View Full Version : Paiement via paybycash

10-25-2012, 08:32 AM

Je vois l'offre "devenez V.I.P" pour 9.99$ par mois pendant trois mois...

Hmm,quelle sympathique proposition..

Seulement,et oui seulement..toujours un petit truc louche dans ces histoires,trois solutions:

-1 CB

-2 paypal

-3 le fameux paybycash,qui lui ne propose absolument pas la formule adéquat Ã* la proposition de ddo.

Publicitée mensongère?escrocquerie?

Sur toutes les plates formes que je connais,toutes sont simples,agréables,pratiques et honnêtes,mais lÃ* je dois avouer que je doute...

j'aimerais bénéficier de l'offre V.I.P mais au tarif proposé!

Merci de m'expliquer le pourquoi du comment,


PS: Merci de suivre le court de l'euro correctement,car 1 euro = 1.29 USD,et donc vous nous prenez 3.90 euros par transaction,paypal, car chez moi 9.99$ = 23.07 euros et non29.97 euros comme indiqué sur le site marchand!

10-25-2012, 08:55 AM
My French is rough, but if you're asking if we can use PayByCash - I'd suggest avoiding them like the plague.
Another game I play uses them, and it's been one thread after another of problems with them.
I lost $ because of them, tho partly because I took too long to take action against their bogus cc charges.

My .02 worth, anyhow.

10-25-2012, 09:11 AM
My French is rough, but if you're asking if we can use PayByCash - I'd suggest avoiding them like the plague.
Another game I play uses them, and it's been one thread after another of problems with them.
I lost $ because of them, tho partly because I took too long to take action against their bogus cc charges.

My .02 worth, anyhow.


Thx a lot guy,

yeah it's realy but the problem is: what can i make if i can't payed with payesafecard or other ?

I have already had a problems with CB / internet and i hate write my banq info on internet.

In french we have: payesafecard it's realy fun .