has happened) one stays in while the rest go back rest up and come back. Then that hold-out rests up and the team goes back into the dungeon to stomp on the enemy corpses. If Palm wants to try something, we will generally do it. Noyse hates having to jump – particularly over lava, as he is a real stumblebum. At has a real problem with his soft and squishy side. Yew always has a plan and may have sent he current dungeon once upon a time. We do not always inspect the dungeon before we go in, it tends to be more fun if you do exploring like the gms’ would want you to. Which is not to say that we do not curse the misbegotten idiots that designed some of these instances.
We continue to grow as a team. I am sure that this is what the devs wanted when they designed this game. I assure you that we are having a blast doing it their way. We all have our individual personalities, but the gestalt – the team personality – is one of companionship and joyful acceptance. Where Yew leads, we follow – sometimes to our death, but always knowing that we will beat the dungeon in the future – even the current one that will go unnamed.
(The Unnamed Dungeon is the one that has us stumped currently; we will beat it eventually. When we do, another dungeon will get that name. “And NO Yew, I am NOT ready to go back there yet”).
02-06-2007, 01:46 PM
Xilent, great to see your comments in here!
Tomb of the Shadow Lord
Yew, Adamantine Rogue 4, Ranger 2, Fighter 2
Palm, Composite Wizard 8
Laburnum, Adamantine Cleric 1, Paladin 6
Noyse, Mithril Sorcerer 1, Bard 7
Atanamir, Squishy pink thing Wizard 7
Ginkgo, Adamantine Fighter 7
With the annoying Shadow King still in our minds, we did not look forward to this place. Never the less, the party gathered, armed up and headed out. This crypt was not nearly as annoying as the Tomb of Never Ending Pain. Once it was revealed that the team would have to split up, we decided Palm and Noyse should go with Ginkgo as Palm can repair, Noyse can buff, and Ginkgo can fight. Lab, Yew and Atanamir should make the other team as both Lab and Yew can use healing wands on the squishy, while Atanamir can repair the ‘forged. We went to our posts, and pressed on. This turned out to be a horrible mistake. (and it really served the party right for listening when Yew said, “Okay, I have a plan…”)
The all forged team had one huge disadvantage, they had no lesser restoration. Two fights in, Ginkgo’s strength was sapped and he became a sitting duck, leaving Palm and Noyse without muscle. Things ended poorly. The other team had Lab and his restorations, and made it much further. We exited the dungeon and tried again, with nearly the same result. Noyse somehow survived the assault, while Palm and Ginkgo did not. Noyse retreated to the entrance and waited.
The Team of Yew, Lab and Atanamir pressed on, clearing the red path, then looped back around to locate and save Palm and Ginkgo. Levers were pulled and finally the party reunited and rested.
At this point someone other that yew came up with the idea of one person working levers while the remaining 5 cleared each hallway. (Thank you Noyse). With the new tactic, this dungeon came apart like a hobgoblin cleric in a Tangleroot blender trap.
Upon reaching the end frustrations were vented in a rather messy manner on the mummy who guarded the end. With all four seals open, the Shadow Crypt awaits.
02-06-2007, 03:17 PM
The Shadow Crypt
Yew, Adamantine Rogue 4, Ranger 2, Fighter 2
Palm, Composite Wizard 8
Laburnum, Adamantine Cleric 1, Paladin 6
Noyse, Mithril Sorcerer 1, Bard 7
Atanamir, Squishy pink thing Wizard 7
Ginkgo, Adamantine Fighter 7
Nothing makes sense in this place! Doors don’t go where they are supposed to, enemies blink in and out, fire water makes fire work, and Ginkgo figured out where to go. Anarchy I tell you! After speaking with the dying fleshy, we set out in a logical pattern, that lead us to a room of bars arraigned in a maze pattern. Navigating though the maze, we located a gear, we the continued on, and found ourselves in an underwater maze, where another gear was located. This process went on and on, with yew leading the group around in random circles, assuring everyone that he knew where he was going. I honestly don’t think anyone believes him anymore when he says that. I certainly don’t!
Eventually we had located all of the gears, and were ready to move on to the levers. Unfortunately we had no idea how to locate these. Yew, Palm and Noyse of course broke out pen and paper and set about trying to sort out the order of where everything connected and how to get from point A to point B (the answer being go through point Q, hang a right at point % and then a short trip through point 1) While the logical ‘forged were sorting this all out, Ginkgo ran through a few random doors and announced, “Found it.”
After a bit of grumbling we all arrived, buffed and prepared to take on this bloodsucker. The Shadow council awaited us, and revealed their insidious plan. We had been betrayed, and the fight was joined. Due to several people not being prepared, this fight did not end well. We were not expecting a fight here, at least not with them. Once the party had retreated, we entered again, ready to take on these ex-fleshies (and I bet they were backstabbing changelings in their mortal lives). This time the fight was quick and deadly, for the betrayers. With these foes down, we charged the vampire. This fight was a complete stalemate.
Yew’s extensive knowledge of the undead reveal that enchanted silver is the bane of Vampires such as this, but that proved wrong. Flaming weapons, adamantine, holy, undead bane, none of these seemed effective. Palm and Atanamir kept firewalls up, but these did nothing. The creature regenerated the damage we inflicted as fast as we made it. The creature also seemed unable to hurt us severely, and the battle raged for many many minutes (20-30 minutes I believe, it was insane). As we were unable to hurt the creature, and he was unable to hurt us, we eventually left out of boredom. We shall return to this place after the forces that be (Devs) remove the ungodly protection this ex-fleshy has.
Side note: Silver weapons have ONE use in this game, to stop the regeneration/pierce the DR of Vampires. As I understand it, there are 3 vampires in this game, and at least one is immune to silver. Why even have silver weapons in the game? Yes I know that a couple of clerics with Searing Light can down him in seconds, and I know using 20+ firewall scrolls will drop him, but what about ACTUAL level 9 parties without a cleric, is the quest just off limits to them?
02-06-2007, 03:41 PM
Yew, Adamantine Rogue 4, Ranger 2, Fighter 2
Palm, Composite Wizard 8
Laburnum, Adamantine Cleric 1, Paladin 6
Noyse, Mithril Sorcerer 1, Bard 7
Atanamir, Squishy pink thing Wizard 7
Ginkgo, Adamantine Fighter 7
The warforged have given up on those damnable blinking ex-fleshies. Instead of more annoyance, we have set out to save the outpost of Stormcleave. I had almost forgotten how well we worked together against foes that have bodies and minds. Each encounter was poetry in motion. Before combat Atanamir, palm and Noyse enchanted us all, strengthening us, making us resistant to damage, bolstering our spirits, and improving our aim. Durring combat Ginkgo left trails of shattered foes behind him, Lab cut bloody swathes through anyone foolish enough to attack his charges, and Yew danced through the giants with tiny blades designed to bring down the creatures.
Noyse seems to have rethought his usage of Hypnotic Pattern, and is instead now using it as a shield. He throws the pattern around all the casters, so that when the monsters break the front rank to charge the casters, they are held fast. Palm has found a brilliant use og Solid Fog in a defensive manner, to keep the foes at bay longer, and Atanamir has begun using defensive webs. The three blend very well together.
The reactions of the party when surprised/in danger at an interesting contrast, and were pointed out clearly in this run.
Yew tends to whip out a shield and roll away from danger if he’s hard pressed, failing that he lashes out with his trips, stuns and sunders.
Laburnum and Ginkgo both tend to tuck down behind their shields and hold their ground while calling for support in the rare instances that they get in over their heads.
One can tell if Noyse was in trouble simply by looking about for any dancing enimies. Once they hit point blank with Noyse, they cannot help but bust a funky move.
Palm’s fear reaction seems to be fatal for the source of her fear. A minotaur broke from the pack in our last battle, and charged Palm full speed. Palm let fly a brief squeak, and a split second later, a snow-minotaur stood before her. Niac’s cold ray stopped the beast with his nose a pixel’s width from Palm’s forehead.
Atanamir’s reaction tends to be more methodical. He tends to prepare defenses before each battle. This leaves him shy of spell points, but it also keeps him safer than others. Prior to laying out a firewall, he places a web before himself, sound thinking. Of course when the web fails, he tends to do laps around the warforged while screaming
The final battle was quite fun. The group buffed up, and stood awaiting the general. At this point, Yew said the words, “Okay, wait here, I’ll be right back.” Amasingly Yew actually made it back, and under his own power! Of course he also brought back the General and his earth elemental ward, but the casters put the elemental down with speed, while Gikgo kept the General busy. Once the elemental fell, the gloves came off, and the beatdown began. Noyse poured bolts into the giant with his +5 Heavy Crossbow. Palm rained down ice from the sky, and Atanamir poured out beams of ice. Laburnum and Ginkgo pounded away on the General, while Yew found out what happens when you load arrows of Giant Bane into a +1 Longbow of Giant Bane. (is makes more numbers shoot off of giants than off a sign at Walmart) The General was put down with ease, and the party rejoiced.
Soon, we will be coming for the Shadow Crypt again, but don’t worry, I have a plan.
02-06-2007, 04:41 PM
These stories are wonderful. I love reading them... and often get odd looks from people in my office since I am laughing so hard at my screen.
It's also wonderful to see the game played by friends working together, having a good time and using strategy.
Keep the stories coming...
See you in Stormreach
02-08-2007, 12:50 PM
If you're wondering about that vampire, it turns out he's wearing adamantine full plate. So he not only has DR 10/silver, but DR 3?/adamantine. It's true, a dev posted it. You'd need a crazy adamantine silver weapon (which I'm sure don't exist) to fully get through. Silver is still the best though, as it gets though some DR (only 3 points get blocked) whereas adamantine still has to deal with the 10 form silver. Weapons of neither quality deal with the DR 10 as DR does not stack.
03-29-2007, 01:23 PM
Hoping for more :(
04-04-2007, 06:39 PM
The Ruins of Threnal
Yew, Adamantine Rogue 4, Ranger 3, Fighter 2
Palm, Composite Wizard 9
Laburnum, Adamantine Cleric 1, Paladin 7
Noyse, Mithril Sorcerer 1, Bard 8
Atanamir, Squishy pink thing Wizard 8
Ginkgo, Adamantine Fighter 8
After running the giant caves for some loot, and a few more goes at Stormcleave on hard and elite settings (just to make sure that everything was cleared out), we decided to take on the challenge of Threnal.
An odd little dwarf sought the help of the Forest to remove a threat from the western part of this excavation. First we were to seek out a fellow deep in the tunnels and take him supplies for digging. Well as we are stout forged, this simple bit of labor seemed easy.
The trek was easy, but not as simple as we’d first thought. It seems these tunnels are full to the brim with mephitis, spiders, slimes, gargoyles and worse! The spiders’ venom of course held no sting for the Forest, the slimes and rock creatures could not bear to stand before the might and spirit of living wood, and thus we emerged victorious. Upon delivering our payload, the miners thanked us, and we headed back to the Delver’s Canteen for a refit.
The same little dwarf employed us in another assignment. It seems that the mining team had unleashed something deep within the earth, and we were needed to escort the miners out of harms way, and back to the surface. The Forest entered the mine again, and soundly trounced the waiting spiders, slimes and such. When the demonic flesh renders fell upon us we were surprised, but not taken off guard.
Palm and Noyse instantly let fly with their enchanted Denith bolts, scoring hits upon the demons and bringing them in. Ginkgo then roared with rage, drawing the ire of the beasts to what they thought a worthy foe. As they leapt upon Ginkgo, Lab lashed out with righteous anger to smite them and rend them with his blade, while Yew skillfully tripped them. Once they were down, Gingko’s mighty hammer knocked them senseless, and they were quickly dispatched by the Forest.
The miners were located, and comforted by Atanamir’s presence. They seemed drawn to him over the symbols of war that made up the remained of the party, so Atanamir was placed in charge of their safety as the Forest cleared the path to freedom. On the way out, more of the flesh demons poured in upon us, with blade, bolt and hammer, the demons were driven back. Palm then showed her inner metal, when one render broke the line and made a mad dash for her. As the demon leapt upon her, she uttered an arcane phrase and simply pointed, and the creature was no more. Palm insists she simply commanded the creature to return to its native plane, but I know I have no plans to ever startle her again, lest I end up simply vanishing.
Once the miners were savely above ground, the funny little dwarf asked the Forest if we would mind cleaning out any remaining beasts from the mine. We never like to leave a job undone, so of course we accepted. The battle was longer, and harder than expected, with a maze of halls and doors to explore. In the end, the excavation was held by a lone ice demon. I would like to end with a titanic clash of wood, steel and ice, but alas, the fight lasted but a few seconds. The creature stood no chance against the combined might of the Warforged Forest.
04-04-2007, 11:30 PM
Good work Forest!
05-06-2007, 03:16 AM
I don't need to hear them to know what the dwarves are talking about. The way they eye me, I know they are wondering if they can mine my body for metal. They could spend their lives working a mountainside and not haul out as much adamantine as I've had added to me over the years.
They only consider it because I haven't moved in days, they begin to wonder if I'm a statue, or perhaps died on my feet. If so, I'd be fair game as scrap, as there's no ordinance for warforged shaped artwork in this square of the market. But they also know that the moment one takes a pick to me, if I am alive, there would be no repercussions from my protecting myself.
I like fighting dwarves, because they are smaller than me.
Time whispers past with the winds, the sun crawling across the sky. My mind hovers in this dreamlike state, just enjoying the warmth. Every now and then, one of the dwarves inches close, tries whispering an old command word, trying to get a reaction out of me. It is a pleasure to wait, enjoying the sunlight, just waiting for one to make a move.
No longer am I magically compelled to obey, but there are still words that will force me into motion. Not promises of gold, nor threats of violence. Four words that are spoken by one outside of my line of sight, pitched for my ears alone:
"I have a plan."
The only reason the speaker managed to sneak up on me was the noise of the marketplace, the hue and cry of merchants trying to peddle their wares to passerbys. Yew is as stealthy as I am divine, but under rare circumstances he makes less noise than an entire noonday crowd about their business.
The dwarves' eyes widen slightly as my jaw moves. My newest upgrade hasn't quite been worn in yet, the additional plates Palm grafted onto me grind against each other harshly, my words almost lost in the groan of adamantine sliding across adamantine as my jaw works slowly.
"Does it involve hammers?"
"It does now," Yew replies, before pushing his way through the crowd. It doesn't matter what the plan is, even if it's just to fetch a barrel of ale for a tavernkeep, with Yew leading it will end up being more interesting than baiting greedy dwarves.
One last look at the sun, a reminder of the way things used to be, before I follow Yew towards wherever he hopes to find a coin or moment of glory. Me, I just want to hit something with a blunt object repeatedly. After all, since the only tool I have is a hammer, all my problems have begun to look like kobolds.
05-06-2007, 03:39 AM
This time, they swear it's the real deal. The Seal of Shan-to-Kor. I've lost count of how many times we've agreed to look for it, and never is it the right one. Of course, counting isn't one of my stronger points. I had a few fingers removed, to make space for more adamantine plated onto the others. I struggle to get past three unless I put down my shield.
And I never put down my shield.
First though, we have to get past kobolds. Yew, in his way, worries about it too much. He rattles on about spells and rogues and traps and other things. I've long since stopped paying attention. There's only one thing I need to figure out before we begin, and that's which warhammer to use.
For kobolds, I think I'll use the one infused with chaotic energies. I find some amusement in my foes dispersing into clouds of pink dust. The occasional human has laughed, between the pink hammer and pink docet set into my armor, little realizing the purpose they serve.
Baiting the vainglorious into taking a swing at me.
If my jaw could still bend properly, I'd smile at the memory of the last human's expression when his sword broke on my forearm, leaving him defenseless as my hammer rendered him into pink dust. Which suited me just fine. Humans are fun to fight, because they are smaller than I am.
Finally, Yew finishes his yammering. Palm and Atanamir have spent their time surrounding us with their spells. I may not understand how it works, but being able to run as fast as a halfling from the law is something I'll never complain about.
I know Yew wants us to use tactics and strategy, but... Kobolds. I hold my hammer to one side, shield to the other, and just crash through their ranks. Laburnum follows close on my heels, catching the occasional kobold that manages to get out of my way. Behind me, I hear the twangs of Noyse and Palm's crossbows finishing off survivors, making sure they don't get ideas about being healed and attacking our backs.
I like fighting kobolds, because they are smaller than I am.
Their blockade of the deeper tunnels stops us about as effectively as Atanamir stops an ogre's club. I even take the time to sound their own alarm gongs, letting them know we're coming. Even then, their defense is barely worth noting.
But when we come to a bridge guarded by hobgoblins, I know I may need to begin paying attention. Something finally more of a challenge than a crossbreed of a rat and a lizard. As we enter what looks like a city made by hobgoblins, I consider actually listening to what Yew has to say. It's been a while since he came up with a plan, maybe I'll get lucky and he'll have one ready for us.
05-06-2007, 09:24 AM
An update! w00t!:D
07-10-2007, 03:52 PM
We need another Update.
I was in The Tent in Thernal this last +1 Loot Sunday and saw the 4 of them there regenning.. I was a little geeked... heheh.
There in front of me were 4 Warforged, famous by DDO Forum standards. It was like they were rock stars..
Give us an update!!!
An update! w00t!:D
07-11-2007, 04:48 PM
We got together on a Sunday night because it was a +1 treasure weekend. We were still waiting on Lumpy ( Laburnum the cleric/Paladin): standing around trying to figure out what to do. In the past Yew has downplayed going back to Giant Cave on a loot run, since he thought that they had changed things to make it more likely we would get waxed. We have run them at Normal and Hard, but not finished the run at elite. I assume like all people, we run in hit the chest and recall. In the past we have tried dimension doors to leave the giants behind, but they have been giving us fits recently. But Palm and Yew hit 12 – he to get multiple arrows and she to get new spells that really wanted to try out. The newest toy was Mass Suggestion (MS’d). On the run through Threnal she had used MS on the giants, almost hitting faster than Yew could kill them with arrows. I was getting to follow along, picking up candy from the ground.
We recharged our batteries in the tent, and then went out to do damage to giants and chests. About the only buffs I put on the party were the banjoes, and a displacement spell on Palm (can’t afford to lose our mage, she keeps me alive). She suggested the early attacker. Then Yew ran forward, and gathered all of the giants together He really loves that unholy dodge that he now has). She tried a suggestion the group but even gathered, they were still too far apart for her to get more than one or two. I got to drop a Disco (Mass Dance) on a particular concentration – so the MS’d giants were beating on the dancing ones. We ran on through to the chest; Palm MS’d the chest guards and we looted to our hearts content. I got to admit that in 4 runs, (2 in each cave) I did die once (I can be hurt easily, and I tend to be.) But I ended up with some good loot.
The hero was Palm. Most of Yew’s plans worked, and when they didn’t – we rallied around. Lumpy showed up before we completed the runs and got to experience the fun for himself.
As has been said before, we are playing the game for fun. When one of us cannot show up (recently it has been Gingko – due to network problems) we might run dungeons at the hard, but not elite – so when we do run elite as a full party, he will get full favor. We are not interested in a zerg; sometimes only one of us has done a run and then only one time. Or on other characters, we may have run it many times. But we treat each one like it was the first time, and it more enjoyable for all of that. We have been doing this for over a year, and just hitting 12. It is slow, but for us it is fun.
The next big task is to set-up a Dragon raid. I have never been on one, but I am still agitating for an all Warforged run. I suspect we will have to advertise for it, and we cannot even begin to look at it until Gingk gets back.
Stay tuned for more from Yew – as always I am sure that he has a plan. I just get to follow along, try to stay alive and marvel at the skills that I get to observe.
07-11-2007, 08:40 PM
Stumbled on this thread.........
The story of this thread almost seems like Pen and Paper. There is role playing done, friendships made and adventure shared. On my server I recently deleted my capped Cleric and started over from scratch. I wish I had a group like this on my server to run with!
I read the whole thread and enjoyed it immensely. I hope to see more posts regarding the exploits and adventures of the "Forest".
"I got a plan"
07-12-2007, 12:03 PM
Fantastic read. Thanks for sharing.
07-12-2007, 03:45 PM
The Ruins of Threnal part 2
Yew, Mithril (newly so) Rogue 4, Ranger 6, Fighter 2
Palm, Composite Wizard 12
Laburnum, Adamantine Cleric 1, Paladin 10
Noyse, Mithril Sorcerer 1, Bard 10
Much has happened since last we adventured in the old ruins, and it was about time we returned to finish the job. (We got sidetracked and way out leveled the content we’d yet to do, but as our goal is to do every quest in the game once on each difficulty we ARE going to out level the quests rapidly.)
The surly dwarf in Threnal sent us to speak with an arrogant human about some issues the house of mercenaries was having problems with. Leave it to the arrogant humans to send a human to do a job meant for a warrior. The human talked of a missing expedition lead by a silly fleshling scholar named Coyle. We accepted this mission, and set about exploring the area in search of lost humans.
The mine was filled with all manner of winged creatures. The abundance of winged creatures actually puzzled us all. If you have wings, and the air is your road, why confine yourself to the depths of a cave like some crawling ooze? If I, Yew the ranger, were in direct possession of wings, I think I would never again rest a one of my four toes upon the soil of this fleshling dominated world. I suppose that even flying fleshies grow tired over time (unlike the tireless bodies of me and mine), but surely a creature born with wings must yearn for the skies rather than some abode more favored by kobold and ooze. I digress (and fault for that surely lies with the poetic wonderings of Noyse.)
The mine crawled with winged Gargoyles, Mephits and such, with occasional more reasonable groups of rock monsters. These creatures were all quite easily dealt with. Labrunum has recently taken up the banner of the Lord of Blades, and wields his greatsword with a force that would leave even stout Ginkgo in awe. Palm has expanded her arsenal of charms, acids and lightning to such a degree that when frightened she is more apt now to leave her attacker a puddle of foul bubbling liquid. Noyse bent his crossbow to the task and his new curse spewing crossbow made many fights simple. As for Yew, well I simply did what I excel at, I played bait, trapfinder and in general attempted to maintain a constant state of confusion in our foes.
The library and the historian were both located, the party was lead about safely, and a good time was had by all. Eventually the silly humans of course let out some demonic force (as they ALWAYS do) and said force attempted to eat the party. In the end, Coyle refused to retreat like any rational creature would do, and instead begged us to protect his fleshy posterior and the ancient books in the mouldering library no one else seemed to care about.
The defense of the library was entertaining. We had been previously told of the folly of living constructs attempting to fight off waves of metal dissolving abominations, but as usual, I paid them no heed, and my faithful companions prepared for a “Yew plan.” The winged stony monsters fell to blade and spell, the skinless acid hounds died howling in agony, the renders of flesh found no purchase for their claws, and the poor failed “big brothers” of solid iron found out just how much improved modern constructs are. The creators of rust were a comical team. Their mad charge met the hypnotic “disco” rhythm of Noyse’s magic, and then fell battered lumps of flesh under the wooden clubs of Lab and Yew. At last the champion of the pit chose to personally to test his demonic flesh against our living wood. He chose poorly. The lightning and acid of Palm flew, the electrified bolts of Noyse flew, the great lawful sword of Lab rang out, and the hail of Holy Cold Iron arrows flew from my bow. I believe the fell creature almost had time to reach Labrunum and scream before it melted into a static arcing pool of infernal goo.
The human Sal now says that Coyle has run off to yet another ruined mine to no doubt unleash some other fell demon amidst winged burrowing fleshlings. The work of the ‘Forged is never truly done.
07-12-2007, 04:10 PM
"Suckers!" Screams the fleshy DM as he watches the living constructs flee in mortal terror.
I was imagining a bunch of R2-D2 screams...WWWaaaaaaaaaaaoooooooooooooooooo!
My apologies for the necro quote, it's a fun read!
07-12-2007, 07:35 PM
The Ruins of Threnal part 3
Yew, Mithril Rogue 4, Ranger 6, Fighter 2
Palm, Composite Wizard 12
Laburnum, Adamantine Cleric 1, Paladin 10
Noyse, Mithril Sorcerer 1, Bard 10
So the hairy human directed us to the smaller less hairy human. This “female” human directed us to flee for our lives as the rest of the stout dwarves and mercenaries of house Denith were doing. She related that the crazed human Coyle was seeking a way to open a gateway to the chaotic realm of Xoriat. Of course the forest was not impressed, and went forth to stop this mad human.
The forays into the ruins ran mostly like the previous ruins, save three notable examples.
After Yew discovered a secret door, and the group opened said door, Yew crept forward, and spotted a group of Ice Flensers. Yew returned and informed the group, thinking Lab or Palm would then protect the group from the ravages of cold. Unfortunately the thought of a demon on the loose sent Lab into a fit of rage, and the brave warforged charged. Much screaming and gnashing of teeth followed. Lab fell to the ice, but he did get better and he did take a few with him!
Palm discovered that her magics do not function well when she forgets herself and charges headlong into the gaze of a beholder. Thankfully Noyse and Yew were close at hand and made quick work of the foul aberration.
After Palm and Lab were back on their feet, Yew lead them deeper. Discovering a shrine in a near abandoned room, the party prepared to rest. Yew however went to “scout” ahead. Moments later Yew came running back into view screaming, “Shut the door! Shut the door!” with a mob of demons hot on his heels. The party laughed at him as they dispatched the demons… until Yew informed them that he was not running from the demons, but the beholder behind them. General chaos then erupted, but in the end the beholder fell and not a single warforged soldier fell.
Once the ‘Forged reached the gate chamber the battle was joined in earnest.
Yew stood back at first, firing three Giant Bane arrows at a time from his Holy bow.
Noyse insured the enemy was unable to see, or control their desire to “bust a funky move.”
Palm unleashed her maximized/Empowered Balls of Lightning, along with her corrosive clouds.
Lab, meanwhile, assumed the full might of the Bladesworn and wadded into the fray cleaving a bloody swath.
In the end, Xoriat fell short, and the tireless might of those forged for war won out.
(Soon I’ll relate the now old tale of the Forest vs the VONs)
07-13-2007, 09:27 AM
this really cracks me up. and here i have a whole guild of friends who run quests everyday and i dont think any one person in the guild would partake in such sillyness. oh yeah and if a cleric 2 fighter 1 is a frontline take ou may be in for some trouble lol. GO RUSTIES
07-13-2007, 01:19 PM
Oh, I can do nothing but grin and applaud. These updates are truly Grand! Big thanks to the Forrest. :)
07-13-2007, 11:12 PM
Yew, mithral Ranger, with a touch of thief in him (level 12)
Palm, composite Wizard excellence, with the soul of a healer (level 12)
Noyse, the mithral bard of the banjo, whose ealy sorcerer training gives him more spell points that he knows what to do with (level 12)
Laburnum, the adamantine Paladin with the heart of a cleric (level 11)
The trainer finally smiled at me. If the smile was a little forced, who was I to complain. I had been acknowledged as getting better. I suspect that he declared me a higher level, just to get me out of his sight; but I had the declaration. He was able to teach me the songs that would allow me to tame both the undead and other constructs. (I would never use these on other members of the Grove, well maybe just in practice combat).
To give honor to my promotion, Yew settled on the next level of the dungeon we started yesterday. So after we talked to Archin Muriose in the Drowning Sorrow Tavern ( what is this thing called drowning; something different about squishies.), he sent us on the way to the Keeper’s Sanctuary to do little search for magical knowledge with maybe a bit of grave desecration thrown in. We would be looking for scrolls. Yew admitted that he might have done this in a past life, but the memories were more than a bit hazy. He knew that we would be facing the undead in its many varieties, and maybe some other things. Laburnum readied his favorite weapon: a greatsword that burned with the inner holy light. Yew, having bought arrows that would serve to make the undead re-dead, prepared his dual-wield weapons to take on them all. Palm readied her spells, both buffs and offensive, in particular the “Command Undead.” I was just preparing myself, ready to follow along at the rear picking off the strays and sighing (errr… singing) my heart out..
When the party initially enters the dungeon, we spend the first minutes getting “buffed” With extend on, I cast blur on every member, then good hope. I add songs to increase attack, damage, skills and hit-points and then end with a haste spell. While I am doing this Lab casts resists (with maybe some DVs on Palm) and Palm cast buffs, protects, and her own summoning as necessary. Yew stands around, planning. All of us finish at about the same time. (At resting time, the same routine goes on, except the main casters buff individually).
Down the corridor and through the door, suddenly we are facing the minor undead. Early on in our career, they were the major undead but no longer. Up the stairs, to the top protected by our very own cloud of Green mist (hard to see out of, but the undead can’t breathe it any better as a dead squishy than they could as a live one.) Open the sarcophagi, kill the occupant – rinse and repeat. Finally, we find the letter, and open the first door.
This is a big room filled with pillars and filled with the medium undead. Make a trap of the doorway, laying down firewall, cloudkill, glitterdust and disco. Palm and I shoot through the doorway, Yew and Lab takes the battle directly to them. Head through other doorways, always trying figure out where to go for the next step.
In at least one bit of humor, Yew’s plan is for him to scout ahead while we wait for him. He goes through a wall that closes behind him. “loud Yell” followed by “hey he is on one side, we are on the other” .. and bars are in between. Palm casts a Cloudkill at the wall, which has absolutely no effect on the wall, but it seeps under and starts to hurt the opposition. I cast a glitterdust (Yew really likes that as it makes all attacks sneak attack for him), and he survives his “plan” ..... again.
Two rest shrines, and no deaths later, we head toward the end of the dungeon. We can sense the end is near, probably for the opposition. It is getting tougher; I have had to unlimber my banjo on the undead a couple of times. I got to use it once on an elder brother, who saw the error of his ways at the point of Lab’s sword while listening to my tunes. The songs worked, I had memorized them properly. I never used my Hold Monster spell, but that is ok; best to keep something in reserve.
We moved through the blue keyed door and down the corridor to face the main opposition. Scary undead and major support for the “boss”, ended up being no problem for this team. After we left the dungeon, we reported our success to Archin (the man who suggested that visit to a dungeon), and he recognized our worth (perhaps amazed that a set of trees could have succeeded at his quest) by asking us to choose from choice items. We then dispersed to rest up for the next quest, sure that it would be no tougher for a group that works so well together
07-15-2007, 04:56 PM
I’m going to take a break in the storyline here to answer a few questions that have been put to me about this weird little static group.
Q: Can I join you guys?
A: We do have a single opening in our line up, but there are problems. To really join us you would need to be either a Fleshie Battle Cleric or a Warforged of level 10-12 who has not twinked out and is willing to only play that character once or twice per week.
Q: Do we roleplay?
A: Not really, we pretty much run about and do quests. The extent of our in-game RP is not letting on we know the dungeon and a bit of in character ribbing. (IE Yew’s plans, Lab’s 8 INT). The roleplay elements I toss into the posts are just my way of livening up the story and making it fun.
Q: Why have you started doing lower level stuff recently?
A: We are currently minus Ginkgo, our anvil. If we went on and completed something on elite, Ginkgo would be left out of the favor we all need for our next project. We are currently 4 manning lower level quests to hard, so that when Ginkgo returns we can tear through elite content and higher level content.
Q: What happens when you all hit cap, hit 1750 favor, or complete all the quests?
A: Current plans are to reach 1750 favor, and then create the exact opposite of the warforged group. Our 32pt group is planned as an all fleshie, all cleric/whatever group. Our current lineup is: Dwarven Battlecleric, Elven Battlecleric, Human Caster Cleric, Halfling Rogue/Cleric and Ginkgo may throw us for a loop with a WF Tenser Tank
Q: If I have more questions to ask who do I ask?
A: Just send me a PM and I’ll try and answer.
08-30-2007, 08:05 PM
We've been gone a while, down with members missing and favor hunting while we wait for our full team to reunite. The time has come and we are back together for more first time fun.
Haywire's Foundry (VON 4) (Yew has done this one once on an alt and doesn't remember much, everyone else has a first time)
Yew, Mithril Rogue 5, Ranger 6, Fighter 2
Palm, Composite Wizard 13
Laburnum, Adamantine Cleric 1, Paladin 11
Noyse, Mithril Sorcerer 1, Bard 11
Ginkgo, Adamantine Fighter 10
So a warehouse full of psychotic warforged... how would we tell us from them?
The group set out on the quest at a slow pace. We listened to Noyse's Spellsong and then buffed up. Yew lead the way, with Ginkgo and Lab right behind him. Palm and Noyse stayed back, ready to perforate our foes. The traps were numerous, but Yew dispatched them quickly enough, the foes were also numerous, but Palm and Noyse drew them in and the warriors finished them off. Ginkgo's adamantine morningstar of greater construct bane proved devastating, and on several occasions a mass group of foes would simply vanish in a hail of electric fire. Noyse was deprived of his usual hold person tactics, but made ample use of his construct bane long sword through the fight. Lab and Yew had nothing special to bring, but they fought through quite well.
The room of crated warforged warriors was quite entertaining, though Palm removed much of the sport by blasting away maniacly with Ball Lightning and Acid Clouds. On leaving this area we re entered the trapped stairs only to note that a new trap had been activated. Luckily Yew's tendancy to run point saved us from that blender.
The fire room brought about interesting challenges as Yew ran through fire screaming about crazed fleshlings and their levers, while the party took bets on how long Yew would last. When the platorms were nearly finished, Palm discovered a lever at the bottom and flipped it. It is always a bad thing when Palm says "Whoops, I think I did something bad." This time was no exception, as Yew finished running about on fire, the rest of the party fought off hordes of freshly minted warriors. At least Ginkgo and Lab "persuaded" Yedw to enter a tiny room full of huge spikes to flip a lever that yew swore would turn him into a warforged whistle. Luckily Yew did dive out of the chamber of death and the party moved on.
The wheels were an interesting challenge. Ginkgo finally figure out how to work the puzzle and we were rewarded with yet more fighting.
The master control unit really did not stand a chance, and "big brother" as we call golems, fell like a ton of iron.
As the chamber began to fall apart, the Forrest hasted up and ran out, dispatching foes as they went, Palm gleefully electified all our foes while laughing over voice chat.
The dwarf has been secured, and soon we may go find this red haired sorceress Velah.
09-13-2007, 05:58 AM
Great stories, makes me wish I was on your server, static groups are alot of fun. :) Keep them comin.
09-13-2007, 08:44 AM
So a warehouse full of psychotic warforged... how would we tell us from them?
Cause they're psychotic? /NM
09-13-2007, 01:55 PM
Yew, Mithril Rogue 5, Ranger 6, Fighter 2
Palm, Composite Wizard 13
Laburnum, Adamantine Cleric 1, Paladin 11
Noyse, Mithril Sorcerer 1, Bard 11
Ginkgo, Adamantine Fighter 11
So we have a lot of ground to make up. Our tactic of only doing the quests in level order has left us with quests that are quite a bit below us. Last night we decided to take on the Xorian Cipher and the Caravan to the desert.
Xorian Copher.
The group assembled, and had no issue fighting our way through a few undead and drow to find the altar. Once we entered the gate, we were at a loss. Only Yew had done the mission in another life, and then it was fast and quite a long time ago. The purple balls rolled about, seeking us out, but for the most part they were avoided.
Palm and Noyse were able to use several runes to halt the progress of the runes, but unfortunately we are not the wisest of groups and other runes were denied to us. The fighting carried us through several passages, and into a large room complete with rolling chaos, so we all took to the high ground after Palm let loose her charmed undead. The runes were activated and secret doors found, but now the hunt for keys.
When we discovered we had to split up we decided our usual split of Yew and Palm, and Lab, Ginkgo and Noyse. Yew and Palm took the left passage while the other three took the right. The minor fights inside didn't touble us much, but the rollin chaos balls over a puzzle was annoying. Eventually the ever observant Yew found himself cowering in a corner of the room next to a rune, and the balls of insanity were vanquished. Palm solved the puzzle and then the screaming started. It seems the other three were all fighting skeletons in a room with three balls while Palm and Yew played with a puzzle. The completion of that puzzle brought out three powerful spectres who all decided to eat the bard. This brought on a Benny Hill style fast motion line dance around the room weaving in and out through the various orbiting purple balls.
Palm then pulled off what we all though impossible... she charmed one of the spectres. This proved quite useful for halting Noyse's flight, but also left us with a bit of a problem. With the spectre charmed, we could not open the final seal. Eventually palm took her new pet into the room of balls, and let the poor spectre get run over a few times.
The remainer of the run was fairlyt straight forward and simple. Eventually we faced the leaders of this insane place, and quite easily dispatched them.
One curious note, Ginkgo was hit by the orbiting balls of randomness at least ten times. Every time, he was buffed rather than harmed. I beleive Ginkgo and the purple balls may be in league with one another... he does often wear a pink or purple docent.
Desert Caravan
Oh the screaming, I hear it still. Any quest which involves the removal of our protections so carefully laid in place by Noyse, Palm and Lab is certain to get annoying. THis half hour long battle proved to be quite the exercise in chaos. Xorian battles are better laid out. Of course, as the 'forged are made for battle, we pressed on, using tactics as best we could. Palm and Noyse locked one entrance down with Acid Cloud, Glitterdust and Dancing Sphere, the other side was manned by our three warriors. Ginkgo withstood the best, though the constant blade barriers from the prophets did cause him a bit of grief. Yew hung on rather well by simple ignoring most of the spells our foes cast. His intense hatred of Aberrations also aided him. Lab fought bravely and took many with him, unfortunately Lab seemed the most vulnerable to blade barriers. Noyse was taken out of the fight in the middle, and was cut off and incapacitated for quite some time. When Yew eventually rescured him, he began rewriting our battle lines with heavy use of funky jams (Dancing Spheres). Poor Palm did not fair well. Her acid clouds and lightning drew her massive amounts of attention. It also did not help that no one noticed the archers up above who had Palm targeted. She remained out of spell power most of the fight and unable to rest due to constant arrow barages.
Eventually Palm did rest with aid from the warriors, and was back in the fight. Noyse and Palm combined strengths and laid out a maze of dancing spheres, Acid Clouds, Glitter Dust and Firewalls. Eventually all visable enemies were dancing themselves to death, blinded in the fire and acid.
IN the end we saved all but one wagon, and were richly rewarded. Yew even recieved a Tome of Bodily Health.
09-14-2007, 08:21 AM
/app;ause - Thanks Skaves, really enjoy the write-ups.
09-24-2007, 02:33 PM
Yew, Mithril Rogue 5, Ranger 6, Fighter 2
Palm, Composite Wizard 13
Laburnum, Adamantine Cleric 1, Paladin 11
Noyse, Mithril Sorcerer 1, Bard 11
Ginkgo, Adamantine Fighter 11
So lately we've been dragging our feet, hitting low level stuff on elite to get favor and in general waiting as long as we can so our 6th can level up and rejoin us. (Beech the Battlecleric) Last week we actually couldn't take it any longer and ran two quests in Ataraxia's that we'd never run before.
We entered the foul troll cave first, and set out to free Ataraxia from her prison. The trolls really stood no chance, but Palm lightened the mood with a bit of suggestion and charm monster inspired troll on troll action. After a while of this, we decided against taking bets on them and Noyse celebrated with a nice big Grease clicky.... nutty bard.
The huge champion rust monster did surprise us, though the only casualty was Yew's sword and his pride. It seems the huge named rust monster surprised the valiant Yew, and caused him to unleash a flurry of blows upon the monster with his precious +5 shocking khopesh. The matter was further made comical by Palm managing to hold the rust monster just as it somehow mounted Yew's head. Ginkgo and Lab quickly pulled the corpse off the ranger, but by then the damage to Yew's pride was done (and his sword).
The undead pirates should each be re summoned, dragged out and shot with a ghost touched great crossbow of greater undead bane. An entire mountain of gold, or seemingly so waited for us, but what we discover is a lot of rocks with a tiny bit of gold scatter on top of them. Dirty primate ghosts. You can be sure respectable warforged ghosts (if they actually existed) would keep actual piles of gold, not rocks with gold coverings.
Eventually we located the duegar area, and fought them for release of another thinner fleshie. I must at this point make an observation, it seems fleshies that are large and well rounded enjoy capturing fleshies with less flesh in most areas. They then take these thin fleshies to weird out of the way places, and defend them unto death. I am beginning to suspect it has something to do with thin fleshies with very well developed pectoral mass. Maybe these rotund fleshies are merely slaves to their thin pectorally gifted masters.
Be that as it may, the thin fleshie was released, the warforged all gathered atop the lighthouse and a sexy party was had by all. (Once I get around to it I'll post the pic of the Stormreach Companions dancing atop the lighthouse amidst Glitterdust and Otto's Sphere.
10-29-2007, 03:35 PM
Update: This Halloween the Forest is taking on Velah for the first time.
More info here for Argo people:
04-24-2008, 04:05 AM
In an attempt to revive DDO from Scratch and come out of my shell a bit I have decided to make an update on the bios of the Forest.
Yew: Rogue, Ranger, and Fighter, he is our leader and designated trap monkey. He is quick of wit and of high intelligence (though it doesn’t always show). In his years of being an official Dungeon Master for many PnP games spanning DnD to Cyberpunk, he is a master of character builds but hates to min/max. His infamous plans have been getting better and only seem to maim instead of kill, though if they do kill it seems to take the whole party. But Xilent put it best; he admits to his foibles, and he is able to take a ribbing, and his natural leadership skills always bring us to our goals.
Palm: The Wizard, now blasts away with her high level spells, and if she runs low on magic she lets fly with here powerful light repeater. She is the wife of our party leader and sister to Laburnum. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind and always makes sure nobody goes running off on their own (Lab). Always quick on the healing spells as well to keep the group running, she seems to have perfected it as no one has time to heal themselves with potions half the time.
Ginkgo: The Tank, he of the glib tongue and as quick in wit as Yew. He always has a comment on the situation and due to his fancy book learning his comments are fun to listen to. Is best of friends to the entire party, you can’t help but like his slightly aggravated disposition as it is offset by the humor in it. Always a step behind Yew in our formation ready to pull the aggression upon himself, he is a fun guy to have around.
Noyse: The Disco Bandit, always playing a funky tune on his banjo, Noyse is the only member east of the Rockies. He is a core member of the group keeping us in fighting shape and mighty. He has been on the business end of a couple of the intrepid Yew’s great “plans” though he takes it in stride. The only time he sounds aggravated is when it terns out we can’t go to due someone’s absence. He sounds easy going and is a blast to be around.
Laburnum: The Blade sworn, he is the brother to Palm and is just a senior in high school. The influence and warping of his family is endless but all it can do is strengthen his mind. Takes all jests in stride, except for ones retaining to his hand writing or to be more specific his spelling of nasal looking like Nazi.(One freakin’ time!) He wields a great sword dishing out the damage but lacking in the ac department. He has become proficient at groping endangered party members during battle(lay on hands). Pared with Yews duel paralyzing weapons they can be a force to deal with.
Beech: The Support, wields a bastard sword and wields it well. He is a member of the PnP group with Lab, Gink, Palm, and Yew. His buffing spells are a boon and help to save Lab from using all his magic. He was once the mascot of our group playing as Atanamir but some crazed experiment went wrong and his soul now resides within the body of Beech. He is very considerate of all the members in the group but he and Ginkgo always seem to be in a debate, whether the matter is important to the situation or not isn’t always a factor. But without him our group is less lively and is far less efficient.
Next I will try to remember what happened when we first faced off against Velah the Red Dragon.
04-24-2008, 04:46 AM
Yo! Laburnum here with the long overdue tale of "The Battle of the Red Dragon!”. As we have not updated this post in what seems like years this should hopefully start the rejuvenation of our tales. Due to my memory this tale does not include the dungeons before Veleh. Rest assured though that there were plenty of "Oops" and the ever infamous plans formed by Yew.
Yew, Mithril Rogue 5, Ranger 6, Fighter 2
Palm, Composite Wizard 13
Laburnum, Adamantine Cleric 1, Paladin 12
Noyse, Mithril Sorcerer 1, Bard 12
Ginkgo, Adamantine Fighter 12
(The levels may very a few due to my bad memory of exact numbers)
The forest appeared on the stone slab floating amongst the stars, owing and awing at the great scene that lay before us, we then noticed that there was a rather large kobold behind a large energy gate. Looking over the side of the cliff there was not but fog, a seeming twenty stories below us. A single bridge leading strait towards the large floating island surrounded by a barrier keeping the dragon in was the first path. The bridge had a crossroad at a point the offshoots curving around the center island to two smaller islands with large pillars on them. Bridges lead again off of these again off to a final island behind the dragon’s isle.
The intrepid Yew informed the party that it was not a kobold but a dragon; to Ginkgo’s dismay he put away his hammer of reptilian humanoid bane. As the party prepared Yew informed us of what exactly we were supposed to break. His strange incite into these matters has been question many a time but all with a response of “No comment”. He informed of three magic stone pillars guarded by various creatures that we needed to break, this sounded easy enough but in practice was far more difficult.
One by one we spread out as to not draw the eye of the ire of the dragons’ fireballs down on our heads. With a bit of difficulty we managed to get into place with only a few of the bridges slightly damaged by the dragon, with that we began to fend of the monsters with the support of disco balls supplied by Noyse and acid fogs strewn about by Palm. Laburnum and Noyse set out on isle number one to hold off with sword and song Earth elementals, while Ginkgo and Palm tackled the Ice flensers with hammer and flame. Yew the tornado blade and Beech took out the Air mephits located on the far back island. (I think thats how it went, I know there were some PUG members there too though.)
As we beat down the pillars little by little our numbers were cut down by a few as the monsters scored lucky hits. Our clerical support was Johnny on the spot though and managed to get everyone back up with only one bridge being destroyed. After a time we managed to destroy the pillars and safely made our way back to the entrance to the dragons isle, we began to rebuild our strength and just as we were about to charge in! An unnamed fleshy that we were adventuring with jumped the gun and all but Yew and Ginkgo were sealed outside of the island.
Just like that all of our hard work and hopes were dashed upon the rocks of the zergers! Being as polite as we are we didn’t scold anyone and in fact I don’t even remember who it was, but all this did was remind us that the majority are zergs and its hard to find the ones like Noyse who are patient and like taking in all of the environment.
Though this story ends with defeat we have been adventuring every Wednesday and Thursday almost every week, and have achieved level 15 almost party wide. A few still linger at 13-14 but are catching up quickly.
I hope you enjoy my recollection of events.
*EDIT* Looking back I may have mixed together a few points from a the few other times we did it.
04-25-2008, 07:11 PM
Keep reciting and recollecting, I missed hearing the tales of the Forrest!
Thanks, Arkweld
04-25-2008, 08:45 PM
YAAAAH!!!!!! i love these stories. ive been sitting here reading them for over an hour lol and TOTALY enjoying it. i think this is truely what this game was for.i love all of these tales and wish that i had a WF on your server. PLEASE keep the stories coming ( i see that it was been a while since skaves has updated). but in all this is a great thread and i wish all DDO players played this game like this, allthough maybe a little more play time than oyu guys do. but gl with your upcoming quests and keep the great stories coming!
01-08-2009, 08:50 PM
Couldn't remember what levels we were, around 15-16 area though)
Yew, Rogue/Ranger/Fighter
Laburnum, Paladin/cleric
Lab and Yew are a restless pair, always having time made to go adventuring while the other members of our party find more mundane tasks to take care of. So Yew knowing how to make wands work for him and Lab knowing some divine healing they decided to venture out into the desert in search of lost buried treasures! Unfortunately all they found were Gnolls. They began butchering a pathway to wherever they felt like they wanted to go when they came upon a fortress guarded by Gnolls, curious as to what was inside they made their way up the winding slopes packed with these monstrous humanoids. It should be noted that these dog like fleshies, like all other fleshies, fall all but too easily to Labs strong blows and Yew's flurry of strikes.
We entered the fortress to be fired up by enemies above us, this would normally have been a problem if we were getting hit. Their aim seem so poor however that Lab stood about taunting them for a moment only to be dinged once. We continued on however to find fleshy slaves begging for us to let them go, Yew and Lab debated for a moment whether to let them go at all. I find it funny how there where no warforged slaves at all, thus proving that we are either smart enough to stay out of a inhospitable desert or that we all have the innate ability to not get captured like all those **** big chested pinkers.
As we explored the fortress we came upon a dwarf trapped in a cage above a fire. We found this sight a bit funny and as we were laughing someone burst into the room and set the dwarf on fire. Finding this hilarious the group proceeded to slaughter the aforementioned fire starter.
Further up this damned fortress we came across a halfling stricken with blindness, Yew had some sort of conversation with the little pinker while Lab wandered about the room. Aparently the halfling was contagious or some such and infected Yew with blindness, Lab not wanting to catch it ascended a latter only to be beset upon by ogre fleshies! It was at this moment a flicker of dout crossed Laburnum's mind, "They look like casters so unless I could kill them all I might get a sucker punch of magic in the face." Feeling ashamed of being afraid of getting heart he then drank his potion of rage and set upon his foes with reckless abandon! Yew was yelling "I can't see! Where did you go, Lab?!"
After striking down the last enemy Yew regained his vision happy to know that his comrade was no longer contagious Lab fell back in to line behind him. Yew led the way through the dungeon coming across the archers we had previously encountered and begane slicing and dicing his way through them like a hot knife through butter.
Unfortunately Lab was stricken with boredom at the ease the Gnolls fell before our blades, and could not even remember what happened at the end. Suffice to say we killed all the gnolls and we saved that day as we normally do.
01-08-2009, 11:51 PM
Who woulda thunk?
A thread on the forums that I actually had fun while reading. I had many laughs and I also was able to revisit some of my own adventures/misadventures of the past.
Thank you for bringing this gem back to the light of day.
03-21-2009, 02:43 AM
OMG this is awesome. I loved reading all your adventures. I'd love to see more people playing this way but alas most people just want to lvl as fast as they can and have played the content so much that they see only certain ways to do it. Bravo on these stories and thanks for sharing.
05-31-2009, 11:08 AM
So a long long time ago the Forest fell apart, most of us still play the game but we have fallen out of doing a static group. Palm doesn't play all that much anymore and I know I have seen Noyse and Beech on everyonce in awhile but we just can't seem to get back together:( So Yew, Laburnum and Ginkgo moved on to join a permideath guild on Thelanis by the name of "The Sublime Permideath Guild".
Rhes the Monkey - Monk - Halfling, This is Yew
Lazirys the Bard - Bard - Drow, This is Laburnum
So far Laz has made 12 level and Rhes has made it to 14. We almost always run these two as a duo but Rhes plays the game more and sets up quests to do on elite for favor. I don't have 32 pointers on Thelanis yet so we are trying to get that so I can play a race I like (hate drow). Ginkgo is perminewbing it up with his girlfriend who we introduced to the game, so I can't really say what he is playing all that well. They will both eventually end up in the group and I can start putting up more stories though as we have had quite a few adventures in permideath, it really ads a layer of "Oh ****!" to a bunch of adventures.
Soon I will put up more tales of our adventures and there will be far more people in them since we are part of a guild now, so it should be good, if not I give full permission to go to Yew's house and complain loudly.:D
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