View Full Version : Monk How much wisdom for epic elite?

08-07-2012, 09:06 AM
I'm getting ready to TR my monk - hopefully for the last time - & I'm still torn between making him wisdom or Str based.

How much Wisdom do you realisticly need for dc's in epic elite (epic hard is so easy who cares really) to land TOD, quivering palm and for mobs to not save against EIN? I know some people use their epic destines & twists for the sole reason of getting more wisdom but that is certainly not for me. I suppose if the requirements for wisdom are too high I might as well stick with a str based monk

(BTW - when I'm talking about a str based monk I'm not advocating dumping wisdom - that just seems stupid. It's very easy to be str based and still get between 34 - 36 wisdom. This is fine for stunning fist because of all of the other buffs you can get for it, but I don't know if it will cut it for TOD, EIN and quivering palm on epic elite - somehow I doubt it)

08-07-2012, 09:47 AM
Currently I don't see the need of high wis to reach reliable SF/EiN/DL DCs (so in the 50-55 ranges).

There were too many DWs going off when I was running new content on EE to miss the DC on ToD. For everything else you can twist in legendary tactics.

Maybe someone will say otherwise, I'm notoriously prejudiced against builds that don't do huge front numbers on damage rolls:D

08-07-2012, 01:37 PM
I prefer anything above 40 unbuffed wis and DCs above 55 for EEs. I took a peek of my SF DC (in Magister) yesterday during an EE run and it was 67 :eek: Don't ask me how it got that high. It's usually around 58-60 and I rarely pay attention to it anymore.

Did not twist in Tactics (I don't anymore) and I don't wear my Spare Hand.

QP seems to proc about ~50% of the time on EE eles, maybe less. But tomb of jade almost guarantees an emerald. A 60 DC on SF is a good goal for reliable EE stuns.

I prefer the benefits to DCs and AC that wisdom offers over a few points in str. My str is in the mid to high 20s unbuffed. Pre MoTU it was mid to high 30s. I'm happier with less str and more wis. I don't run in PA, I use Precision.

If I want to see 3 digit base dmg numbers I run in Fury and stun. :p