View Full Version : Name character limit

08-09-2012, 08:41 PM
Ok, so I have been over this once already with an in-game GM who gave me what I believe to be a completely false answer, but this was around a year ago...not a game-stopping bug, so it was not worth following up on at that time, but now it is going to get me again, and since I don't want to pay for another name change, I need to get this sorted first. Sorry if it seems overly complicated, but here it goes:

I have a character, whom I created way back in the beginning, whose name was originally Nyarlathotep. (12 characters) Back when the servers merged, the name was changed to Nyarlathotep~Tharask (20 characters), as I had been on a bit of a hiatus. When I came back, I found the new name kinda annoying, but since I could not change the name to the original, even though the other toon hadn't been used in over a year at that point, I used my FREE name change to change the name to Nyyarlathotep. (13 characters)

Now comes the tricky part...since I had not played in so long, and so many things had changed, I decided to GR him. After finishing the initial character setup, I noticed that the name had been truncated to Nyyarlathote. (12 characters) Now, since I could not reverse the GR at that point, I kept my fingers crossed that it was just a display bug on that screen, but when I logged in with him, I found it was not...the name had, in fact, been truncated. (although people still had to type out the full Nyyarlathotep to send me tells, invites, etc.) So, I put in a ticket, which was promptly answered, and the GM told me, straightforward, that there was a 12-character limit on names, and there was nothing he could do. I asked if he could force a name change so that I could try to re-enter Nyyarlathotep, but he said it absolutely would not work, but that I could feel free to purchase a namechange, and change it to something different at my leisure. Needless to say, at that point, since I knew the original namechange had worked, I felt that he was lying to me, or just reading off a script, and simply refused to try, so I was pretty steamed. Either way, I got over it for a bit. Then...

I decided to TR the character. Since I was going through all of that anyway, I decided after the TR (which I thought would be the only one I would do with that toon), that I would buy a namechange and try, and if unsuccessful, use a different modification of the name, since the missing P was driving me nuts. Anyway, once the namechange token was granted, I immediately tried to change the name back to Nyyarlathotep, and...IT WORKED! Exactly as I knew it would, but the GM told me flat out it would not. Ticked? Yes, a bit, but I said "f it", I'm not going to make a big deal about it...just finish the toon and enjoy the fact that I got my name back. (for the most part...wish the original was available) Problem is, this was before the changes to Intim...and the character was designed as an intimitank, but he still worked moderately well. But now, with the changes to AC, and the fact that he's a Stalwart Defender...now, I definitely need to change him again, or he'll be sooo far beneath his potential, it's laughable.

So, point being, at the moment, I am waiting until the Enhancement changes come down, and will most likely TR him again. Problem is, (and I tested this on Lammannia during the MotU beta) once I TR him, his name will be truncated to 12 characters again, and I WILL NOT purchase another namechange token for him...having to do that once to fix a bug in the game is enough for me.

So, what can I do to make sure that he either retains his name through a TR, or be able to modify it back to Nyyarlathotep, (or Nyarlathotep, though I know that's not in the cards) WITHOUT paying for an additional namechange again, once the TR has been done?

Hopefully that explains things well...I tried to be as descriptive of the issue as I could be. Thanks in advance for any assistance.