View Full Version : Monk or fighter level?

07-31-2012, 07:46 PM
I have a 18/2 rogue leveling and its coming to the level where I would take a second level of monk, but I thought why not take 1 fighter in place of the second monk. Seems like i'd get more out of it.

What would another lv of monk net?

08-01-2012, 08:45 PM
Why not take both? :) I've been using longswords, and stay centered due to whirling steel strike on my rogue :)
18/1/1 Rogue/Fighter/Monk

-Healing amp
-Stances, even more healing amp(fire)

-Less DC

08-02-2012, 04:46 PM
The main difference at this point is different feat lists for your bonus feat, which could be a big deal if you want another Toughness but otherwise probably won't matter.
-You get 1 BAB either way, not that that really matters anymore.
-1/1/1 for monk vs. 2/0/0 for fighter saves.
-A little easier time with skill points on the monk side.
-Enhancement-wise, basically Fighter Toughness vs Way of the Animal.

I think the best alternative may be 19 rogue.

08-02-2012, 05:14 PM
Don't forget that the 2nd level of monk now gives an extra 2% dodge, which is a small but valuable perk

08-02-2012, 05:37 PM
+1 wisdom was a big part of the reason I took 2 monk to get my SF DC up and I had fighter dilettante so didn't benefit there.

Meditation might be relevant if you plan to take GMoF.