View Full Version : Shadowdancer Shadow Charges?

09-28-2012, 10:50 AM
I was hoping you folks could help me clear this up.

1) When taking Shrouding Strike, how many shadow charges can you have at each tier of shadow strike? I have 3 tiers, and it says I can retain +2 charges.. but +2 from what base? (then it's clear I can get more +1 max charges from other abilities).

2) Which abilities would show a shadow charge counter if put on the hotbar?

3) For untouchable, max dodge bonus is 7% even if I have more than 7 shadow charges (assuming it's possible to get more than 7)?


09-28-2012, 11:24 AM
1) When taking Shrouding Strike, how many shadow charges can you have at each tier of shadow strike? I have 3 tiers, and it says I can retain +2 charges.. but +2 from what base? (then it's clear I can get more +1 max charges from other abilities).

You receive 2 charges per tier of Shrouding Strike/Shot for 6 total charges at tier 3. You should receive, based upon the wording, +1 max charge for each of the following that you have: Cloak of Shadows, Shadow Manipulation, Consume and Shadow Form; but with any combination of these you will only receive a +1 to max charge for a max of 7 shadow charges.

2) Which abilities would show a shadow charge counter if put on the hotbar?

Cloak of Shadows, Shadow Manipulation, Consume and Shadow Form. Cloak is a prereq for Manipulation and Consume and is the earliest available. Untouchable is a prereq for Shadow Form. If you're not interested in Cloak, Manipulation or Consume but want the benefits of Untouchable before you can take Form you can take Cloak so you have a shadow counter then respec when you can take Form.

3) For untouchable, max dodge bonus is 7% even if I have more than 7 shadow charges (assuming it's possible to get more than 7)?

Max shadow charges should be 10 if you have all of Cloak of Shadows, Shadow Manipulation, Consume and Shadow Form but the wording of Untouchable now specifies that the max dodge bonus is 7%. Notice the wording of Untouchable also implies that it's possible to have more than 7 charges. I did submit a bug report on August 22 regarding the missing shadow charges.