View Full Version : Market Place Just Come On In...

10-22-2012, 06:27 PM
I remember it was December of 2006, just created my first gimp rogue. DDO Stormreach was so fantastic, everything was so perfect. I swam in the water ran around the light house in complete aww. I walked up to the massive Golden Gates to the Market, the guards would not let me in... so much general chat about how incredible the Market Place was. For the next 24 hours I joined groups to find out how to get into market place, fianally Water Works... was the answer after 4 failed groups I did it yesssss I ran to the gates and W. T. F. I did Water Works let me in. The key was to speak to the Harbor Master then do Water Works, what a great game this is.

Now just walk in no big deal, no need to go insain, no quest required.

I am glad I went thru the pain I did back then, it has made me amuned to being frustrated over things that don't always go right the first time.

Keep up the good work

10-23-2012, 12:33 PM
Kobold still hate you....

10-23-2012, 08:44 PM
Kinda miss those days... then they blew it up and, well, there went the neighborhood. I also miss the old Harbor starting point. Welcome to the game, you've just been swindled on the docks. :)

10-23-2012, 09:55 PM
Yep, I have been asking for another Time-Traveling quest like Chronoscope...

Except make it a chain, not just a single raid... Lead up TO Chrono...

The Coin Lords/Twelve are investigating the devil attack on the market, and ask the group to travel back to discover what is going on... the only trouble is, they cannot just drop you into a public area, and you cannot just show up one day... so they will open a portal to Smuggler's Rest, a place that in history allowed people to start their adventures and prove themselves worthy of admittance to Stormreach. They know you will have to eventually make your way to the harbor, but for the people of that time to trust you enough, you will need to become part of the society. But, the wizards at the Chronoscope also suspect that there may have been clues dropped along the way that the party could discover...

Unfortunately, the clues actually lead the existence of a rare object called the Sliver of Time... and that a person named Nat Gann has it... and in Chronoscope Raid, Tremas uses this information to set the party up in his plot for taking over by using the Sliver...

I think that would be much more fun... plus a real treat for those who actually did those things back then... nostalgia is one of the prime things that will earn Turbine money!

And think about the items they could use... suped up versions of things in game already, like the Widow Bracers, or the Web Trinket? Along with making a few new things to throw in the other quests...

But, in order, quests for the chain would be:
Quest Giver for the Entire Chain - Professor Tremas

Euphonia's Challenge - Lvl 4 - Euphonia
The 3 Trials (previously the training areas) - Lvl 4 - Euphonia
Proving Yourself (Ancient Daggers, Healing Elixir, Rare Scrolls) - Lvl 4 - Goodblade
The Low Road - Lvl 5 - Gate Guard
Guard Jung's Badge - Harbormaster
The Old Waterworks - Lvl 5 - Harbormaster

Chronoscope Raid - Lvl 6

And can make the harbor/port just like it used to be, not a wilderness area, but have the exact same structure and placings (and lack of AH/etc)... only exception would be a portal in Smuggler's Rest to go back and forth from modern to back then... or you could recall as if it were a wilderness zone (sort of like 3BC's pirate town is a wilderness with quest givers in it)

Just a thought, something that Turbine could easily whip up, because they already have all the info and data, would just need a few tiny tweaks to finish, and Voila! More content...lol

10-24-2012, 08:13 AM
The fun of sitting in the Inn and watching the new players come and speak to my djinn without knowing they were about to dance and amuse me.

11-11-2012, 12:17 PM
Sadly one thing that seems to be almost non-exsistant now that was very good before (at least in my experiance) is the submit a ticket support.

I don't sumbit many but when I do it is for reasons like spending an hour soloing a quest and it bugs on the end guy, I really dont want to run again... I killed Halsaime in Druid's Deep an hour ago and he is still taking damage, I thought it was just stuck and would fix it self but the only thing that has happend is he moved from where I killed him to the place he stands at beginning. Now he just uggs and grunts in pain very annoying.

11-13-2012, 04:09 PM
I miss those days too...
Colye was endgame...

What I dont miss is running blinded and cursed through stormreach
trying to find my way to the tavern and and hoping for a kind cleric.

I also miss the loss of XP for dying... now that encouraged grouping...
A rogue was the MVP of every party...

Darn not sure about blind.. but curses were persistent...

11-13-2012, 05:19 PM
Kobold still hate you....
One day, Kobold come back as dragon and kill you for YOUR things.

11-14-2012, 09:51 PM
being blind was persistent and annoying :)

11-20-2012, 10:10 PM
There was a time when Sunday Morning's ment Tempest Spine Raid... still one of the best raids in the game in my opinion.

Guilds were fun back then because the pressure no... scratch that, the politics did not exist.

:eek:No he didn't :eek:

11-21-2012, 02:48 AM
Dying in the Challenges....

You knew it was time to reroll 5 minutes after entering the game.