View Full Version : AH Bid NOT RETURNED

08-07-2012, 10:30 PM
The morning of 6 Aug I bid 35280 plat on a Port Hole. At 8 pm that night, I saw I had been outbid - but my bid was NOT RETURNED! This a.m. (7 Aug) I checked again, and it was STILL not returned. I submitted a Bug Rpt and was emailed that this was 'not a Bug' and to use the Help menu to contact an online rep. Which I did. He couldn't help me after over a half hour of trying and told me to submit ANOTHER Bug Report. Since then I have heard nothing... I am a VIP - do I have any recourse to get my plat back? Is it possible at all?
Thanks for any help with this...

08-07-2012, 11:13 PM
hmm, pretty sure platinum is just given back to you automatically once you get out bid doesnt it? not really one to use the AH so not sure really, but dont remember ever accepting money from my mail. and really is 32k really worth the effort? Doesnt take that long to gain that back.

08-07-2012, 11:20 PM
It's returned via the mail, you could try phone support, in game support is worthless. That said not sure it's worth the time.

08-07-2012, 11:23 PM
Violith, the bid gets returned by mail when you get outbid. Once you "detach" the money, the mail message automatically deletes.

Depending on level, time available to play, etc, 32k pp represents a big chunk of change. Plus, if the bid did not get returned there is something wrong which could happen to much larger bids.

Good luck OP. Hopefully the situation gets sorted.

08-07-2012, 11:25 PM
The morning of 6 Aug I bid 35280 plat on a Port Hole. At 8 pm that night, I saw I had been outbid - but my bid was NOT RETURNED! This a.m. (7 Aug) I checked again, and it was STILL not returned. I submitted a Bug Rpt and was emailed that this was 'not a Bug' and to use the Help menu to contact an online rep. Which I did. He couldn't help me after over a half hour of trying and told me to submit ANOTHER Bug Report. Since then I have heard nothing... I am a VIP - do I have any recourse to get my plat back? Is it possible at all?
Thanks for any help with this...

Ah i see auction house raised the price to 100% where all your money is gone when you bid, i guess its been warned. Im going to be feared in buying stuff from the aution, but not as much as selling >:D

08-07-2012, 11:53 PM
Never heard or seen it happen

What server are u on?

08-08-2012, 01:03 AM
On a side note, God what server are you on where Portable Holes are worth so much? I think I paid 5k for my last 4 holes

08-08-2012, 10:48 AM
To answer some of your questions... I am on the Sarlona server, and yeah, 35K DOES represent quite a chunk of change to ME!
I think I will try a phonecall.... I don't know what else to do, but last year I lost 6,000 plat with another character of mine - same thing (outbid and didn't get my bid back by mail) and never got that back either.
Re the Port/Holes for 5K - wow! what server was THAT on! ?

08-08-2012, 10:52 AM
I paid 5k for my last 4 holes

Haha. Sorry, I'm juvenile.

08-08-2012, 11:17 AM
On a side note, God what server are you on where Portable Holes are worth so much? I think I paid 5k for my last 4 holes

I sold 3 or 4 holes for 30k+ on Cannith this past month. Even one for 55k :) but that's just because there were 0 of them on the AH.

08-08-2012, 12:05 PM
To answer some of your questions... I am on the Sarlona server, and yeah, 35K DOES represent quite a chunk of change to ME!
I think I will try a phonecall.... I don't know what else to do, but last year I lost 6,000 plat with another character of mine - same thing (outbid and didn't get my bid back by mail) and never got that back either.
Re the Port/Holes for 5K - wow! what server was THAT on! ?

Toons name?

I'll send you a portable hole, I have some set aside for TR's, giving to guildies, etc.

08-08-2012, 12:08 PM
I have never lost a bid and not received my money back.

08-08-2012, 01:31 PM
I left two alchemical khopeshes in mail until they were removed. Life goes on.

08-09-2012, 09:41 AM
To: Lord Piglet....
My character's name is Odeda (Sarlona server). She is a level five. If you are really going to send me a Port/Hole - that would be awesome. I really can't believe anyone would do that, and I thank you IMMENSELY if you do....

08-09-2012, 11:09 AM
To: Lord Piglet....
My character's name is Odeda (Sarlona server). She is a level five. If you are really going to send me a Port/Hole - that would be awesome. I really can't believe anyone would do that, and I thank you IMMENSELY if you do....

My first portable hole was given to me, so I've always given them away when I find out a newer player needs one. Infact, I know several players on sarlona who will give away portable holes, etc to help newer players. I sent it to you, if it's not under your normal tab make sure to check the unconfirmed mail.

08-09-2012, 11:28 AM
My first portable hole was given to me, so I've always given them away when I find out a newer player needs one. Infact, I know several players on sarlona who will give away portable holes, etc to help newer players. I sent it to you, if it's not under your normal tab make sure to check the unconfirmed mail.

+1 for helping people :)

When I started the game last year I also got a free portable hole from someone I don't even know at that time. Sarlona is one the most friendliest servers in the game.

08-09-2012, 03:07 PM
I'm sure the plat was mailed to the op. He probably deleted the mail not noticing the plat was included accidentally. When I first started using AH and was expecting plat back from it, it was a big deal. I didn't know they mailed it to you. Still, I didn't delete the plat. The key is when you check your mail, to detach the plat/equipment. You got only 2 or 3 weeks to do so, and if you delete the post before detaching, I believe you lose the plat/equipment.

08-09-2012, 03:29 PM
and really is 32k really worth the effort? Doesnt take that long to gain that back.

Can I tag along with you? I'm level 7 and I -just- broke the 35k mark and I don't spend plat on anything but hirelings and potions.

08-09-2012, 03:42 PM
Can I tag along with you? I'm level 7 and I -just- broke the 35k mark and I don't spend plat on anything but hirelings and potions.

All it takes is a lucky drop, and you're in the plat business.

Those Eboerron shards that drop everywhere, plat.
Muckbanes that can be farmed in minutes/run, plat.
Just knowing what lowbie gear is worth AHing can make a difference in your coinage = Secret Door clickies, Raktu Trifles (with the 20 charges of MM asbsorption), certain collectables that are used in crafting now, etc.

I was once plat poor, especially as I am a non-raiding altoholic, and have managed to luck into good plat on several servers now.

Keep rolling along as normal, one of the little gems will fall for ya.

08-09-2012, 03:45 PM
To: Lord Piglet....
My character's name is Odeda (Sarlona server). She is a level five. If you are really going to send me a Port/Hole - that would be awesome. I really can't believe anyone would do that, and I thank you IMMENSELY if you do....

Once upon a time, the land was filled with "Need Before Greed".
There are still some of those folks left here n there. ;)

08-09-2012, 04:07 PM
Can I tag along with you? I'm level 7 and I -just- broke the 35k mark and I don't spend plat on anything but hirelings and potions.

ok, being low level I can understand not having loads of platinum, but honestly it isnt hard to get if you try to get it. and if 35k IS alot, then unless your a packmule I dont see a point of wasting alot of your money on a portable hole, they are rather easy to get (75favor for gianthold -although the excep dragonshard option is the better choice since that sells for more, thus you can sell that and buy a hole with some money left over, not to mention they are a 'common' rare end reward. probably around the same drop rate in end rewards as a +1 tome, maybe abit more rare but not by much, my lvl 13 druid has come across 3-4 of them already,

There is the AH options like cdbd3rd had mentioned, but I honestly dont worry about stuff like that unless I need large amounts (like 500k+) of platinum or get a very valuable item that I wouldnt need. I get just about all of my platinum by vending the trash loot that I get usually end up with 1-2k pp per quest after repairing for my low level toons, and start getting higher amounts around lvl 10 or so. Once you hit GH (where you need to farm for 9 of each relic lvl 13-15 I believe), and vale (lvl 16+ basically get tons of vendor trash loot) You shouldnt have to worry about 35k anymore.

Im not saying Im rich, I probably only have about 130k or so on each of my toons which basically fluctuates around that amount due to the cost of scrolls, sp potions, potions, repair bill, and various other gear that I've been building up.

08-09-2012, 04:26 PM
to Lord Piglet...
THANK YOU! Thank You! Thank You! I can't say that enough! You are truly an AWESOME, CARING person!

08-09-2012, 07:07 PM
I'm sure the plat was mailed to the op. He probably deleted the mail not noticing the plat was included accidentally.

The game won't even let you do that.