View Full Version : trouble with lag, loaden screens, and server

07-23-2012, 12:59 AM
I can get to the screen with all my characters but then the loaden screen either will take forever then kick me and say game error connection to server lost or it will open the game with the red disconnected icon and then kick me. Basicly I have not been able to get on a bunch of my characters. With the lag I dont understand I have the fastist dsl at and t offers. I sent in a tickit and first they sent me to a site thats not uptodate at all. I did manage to get my isp to open up for gameing online tho but theres been no change in the lag or the long loaden screens. I have tried the /death and that dosent work. My isp also told me that a static ip is used for monitoring a cam on a pc ....so i reach out to u guys and ask what am I doing wrong

08-17-2012, 10:19 PM
It could be the computer.
I have the same problem... with my 8 year old computer :)

08-18-2012, 12:35 AM
Reset your modem/router?

Scan your computer for viruses, trojans and other **** that could be commandeering your resources?

I'm not much of a techie guy, but when I have crippling lag like that and no one else does, it's generally on my end.

04-10-2013, 01:08 PM
yeah it was my graphics card...i could only go to lvl 10 and then some how it'd not let me in.

04-15-2013, 11:46 AM
Sounds like you accident the whole thing. Reload the computur.

04-15-2013, 11:27 PM
Sounds like you accident the whole thing. Reload the computur.

Just because I'm curious, how do you accident a whole thing? Is that like running it over? ROADKILL SAMMICHES HERE!

@harkchaos - I had a similar problem for quite a while, it turned out it was not the game, but a combination of my firewall blocking part of the program and some spyware programs that didn't like DDO so much. And from what I understand there are some sound card drivers that don't play nice with DDO. My best advice is to put in a ticket with the support team and they can look at all the options for your particular computer and try and isolate the problem.