View Full Version : Looking for high level, fairly active guild

09-27-2012, 09:32 PM
Hey folks,

I am looking for a guild, preferably 60+, to run with and possibly become a part of. I have numerous high level characters, as well as a few reincarnated characters. Unfortunately, with life, I am only able to make in on a couple days a week. I am looking for a place to be able to hop on and have some fun when time allows me to. I have been playing the game since launch, but I did take a break for a while. I have been back for about a year. I am an old school pnp player, and no other game brings me back like this one does. I am also hoping to find a guild that doesn't require all my characters to be in it due to me being in a small guild with a few close knit friends. Due to our cut play time, we don't get the chance to be on that often at the same time.

If you may be interested in giving me a shot, I would appreciate it. Just send me a message.


09-28-2012, 12:14 AM
Hi there.

If you want to run a few quests with us to see if its a good match, we are welcoming new faces in our family. We are currently lvl 64 (close to 65) and very active both ingame and on our guild site (when not in game).

A little about us is here: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=384771


If by the time you read this, you are guilded... feel free to ping me or any Blackmoor Defender if you are looking for bodies for quests.

Talk to you soon. (ingame names: Thaco, Xome, Sparks, Biogenic, Osmosis) Likely you will find me on Xome...doing lots of flagging stuff atm.
