View Full Version : Named Items Dropping More In Norm Than Hard In MOTU Quests?

08-06-2012, 06:04 PM
Ive ran all the Motu Quests on hard because i thought the named items have a higher drop rate.even though ive ransacked quite a few of those quests weekly i hardly see any rares or gds. Alot of people in game are saying that named and gds drop more frequently on norm regardless of what devs have stated in the past.... is this true?..or just horrid luck...do i need to start sacking on norm ?

08-06-2012, 07:19 PM
Ive ran all the Motu Quests on hard because i thought the named items have a higher drop rate.even though ive ransacked quite a few of those quests weekly i hardly see any rares or gds. Alot of people in game are saying that named and gds drop more frequently on norm regardless of what devs have stated in the past.... is this true?..or just horrid luck...do i need to start sacking on norm ?

Yeah, i'm pretty sure your data sample and the proof consisting on "some guy told me..." are really solid facts.

08-06-2012, 07:23 PM
Ive ran all the Motu Quests on hard because i thought the named items have a higher drop rate.even though ive ransacked quite a few of those quests weekly i hardly see any rares or gds. Alot of people in game are saying that named and gds drop more frequently on norm regardless of what devs have stated in the past.... is this true?..or just horrid luck...do i need to start sacking on norm ?
Horrible, terrible, gruesome luck.

08-06-2012, 07:39 PM
Ive ran all the Motu Quests on hard because i thought the named items have a higher drop rate.even though ive ransacked quite a few of those quests weekly i hardly see any rares or gds. Alot of people in game are saying that named and gds drop more frequently on norm regardless of what devs have stated in the past.... is this true?..or just horrid luck...do i need to start sacking on norm ?

Random drop is random.

Best ADQ2 run Ive done had 4 items drop for a 6 person group on Heroic Norm. But that is a one off event where we got lucky. We've also had many, many runs where nothing has dropped whether running HN, HH, HE or EN. One guy got 2 Marilith Chains in 2 days on different toons. Doesnt mean anything beyond him being lucky.

Having run about 7 or 8 of the FR quests on Norm and Hard we have had 3 or 4 named items drop in total. This is with 4 people in the static group. I cant say for sure, but I think 1 or 2 were on Norm, the others on Hard.

08-06-2012, 07:52 PM
While I understand why the OP might want to know this and entirely sympathize...

I have no idea how, short of a Dev saying 'drop rates are higher on normal', we could reasonably answer this.

08-06-2012, 08:06 PM
Ive ran all the Motu Quests on hard because i thought the named items have a higher drop rate.even though ive ransacked quite a few of those quests weekly i hardly see any rares or gds. Alot of people in game are saying that named and gds drop more frequently on norm regardless of what devs have stated in the past.... is this true?..or just horrid luck...do i need to start sacking on norm ?

For gds it should be true. This particular info came from a rather credible source who did some datamining in actual game files and explored the loottables. They could have pulled those numbers out of their ass of course, but the accuracy of the info made it seem truthful at least. This of course would be a bug, but given how many of those are in the game currently, a minor fluke in loottables is not at all surprising.

That being said, there are a lot of rumors around, and most of them can't be trusted. Even your ransacking chests multiple times would not nearly be enough to discern a difference in probability at such low rates. To reliably see a difference between a 5% and a 7% chance you'd need hundreds of accurately recorded trials, and even then there will be a margin for errors. On a side note, this is exactly how superstition is formed.

Someone even more geeky then me will surely proceed to tell the n required to discern 5% and 7% with p < .05 and p < .01 respectively, but I'm too tired to do that right now. =)