View Full Version : Divines: things you'd like to see on raid loot
08-10-2012, 08:57 PM
As many are aware, clerics and favored souls aren't very happy with the lack of raid loot tailored to our needs. So, in hopes of getting valuable information on what this slice of the player base wants:
What item would be an absolute must-have for your divine, an absolute best in slot?
Item slot (and if weapon, weapon type)
What you'd want on it
In general, things you find hard to slot
08-10-2012, 09:04 PM
As many are aware, clerics and favored souls aren't very happy with the lack of raid loot tailored to our needs. So, in hopes of getting valuable information on what this slice of the player base wants:
What item would be an absolute must-have for your divine, an absolute best in slot?
Item slot (and if weapon, weapon type)
What you'd want on it
In general, things you find hard to slot
Devotion and Implement bonuses on items that are not in hand. Evocation or Necromancy focus on items not in hand. Items that add to number of turns or gives any kind of bonus to turning or a turn based ability. Heavy armor and shields that add to cleric/favoured soul abilities/spells. Maces.
08-10-2012, 09:05 PM
Holy symbols for the 2 universal faiths: Silver Flame and Sovereign Host.
Both trinkets with high devotion and specific bonus depending if you have the correct enhancement.
devotion and implement bonuses on items that are not in hand. Evocation or necromancy focus on items not in hand. Items that add to number of turns or gives any kind of bonus to turning or a turn based ability. Heavy armor and shields that add to cleric/favoured soul abilities/spells. Maces.
^^ this
08-10-2012, 09:13 PM
There's a serious lack of heavy armor and shields that a divine would be interested in. There's a serious lack of shields that ANYONE would be interested in, actually.
08-11-2012, 01:48 AM
More Holy Symbols, even past silver flame and soveriegn host, like selune and mystera and garl glittergold (and gnomes)
08-11-2012, 02:13 AM
alchemical shields with an implement bonus
epic items with more than 90 spwr
heavy armor with divine oriented bonuses instead of fighter ones
item sets that don't conflict with a torq
major evocation lore on more than a staff from a horrible, bugged raid
1:1 spwr contribution to heal
08-11-2012, 02:15 AM
Arrat's Ring of Common Sense
I would put it up for roll...
08-11-2012, 03:02 AM
A good devotion and radiance bonus slotted somewhere that is not in hand! Or just give me my superior ardor and superior brilliance clickies back :(
08-11-2012, 03:10 AM
A great sword where every time you crit, it procs a mass cure on you. Yea, that's right, I said it.
08-11-2012, 03:44 AM
There's a serious lack of heavy armor and shields that a divine would be interested in. There's a serious lack of shields that ANYONE would be interested in, actually.
Divine Mithral Armor would be nice (when they decide to fix mithral), it would benefit both Clerics and Favored Souls.
Most of what I can think of has already been suggested, but one thing that would be nice to see, though its not strictly for Divines, is a torc alternative. It would be nice to have the enhancement available in another slot, to give casters some freedom in gearing.
08-11-2012, 03:58 AM
New Holy symbols, with Devotion, Radiance, Impulse, and Implement bonuses, from level 12 up, would be nice. IMO, Holy symbols should be added to a lot of older content, for a range of levels, as well as the new content.
Rings, again with the same.
A set geared to melee healers, with Devotion and STR bonuses on it.
A pet Tyrannosaurus.
08-11-2012, 04:22 AM
A great sword where every time you crit, it procs a mass cure on you. Yea, that's right, I said it.
I wouldn't mind this on a one handed weapon :)
By the way, is Master's Touch working for weapons with ML 21+?
08-11-2012, 05:28 AM
There's a serious lack of heavy armor and shields that a divine would be interested in. There's a serious lack of shields that ANYONE would be interested in, actually.
08-11-2012, 05:54 AM
Shield with Dev. 102 and decent DR on it. This keeps dev in off hand so switching to scrolls and back does not require gear swap in high heal situations. It would keep the cleric alive better also :).
Heavy armor(mithral would do) with decent DR.
Make all these lovely new items have slots we can stick something of our choice into. (See old epic setup, or just give us epic slots.) This would end much of the issues we have with the current gear. I could stick Con on my armor or something and free up a slot to use for something else.
If you are worrying about every toon having 12 epicced items, you can make each set from commendations have ONE slot per set. Only there when you have the whole set or some such. This would limit the number of uber items per toon, but give everyone the ability to slot one thing they are having issues with right now.
08-11-2012, 06:02 AM
For the non-melee divine builds:
Heavy and/or medium armor with Superior Radiance Lore among other 'good stuff' (mostly effects that help you survive when at range from enemies, such as Inherent Resist 10 - All, Resistance +6 or +7, and Superior False Life). At the moment if you eschew melee, there's no good options other than Cormyrian Green or Wisdom 8/Resist 6 named items for the armor slot if you want some PRR.
Then add Devotion, Impulse and/or Radiance in a non-weapon slot, as Alchemical items are still best-in-slot for offensive casting but only cover 90 spellpower and so you probably want a 108+ item somewhere else.
For the melee-oriented builds:
Radiance, Impulse and/or Devotion in a non-helmet, non-glove slot. Doesn't need to be the full 120 (there should be a price for versatility) but should still be high. (Not helmet as you probably want all of these effects in your gearset and so your helmet is probably a random lootgen 108 spellpower item already, not gloves as every good melee damage set is focused on the gloves).
08-11-2012, 06:34 AM
Devotion and Implement bonuses on items that are not in hand.
This. Except that I'd like to add "not on neck" as well. Torc is sacred to me (and I'm sure to many other divines), so please don't make it a necklace. (Bracers would be ideal as there isn't any cleric friendly bracers that come to mind.)
08-11-2012, 06:59 AM
This. Except that I'd like to add "not on neck" as well. Torc is sacred to me (and I'm sure to many other divines), so please don't make it a necklace. (Bracers would be ideal as there isn't any cleric friendly bracers that come to mind.)
I believe the Bracers of the Sun Soul would like a word with you.
7 Wisdom, 2 insightful Con, 4 insightful saves...
Also bracers have some exceptional combinations on random lootgen too.
08-11-2012, 07:26 AM
Well I feel like right now everything is made for arcanes... nothing really for divines.
e.g. ARCANES ONE: Spidersilk Robes - Robe: Random Ability Bonus ( Charisma +8, Insightful Charisma +3, Intelligence +8 or Insightful Intelligence +3), Armor Bonus +9, Potency, Wizardry IX, Resistance +6, Concentration +15, Toughness
Now i ASK for version for divines.
Medium Armor with:
- armor bonus
- wisdom +8 or con +8 ins wis +3 or ins con +3
- wizardry 9 or 10
- universal potency +72 or more
- toughness
- resistance +6
and maybe sth like less spell point cost OR heavy fort? even concentration +15 would be fine ;p
ARCANES ONE: Twilight, Element of Magic - +7 Quarterstaff: 2.50[1d8] 20/x2, Spellcasting Implement +21, Potency +80, Impulse +120, Major Evocation Focus, Major Enchantment Focus, Arcane Augmentation IX, Greater Arcane Lore
- Planar Conflux
- Spellcasting Implement +21 or more
- Radiance +120
- Positive Energy +90 or more OR Universal Spell Power 80 +
- Major Evocation Focus +3 DC Evo
- Major Necromancy Focus +3 DC Necro
- Spell Penetration 9 +2
- Greater RADIANCE or POSITIVE Lore.
Why arcanes have so many useful caster-like items and divines almost none?
Sad face :(.
Id LOVE to get a staff like that for divine. A medium Armor too.
I have really hard time to get all NEEDED things on my gear.
ITEMS I need to have:
- shield with good DR
- medium armor
- greensteel with hp
- greensteel with sp
- torc
and ab****ely-needed bonuses:
- striding
- heavy fort
- +2-3DC to evo and necro
- radiance power AND critics
- positive power AND critics
- universal spell power and spellcasting implement
- +8 and ins. +3 wisdom constitution and charisma
- spell penetration 9
-archmagi r wizrdry 9 or 10.
- alchemical wisdom +2
- Greater or Superior False Life
Right now fitting this all into gear at 1 moment is almost impossible :(
Not to add things like:
- Resistance
- FF
Which are also usefull.
And honestly - Wizzards dont have this problem at all whenright now they can get new robe + e.g. epic inner sight staff and will have almost everything needed ;p
08-11-2012, 07:34 AM
A good devotion and radiance bonus slotted somewhere that is not in hand! Or just give me my superior ardor and superior brilliance clickies back :(
This x 100
08-11-2012, 07:54 AM
Divine Spell Augmentation IX or simply Spell Augmentation IX
Why do they keep putting items out there with Arcane Augmentation when there is nothing for divines?
Also, heavy armors and shields worth slotting on a divine.
Currently there is not a single heavy armor with appropriate stats for a cleric.
08-11-2012, 08:28 AM
I believe the Bracers of the Sun Soul would like a word with you.
7 Wisdom, 2 insightful Con, 4 insightful saves...
Also bracers have some exceptional combinations on random lootgen too.
It may have a word with me, but I'll just tell it "sorry, you're not good enough". In fact I already have those bracers and I'm wearing something else cause its not that great to me. I already have PDK gloves (as well as most people I know) so the insightful con is meaningless to me. There are lots of other items that has those other stats and they're certainly not more important than having high Devotion and Implement bonuses .
Torc on the other hand is best in its class. I have conc-op as well but I can always re-craft another to re-slot it, but Torc only goes in the neck. Even if they have a high devotion and implement bonus necklace, I would not replace the Torc. I'd rather swap a weapon with those bonuses in when they're needed.
08-12-2012, 04:17 PM
Divine Spell Augmentation IX or simply Spell Augmentation IX
Why do they keep putting items out there with Arcane Augmentation when there is nothing for divines?
Also, heavy armors and shields worth slotting on a divine.
Currently there is not a single heavy armor with appropriate stats for a cleric.
Divines need gear designed for divines. I am tired of having to piecemeal my gear from arcane stuff.
08-12-2012, 04:24 PM
Divines need gear designed for divines. I am tired of having to piecemeal my gear from arcane stuff.
08-12-2012, 05:50 PM
As already mentioned, divine or generic augmentation IX. Having this available for arcanes only is just ridiculous. No excuse for that except that whoever designs the loot doesn't play a divine. This would be my number one request for in-game loot.
Otherwise I'd like to see:
1. Consolidation items. Think ring of elemental essence but with impulse, radiance, devotion and fire
2. Non-weapon healing items with both spell power and superior lore for divine spell power types (impact, devotion, radiance). Though that wouldn't be enough (seeing as the arcane-centered challenge items already give spell power and superior lore, in addition to giving 1-2 other benefits as well as TWO augment slots). Would also need a few nice effects on it like maybe superior false life, enervation guard, exceptional reflex save, etc.
3. Scroll mastery (add additional spell power to scrolls) or scroll augmentation (additional caster level on scrolls) as either random drop effect, or on some specifically designed items (this would be a nice addition to the item from number 2)
4. Power store on items with other useful divine features (perhaps on items from number 2)
08-12-2012, 07:17 PM
turbine does not like divines but here goes anyway
-torc effect on another slot, perhaps even a shield?
-named shields that are better then lootgen for divines
-more slot consideration (if you know most divines use a torc, dont kick us and make a set have a necklace, seriously)
-holy symbol trinkets as stated that have effects based on faith (perhaps in the style of jidz-tetka?)
on an unrelated note, can you rebuff Leviks? it kind of sucks now.
08-12-2012, 07:38 PM
turbine does not like divines but here goes anyway
-torc effect on another slot, perhaps even a shield?
-named shields that are better then lootgen for divines
-more slot consideration (if you know most divines use a torc, dont kick us and make a set have a necklace, seriously)
-holy symbol trinkets as stated that have effects based on faith (perhaps in the style of jidz-tetka?)
on an unrelated note, can you rebuff Leviks? it kind of sucks now.
Transform kenetic energy on a decent divine shield (or armour so wiz/sorcs have a harder time fitting into it) would free up that neck slot for the divine set. Im not even 100% sure whats on the set, as I dismissed it due to the slots it takes.
Could even make it so the armour doesnt come with the effect, and you have to combine it with a torc/etorc or use that upgrade piece for tovens^^.
08-12-2012, 09:16 PM
Also I'd like to see more gear specifically for melee divines. Morgana's set is the only thing in the game I know of that is specifically for melee divines. Maybe a Dwarven warpriest greataxe that has a good devotion bonus, to hit bonus, very good DPS and maybe gives another few turns would be cool. Just something along those lines. That would be one way for melee divines to slot devotion.
08-12-2012, 09:23 PM
This. Except that I'd like to add "not on neck" as well. Torc is sacred to me (and I'm sure to many other divines), so please don't make it a necklace. (Bracers would be ideal as there isn't any cleric friendly bracers that come to mind.)
Alchemical Sheild should be 114, or perhaps 120 if the final tier is done.
I'd like to see Divines just get rid of the whole spell power and nedding different things, and have Major potency again. Both of my Divines really don't have any gear slots to give up, so will be sticking with weapons for now.
08-12-2012, 09:31 PM
A quarterstaff, that requires you to have more than 11 levels of cleric/FvS, with 3/day clickie to expend a member of your party for a huge (+1200 or so) increase in light and healing spellpower, also additional bonus to light damage on hit for 2 minutes. Call it 'Better Purpose'. The sacrificed party member can't be resurrected for at least 10 minutes.
We don't want to make it overpowered though. So let's make exclusive. To fit in the lore, unusable by lawful good characters.
08-12-2012, 09:46 PM
A quarterstaff, that requires you to have more than 11 levels of cleric/FvS, with 3/day clickie to expend a member of your party for a huge (+1200 or so) increase in light and healing spellpower, also additional bonus to light damage on hit for 2 minutes. Call it 'Better Purpose'. The sacrificed party member can't be resurrected for at least 10 minutes.
We don't want to make it overpowered though. So let's make exclusive. To fit in the lore, unusable by lawful good characters.
This would work best if it had no save :)
08-12-2012, 10:06 PM
I would like to see an item like this one day...
Please allow me to dream... :cool:
Tear of Selûne
Minimum level: 20
Item Type: Jewelry / Trinket
Slot: Trinket
Binding: Bound to Character on Acquire, Exclusive
Required Trait: Cleric, Favored Soul (UMD: 0)
Durability: 50
Material: Gem
Hardness: 30
Base Value: 20,200pp
Weight: 0.10 lbs
Location: End Chest of the Raid Caught in the Web ( (low drop rate of course but 100% garanteed on 20th completion)
Enchantments : Superior Mnemonic Aid* (1/day)
*Restores 605-800 spell point per use (exactly like the new Superior SP Potion in the DDO Store)
Description: Only the most devotees of the goddess Selûne are allowed to receive such precious gift. It is said that one drop of a tear of the goddess is imprisoned within this gem.
CliffsNotes: I want a more powerful version of Mysterious Bauble ( but for Divines only. Hehehe!
08-12-2012, 10:24 PM
How about:
Dagger of the Lord of Blades
2[2d6] Slashing
18-20 / x3
Race Absolutely Required: Warforged
Required: Religious Lore (UMD: 48)
+7 Enhancement Bonus
Empty Red Augment Slot
Essence Siphon: Each time you are hit by a melee attack, you produce a Repair Light Damage, Mass effect.
Soul Siphon: Each time you score a confirmed critical hit, you produce a Cure Light Wounds, Mass effect.
Clearly designed for FVS, though usable by Cleric, Paladin, and classes that can hit the UMD threshold (bard, rogue, arty splash), though nobody plays WF cleric or pally anyway.
08-12-2012, 11:11 PM
decent, and by decent i mean just under top tier damage (say comparable to green steel) mele and ranged weapons that as well as having increased base damage and effects like holy, or elemental bursts also have spell casting implement and 1 elemental type. handwrap availabilty too would be nice.
Blade of the mornlands:
1.5(2d6), 18-20 x 3. (greatsword)
+5 Holy, Greater Fleshling bane, heal amp + 30%, devotion 100. spellcasting implement +15.
- not an epic sos in terms of raw damage, but posibly preferable for some wf FVS and pallies.
Hammer of moradin:
1.5(d8), 19-20 x 4 (warhammer)
+5 Holy, Greater giant bane, Giant slaying, Greater orc bane, Greater Goblin bane, impulse 100, spell casting implement +15, stunning +10.
Infact frankly Id like to see the implement bonus done away with - or applied to ALL weapons including handwraps, but i guess despite our protests that ship has sailed.
08-12-2012, 11:31 PM
Epic devotion items that give more than +60 to +78 to spellpower.
90, minimum, with +100-120 for that harder to get/weaker ones. Anything less is wrong, and quite frankly, a bit insulting. An epic sands item that took months to grind having as much devotion as a level 16 random loot item is beyond absurd.
And yes, that would mean adjusting old epic items so that they are not pathetically underpowered.
The horror, I know...devs might actually have to do something other than nerf content or push content out the door before it is ready....
08-12-2012, 11:57 PM
DDO went to all the trouble of making premade paths for cleric and then seemed to ignore them.
Warpriest--- Khopesh of the Divine Claw. A +1 khopesh that gets added enhancement based off of wisdom instead of strength (Up to +10 like the Epic SOS). Also with "dancing" (give it a 5% chance to double strike) and a bonus to DIVINE (not arcane) caster level.
Font of Healing--- Shield of Positive Energy. Instead of giving back SP like a torc it has a chance of regenerating a Turn Undead. Add in a high devotion bonus and a few Panacea spells per rest. A sp boost to Quicken would be useful as well.
Scourge of the Undead--- Shining Battle Plate of True Death. Deathblock, Radient damage guard, and Disruption effect on any weapon held. Throw in Command. This should also have some boost to Evocation Spell Penetration.
Angle of Vengence--- Cloak of Griffin. Boost to Evoc Damage and Spell DC. Feather Fall. Throw in exceptional Charisma.
Beacon of Hope--- Gloves of Healing. Boost to devotion and Efficent Empowered Healing IV (-4sp) Add in a "lay on hands" ability similar to a paladin and a Radient Forcefield (arty spell) 1-3 times per rest.
Divine Avenger--- Weapon type based off of Path (WF 2 handed sword for example) +5 weapon. Except Chr. Some form of " blah blah burst damage". And a 1 use per rest summon avatar spell. A 18d6 area affect damage spell with very short range and a special graphic of a gigantic phantasmal weapon slicing through the screen. Must have favored of the (whatever path) to use.
Note these can be used by Pally's as well but personally I think they need some love too. The point isn't to make a game changer where everyone wants to reroll as a divine. Instead I want something that you don't have to hope the arcane/melee doesn't already have the item because it works for him too.
08-12-2012, 11:58 PM
Plain and simple Higher devotion.
08-13-2012, 01:07 AM
My personal hope (if there is ever a raid with lots of divine loot) would be:
An item with general spellpower boosting and spellcasting ability, perhaps with one or two melee things on it too. The twist? It drops as bracers, ring, goggles, cloak, gloves, and belt (or what have you, i'm not picky on what slots).
My other hope would be for weapons based on religion that would appear as masterwork weapons when used or viewed in chest by anyone without cleric, paladin, or favored soul levels, although a UMD check would let them know that it was a named item (still can't seen enchantments, though). It'd have general abilities depending on the class of the wielder, and further bonuses if they have the right faith alignment. Something like what scoob and bigolbear posted, but more so.
2[2d6] Slashing
18-20 / x3
+7 Enhancement Bonus
Empty Red Augment Slot
All divine classes:
Devotion +90
Reconstruction +120
Impulse +102
You cast positive energy spells as reconstruction spells (using your Devotion spellpower bonus or Reconstruction bonus, whichever is higher) and gain 30% more healing from repair spells, at the cost of (50/75%) less healing effectiveness on others. The flesh is weak, but steel is immortal.
The Lord's Blessing - Critical hits on non-construct foes proc Touch of the Mournlands (-5% hitpoints, stacks 3 times max, 60 second duration). Critical hits on the wielder proc Mournlands' Blessing (+5% hitpoints, 3 times max, 60 seconds duration or something).
Bulwark - so long as you hold this blade, you gain a +5 profane shield bonus to AC and are treated as holding a heavy shield for the purposes of feats such as Shield Mastery.
Favored Souls & Clerics:
Fury of the Bladesworn - Striking non-construct foes with this weapon deals 2d6 negative energy damage and 2d6 healing on nearby allies (critical hits proc mass cures, and occasionally a larger burst of damage/healing procs).
Made up numbers that aren't balanced, but the point is there. Something that has a lot of flavor, but gives big boosts to toons of that faith without introducing a whole new weapon that has to be considered in the hands of other classes. It could even form a set bonus with a Symbol of the Lord of Blades, or a Docent of the Bladesworn. It would just be really nice to get some weapons that fit really neatly into the faith enhancements, make sense from a lore perspective, and provide boosts to spellcasting, healing and melee aspects alike.
08-13-2012, 04:44 AM
More customisable loot would be nice. I really like the alchemical crafting and what it provides for a divine melee.
Good casting stats that are not held in hand. The Holy symbol of Lloth and the new caster cloak are a good start.
Kinetic transformation ala Torq...:)
Personally I would like to see more items that have both a boost to melee and healing and/or offensive casting and healing.
08-13-2012, 04:49 AM
Implement bonus on all weapons (so eSoS would be +30).
Devotion able to go in colourless slot.
Yes I'm a dreamer.
08-13-2012, 05:11 AM
turbine does not like divines but here goes anyway
Divines are either the most overpowered classes or very close 2nds in this game and you're whining that Turbine doesn't like them?
08-13-2012, 05:53 AM
Alchemical Sheild should be 114, or perhaps 120 if the final tier is done.
When I looked at the wiki on alchemicals, it shows devotion 90 for tier 1 and superior healing lore for tier 2 (for flametouched material type). Where are you getting 114 and 120 from? (Not that I would use it cause I like the shield I have already, but I'm just curious. :) )
08-13-2012, 07:46 AM
Just some equipment that was expressly made for divines and did not stink up the joint would be nice.
As stated by others, I'm tired of having to gear myself by appropriating Arcane items.
08-13-2012, 08:16 AM
Caster weapons, one-handed, reasonably available that you can use while centered.
One-handed or non-weapon DC increasers. That +3 to DC staff from the raid is great, until you realize you can pretty much get the same effect from +2 modifiers and a +2 alchemical wisdom cannith doohickey. I suspect it's less grindy for that too.
08-13-2012, 11:55 AM
Friendly note/reminder for divines out there that Shroud shards of power can be crafted and equipped to the trinket slot. I don't know what most people are using for end-game trinkets but Devotion (highest you can craft) + Healing Lore/Luck/UMD/Dodge seems to be to be better than most non-epic trinkets. Especially if it frees up a hand. Yes, it won't be Devotion 120, but you have to make tough choices in this area.
08-13-2012, 12:56 PM
Friendly note/reminder for divines out there that Shroud shards of power can be crafted and equipped to the trinket slot. I don't know what most people are using for end-game trinkets but Devotion (highest you can craft) + Healing Lore/Luck/UMD/Dodge seems to be to be better than most non-epic trinkets. Especially if it frees up a hand. Yes, it won't be Devotion 120, but you have to make tough choices in this area.
The highest devotion you can craft is only 66 I believe, which is pretty pathetic, you'd be better off just using the low level potency on some of the old epic items. If you could craft 90 or above I might consider making something with a large guild augment slot, except despite devotion dropping on random loot gen hats, you can't craft it onto a hat.
08-13-2012, 01:03 PM
The highest devotion you can craft is only 66 I believe, which is pretty pathetic...
Agreed but if it frees up another slot, IMHO a lot of players will find it to be an acceptable trade off.
08-13-2012, 01:07 PM
Agreed but if it frees up another slot, IMHO a lot of players will find it to be an acceptable trade off.
Actually there was an entire thread about how max 90 on body slots was not an acceptable trade off for divines versus max 120 on sticks.
And the new trinkets have exc wis +3 or wis +8, and then there is litany and the holy symbol... Trinket is really not that great.
08-13-2012, 01:31 PM
Greatsword of the Ages:
2.5[2d6], 18-20 x2
+7 enhancement bonus
Spellcasting Implement
Devotion 120
Radiance 120
08-13-2012, 01:39 PM
just put devotion on the holy symbol of lolth..
doesnt have to be 102, personally 90 would be enough for me
08-13-2012, 02:02 PM
just put devotion on the holy symbol of lolth..
doesnt have to be 102, personally 90 would be enough for me
I think it's not on there because of the origin of the object. I mean, when you think about it, even if you're allies, you probably wouldn't go see a priestess of Lolth about your boo-boos. They're probably better at casting Cometfall or Harm than your average divine, though.
That sort of thing is why it would be cool to see Symbol of _____ for each of the Eberron religions, and maybe even boosts to Spellpower so that choosing a faith has more meaning for a divine. It only makes sense that a Silver Flame Cleric would be better at casting Radiance and Combustion spells, a Cleric of the Undying Court would focus more on Radiance and Devotion (the Deathless are possible because of a manifest zone of Irian, the plane of positive energy, in Aerenal), and a Favored Soul of the Lord of Blades in Impulse and Negative (anti-fleshies, ya know).
08-13-2012, 02:18 PM
I think perhaps the question shouldn't be, "Hey divines, what do you want on your raid loot," but it should be, "Hey divines, would you like some raid loot?" The obvious answer is yes. The options for what to put on divine oriented raid loot are almost infinite, being as there exists no divine oriented raid loot to base it off of. Which seems like a pretty big oversight to me, but hey, that's Turbine for you.
08-13-2012, 02:25 PM
I think perhaps the question shouldn't be, "Hey divines, what do you want on your raid loot," but it should be, "Hey divines, would you like some raid loot?" The obvious answer is yes. The options for what to put on divine oriented raid loot are almost infinite, being as there exists no divine oriented raid loot to base it off of. Which seems like a pretty big oversight to me, but hey, that's Turbine for you.
^This, last night I saw an lfm for Caught in the Web, it ended up with no divines after the party gave up on waiting for 2 or even 1 to join.
08-13-2012, 02:34 PM
Major Evocation Focus
Divine Augmentation IX
Preferably on a shield
And if we're getting really crazy lets add Greater Spell Penetration IX
08-13-2012, 03:25 PM
My main is a longsword specialist TWF Favoured Soul based on the Superior Soul build.
I was VERY happy to see the blade of the high priestess - potency plus debuff plus instakill potential plus paralysing, oh yes please! Once I had one I swapped the Epic Timeblade out for it. Swapped the alchemist crown in instead of a potency / concentration Cove hat. Covers most bases, although I need to remember to swap the hat in if trying to free Purple Dragon Knights in the Forest.
I love potency / devotion / radiance items in something other than a hand slot. Keep them coming. I sniffed at the Alchemist's crown when I pulled it but now I'm finding it very useful. It's not optimal spell power, but I spend most of my time soloing, so that's not a big deal for me.
Devotion / radiance on a longsword plus the debuffing the Epic Sirocco gives. That might be my ideal loot :)
08-13-2012, 03:31 PM
My main is a longsword specialist TWF Favoured Soul based on the Superior Soul build.
I was VERY happy to see the blade of the high priestess - potency plus debuff plus instakill potential plus paralysing, oh yes please! Once I had one I swapped the Epic Timeblade out for it. Swapped the alchemist crown in instead of a potency / concentration Cove hat. Covers most bases, although I need to remember to swap the hat in if trying to free Purple Dragon Knights in the Forest.
I love potency / devotion / radiance items in something other than a hand slot. Keep them coming. I sniffed at the Alchemist's crown when I pulled it but now I'm finding it very useful. It's not optimal spell power, but I spend most of my time soloing, so that's not a big deal for me.
Devotion / radiance on a longsword plus the debuffing the Epic Sirocco gives. That might be my ideal loot :)
but that weapon is a dagger?
08-13-2012, 03:36 PM
but that weapon is a dagger?
Yeeeees. I sacrifice some minor DPS for potency and instakills. Potency is the main thing versus the Epic Timeblade, although the slay living and stat damage is nice. My main hand weapon is the Epic Sirocco. Basically if I don't blind it, trip it, paralyse it, stat damage it or instakill it, I'll kill it with Divine Punishment. Or just instakill it. Or blade barrier kite, or Cometfall it. You get the idea. It's a Swiss Army knife sort of a toon. Works as a melee debuffer, party healer and offensive caster when I actually can be bothered to group.
Edit: obviously I'd have had a lootgasm if the thing was a longsword, but I think the item as designed has better than niche playability, and so I think it's fairer to the playerbase overall.
just put devotion on the holy symbol of lolth..
doesnt have to be 102, personally 90 would be enough for me
Llolthites dont heal themselves or others, they just sacrifice noobs to gain levitation/high DR/full HP/dayglow red aura. :p
08-14-2012, 01:16 PM
Transform kenetic energy on a decent divine shield (or armour so wiz/sorcs have a harder time fitting into it) would free up that neck slot for the divine set. Im not even 100% sure whats on the set, as I dismissed it due to the slots it takes.
Could even make it so the armour doesnt come with the effect, and you have to combine it with a torc/etorc or use that upgrade piece for tovens^^.
I really like the idea of a Heavy Armor with Transform kenetic energy (aka Torc). As Rizzia said, this would make it a bit harder for Wizards and Sorcs to use, but it give a boost to Clerics and Paladins. If the armor was designed around both Clerics and Paladins, it would be a nice niche item that frees up the neck slot for clerics (and some paladins) but also gives paladins that couldn't fit a torc into their build a bit of a boost.
08-14-2012, 01:50 PM
Superior Radiance Lore... on random items and on raid items.
08-14-2012, 02:07 PM
I think it's not on there because of the origin of the object. I mean, when you think about it, even if you're allies, you probably wouldn't go see a priestess of Lolth about your boo-boos. They're probably better at casting Cometfall or Harm than your average divine, though.
That sort of thing is why it would be cool to see Symbol of _____ for each of the Eberron religions, and maybe even boosts to Spellpower so that choosing a faith has more meaning for a divine. It only makes sense that a Silver Flame Cleric would be better at casting Radiance and Combustion spells, a Cleric of the Undying Court would focus more on Radiance and Devotion (the Deathless are possible because of a manifest zone of Irian, the plane of positive energy, in Aerenal), and a Favored Soul of the Lord of Blades in Impulse and Negative (anti-fleshies, ya know).
I know it would be against the lore, but it wouldn't be the first time that they just ignore the pen & paper side of things
but i guess a holy symbol of the silver flame with 102 devotion or something, would be nice too
08-14-2012, 02:12 PM
I’ll try to keep this in the divine caster category. But, there will be some overlap with other classes.
I’d like to see implement bonuses added to Shields, Armor and Runearms. As it stands right now, the benefits of implement bonus only apply to arcane casters. Gish builds (Battle Clerics/FvS, Druids*, Artificers, Bards, Rangers and Paladins) are basically told to go eff themselves. There should be actual bonuses for having these feats on a spellcaster.
*OK, it won’t be terrible for a druid in U15 as they are getting a full selection of spellcasting implement + damage proc weapons in U15. But, there needs to be better alternatives that doesn’t involve chasing after **** in the absolute newest quests.
There needs to be more cleric focused heavy armors and more bard focused light armors. It’s really stupid that the “healer” sets in the Expansion are custom made for Favored Souls and Warchanters and basically tells Clerics and Spellsingers that they are not worth designing for. (The same could be said about the lack of armors with +8 INT and Artificers/Rogues vs. Wizards.)
The old epic items need to be brought in line with the new epic items. There needs to be a reason to run older content. And pulling out nonsense like +90 Spell Power on fully upgraded Cannith Challenge Gear is just a load of B.S.
OK, rage subsiding. Hopefully I stayed mostly on topic.
08-14-2012, 02:54 PM
Symbol of Lolth
-Spellcasting Implement +15
-Nullification +102N
-Radiance +102
-Impulse +102
-Exceptional Charisma +1
-Exceptional Wisdom +1
-Embrace of the Spider Queen -6 penalty to Fortitude saving throws versus Poison.
As an high end trinket its alright.. but not what I would call EPIC...
and not nearly as worthwhile as my level 13 Litany which gives +1 Profane bonus to all stats.
Make these FR items upgradable with options and 375 Favor and item from other quest area's.
Upgraded Symbol of Lolth (Level 24)(loses above and gains below)
+Spellcasting Implement +18
+Potency 102
+1 Profane Bonus all stats
Combine in alter with 1 of below
-Torc (Demon Queen)
+Wizardry IX (225 Spell points)
+Superior Spell Pen 9
+Torc Effect (does not stack with Torc if also equipped)
-Litany of the Dead(Abbott).
+Wizardry IX (225 Spell points)
+2 Profane Bonus to all stats(replaces +1 bonus)
-Silver Flame Necklace (Necropolos)
+Deathward (permanent)
-Cursed Cloak (Necropolis)
+Immunity to Curses
Could be potential for lots more goodies...
Come on Feather you need to make these FR named items actually EPIC must have items..
not.. meh.. thats kind of ok.. but....
The new stuff should be no buts...
Make it absolutely better and any greensteels, or any Ebberon named items are trashed in place of or used as ingredients to make.. no brainer.. it is absolutely must have better....
08-14-2012, 08:54 PM
Actually there was an entire thread about how max 90 on body slots was not an acceptable trade off for divines versus max 120 on sticks.
And the new trinkets have exc wis +3 or wis +8, and then there is litany and the holy symbol... Trinket is really not that great.
90 isn't the random lootgen max. I use a Devotion 108 helm from random lootgen. (It has some other useless effect on it, I think it's Listen +13). Min level 24 - one higher than Devotion 108 would be on a scepter.
One issue I have is that ML 25 caster-statted helms do not appear to drop (I'm not absolutely certain but I've never seen one and it's the sort of thing people would link in trades) and I'm yet to see such a helm with a suffix other than +skills.
On the Holy Symbol of Lolth - it's presently the clear best-in-slot for any divine build that doesn't focus on DC casting, and a decent (but not best-in-slot) option for those that do. More options are always good.
09-03-2012, 10:24 PM
Any of this would beat what we have now.
Basically, some decent AC armor especially for cleric and some useful spell power as suggested. DR is even good. A cleric with radiant servant needs to be up close to melees and maybe even swing a weapon some!
Personally, I think this is half the reason you have so few clerics, they are treated by the Devs like red-headed step-children. No offense to the real red-headed step-children! ;-) Where'd that silly phrase come from anyhow? NVM.
09-03-2012, 10:41 PM
I'd be happy with some new EE raid armor:
+7 chainmail with appropriate AC bonus/max dex.
Spell implement 21
Devotion 120
Radiance 120
Radiance Gaurd.
09-03-2012, 10:55 PM
Trident of the Bladesworn - Greatsword
ML 22
(2.5)[2d6], 19-20:3x
+7 enhancement bonus;
+21 implement bonus;
Devotion +100;
Radiance +100;
Red augment slot;
Power of the Forge: on every successful hit, you have a chance of gaining DR 5/Adamantine or improving your existing DR by 5/Adamantine for 20 seconds. This buff stacks with itself.
09-04-2012, 02:29 AM
Holy Symbol of <Charname>
When someone asks if you are a god, you can unironically answer, "yes".
Trinket, Craftable raid loot:
Base version:
+18 implement bonus
+72 potency
spell focus mastery +1
minor spell penetration IX
Wizardry VI (+150 SP)
T1 crafting:
Choose one of:
120 spell power and Superior Lore for one of: devotion, impact, radiance
T2 crafting:
Choose one of:
Wizardry X (+250 SP)
Mass cure moderate guard
Greater Spell Penetration IX
T3 crafting:
Choose one of:
+4 to hit and +4 to damage
Major Focus choose 1 from: (Necromancy, Conjuration, Evocation)
Improved Divine Augmentation IX
09-04-2012, 02:50 AM
Holy Symbol of <Charname>
When someone asks if you are a god, you can unironically answer, "yes".
Trinket, Craftable raid loot:
Base version:
+18 implement bonus
+72 potency
spell focus mastery +1
minor spell penetration IX
Wizardry VI (+150 SP)
T1 crafting:
Choose one of:
120 spell power and Superior Lore for one of: devotion, impact, radiance
T2 crafting:
Choose one of:
Wizardry X (+250 SP)
Mass cure moderate guard
Greater Spell Penetration IX
T3 crafting:
Choose one of:
+4 to hit and +4 to damage
Major Focus choose 1 from: (Necromancy, Conjuration, Evocation)
Improved Divine Augmentation IX
We have a winner.
09-06-2012, 12:12 AM
It is amazing that the only "challenge" the dev's can think of these days is massive damage. So, healing gets expensive. You'd think they'd at least have the courtesy to have cleric items give more then Wiz 6 (archmagi, etc.). Also, devotion and radiance is a must as likely radiance lore. And, heavy armor with some good AC - better than the medium armor designed for favored souls. And, for crying out loud, why not have some mithral or something else that lowers the armor check penalty!
09-06-2012, 12:48 AM
Holy Symbol of <Charname>
When someone asks if you are a god, you can unironically answer, "yes".
Trinket, Craftable raid loot:
Base version:
+18 implement bonus
+72 potency
spell focus mastery +1
minor spell penetration IX
Wizardry VI (+150 SP)
T1 crafting:
Choose one of:
120 spell power and Superior Lore for one of: devotion, impact, radiance
T2 crafting:
Choose one of:
Wizardry X (+250 SP)
Mass cure moderate guard
Greater Spell Penetration IX
T3 crafting:
Choose one of:
+4 to hit and +4 to damage
Major Focus choose 1 from: (Necromancy, Conjuration, Evocation)
Improved Divine Augmentation IX
F&#$ thats awesome!
09-06-2012, 09:38 AM
Holy Symbol of <Charname>
When someone asks if you are a god, you can unironically answer, "yes".
Trinket, Craftable raid loot:
I might actually run CitW on my Clerics if I had a (> 1%) chance at something like that.
09-06-2012, 12:17 PM
I might actually run CitW on my Clerics if I had a (> 1%) chance at something like that.
I don't think I would.
That raid is just plain no fun. I finally decided I wanted to run it for the commendations to get that red dragonplate - and after 2 runs changed my mind.
Nothing that drops out of that raid is worth the bore and frustration of running it. That place is terrible. It's a cruel reminder that the game needs new raids, and this one isn't good enough to fill that need.
09-06-2012, 12:22 PM
Arrat's Ring of Common Sense
I would put it up for roll...
Problem is, even if you put a +20 bonus to common sense, the vast majority of people would still be seriously in the negatives on that.
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