View Full Version : +3 Lesser Heart of Wood Confusion

08-23-2012, 10:58 PM
Posted this once, but wrong section.

I have a bad build, mainly because I changed my mind while leveling and don't feel like TR'ing anymore.
17 monk, 3 fighter.
I deciding to purchase a +3 lesser heart of wood and get rid of the fighter levels, I read the FAQ on it and didn't see anything to say I couldn't.
So I purchased it, went to the TR guy, said I want to use it, at the bottom of the message it verified +3 lesser heart of wood and I said yes, I am sure lets do this.
So I go to reincarnate, my first level was fighter, and I could not change it, I relogged to be sure, read through the FAQ again and then submitted a ticket, first one was dismissed with a generic reply that didn't make sense.
I submitted a second ticket in which I should have saved but simply told me to read a forum link, which I did and still seems like I should be able to change my class over to monk. Before I could reply he closed the ticket again.

Now I am unsure if something is botched or can you not change your first level with a +3 lesser true heart of wood?
Someone please help me out with this.

08-23-2012, 11:05 PM
Some people have been having issues where when they try and use a +x heart of wood the game uses the free lesser every character gets instead. That would be my first guess at least. This of course means you probably have to go all the way through the process. Wait for the timer on reincarnations to end and then use you +3 heart.

08-23-2012, 11:16 PM
I feel this is what happened, I carefully made sure not to select the free one, yet after using it, I still have the +3 heart of wood in my bags. Going to open another ticket, not sure why this GM is dismissing me so fast with generic responses. Wasn't being imposing or impolite, just trying to get a little assistance.

08-23-2012, 11:21 PM
They got back to me saying they can do nothing. Do these guys actually do anything? Other than tell ya "Sorry we can't help with that?"

08-23-2012, 11:30 PM
submit a complaint to account service about your bad gm service. the disgusting quality of gm service is getting way outta hand.

now, as to your LR, have you used your character's FREE LR yet? If not, then that free LR is being applied first, regardless of what you tell Kruz you want to do. That free LR is obviously a vanilla LR, with no +x's, so no class changes.
Complete the LR, wait a week, and go back to kruz to use your +3 heart (provided this was actually the case and your heart is still in your pack).

edit: hehe. opened a few tabs of threads i wanted to read, and didn't realize my response was so late :) super ninja'd by everyone :)

08-24-2012, 12:29 AM
I feel this is what happened, I carefully made sure not to select the free one, yet after using it, I still have the +3 heart of wood in my bags. Going to open another ticket, not sure why this GM is dismissing me so fast with generic responses. Wasn't being imposing or impolite, just trying to get a little assistance.

I had this happen to me as well. I requested gm assitance, closed with no action. Submitted report on forums, nothing again. Help in this area is absent at all levels. Check to see if you had the heart of wood locked, I know mine was however I also checked to make sure that the NPC confirmed it was going to use the +3 heart so didn't think twice after it. Don't expect any help in the matter as this particular issue seems to be just swept under the rug.

08-24-2012, 02:27 AM
posted this once, but wrong section.

I have a bad build, mainly because i changed my mind while leveling and don't feel like tr'ing anymore.
17 monk, 3 fighter.
I deciding to purchase a +3 lesser heart of wood and get rid of the fighter levels, i read the faq on it and didn't see anything to say i couldn't.
So i purchased it, went to the tr guy, said i want to use it, at the bottom of the message it verified +3 lesser heart of wood and i said yes, i am sure lets do this.
So i go to reincarnate, my first level was fighter, and i could not change it, i relogged to be sure, read through the faq again and then submitted a ticket, first one was dismissed with a generic reply that didn't make sense.
I submitted a second ticket in which i should have saved but simply told me to read a forum link, which i did and still seems like i should be able to change my class over to monk. Before i could reply he closed the ticket again.

Now i am unsure if something is botched or can you not change your first level with a +3 lesser true heart of wood?
Someone please help me out with this.


08-24-2012, 03:15 AM
Monks have to be lawful, is this character lawful?

He is already 17 levels of monk so he has to be.

08-24-2012, 03:23 AM
He is already 17 levels of monk so he has to be.

I misread the post, was thinking he was 17 divine 3 ftr.. derp!

08-24-2012, 03:46 AM
I also had this happen. There is nothing the gm's can do about i apparently and you will have to finish the free lr and then wait a week.

08-24-2012, 08:30 AM
While there may in fact be nothing that can be done about it, I wouold submit a ticket to Account Support via http://support.turbine.com or call via voice and I bet they'll -at least- reimburse the used free LR, and who can say what else they can do.

That's where I go for meaningful support for anything substantial. I would only use the GMs for an ingame issue say, with another player, etc., or maybe for obvious quest completion issues.

08-24-2012, 08:33 AM
While there may in fact be nothing that can be done about it, I wouold submit a ticket to Account Support via http://support.turbine.com or call via voice and I bet they'll -at least- reimburse the used free LR, and who can say what else they can do.

That's where I go for meaningful support for anything substantial. I would only use the GMs for an ingame issue say, with another player, etc., or maybe for obvious quest completion issues.

I did that and nothing weeks ago.

08-24-2012, 10:49 AM
I did that and nothing weeks ago.

Although I try and call voice when I can, every time I've submitted a ticket via support I've at least gotten -some- kind of response quickly, same day, next day-ish.

Silly question, did you check your spam-folder in your email?