View Full Version : Fatesinger Fatesinger's Repertoire passive not working?

08-31-2012, 01:28 AM
The Fatesinger Level 0 auto-grant ability seems to be bugged.

Fatesinger's Repertoire's 1st passive bonus to songs, sonic resist, etc. seems to be working fine. But the 2nd passive to +1 Arcane casting level seems to be not working.

I have a bard and a wizard both working on the Fatesinger tree. Both of them did not receive +1 casting level from "Fatesinger's Repertoire" (as can be easily check by the duration of blur and haste). Both ARE receiving +1 casting from the level 1 auto-grant "Glitter of Fame". So a blur is 21 min, and haste is 2min 6sec.

Both toons are just level 1 right now, so I can't test if the auto-grants from lvl 3,4,5 are giving +1 arcane casting level (there isn't one for lvl 2).

Is anyone else having this issue?

08-31-2012, 03:36 AM

and a bump for my own curiosity, as the +1 CL for buff durations is the only thing I'm after.


08-31-2012, 02:03 PM
During Epic Destiny balancing phase, the caster Destinies moved to granting spell levels at Tiers 1-5. (Fatesinger's Repertoire is Tier 0.) However, the tooltip did not get updated with the balancing pass. So right now, on your character sheet, you will read that Harmonic Resonance does not grant a +1 to Arcane spell level, when in fact, it does. Conversely, the tooltip on Fatesinger's Repertoire says it grants the +1, when it doesn't.

Tooltip fix is in line for Update 15, patch 2.

In the meantime, be advised that you are getting the +1 level for Harmonic Resonance (in addition to other perks), but are not for Fatesinger's Repertoire. (Players with Majesty are getting 5 Arcane spell levels.)


08-31-2012, 08:30 PM
Wow a yellow named answered my question! I feel so special! :D

Ah ok, that makes sense. Thank you for the fast and informative reply! I only wish every class has a dev like you!