View Full Version : Artificer Problems with Potency: where do YOU put YOURS?!?

07-22-2012, 10:13 AM
I'm struggling to find a way to slot Potency on my Arti. I have the Sora Kell set, but Potency on that doesn't seem to be working. You can't slot potency worth a **** on a rune-arm (not at L16 anyway). Cannith Crafting potency sucks badly anyway: I mean seriously, the best we can do is THIRTY-SIX?!? For +10ML? That's disgustingly bad :(

So... where are you putting your potency and what items are you getting it from? I need help! :D

07-22-2012, 04:11 PM
I don't touch potency on any character with the spellpower changes. Potency is less effective than targeted enhancing items and rune arms are already looking at spell power coefficient hit. http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=384619

I'm working on my cleric and bard primarily atm, so haven't swapped out a lot of gear on my arti yet. I have an epic ring of the elements and I picked up a 102 impulse helm off the AH for now until I sort it out.

I just don't have the play time to re-gear all my characters and epic level them yet.

07-22-2012, 04:30 PM
Prior to the change I was happy to use Sup Potency from the Rune Arm along with the occasional eardweller clicky

Now like the previous poster I just run an Impulse 102 helmet, alternatively you could grab the holy symbol of lloth trinket.

using potency now is very....... substandard. You'll definetly want a specialized item depending on what rune arm you're using

07-22-2012, 05:55 PM
Well, I appreciate the advice even if I could wish the situation were diferent, so thank you! I did have potency slotted on one of my rune arms, but as I've just done the TR loop back to 16 I can't even use it yet; and as you say, it's pretty substandard. I made an Impulse Ring of Major Kinetic Lore as a stop-gap last life, but it's not great because Cannith Crafting is so useless. I'll be able to use it soon, I guess...

The helm slot isn't available on my build and there's nothing on the AH that I can use at the moment anyway. Effectively denying potency and forcing multiple spellpower types onto a class that suffers badly trying to slot gear for all the roles it needs to fill is a horrible stunt to pull. The Lolth trinket will be OK, when I get to a high enough level to run for it and use it... except that it won't, because I'm already juggling 6 trinkets and I seriously Do Not Need anything else competing for that slot. Anyway, spell power for your main offensive spells isn't something you want available only occasionally :/

Goodness knows how I'm going to manage to slot a lightning booster for Toven's as well... I really, really hope that crafting recipes get some love in U15 so we can actually consistently use it for something beyond making twink gear for characters in single-figure levels :(

Oh yeah, sorry, and +4 attack bonus goggles. Great. That was totally worth the crafting grind...

07-23-2012, 09:13 AM
The new rune arm as 60 SP generic which is ok.

I use an alchemic xbow for mine with impulse and fire boost using crystal metal type and fire tier 1 ( not logged in but think its 90 IIRC) for when I need to up damage a bit more.