View Full Version : gimped us much?

07-17-2012, 09:39 AM
sorry, goin to do a quick rant. More than one rogue life, ive been trying to deal. the extra agro in sneak, with shadow form, while shadow walking and inproved invis on?!? Seriously? why. not enough that the assassinates broke, now im an agro magnet also? like, turbine. plz, figure **** out. i play rogues, is what and how i play. Im sure if youve ****ed us like this god knows how other clases r trying to deal. but really, i cant play now. ill check back later and pray that **** gets fixed. 10 hour update to do what? fix the training dummy?!? p.s. thx, now a lvl 24 rogue takes 5 mins to get that buff. rant rant rant rage.
:) kk, i feel better now, lol

07-17-2012, 09:46 AM
Sadly, the next update for the fixes for the classes that are basically broken (anyone with ranged, pale masters bugs with forms, all rogues)....

Will be coming in patch 2.... expected to be next week, or end of july sometime.

The update this week was not patches.

I feel your pain.

Lots of bugs... Not even feeling the urge to play; everything I want to play is broken.

(cue fanbois now)