View Full Version : What's the RP like here?

08-14-2012, 04:08 PM
I have fond memories of this server and the RP here. I wound up moving to Thelanis because it was also another RP server, and I needed to put some distance between myself and some other people on this server due to some unfortunate personal circumstances. As much time has passed since then, I've been thinking about coming back but I have one really big question that I am wondering about.

What's the RP like here?

I looooooooooooooves me some RP having grown up on D&D as a kid! I hope its good. I would love to come here, make some new friends, and get to do some gaming! :)

08-14-2012, 04:13 PM
I have fond memories of this server and the RP here. I wound up moving to Thelanis because it was also another RP server, and I needed to put some distance between myself and some other people on this server due to some unfortunate personal circumstances. As much time has passed since then, I've been thinking about coming back but I have one really big question that I am wondering about.

What's the RP like here?

I looooooooooooooves me some RP having grown up on D&D as a kid! I hope its good. I would love to come here, make some new friends, and get to do some gaming! :)

It's awesome!


-Ozmar the RPer

08-14-2012, 04:15 PM
That's what I wanted to hear brother. I'm starting to think that the RP on Thelanis is dead. There are some people that RP there, but it's.... odd. It feels more like a chat room and not like a D&D game. My memories of RP here are like a D&D game. The people I did meet here were the awesome! I felt sad to leave, but at the time it was the right thing to do. I think I'm probably going to roll me up a new half orc warrior that's devoted to the Silver Flame :)

08-15-2012, 10:09 AM
That's what I wanted to hear brother. I'm starting to think that the RP on Thelanis is dead. There are some people that RP there, but it's.... odd. It feels more like a chat room and not like a D&D game. My memories of RP here are like a D&D game. The people I did meet here were the awesome! I felt sad to leave, but at the time it was the right thing to do. I think I'm probably going to roll me up a new half orc warrior that's devoted to the Silver Flame :)

Best way to go, IMO, is to find a static group or small guild that loves RP. PD is a good way to go. I recommend the Static Group / Permadeath forums to look for people.

-Ozmar the Helpful :cool:

08-15-2012, 01:20 PM
/joinchannel RP

A fairly active channel, from what I hear.

08-16-2012, 06:43 PM
I've actually been in the RP channel for the last few years :) I had two runs on the server and apparently now this is the only server where you can find regular RP. Go figure that one out. I actually came back with a few of my old guildmates. We're an old school RP guild that started out in EQ in February of 2000. Still together all this time under the same name. We're playing here again, for our third time! Not expecting to leave this time. I love RP too much!

08-16-2012, 08:13 PM
There's a lot of bromance on Sarlona, does that count as roleplaying?

08-16-2012, 08:21 PM
Not really, but I like making friends so it sounds like a good thing to me... bro ;)

08-20-2012, 09:46 AM
Ok, back with the popcorn. Continue.

08-22-2012, 09:28 AM
Ok, back with the popcorn. Continue.

Dont mind if I do! ....thanks! (crunch)...needs ..more butter.:p

Now for an answer....Rp is alive and kicking. you just need to look under the right rocks. The RP channel is available for use. (/joinchannel rp)
Dont just wait around for someone to pipe in start something yourself. Once you say something its like an avalanche!

There are many guilds with a theme or story arc that they follow. One such guild...is...well the one Im in! lol

Look me up if you are ever online fri or sat 10ish pm - till my eyes bleed @ 3am

(IC) Yer betta be ready fer me wit, And may the gods be helpin ya if yer a half orc!