View Full Version : Monk Dark Monk build

07-17-2012, 01:13 AM
So I am ready to TR my monk I'm playing now, but I'm bad at building characters (Trust me) so I'd like to know if I can score some help in building my character.
I have access to all of the following (so you can use any of this, or none):
34pt build
Monk class
Ability to start at level 7 (only really relevant tome-wise)
Ability to purchase a global +2 tome
Past Life: Monk
High level gear
Ability to craft or buy low level gear

I basically want the best rounded off character, who will do well in low level as well as high level parties; able to survive well while dealing the best damage possible.

07-17-2012, 02:26 AM
might want to take a peak at one of rockan's monk threads, lots of great info in there she even goes as far as to discuss other variations of the base build (i.e. different race etc), gives you a base build, feats, stats, skills tomes, a basic run down of suggested end game and leveling gear... pretty much everything you'd want in a build guide.


her build index: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=173046

the first link is my personal favorite from her, but check out her index there's various different monk builds there for various purposes, although i think what your looking for is basicly in the first link, can be taylored to fit your play style though.

07-17-2012, 04:17 PM
might want to take a peak at one of rockan's monk threads, lots of great info in there she even goes as far as to discuss other variations of the base build (i.e. different race etc), gives you a base build, feats, stats, skills tomes, a basic run down of suggested end game and leveling gear... pretty much everything you'd want in a build guide.


her build index: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=173046

the first link is my personal favorite from her, but check out her index there's various different monk builds there for various purposes, although i think what your looking for is basicly in the first link, can be taylored to fit your play style though.

Rolled it out in CharGen, with minor tweaks, and it looks like the best bet, super high DCs, high health, AC, and raw dps.
This was the best build I think you could have linked, thanks.