View Full Version : DDO on a mac - OSX
08-14-2012, 06:32 AM
I used to run DDO on my old macbook pro with parallels and windows xp, but that laptop died suddenly and i had to get a new one.
Of course this new mac came with the latest OSX, Lion. And since the only reason to run parallells and windows was down to DDO i deceided to try and get things running without installing windows at all.
It took a bit or research, some more time and a lot of stubborness, but i got things running in the end.
To help all those that like to run DDO on their mac, i have written down what i did to make it happen.
Feel free to append with usefull tips.
Here goes:
08-14-2012, 06:34 AM
DDO on mac with wine
Used system: Macbook pro 15 mid 2012 - osx lion 10.7.4 - Xcode 4.3.3
I used osx lion, the procedure for older osx will be different on certain parts.
First things first:
- DDO is not supported on osx, so anything you do is at your own risk. Getting into terminal and do wrong things can wreck your os or worse, so beware. (Disclaimer, if you mess up your os, burn your mac, set fire to your house or cause a nuclear disaster, don't blame me.)
- You will need an admin account, with a password, and you will need to use that account during the proceedings.
- You need java installed. It installs automatically on lion if any program needs it, but in the case that hasn't happened yet, follow instructions from the following link:
1. You need the command line tools from apple. These are used to install and compile the packages onto your system. The only way to get them is from apple as an apple developer, but fear not, this is free.
Go to the apple developer site :
choose resources on the top and then downloads for the os X section
You will be asked to sign in or register. Register if you don't have an account already (it's free, thanks apple).
Once you're logged in, download Command line tools for Xcode-june 2012 (that was the latest version at the time i installed things, use a newer version when available)
It's a dmg, so open and install that once downloaded.
You can also get the full Xcode package and install the command line tools from there, but if you're not planning to make programs just save the disk space and get the command line tools only.
2. Macports, this is a package manager that will make it easier to install the next parts.
Go to the macports site: and get the pkg installer for lion.
Once downloaded install this. (double click file and double click the pkg inside it)
3. That's it for the easy bits, now we need to get our hands dirty in terminal.
Terminal is a command line box, not unlike dos from the old days.
You can start the terminal window from Applications - utilities - Terminal
You should have a small blank window now, with your mac name and a blinking cursor.
Now that we are here, we need to set a few things for macports to work properly.
Type the following line at the cursor:
(Note: Due to some silly forum bug you can't post the line correct, so you will need to remove the ***remove*** bit manually!)
echo export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:\$PATH$'\n'export MANPATH=/opt/local/man:\$MANPATH | sudo tee -a /etc***remove***/profile
You will be asked for your password, so enter it.
If all goes well, you should get the following response:
export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH
export MANPATH=/opt/local/man:$MANPATH
Now enter the following command: (it's one line)
(Note: Due to some silly forum bug you can't post the line correct, so you will need to remove the ***remove*** bit manually!)
if [ `sysctl -n hw.cpu64bit_capable` -eq 1 ] ; then echo "+universal" | sudo tee -a /opt/local/etc***remove***/macports/variants.conf; else echo "not 64bit capable"; fi
You should get "+univeral" as a response.
4. So far so good, now on to installing wine.
Again in terminal enter the following:
sudo port install wine
You will be asked for your password again.
You should be getting lots of text now, ending with something like 100% installed and checked.
However, if at first you get some warning like "Xcode appears tone installed but xcodebuild is unusable …" , you may need to do the following to redirect macports to the right locations. (It was the case with my install with the latest Xcode 4.3 command line tools).
Enter in terminal:
sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/
5. Now install winetricks, it's an add-on pack to wine which will give us C++ libraries and dx9 graphics.
In terminal:
sudo port install winetricks
You will be asked for your password if needed.
6. We're half way there, now start wine tricks to install the needed libraries.
In terminal enter:
Wait a bit, this is slow, but a window should appear.
Choose "install an app" and select ok.
Go down the list and tick the boxes for d3dx9, vcrun2003, vcrun2005 and vcrun2008 and select ok.
Winetricks will do it's tricks and download some stuff, presenting you with a few window like install windows as things progress, just choose to install with standard values for all.
7. Now we should have a system installed that will enable us to run most windows programs, so on to installing DDO.
But first we need something to start up DDO, since the regular starter uses old .NET and we don't want that. Luckily some smart people made a generic DDO and LOTRO loader. It's called PyLotRO.
Find it at:
Download pylotro-setup.exe from there.
Note: Unfortunately this site has gone down since i installed things, so if anyone knows a reliable link, please let me know so i can add it.
New link:
Download is at the bottom of the page.
Let's install that with wine now, back in terminal: (assuming you downloaded into your downloads folder)
cd downloads
wine pylori-setup-0.1.15a.exe
(if the name of your downloaded file has changed to a more recent version, change it accordingly.)
You will get the installer window, choose the standard settings if needed.
Next is the main DDO program.
The easiest solution is if you have a fully working and updated DDO on a windows machine, that way you can just copy it and there is no need for using an installer. That's the way i did it.
On your windows box, go to the program files folder and copy the whole DDO unlimited folder to an external drive or usb key. (It's big, about 7 gigs)
Connect your drive with DDO to your mac.
We could copy all that stuff using terminal, but let's make things easy and use finder.
Fire up finder and choose Go - goto folder from the top menu.
in the popup.
What you see now should look somewhat familiar to a windows structure, navigate to drive_c, program files.
Into the program files folder, copy the DDO folder you scavenged from your windows box.
Rename the folder to DDO to makes things easier later on.
In the programs folder you will also see the PyLorRO folder, go into that and select all, then copy.
Go into the DDO folder and paste what you copied, let the few files overwrite when asked.
If you don't have a working windows install, you will need to download the ddo installer and use that. I haven't done this, but i'll try to give some instructions anyway.
Find the full installer file from ddo, not the panda thing they give.
(You may find it here:
Download and unzip into a DDO folder inside your downloads
In terminal:
cd downloads
cd DDO
wine whatever_the_name_of_the_setup_file_is.exe
Use the standard settings and let it install.
Don't forget to copy in the pylotro files.
9. We're getting there :-)
Let's give it a test run.
In a fresh terminal (close and open a new one)
cd .wine/drive_c/program\ files/ddo
wine pylotro.exe
If everything went good you should see windows like box where we need to change a few things to make it run DDO instead of LoTRO.
In the tools menu, choose switch game and select DDO.
The graphics should change to ddo, and now you can pick your server (realm), language and enter your account and password for ddo.
Hit login and enjoy the welcome video.
(You might get a resolution warning, just say ok.)
10. We got it running full screen now, but not in a native resolution. It looks pretty, so if you're happy you can stop now, however i wasn't yet, so a few more tweaks.
I prefer to have games windowed so i can easily switch to other programs or desktops.
Back in terminal:
This will bring up a program that lets you set things for wine.
On the graphics tab, select emulate a virtual desktop and enter 1024 x 768 as size (my screen is 1440 x 900, so this was good for me, you may go higher if your screen is bigger, just try and see what works best for you.)
OK and it's done.
Startup ddo like we did above and get into the settings there. (options - graphics), choose resolution 1440 x 878 and windowed resolution 1024 x 768, untick full screen.
We will now have it in a narrow window or a screen covering window when full screen is ticked. this makes it possible to switch between windows and use all other osx swipes.
Second thing i changed is the max frame rate, mainly to leave cpu power for other things, run cooler and save battery life. I set it to 25 which gives me a smooth experience, just experiment and see what you like. The setting can be found in options - troubleshoot.
11. We can play now, but using terminal each time to start up the game is a bit clumsy. So let's make an icon to start DDO.
(Do use terminal for troubleshooting since that will give you some feedback, the icon way won't.)
Start up the applescript editor, you will find it in applications - utilities, same as terminal.
Place the following into the top window:
tell application "Terminal"
do script "/opt/local/bin/wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\\ Files/ddo/pylotro.exe"
end tell
Hit compile and the text should change format.
Now save as, name it DDO and choose Application in the file format box.
Save it to your applications folder, and or drag it onto your dock.
You can now start DDO from this icon.
I hope this helps some people play DDO on their preferred system, and good luck.
08-14-2012, 06:37 AM
Mountain lion is out now, and i will upgrade to that, but i'm afraid it will break my DDO - wine install.
So this space is reserved for when i tackle that task.
Post updated with detail for mountain lion:
I have now upgraded to mountain lion and managed to get ddo working again, even with the bug introduced with U16.
The procedure is mostly the same so i'll only post those parts that are different, please see the post above for completion.
1. You still need the command line tools, but this time it's easier since you can just downloads them from the app store.
In the appstore look for Xcode, it's rather popular so easy to find, and even better it's free. Install this (it's big) and start up xcode from your launchpad or applications.
Once installed, go into preferences, downloads, components and install the command line tools.
Since mountain lion no longer comes with X11 you will need to install xQuartz. This is the apple supported open source version for x11 and can be downloaded from the xQuartz site.
Download and install like any program.
If you upgraded from Lion, and you had already installed xQuartz, you will need to remove it, download again and install a fresh one. This is to get rid of some bug that would give problems later.
2. Install macports just like on lion, but make sure to get the package for mountain lion instead.
3. see above
4. Same as above, but instead of the release version of wine, you need to install the development version. The latest development pack (1.5.18) has a fix for the bug that DDO introduced with U16.
So it's
sudo port install wine-devel
instead of just wine at the end.
5 and 6. see above
7. You still need pylotro to play ddl on wine, but unfortunately the website that hosted this program has gone.
I'm sure the program can be found out there, but if anyone knows a reliable link for it, please let me know so i can add it here.
new link:
download is on the bottom
The rest of the installation is just the same as for lion, so see above.
Good luck getting it working and see you in game.
09-24-2012, 12:23 PM
The latest update to Lion, 10.7.5 broke something in x11 and wine. That stopped ddo (and any 3D graphics game under wine) working.
But luckily there is already a solution available.
The problem lies in the X11 application so you will need to update that. Apple no longer supports X11 but it has been given to the XQuartz project for further development, and they came up with a solution.
You will need to downland and install the newer X11 from XQuartz. The fix is only available in the latest release candidate and not in the main update yet.
You can find it here:
Download and install the file you find there, then restart your system and all should be good.
From what i hear, this should also work for mountain lion update 10.8.2, which broke the same thing.
09-29-2012, 06:57 PM
Parallels 8. It has DirectX 9/10 support and runs DDO at 60 FPS for me on an MBP13 2011.
09-29-2012, 09:22 PM
Parallels 8. It has DirectX 9/10 support and runs DDO at 60 FPS for me on an MBP13 2011.
Awesome - Run it in Windows if it's easier for you, but i challenge anyone to tell the difference between dx 10 and 11 and dx 9 in wine... it's just not that much of a difference.
My son on Mac thru wine gets avg 90 FPS, on Linux thru Wine I get 140's and up - in my case, tho, that's a monster vid card in there and 32 GB of system RAM keeping it from getting constipated.
Framerate is not necessarily improved with versions of directx - hardware makes more of a difference.
09-30-2012, 10:40 PM
Parallels 8. It has DirectX 9/10 support and runs DDO at 60 FPS for me on an MBP13 2011.I'd like to add that my MacBook does NOT have an NVIDIA or ATI GPU, but an Intel 3000 seems enough to run it in a VM at 1280x800 with a lot of the detail levels set to very high. I run Mountain Lion, and Windows 8 in the VM. The newer non-GPU 2012 'Books come with an Intel 4000 I believe, which should be even better.
You can try out Parallels for free for 14 days and see if that works out. :)
10-17-2012, 10:12 AM
Parallels 8. It has DirectX 9/10 support and runs DDO at 60 FPS for me on an MBP13 2011.
I'm glad that's a solution for you, but that's not really running DDO in OS X, of course: it's running DDO in a Windows VM. You still need to have and install a copy of Windows on your Mac, and you need to purchase a copy of Parallels. You could use VirtualBox instead, but video memory is limited there and the game probably wouldn't run.
Wine is closer: you're essentially faking a Windows installation within the OS and using customized Windows drivers. Virgonian mentioned that this method broke with Mountain Lion (though it wasn't mentioned whether the updated XQuartz resolved this; I hope so). Wine can be buggy and often crashes when running relatively simple applications, so I can imagine it might break often when running a complex rendered app like DDO, and that would be frustrating, but I may try it anyway.
It would be nice to be able to play DDO natively on a Mac, or even in Linux. I realize it would be a PITA for the app to be ported from scratch to another platform. I'm just wondering whether this has been considered in the past or if an effort is possibly underway.
10-21-2012, 06:33 PM
Virgonian mentioned that this method broke with Mountain Lion (though it wasn't mentioned whether the updated XQuartz resolved this; I hope so). Wine can be buggy and often crashes when running relatively simple applications, so I can imagine it might break often when running a complex rendered app like DDO, and that would be frustrating, but I may try it anyway.
The latests update of XQuartz fixed the bug that prevented 3D games like DDO from working. So DDO is running fine again on my lion osx. Wine has had a few updates since the introduction of mountain lion, so i expect DDO to run on mountain lion just as good by now.
So far it's been pretty stable, no odd crashes, playable frame rates, sound works fine. I can only see more frequent zoning freezes on my mac than my windows box, but that might have another cause than just running it under wine.
10-22-2012, 02:48 AM
While I don't approve of Macs, I do approve of you posting your work for others.
+1 for you.
10-27-2012, 05:57 PM
Hey Virgonian thanks a lot for doing this.
3 days ago something messed up with Crossover Games, whenever I got past the first loading bar when launching DDO it would say dndclient.exe has encountered a serious error and needs to close. I got the same thing with skyrim so it was crossover specific and not related to DDO.
I tried reinstalling with the new crossover, but for some reason the error kept coming up that I was missing Microsoft.Net v1.1.4322 and I could find online was an executable which I couldn't get crossover to recognize.
I'm now trying to follow your script and I've gotten to this step
6. We're half way there, now start wine tricks to install the needed libraries.
In terminal enter:
Wait a bit, this is slow, but a window should appear.
Choose "install an app" and select ok.
Go down the list and tick the boxes for d3dx9, vcrun2003, vcrun2005 and vcrun2008 and select ok.
On the list there is no d3dx9, and I also have vc2005express and vc2008express which I am assuming replaced vcrun2005 and vcrun2008, but I have nothing 2003.
I do have direct x 9 downloaded somewhere in my computer though since I haven't deleted anything and I ran DDO 4 days ago. A search for Direct gave me a bunch of files called Microsoft.DirectX.dll and Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.dll, Microsoft.DirectX.DirectPlay.dll, etc. They were located in the folder Library/Application Support/CrossOver/Bottles/Dungeons and Dragons Online_ Eberron Unlimited/drive_c/windows/Microsoft.NET/DirectX for Managed Code
Are these the source files for directX? Would need to move them somewhere if they are or would wine be able to find it?
Also I am using snow leopard if that matters at all. It also means I could only download Xcode v 3.21.
10-29-2012, 05:59 PM
Crossover is a form of wine with a better front end, but i have no idea how good crossover and wine work together if both are used.
Since your problem seems to be with .net, did you try to use just pyloro instead of the regular ddo launcher under crossover, i think that bypasses all the .net stuff.
That you can't add those libraries with winetricks might have to do with your crossover install. It's possible those libraries are allready installed. When i try to install them on my system again i don't get an option to install them since they are already there. (At least that's what i presume.)
10-29-2012, 06:21 PM
Crossover is a form of wine with a better front end, but i have no idea how good crossover and wine work together if both are used.
Since your problem seems to be with .net, did you try to use just pyloro instead of the regular ddo launcher under crossover, i think that bypasses all the .net stuff.
That you can't add those libraries with winetricks might have to do with your crossover install. It's possible those libraries are allready installed. When i try to install them on my system again i don't get an option to install them since they are already there. (At least that's what i presume.)
Crossover does use Pylotro, not the DDO launcher and I am able to launch Pylotro without Crossover running.
Ok thanks for letting me know I may have it installed. I have now continued the installation.
10-29-2012, 06:27 PM
I am probably the only wuss here, I just ran bootcamp and installed windows, for DDO , FL studio, Ableton, etc. and shoot even Steam works out better for some reason even though there is a Mac version.
I like having two separate bootables that keep them separated and virtually tinker free. But again, I am a wuss. Don't jude me :)
10-29-2012, 06:41 PM
Ran into one more issue. Getting the message
Cannot find 7z. Please install it (e.g. 'sudo apt-get install p7zip-full' or 'sudo yum install p7zip p7zip-plugins').
I tried the two commands in apostraphes, however it said apt-get and yum were not real commands.
I also tried 'sudo install p7zip-full' and that came up with
usage: install [-bCcpSsv] [-B suffix] [-f flags] [-g group] [-m mode]
[-o owner] file1 file2
install [-bCcpSsv] [-B suffix] [-f flags] [-g group] [-m mode]
[-o owner] file1 ... fileN directory
install -d [-v] [-g group] [-m mode] [-o owner] directory ...
Which I believe is the syntax with the command install, however not sure which one I should be using.
Edit: Got it working by installing the new crossover and installing DDO through pylotro patch function.
11-01-2012, 12:54 AM
I successfully installed and ran DDO on my MBP retina w/o Windows license or Parallels. I used CodeWeavers CrossOver. There is a template for DDO already in the community supported bottles. Then fired up PyLOTRO, set it up for DDO. Patched the game (make sure you patch with the correct language setting). Once patching done, put your credentials in and enjoy Windows-less, Parallel-less DDO. The link below is a set of three screenshots I took so you can see at what resolution I'm running,the framerate and my OS X desktop in the background.
11-01-2012, 01:44 AM
While I don't approve of Macs, I do approve of you posting your work for others.
I also don't approve of Macs
I do however approve of running DDO in wine
11-01-2012, 08:48 AM
I successfully installed and ran DDO on my MBP retina w/o Windows license or Parallels. I used CodeWeavers CrossOver. There is a template for DDO already in the community supported bottles. Then fired up PyLOTRO, set it up for DDO. Patched the game (make sure you patch with the correct language setting). Once patching done, put your credentials in and enjoy Windows-less, Parallel-less DDO. The link below is a set of three screenshots I took so you can see at what resolution I'm running,the framerate and my OS X desktop in the background.
that is awesome.
I still like muh dual boot, but that is awesome.
I also don't approve of Macs
I do however approve of running DDO in wine
11-01-2012, 01:13 PM
I play DDO on my MAc using a wrapper found here ( It work quite well until last friday. Since that day the DDO-shop won't load. All I get is the background image. But the game itself is playable.
11-06-2012, 12:06 PM
I play DDO on my MAc using a wrapper found here ( It work quite well until last friday. Since that day the DDO-shop won't load. All I get is the background image. But the game itself is playable.
Are you sure this problem is specific to your Mac? I've been seeing strangeness regularly with both the DDO Store and MyDDO through my Windows 7 client, most notably: blank or white pages in either window.
Also, I was wondering whether it's necessary to _install_ the game via this wrapper, or if the game can just be run this way without installing? I ask because I'm dual booting on a MacBook Pro between OS X and Windows 7, and the game is already installed in the Windows 7 partition; I'd rather keep just one installation of the game and share it between the two, if necessary.
11-06-2012, 12:13 PM
Are you sure this problem is specific to your Mac? I've been seeing strangeness regularly with both the DDO Store and MyDDO through my Windows 7 client, most notably: blank or white pages in either window.
Also, I was wondering whether it's necessary to _install_ the game via this wrapper, or if the game can just be run this way without installing? I ask because I'm dual booting on a MacBook Pro between OS X and Windows 7, and the game is already installed in the Windows 7 partition; I'd rather keep just one installation of the game and share it between the two, if necessary.
You don't need multiple installations
You will need to install the other launcher (PyLotro)
11-06-2012, 12:56 PM
You don't need multiple installations
You will need to install the other launcher (PyLotro)
Thanks. Unfortunately, the official pylotro page ( seems to have a problem (forgot to pay the light bill?):
Suspended Hosting
Unfortunately the site you are looking for is unavailable at this time.
11-06-2012, 02:51 PM
I already had a DDO installation on a Bootcamp partition, but a HD-crash forced me to reinstall the whole system. I could save everything on both the OS X and the Bootcamp partition but I decided that I do not reinstall Bootcamp but use Wine instead.
11-06-2012, 07:37 PM
Thanks. Unfortunately, the official pylotro page ( seems to have a problem (forgot to pay the light bill?):
This page gives detailed instructions on how to run DDO in wine, including how to download PyLotro
In case you don't want to read it, you can get pylotro from this site:
11-07-2012, 03:57 PM
This page gives detailed instructions on how to run DDO in wine, including how to download PyLotro
Thanks. Unfortunately, I've seen this page before, and have spent several hours trying to debug why I can't get the game running. This time, after lots of debugging and mitigating outdated information, I can finally launch the pylotro script, but when I set everything up for DDO and log in, I get a spinning beachball for a while, and then the script throws an attribute error ('NoneType' object has no attribute 'status') and returns to the login prompt.
I've also spent some time trying to get the game to run using just wine/winetricks. This time, after some more manipulation, I was able to get .NET1.1 installed (why on earth is this game still using .NET 1.1?) through winetricks, but the DDO launcher fails with an awesomely long crash dialog box:
(this repeats way beyond the bottom of my screen.)
I wonder whether this is related to mono26, which won't seem to natively on my system. Wine used to complain that "mono 2.5 or .NET 1.1 is required", but after installing .NET 1.1 it doesn't complain about this anymore.
11-08-2012, 08:52 PM
Thanks. Unfortunately, I've seen this page before, and have spent several hours trying to debug why I can't get the game running. This time, after lots of debugging and mitigating outdated information, I can finally launch the pylotro script, but when I set everything up for DDO and log in, I get a spinning beachball for a while, and then the script throws an attribute error ('NoneType' object has no attribute 'status') and returns to the login prompt.
I've also spent some time trying to get the game to run using just wine/winetricks. This time, after some more manipulation, I was able to get .NET1.1 installed (why on earth is this game still using .NET 1.1?) through winetricks, but the DDO launcher fails with an awesomely long crash dialog box:
(this repeats way beyond the bottom of my screen.)
I wonder whether this is related to mono26, which won't seem to natively on my system. Wine used to complain that "mono 2.5 or .NET 1.1 is required", but after installing .NET 1.1 it doesn't complain about this anymore.
Try CrossOver. Check out my screenshots above. That's how I run DDO on a daily basis on my mac.
11-08-2012, 09:12 PM
Try CrossOver. Check out my screenshots above. That's how I run DDO on a daily basis on my mac.Cool. But do you need both CrossOver and PyLOTRO to get it to run?
I do own CrossOver licenses (for Pro, Games, and Standard versions) but they're all version 8.0.0, so I don't know whether that's too old or outdated for DDO. Also, I'm not a big fan of companies like this who make non-open-source solutions for open-source software, but if it might work, I'd give it a try.
Actually, I've gotten pretty far with winetricks and PyLOTRO: I can now start the launcher, kick off the DDO intro video, and get to the loading screen, but it stops there: I get an hourglass, which I can move around the screen, but there is no progress bar for downloading or checking files, nothing changes, and I can't escape the loading screen at all, so I have to do a hard shut-down in order to get out of it. My suspicion is a network connection -- this is through a "transparent" proxy at work, and a proxy IP and port are required for getting CLI stuff through the proxy. But I'm not sure how to feed the proxy info to the PyLOTRO script. I have set the proxy in the wine regedit utility, but not everything reads that.
11-08-2012, 09:15 PM
Cool. But do you need both CrossOver and PyLOTRO to get it to run?
I do own CrossOver licenses (for Pro, Games, and Standard versions) but they're all version 8.0.0, so I don't know whether that's too old or outdated for DDO. Also, I'm not a big fan of companies like this who make non-open-source solutions for open-source software, but if it might work, I'd give it a try.
Actually, I've gotten pretty far with winetricks and PyLOTRO: I can now start the launcher, kick off the DDO intro video, and get to the loading screen, but it stops there: I get an hourglass, which I can move around the screen, but there is no progress bar for downloading or checking files, nothing changes, and I can't escape the loading screen at all, so I have to do a hard shut-down in order to get out of it. My suspicion is a network connection -- this is through a "transparent" proxy at work, and a proxy IP and port are required for getting CLI stuff through the proxy. But I'm not sure how to feed the proxy info to the PyLOTRO script. I have set the proxy in the wine regedit utility, but not everything reads that.
Yes, I run it through PyLOTRO running on a CrossOver winxp Bottle. There is a pre-made DDO container found in the community provided menu.
I'm running CO version 11.3 fyi
11-09-2012, 02:20 AM
DDO - The only reason for Windows. (Even though Apple has eclipsed Microsoft as a repugnant corporate behemoth!)
11-09-2012, 03:13 AM
I have read a post the other day saying that they have ported the LOTRO to osx.. still in their beta stages but is already something..
hopefully one day they will do the same to DDO... so i will not have to install bootcamp on my comp only to play DDO
11-09-2012, 11:13 AM
I have read a post the other day saying that they have ported the LOTRO to osx.. still in their beta stages but is already something..
hopefully one day they will do the same to DDO... so i will not have to install bootcamp on my comp only to play DDO
:DI was excited to see that both DDO and LOTRO had been added to Steam ... but of course, when I tried to install it from OS X, I never got the option. In fact, even though I logged into Steam and installed DDO on a Windows machine, DDO doesn't even show up in my games list on an OS X client, which is strange: usually non-compatible games appear there but say they can't be installed.
11-12-2012, 01:04 PM
Welp U16 screwed me over somehow, and getting the same "The program DnDclient.exe has encountered a serious error and needs to close" message.
Here is the dump. Will try a complete reinstall and see if that fixes it.
Unhandled exception: page fault on write access to 0x00000030 in 32-bit code (0x00674622).
Register dump:
CS:0017 SS:001f DS:001f ES:001f FS:1007 GS:0037
EIP:00674622 ESP:0033fda4 EBP:0132446c EFLAGS:00010202( R- -- I - - - )
EAX:00000000 EBX:00000000 ECX:0000031e EDX:00000000
ESI:0177ca78 EDI:0177ca78
Stack dump:
0x0033fda4: 0177c908 0000031e 00000163 00684d5b
0x0033fdb4: 01913bec 012452f8 0033fe70 00000000
0x0033fdc4: 00f9a28c 00f9a29f 00000017 0177c908
0x0033fdd4: 0033fe60 0108f98b 00000013 010fda6a
0x0033fde4: 78131742 00000001 00f9aaf2 01243e5c
0x0033fdf4: 0125e9e4 88d9cb35 00b2b020 7ffdf000
0200: sel=1007 base=7ffc0000 limit=00000fff 32-bit rw-
=>0 0x00674622 in dndclient (+0x274622) (0x0132446c)
0x00674622: movl %ecx,0x30(%eax)
Module Address Debug info Name (185 modules)
ELF 0-82001000 Stabs <wine-loader>
PE 340000- 3c7000 Deferred umbra
PE 3d0000- 3e5000 Deferred vorbisfile
PE 3f0000- 3fd000 Deferred ogg
PE 400000- 1940000 Deferred dndclient
PE 1940000- 1b25000 Deferred d3dx9_42
PE 1b30000- 1c66000 Deferred vorbis
PE 1c70000- 3197000 Deferred awesomium
PE 10000000-10012000 Deferred zlib1t
PE 12000000-121c6000 Deferred xerces-c_2_6
PE 18000000-18033000 Deferred binkw32
PE 3b400000-3b41e000 Deferred steam_api
PE 40001000-40144000 Deferred libwine.1.dylib
ELF 4019d000-40200000 Deferred advapi32<elf>
\-PE 401a0000-401f7000 \ advapi32
ELF 40504000-405b0000 Deferred winmm<elf>
\-PE 40510000-405ab000 \ winmm
ELF 405b0000-405ca000 Deferred version<elf>
\-PE 405c0000-405c9000 \ version
ELF 405ca000-405ec000 Deferred imm32<elf>
\-PE 405d0000-405ea000 \ imm32
PE 405ec000-405f4000 Deferred libsm.6.dylib
ELF 40700000-407c5000 Deferred gdi32<elf>
\-PE 40710000-407aa000 \ gdi32
ELF 407c5000-407e2000 Deferred openal32<elf>
\-PE 407d0000-407de000 \ openal32
PE 407e2000-407f6000 Deferred libice.6.dylib
PE 407f9000-407fc000 Deferred libxinerama.1.dylib
PE 407fc000-40800000 Deferred libxrandr.2.dylib
ELF 4275b000-42899000 Deferred user32<elf>
\-PE 42760000-4286a000 \ user32
ELF 42899000-429ad000 Deferred ole32<elf>
\-PE 428a0000-42997000 \ ole32
ELF 429ad000-42a22000 Deferred rpcrt4<elf>
\-PE 429b0000-42a1a000 \ rpcrt4
ELF 42a22000-42b1d000 Deferred oleaut32<elf>
\-PE 42a30000-42b08000 \ oleaut32
ELF 42b1d000-42d35000 Deferred shell32<elf>
\-PE 42b20000-42d2a000 \ shell32
ELF 42d35000-42d9d000 Deferred shlwapi<elf>
\-PE 42d40000-42d92000 \ shlwapi
ELF 42d9d000-42e92000 Deferred comctl32<elf>
\-PE 42da0000-42e8d000 \ comctl32
ELF 42e92000-42f1d000 Deferred msvcrt<elf>
\-PE 42ea0000-42f0b000 \ msvcrt
ELF 42f1d000-42f62000 Deferred dsound<elf>
\-PE 42f20000-42f60000 \ dsound
PE 42f62000-42f99000 Deferred openal
ELF 42f99000-4305f000 Deferred opengl32<elf>
\-PE 42fa0000-43046000 \ opengl32
PE 4305f000-4306d000 Deferred libxext.6.dylib
PE 4306d000-4314e000 Deferred libx11.6.dylib
PE 4314e000-431cd000 Deferred libgl.1.dylib
PE 431cd000-431e2000 Deferred libxplugin.1.dylib
ELF 431e2000-431f7000 Deferred psapi<elf>
\-PE 431f0000-431f6000 \ psapi
ELF 431f7000-43226000 Deferred secur32<elf>
\-PE 43200000-43223000 \ secur32
ELF 43226000-4324f000 Deferred netapi32<elf>
\-PE 43230000-4324d000 \ netapi32
ELF 4324f000-43271000 Deferred iphlpapi<elf>
\-PE 43260000-4326f000 \ iphlpapi
ELF 43271000-432a2000 Deferred ws2_32<elf>
\-PE 43280000-4329f000 \ ws2_32
ELF 432a2000-432c3000 Deferred oleacc<elf>
\-PE 432b0000-432c2000 \ oleacc
ELF 432c3000-4331d000 Deferred riched20<elf>
\-PE 432d0000-43315000 \ riched20
ELF 4331d000-43357000 Deferred usp10<elf>
\-PE 43320000-43355000 \ usp10
ELF 43357000-43372000 Deferred wsock32<elf>
\-PE 43360000-43371000 \ wsock32
PE 43372000-433f1000 Deferred libfreetype.6.dylib
ELF 434cd000-43563000 Deferred winex11<elf>
\-PE 434d0000-43557000 \ winex11
PE 43563000-43568000 Deferred libxxf86vm.1.dylib
PE 43568000-43570000 Deferred libxrender.1.dylib
PE 43570000-4357a000 Deferred libxcursor.1.dylib
PE 536f7000-53723000 Deferred glrendererfloat
PE 53931000-53adc000 Deferred glengine
PE 53adc000-54484000 Deferred geforcegldriver
PE 54484000-548ad000 Deferred libclh.dylib
PE 78130000-781cb000 Deferred msvcr80
ELF 7b800000-7ba26000 Deferred kernel32<elf>
\-PE 7b810000-7ba15000 \ kernel32
ELF 7bc00000-7bcbf000 Deferred ntdll<elf>
\-PE 7bc10000-7bc9b000 \ ntdll
PE 7c340000-7c396000 Deferred msvcr71
PE 7c420000-7c4a7000 Deferred msvcp80
PE 90003000-9006c000 Deferred passwordserver
PE 90482000-904ed000 Deferred metadata
PE 90482000-904ed000 Deferred metadata
PE 90482000-904ed000 Deferred metadata
PE 90551000-90613000 Deferred ats
PE 90e47000-90e4f000 Deferred coreservices
PE 90e48000-90ef4000 Deferred coreaudio
PE 90e48000-90ef4000 Deferred coreaudio
PE 9103f000-91048000 Deferred libgfxshared.dylib
PE 9103f000-91048000 Deferred libgfxshared.dylib
PE 91089000-910b5000 Deferred directoryservice
PE 911ef000-91532000 Deferred security
PE 91456000-9145e000 Deferred libcorevmclient.dylib
PE 91456000-9145e000 Deferred libcorevmclient.dylib
PE 91509000-91532000 Deferred cfopendirectory
PE 91509000-91532000 Deferred cfopendirectory
PE 91509000-91532000 Deferred cfopendirectory
PE 91509000-91532000 Deferred cfopendirectory
PE 91509000-91532000 Deferred cfopendirectory
PE 9158f000-915ba000 Deferred libjpeg.dylib
PE 9158f000-915ba000 Deferred libjpeg.dylib
PE 91662000-91667000 Deferred trustevaluationagent
PE 916a5000-916bc000 Deferred libsasl2.2.dylib
PE 91819000-91855000 Deferred dictionaryservices
PE 9187c000-91943000 Deferred libsqlite3.dylib
PE 91980000-919cb000 Deferred libvdsp.dylib
PE 91980000-919cb000 Deferred libvdsp.dylib
PE 91aa5000-91ab5000 Deferred libkxld.dylib
PE 91ab2000-91abf000 Deferred commercecore
PE 91ae9000-91bfa000 Deferred cfnetwork
PE 91b96000-91ba3000 Deferred opendirectory
PE 91bd3000-91d1b000 Deferred libfontparser.dylib
PE 91c8c000-91d43000 Deferred kerberos
PE 91c8c000-91d43000 Deferred kerberos
PE 92097000-920ea000 Deferred libauto.dylib
PE 9211c000-92122000 Deferred libradiance.dylib
PE 9211c000-92122000 Deferred libradiance.dylib
PE 92131000-9213a000 Deferred libgif.dylib
PE 922c0000-9230b000 Deferred ae
PE 9273b000-92865000 Deferred osservices
PE 92807000-92825000 Deferred langanalysis
PE 93036000-935f1000 Deferred liblapack.dylib
PE 93698000-93710000 Deferred libvmisc.dylib
PE 93708000-93b43000 Deferred quartzcore
PE 93c63000-93c99000 Deferred corevideo
PE 93c83000-93cbc000 Deferred libglimage.dylib
PE 93ec9000-93ff4000 Deferred libglprogrammability.dylib
PE 94095000-940bf000 Deferred opencl
PE 941bd000-9453c000 Deferred foundation
PE 941bd000-9453c000 Deferred foundation
PE 95380000-95393000 Deferred libz.1.dylib
PE 95456000-9547d000 Deferred libpng.dylib
PE 95456000-9547d000 Deferred libpng.dylib
PE 95621000-9564d000 Deferred openscripting
PE 9563e000-95668000 Deferred libresolv.9.dylib
PE 9563e000-95668000 Deferred libresolv.9.dylib
PE 95734000-95785000 Deferred libglu.dylib
PE 95798000-9586d000 Deferred qd
PE 9595f000-95a83000 Deferred libxml2.2.dylib
PE 95a60000-95a7a000 Deferred libgl.dylib
PE 95a60000-95a7a000 Deferred libgl.dylib
PE 95b35000-95d57000 Deferred imageio
PE 95b35000-95d57000 Deferred imageio
PE 95e0a000-95e1c000 Deferred libbz2.1.0.dylib
PE 95e0a000-95e1c000 Deferred libbz2.1.0.dylib
PE 95f1c000-962b2000 Deferred carboncore
PE 95f1c000-962b2000 Deferred carboncore
PE 9643d000-964f6000 Deferred securityfoundation
PE 9643d000-964f6000 Deferred securityfoundation
PE 9643d000-964f6000 Deferred securityfoundation
PE 964d5000-9692d000 Deferred libblas.dylib
PE 9695d000-9697a000 Deferred libbsm.0.dylib
PE 9695d000-9697a000 Deferred libbsm.0.dylib
PE 969b6000-96a1e000 Deferred familycontrols
PE 96aed000-96ba1000 Deferred searchkit
PE 96b8d000-96ba3000 Deferred opengl
PE 96be5000-96c2c000 Deferred libcups.2.dylib
PE 96c56000-96d7b000 Deferred desktopservicespriv
PE 96c56000-96d7b000 Deferred desktopservicespriv
PE 96d31000-96d45000 Deferred libcsync.a.dylib
PE 96da8000-96e26000 Deferred hiservices
PE 96ef4000-96f13000 Deferred multitouchsupport
PE 97359000-973d6000 Deferred iokit
PE 973b7000-97564000 Deferred audiotoolbox
PE 973b7000-97564000 Deferred audiotoolbox
PE 9759f000-975b2000 Deferred speechrecognition
PE 975bb000-97711000 Deferred libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib
PE 9813c000-98152000 Deferred netfs
PE 99706000-9970e000 Deferred help
PE 9970a000-99fc1000 Deferred coregraphics
PE 99fab000-9a044000 Deferred coretext
PE 9a00d000-9a0fb000 Deferred vimage
PE 9a563000-9a628000 Deferred printcore
PE 9a7f8000-9a8eb000 Deferred colorsync
PE 9a7f8000-9a8eb000 Deferred colorsync
PE 9abda000-9abe6000 Deferred iosurface
process tid prio (all id:s are in hex)
0000000c services.exe
0000001d 0
0000001c 0
00000013 0
0000000e 0
0000000d 0
00000010 winedevice.exe
0000001a 0
00000017 0
00000012 0
00000011 0
00000018 plugplay.exe
0000001e 0
0000001b 0
00000019 0
0000003c explorer.exe
0000003d 0
00000041 winedbg.exe
00000033 0
0000002b winewrapper.exe
0000002a 0
0000002d pylotro.exe
00000037 0
00000030 0
00000032 0
00000034 0
00000047 (D) C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\dungeons and dragons online\dndclient.exe
00000031 0
00000036 0 <==
System information:
Wine build: wine-1.4.1-6935-g558cbc3
Platform: i386
Host system: Darwin
Host version: 10.8.0
11-12-2012, 01:07 PM
You shoudl update the Wine engine, that might help.
11-12-2012, 01:37 PM
I ended up not using wine to play DDO this is through crossover.
How would I go about doing that if I need to in the future though? Does the sudo port install wine automatically update it?
11-12-2012, 03:58 PM
Yes indeed, the geniuses at turbine managed to mess up the game for osx and linux using wine.
I hope to get this fixed this soon, if i do i'll post it. (unless someone beats me to it, you're most welcome ;-) )
11-12-2012, 04:43 PM
I've patch DDO and got the same problem. The new update managed to corrupt the game for all non windows users... :(
Unhandled exception: page fault on write access to 0x00000030 in 32-bit code (0x00674622).
Register dump:
CS:0017 SS:001f DS:001f ES:001f FS:1007 GS:0037
EIP:00674622 ESP:0033fd4c EBP:0132446c EFLAGS:00010202( R- -- I - - - )
EAX:00000000 EBX:00000000 ECX:0000036e EDX:00000000
ESI:0177ca78 EDI:0177ca78
Stack dump:
0x0033fd4c: 0177c908 0000036e 0000017b 00684d5b
0x0033fd5c: 0125e9e4 012452f8 0033fdd8 42f64179
0x0033fd6c: 00f9a28c 00f9a29f 00000017 0177c908
0x0033fd7c: 0033fe60 0108f98b 00000013 010fda6a
0x0033fd8c: 42f641c2 c55c6336 bb40e64e 0033fdc0
0x0033fd9c: 7bc73901 c561dab0 0033fe5c 0033fe08
0200: sel=1007 base=7ffc0000 limit=00000fff 32-bit rw-
=>0 0x00674622 in dndclient (+0x274622) (0x0132446c)
0x00674622: movl %ecx,0x30(%eax)
Module Address Debug info Name (193 modules)
ELF 0-7bf03000 Stabs <wine-loader>
PE 340000- 3c7000 Deferred umbra
PE 3d0000- 3e5000 Deferred vorbisfile
PE 3f0000- 3fd000 Deferred ogg
PE 400000- 1940000 Deferred dndclient
PE 1940000- 1b25000 Deferred d3dx9_42
PE 1b30000- 1c66000 Deferred vorbis
PE 1c70000- 3197000 Deferred awesomium
PE 10000000-10012000 Deferred zlib1t
PE 12000000-121c6000 Deferred xerces-c_2_6
PE 18000000-18033000 Deferred binkw32
PE 3b400000-3b41e000 Deferred steam_api
PE 40001000-40143000 Deferred libwine.1.dylib
ELF 405a0000-405ee000 Deferred winmm<elf>
\-PE 405b0000-405e1000 \ winmm
PE 405ee000-405f7000 Deferred libsm.6.dylib
PE 405f7000-405fb000 Deferred libxau.6.dylib
PE 405fb000-40600000 Deferred libxdmcp.6.dylib
ELF 40700000-40770000 Deferred advapi32<elf>
\-PE 40710000-40758000 \ advapi32
ELF 40770000-4078a000 Deferred version<elf>
\-PE 40780000-40788000 \ version
ELF 4078a000-407b0000 Deferred msacm32<elf>
\-PE 40790000-407ab000 \ msacm32
ELF 407b0000-407d5000 Deferred imm32<elf>
\-PE 407c0000-407cf000 \ imm32
ELF 407d5000-407f2000 Deferred openal32<elf>
\-PE 407e0000-407ed000 \ openal32
PE 407f2000-407f5000 Deferred libxinerama.1.dylib
PE 407f5000-407fb000 Deferred libxxf86vm.1.dylib
PE 407fb000-40800000 Deferred libxfixes.3.dylib
ELF 4265b000-427a3000 Deferred user32<elf>
\-PE 42660000-4275b000 \ user32
ELF 427a3000-428bb000 Deferred gdi32<elf>
\-PE 427b0000-4284f000 \ gdi32
ELF 428bb000-429fe000 Deferred ole32<elf>
\-PE 428c0000-429ba000 \ ole32
ELF 429fe000-42a8c000 Deferred rpcrt4<elf>
\-PE 42a00000-42a69000 \ rpcrt4
ELF 42a8c000-42bc7000 Deferred oleaut32<elf>
\-PE 42a90000-42b70000 \ oleaut32
ELF 42bc7000-42dc2000 Deferred shell32<elf>
\-PE 42bd0000-42d87000 \ shell32
ELF 42dc2000-42e41000 Deferred shlwapi<elf>
\-PE 42dd0000-42e1b000 \ shlwapi
ELF 42e41000-42f49000 Deferred comctl32<elf>
\-PE 42e50000-42f22000 \ comctl32
ELF 42f49000-42fe5000 Deferred msvcrt<elf>
\-PE 42f50000-42fc2000 \ msvcrt
ELF 42fe5000-4303f000 Deferred dsound<elf>
\-PE 42ff0000-43029000 \ dsound
PE 4303f000-43076000 Deferred openal
ELF 43076000-43184000 Deferred opengl32<elf>
\-PE 43080000-43135000 \ opengl32
ELF 43184000-43198000 Deferred psapi<elf>
\-PE 43190000-43197000 \ psapi
ELF 43198000-431cc000 Deferred secur32<elf>
\-PE 431a0000-431c4000 \ secur32
ELF 431cc000-431fd000 Deferred netapi32<elf>
\-PE 431d0000-431f2000 \ netapi32
ELF 431fd000-43222000 Deferred iphlpapi<elf>
\-PE 43200000-4321c000 \ iphlpapi
ELF 43222000-43256000 Deferred ws2_32<elf>
\-PE 43230000-4324f000 \ ws2_32
ELF 43256000-4326c000 Deferred oleacc<elf>
\-PE 43260000-4326a000 \ oleacc
ELF 4326c000-432d7000 Deferred riched20<elf>
\-PE 43270000-432bd000 \ riched20
ELF 432d7000-43318000 Deferred usp10<elf>
\-PE 432e0000-43312000 \ usp10
ELF 43318000-433c1000 Deferred msvcp80<elf>
\-PE 43320000-433b0000 \ msvcp80
ELF 433c1000-43508000 Deferred msvcp90<elf>
\-PE 433d0000-43498000 \ msvcp90
ELF 43508000-43535000 Deferred msvcr80<elf>
\-PE 43510000-4352c000 \ msvcr80
ELF 43535000-43566000 Deferred msvcr90<elf>
\-PE 43540000-4355c000 \ msvcr90
ELF 43566000-43581000 Deferred wsock32<elf>
\-PE 43570000-4357f000 \ wsock32
PE 43581000-43607000 Deferred libfreetype.6.dylib
ELF 4361c000-436bf000 Deferred winex11<elf>
\-PE 43620000-4369b000 \ winex11
PE 436bf000-436d7000 Deferred libice.6.dylib
PE 436d7000-436e7000 Deferred libxext.6.dylib
PE 436e7000-43806000 Deferred libx11.6.dylib
PE 43806000-43822000 Deferred libxcb.1.dylib
PE 43822000-4382b000 Deferred libxrender.1.dylib
PE 4382b000-43833000 Deferred libxrandr.2.dylib
PE 43833000-43841000 Deferred libxi.6.dylib
PE 43841000-4384a000 Deferred libxcursor.1.dylib
ELF 4384c000-43886000 Deferred uxtheme<elf>
\-PE 43850000-4387f000 \ uxtheme
ELF 7b800000-7ba4f000 Deferred kernel32<elf>
\-PE 7b810000-7ba15000 \ kernel32
ELF 7bc00000-7bcd2000 Deferred ntdll<elf>
\-PE 7bc10000-7bc99000 \ ntdll
PE 7c340000-7c396000 Deferred msvcr71
PE 90039000-900a2000 Deferred passwordserver
PE 90039000-900a2000 Deferred passwordserver
PE 90087000-904c2000 Deferred quartzcore
PE 90087000-904c2000 Deferred quartzcore
PE 9045d000-9046a000 Deferred commercecore
PE 9045d000-9046a000 Deferred commercecore
PE 90512000-9056e000 Deferred libtiff.dylib
PE 90563000-9061a000 Deferred kerberos
PE 905fc000-90625000 Deferred cfopendirectory
PE 905fc000-90625000 Deferred cfopendirectory
PE 90615000-906ce000 Deferred securityfoundation
PE 907c7000-909ab000 Deferred libicucore.a.dylib
PE 9094a000-90960000 Deferred opengl
PE 909c1000-90a47000 Deferred htmlrendering
PE 90ac6000-90e5c000 Deferred carboncore
PE 910b1000-911d5000 Deferred libxml2.2.dylib
PE 9143b000-91513000 Deferred ink
PE 9143b000-91513000 Deferred ink
PE 91bfe000-91c6a000 Deferred navigationservices
PE 91c42000-91c49000 Deferred securityhi
PE 91dbc000-91dbf000 Deferred carbon
PE 91dbc000-91dbf000 Deferred carbon
PE 91e39000-9205b000 Deferred imageio
PE 92036000-9210b000 Deferred qd
PE 920df000-92157000 Deferred libvmisc.dylib
PE 92712000-92b6a000 Deferred libblas.dylib
PE 92c2f000-931ea000 Deferred liblapack.dylib
PE 92c2f000-931ea000 Deferred liblapack.dylib
PE 92c2f000-931ea000 Deferred liblapack.dylib
PE 92c2f000-931ea000 Deferred liblapack.dylib
PE 9325e000-93267000 Deferred libgfxshared.dylib
PE 9325e000-93267000 Deferred libgfxshared.dylib
PE 9325e000-93267000 Deferred libgfxshared.dylib
PE 93484000-934cb000 Deferred libcups.2.dylib
PE 93507000-935c9000 Deferred ats
PE 93a47000-93a71000 Deferred libresolv.9.dylib
PE 93a47000-93a71000 Deferred libresolv.9.dylib
PE 93a68000-93bb0000 Deferred libfontparser.dylib
PE 93a68000-93bb0000 Deferred libfontparser.dylib
PE 94b92000-94b9e000 Deferred iosurface
PE 94b92000-94b9e000 Deferred iosurface
PE 94de0000-9515f000 Deferred foundation
PE 9505c000-9514a000 Deferred vimage
PE 9505c000-9514a000 Deferred vimage
PE 9513d000-951bb000 Deferred hiservices
PE 95191000-951eb000 Deferred systemconfiguration
PE 954b3000-95504000 Deferred libglu.dylib
PE 95613000-95619000 Deferred libmathcommon.a.dylib
PE 95786000-9581f000 Deferred coretext
PE 957e8000-957f1000 Deferred libgif.dylib
PE 957e8000-957f1000 Deferred libgif.dylib
PE 959a2000-959aa000 Deferred help
PE 95aec000-95f50000 Deferred hitoolbox
PE 95e19000-95ede000 Deferred printcore
PE 96790000-96851000 Deferred libobjc.a.dylib
PE 96857000-96b9a000 Deferred security
PE 96abe000-96ad1000 Deferred diskarbitration
PE 96b41000-96b8c000 Deferred ae
PE 96ca4000-96cc1000 Deferred libbsm.0.dylib
PE 9735d000-97411000 Deferred searchkit
PE 973de000-97429000 Deferred libvdsp.dylib
PE 973de000-97429000 Deferred libvdsp.dylib
PE 97554000-9761b000 Deferred libsqlite3.dylib
PE 97789000-977a3000 Deferred libgl.dylib
PE 97789000-977a3000 Deferred libgl.dylib
PE 977b5000-977c7000 Deferred libbz2.1.0.dylib
PE 977b5000-977c7000 Deferred libbz2.1.0.dylib
PE 977c3000-978d4000 Deferred cfnetwork
PE 978bb000-979e0000 Deferred desktopservicespriv
PE 978bb000-979e0000 Deferred desktopservicespriv
PE 978bb000-979e0000 Deferred desktopservicespriv
PE 97a7f000-97b72000 Deferred colorsync
PE 97c4b000-97c87000 Deferred dictionaryservices
PE 97c86000-97cb1000 Deferred libjpeg.dylib
PE 97df0000-97e03000 Deferred speechrecognition
PE 99e75000-99ee0000 Deferred metadata
PE 99e75000-99ee0000 Deferred metadata
PE 99ec1000-99ef7000 Deferred corevideo
PE 99ec1000-99ef7000 Deferred corevideo
PE 99ec1000-99ef7000 Deferred corevideo
PE 99ef3000-99f12000 Deferred multitouchsupport
PE 99fa4000-99fa7000 Deferred veclib
PE 9a4a2000-9a5f8000 Deferred libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib
PE 9a5da000-9a604000 Deferred opencl
PE 9a5fc000-9a727000 Deferred libglprogrammability.dylib
PE 9a724000-9a731000 Deferred opendirectory
PE 9a724000-9a731000 Deferred opendirectory
PE 9a947000-9a94d000 Deferred audiounit
PE 9a975000-9a98b000 Deferred netfs
PE 9a9c4000-9a9eb000 Deferred libpng.dylib
PE 9a9e3000-9aa0f000 Deferred directoryservice
PE 9aa3c000-9aa75000 Deferred libglimage.dylib
PE 9aa77000-9ab23000 Deferred coreaudio
PE 9ab9f000-9aba7000 Deferred applicationservices
PE 9abb6000-9abe9000 Deferred libxslt.1.dylib
process tid prio (all id:s are in hex)
00000008 pylotro.exe
00000025 0
00000024 0
00000009 0
0000000e services.exe
0000001e 0
0000001d 0
00000015 0
00000010 0
0000000f 0
00000012 winedevice.exe
00000020 0
00000019 0
00000014 0
00000013 0
0000001a plugplay.exe
0000001f 0
0000001c 0
0000001b 0
00000021 explorer.exe
00000022 0
0000003f (D) C:\Program Files\Turbine\DDO Unlimited\dndclient.exe
00000041 0
00000040 0 <==
System information:
Wine build: wine-1.5.16
Platform: i386
Host system: Darwin
Host version: 10.8.0
11-13-2012, 02:26 AM
Reinstalling everything didn't work.
Also this thread is pretty quiet for none of us being able to play
11-13-2012, 05:41 AM
seem like
11-13-2012, 08:52 AM
Reinstalling everything didn't work.
That stinks. I wonder what has changed.
Also this thread is pretty quiet for none of us being able to playI'd suspect most people can play on other systems or platforms, and that it would be an added bonus if DDO worked on their Macs inherently, since Turbine clearly doesn't support OS X as a platform.
I agree it would be nice, though, and since it's clearly possible (or at least was in the past), I'm getting frustrated that it's not working on my end either.
11-13-2012, 08:56 AM
I can confirm that U16 broke my CrossOver install as well. Tried a few things but didn't help. Not sure if it was intentional, but yes, sadly, I had to BootCamp into Windows to run it. I'm suspecting they changed the .Net target version or require IE to be installed. If I find any info, I'll report back.
11-13-2012, 12:08 PM
seem like
And can you give us Mac users a walkthrough to solve the problem?
11-13-2012, 05:16 PM
The following walkthrough is for those playing DDO using Wineskin.
1. Download the newest version of the Wine source code (
2. Decompress it.
3. Patch the source code! (
4. Build a custom wine engine with Wineskin winery using the patched Wine source code
5. Update the Wine engine in your DDO wrapper
6. Start DDO.
And you will see that the game does not crash and you can play the game again.
11-15-2012, 06:28 PM
The following walkthrough is for those playing DDO using Wineskin.
1. Download the newest version of the Wine source code (
2. Decompress it.
3. Patch the source code! (
4. Build a custom wine engine with Wineskin winery using the patched Wine source code
5. Update the Wine engine in your DDO wrapper
6. Start DDO.
And you will see that the game does not crash and you can play the game again.
Um...what?? :P
Crossover user there a way to do this using CO?
11-16-2012, 02:05 AM
That link seems to be pointing to the linux page, I didn't seen any mac version on winehq, but I might be being newbish.
Has anyone gotten this to work in U16? My crossover trial expired, and I would like to know it is possible before I make another try at it.
11-16-2012, 04:12 AM
That link seems to be pointing to the linux page, I didn't seen any mac version on winehq, but I might be being newbish.
Has anyone gotten this to work in U16? My crossover trial expired, and I would like to know it is possible before I make another try at it.
I dont have mac, and don't know much abaut it... but did you look at this link?
There is some info about building wine from git, right now ddo patch was added to git so it shouldn't be even needed patching just building it from source.
Since ddo patch was added to git next binary version off wine should work fine without any problems, so in some time we won't be needing to compile anything, just to grab the newest wine.
11-16-2012, 06:39 AM
Um...what?? :P
Crossover user there a way to do this using CO?
Is there a way to update the Wine engine?
That link seems to be pointing to the linux page, I didn't seen any mac version on winehq, but I might be being newbish.
You only need the source code from this page and Wineskin winery, which is a Mac program.
Has anyone gotten this to work in U16? My crossover trial expired, and I would like to know it is possible before I make another try at it.
I used the Wrapper found here (, downloaded Wineskin winery ( need this to be able to update both the wrapper and the Wine engine). I've updated both the Wrapper and the Wine engine, but I used the custom build engine described above.
The following walkthrough is for those playing DDO using Wineskin.
1. Download the newest version of the Wine source code (
2. Decompress it.
3. Patch the source code! (
4. Build a custom wine engine with Wineskin winery using the patched Wine source code
5. Update the Wine engine in your DDO wrapper
6. Start DDO.
And you will see that the game does not crash and you can play the game again.
Applying the patch is quite simple:
1. Go to the folder into which you have unpacked the wine source.
2. Open dlls/user32/winpos.c
3. Replace
BOOL WINAPI ScreenToClient( HWND hwnd, LPPOINT lppnt )
MapWindowPoints( 0, hwnd, lppnt, 1 );
return TRUE;
BOOL WINAPI ScreenToClient( HWND hwnd, LPPOINT lppnt )
DWORD old_err = GetLastError();
BOOL ret;
ret = MapWindowPoints( 0, hwnd, lppnt, 1 ) != 0 ||
GetLastError() != 0xd00d13;
return ret;
at line 251.
4. Save the changes.
11-28-2012, 05:14 PM
Good news, i have ddo back to a working state on my mac.
I tried several ways, but couldn't get the patch to work with my port install.
I upgraded to mountain lion while i had some spare time from not playing ddo to, so i'll update post 2 of this thread soon.
The way i fixed it is the following:
remove the wine and wine tricks you installed via port in terminal:
sudo port -fp uninstall installed
Go to the port website and download the latest port for your osx version and install it from the pkg file.
Then reinstall wine and wine tricks as described in the first post but instead of the regular wine install the development version.
sudo port install wine-devel
This latest dev version includes the bug fix, so if all is good you should be back in ddo like me.
12-01-2012, 09:08 AM
Updated post 3 in this thread with details for installation on mountain lion.
All is running smooth, with the odd graphics freeze, but we can't have everything (at least not until the official mac viewer comes available).
12-01-2012, 12:59 PM
Updated post 3 in this thread with details for installation on mountain lion.
All is running smooth, with the odd graphics freeze, but we can't have everything (at least not until the official mac viewer comes available).
Lucky you! Unfortunately I'm stuck in another problem, can install Winetricks but can't install anything with it.
Here is the link for pylotro.exe:
12-01-2012, 05:43 PM
Lucky you! Unfortunately I'm stuck in another problem, can install Winetricks but can't install anything with it.
Here is the link for pylotro.exe:
Odd, can you start up the wintetricks and get to the install tab where you tick programs to install?
Do you get any error message and are you using an admin account?
Thanks for the link :-)
12-02-2012, 06:26 PM
Odd, can you start up the wintetricks and get to the install tab where you tick programs to install?
Do you get any error message and are you using an admin account?
Thanks for the link :-)
Nope, i can run some commands relative to winetricks in terminal (i.e. "winetrichs which" , or "winetricks -help"), but can't install anything through it... i get nothing (not even error messages) using the "winetricks" command to open the installation tab (was working with the previous version) and nothing again with specific install commands in terminal... very odd indeed^^
12-09-2012, 01:32 AM
Hi OP, Im having a bit of trouble too:
MBP 13; followed instructions so got the needed apps, got wine-devel & wine tricks & start up winetricks to get the following message in terminal:
/opt/local/bin/winetricks: line 2477: /tmp/w.Adam.34599/metadata//*.vars: No such file or directory
winetricks loads into a "what do you want to install" page (same as when you choose from the win tricks menu to load in dll's) but there is nothing to select.
You can exit from initial screen to the menu; choose to select windows dll's etc & you get the initial screen, now with all the options you want & can be selected. choose dx9 etc click ok & nothing happens (just exits to option screen, no download/install)
Any ideas?
Terminal window after loading winetricks and trying to load in d3dx9:
12-11-2012, 01:25 PM
I'm no expert, but it looks like a permissions problem.
Is the account you're using an admin account?
You could also try to run winetricks with sudo.
sudo winetricks
With the latest version of winetricks i also land in a sub menu at start. Press cancel to go back and then select install dll's
12-19-2012, 02:54 AM
I got this working today after about 5 hours. It was a slog, but the game is running. It's too late to play right now, so I'll report more on that later.
I installed via macports, but rather than build and patch a copy of Wine for the u16 fix, I elected to install the wine-devel package, which is wine version 1.5.19 (and thus doesn't need the patches, because they've been merged in to that version). It was a bit of a nightmare, it would seem that since wine is x86 only, many of the dependencies for wine must be installed using the +universal tag, and installing wine itself using the +universal argument wasn't enough (not sure why, maybe the dependencies are built x64 automatically, even when +universal is given for the wine install?)
Basically, I ran:
sudo port -d install wine-devel +universal
over and over again.
It would hang inevitably, and I would look through the output to see what it hung on and then build that particular port with the same command:
sudo port -d install <dependency port name> +universal
Off the top of my head, I recall that mesa, gtk2, atk, libxml, and at least 3 or 4 other wine dependencies failed and needed to be built this way.
Eventually wine completed its installation and I was able to get winetricks installed with no issue.
I stumbled on the same issue that Voxson5 did, regarding winetricks not having the option to install d3d9x or vcrun2003, 5, 8. From my linux days, I recalled that you didn't need the gui to install a winetrick script, you can just type:
winetricks <scriptname>
so I did:
winetricks d3d9x
winetricks vcrun2003
winetricks vcrun2005
winetricks vcrun2008
all of them returned a message on the commandline indicating that the particular winetrick was already installed.
So I moved on to pylotro install and config and everything worked fine.
So it was a nightmare in terms ouf figuring out what the hell was going wrong with the macports build of wine, but in the end it was a pretty simple recipe. Build with macports, using the -d and +universal options. Wait for it to hang, scroll back through the command line output to see which dependency failed, install that specific dependency with the -d and +universal options. rinse, repeat until wine is installed. Check the winetricks scripts from the command line, and follow the rest of the OP instructions. I was even able to patch to the latest version without an issue.
worth noting:
Once or twice trying to build a dependency with -d +universal failed. Pretty sure it happened on gtk2, twice. I just crossed my fingers and ran it again, and it finished the second time. Pretty sure it happened for mesa, as well. And I think at least once, I had a nested dependency fail. IE) wine need package a compiled universal, package a needs package b compiled universal. wine failed on package a, so I installed package a. Package a failed on package b, so I installed package b. Then package a finished, then wine finished (or at least, wine install continued on to the next failure, at which point I just did the same output check and +universal install of the offending dependency).
Hope this helps. I'm headed to bed, as I'm completely shot.
12-19-2012, 12:29 PM
It seems that while I'm able to log in, get the character select screen and modify graphics options, I have some issues.
I'm not able to set the resolution in full screen mode via the interface, something seems to be up there (Maybe with xQuartz and switching modes/resiolutions?). Not big deal, I edited the userpreferences.ini file to specify that the game starts in the largest full screen resolution possible and it works as expected. I was able to make changes to graphics settings, and set all the setings to ultra high, 4x fsaa, etc... It works fine on the character select screen, with the exception that multipass lighting causes some very ugly shadow effects. I'll play with it off, no big deal. However, When I actually click on my character to start playing, I go to the load screen but the bar never progresses and the game just sits there. I waited 5 minutes, which should be enough to at least start loading, with no change. I'll try again with lower graphics settings, and perhaps in windowed mode to report my findings.
If anyone has had this issue, please feel free to respond with some help.
12-19-2012, 12:42 PM
It seems that while I'm able to log in, get the character select screen and modify graphics options, I have some issues.
I'm not able to set the resolution in full screen mode via the interface, something seems to be up there (Maybe with xQuartz and switching modes/resiolutions?). Not big deal, I edited the userpreferences.ini file to specify that the game starts in the largest full screen resolution possible and it works as expected. I was able to make changes to graphics settings, and set all the setings to ultra high, 4x fsaa, etc... It works fine on the character select screen, with the exception that multipass lighting causes some very ugly shadow effects. I'll play with it off, no big deal. However, When I actually click on my character to start playing, I go to the load screen but the bar never progresses and the game just sits there. I waited 5 minutes, which should be enough to at least start loading, with no change. I'll try again with lower graphics settings, and perhaps in windowed mode to report my findings.
If anyone has had this issue, please feel free to respond with some help.
It was little snitch, blocking wine from communicating and I wasn't seeing the pop up to allow the traffic. I went in to the little snitch config, and allowed wine to communicate to any server on port 80 and 443, and its working wit no issues in ful screen and windowed mode.
12-20-2012, 03:02 PM
anyone else have a problem with the keymap file resetting every time you log in? It's tedious to have to re-set my keys every time I log in.
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