View Full Version : Rogue Thief acrobat movement speed and more

08-06-2012, 08:25 PM
Movement speed
Apologies for not being able to look at the game description itself right now, but knowing Turbine, that could be misleading anyway.

From ddowiki about acrobat tierII: "increases your movement rate by 10%"
From ddowiki about grandmaster of flowers: "Running with Wind: Passive Bonus: Electricity resistance [4/8/12], +[10/20/30]% enhancement bonus to movement speed..."

Does anyone know (Help us Mr. Cow, you're our only hope) what type of bonus to movement speed acrobatII gives?

It would be really wonderful if we could build a 1barb/12+acrobatII character with a twist of Running with Wind tierIII.

Ddowiki does type the Showtime clicky as +25% enhancement bonus to speed so that's a bit of shame that RwWIII would eclipse the clicky completely, but I don't use it much anyway except in cases of needing a lot of dex or running away without Sprint Boost.

I'm pretty sure that I've gotten knocked down by mariliths but I will need to confirm that again. Also, I'm almost certain I've been knocked down by Lolth's legs and hands, but that will also need to be confirmed.

Other cases I think would bear investigation: goristro stomps, drider webline trips, command, etc.

Acrobats out there, can you weigh in on exceptions to our knockdown immunity? I think it would be valuable to add to the wiki.

As I understand it, the knockdown immunity conferred by Unyielding Sentinel's "Stand against the tide" stance also has some notable exceptions. If we can compile a list of those exceptions, perhaps we can find out whether they share common coding.

Compare ddowiki wording:
Acrobat: "...complete immunity to knockdown effects and slippery surfaces..."
Unyielding Sentinel T5: "Steadfast: Passive Bonus: +1 damage. +1 bonus to reflex/fort/will saves. Can't be knocked down in Stand Against the Tide Stance."

Thanks for your help guys!

08-06-2012, 08:58 PM
I believe the acrobat 2 move speed is a competence bonus, but I am not 100% sure. Keep in mind that striding on an item is the same bonus as the running with the wind enhancement. As far as the knockdown stuff, I don't recall getting actually knocked down by anything on my acrobat, but it has been awhile since I have played her seriously. Trip effects, on the other hand, are completely different. I don't know about lolth's legs, since I refuse to set foot into that raid, but the drider effect is a trip, and command is a mental compulsion.

08-06-2012, 09:36 PM
I believe the acrobat 2 move speed is a competence bonus, but I am not 100% sure. Keep in mind that striding on an item is the same bonus as the running with the wind enhancement. As far as the knockdown stuff, I don't recall getting actually knocked down by anything on my acrobat, but it has been awhile since I have played her seriously. Trip effects, on the other hand, are completely different. I don't know about lolth's legs, since I refuse to set foot into that raid, but the drider effect is a trip, and command is a mental compulsion.

It's supposed to be immune to trips too (Drider webline is stupid). Other exceptions be titans. Command is supposed to work. Keep in mind sometimes immunities can get bugged out on a log in and need a relog to fix.

08-06-2012, 09:40 PM
Haste/Expeditious Retreat/Striding all give enhancement bonus like RwtW. Definitely a shame that there are no stacking speed boosts there.

Acrobat II speed boost definitely stacks with haste/other boosts so will stack with RwtW.

08-07-2012, 12:13 AM
Haste/Expeditious Retreat/Striding all give enhancement bonus like RwtW. Definitely a shame that there are no stacking speed boosts there.

Acrobat II speed boost definitely stacks with haste/other boosts so will stack with RwtW.

So Haste (according to ddowiki "Creatures in the area are quickened and gain a 32% enhancement bonus to run speed...") overrides RwtWIII (30% enhancement) but unhasted, your 30% from RwtWIII enhancement would stack with (according to Shadereaper) the xx% competence bonus from AcroII?

It's supposed to be immune to trips too (Drider webline is stupid). Other exceptions be titans. Command is supposed to work. Keep in mind sometimes immunities can get bugged out on a log in and need a relog to fix.

Good call on the relog. Is this something you can check before going into a quest in your modifiers input from the dialogue box?

I believe the acrobat 2 move speed is a competence bonus, but I am not 100% sure. Keep in mind that striding on an item is the same bonus as the running with the wind enhancement. As far as the knockdown stuff, I don't recall getting actually knocked down by anything on my acrobat, but it has been awhile since I have played her seriously. Trip effects, on the other hand, are completely different. I don't know about lolth's legs, since I refuse to set foot into that raid, but the drider effect is a trip, and command is a mental compulsion.

The webline trip aspect and command enchantment aspect did occur to me but I wanted to be comprehensive--thanks for affirming that aspect though.

Competence, interesting--do we know how much of a competence bonus? "Thief-Acrobat II (verified 10% possible at Rogue level 12)" cited on the "run speed" page of ddowiki but it doesn't give any citation.

I've been knocked down in Stand Against The Tide and with my AcroII character but I will see if I can get some screenies for them. Anyone else have any experience with getting knocked down while "immune"?

08-07-2012, 12:28 AM
I've been knocked down in Stand Against The Tide and with my AcroII character but I will see if I can get some screenies for them. Anyone else have any experience with getting knocked down while "immune"?
Gust of Wind (including from Elementals) improperly ignores Acrobat immunity.