View Full Version : Looking for Solo-Friendly Guild

07-16-2012, 10:15 AM
A Pay-to-Play newbie looking to join a solo-friendly guild. Any recommendations?

Due to my noobness and glacially slow pace of play, I mostly prefer to solo to work out the mechanics of the game. Even after I level up, I'd really only have time to indulge in Raids, etc only when

i) The kids are in bed and
ii) The wife has a headache ;p

... or do I solo when the better half has a headache? Can't quite figure out which. Hur Hur ;)

In any case, I'm more than happy to contribute to the guild as I go along, as long as someone will tell me what/how to.

Timezone: GMT+8 would be great.

Thanks in advance.

07-16-2012, 10:20 AM
A Pay-to-Play newbie looking to join a solo-friendly guild. Any recommendations?

Due to my noobness and glacially slow pace of play, I mostly prefer to solo to work out the mechanics of the game. Even after I level up, I'd really only have time to indulge in Raids, etc only when

i) The kids are in bed and
ii) The wife has a headache ;p

... or do I solo when the better half has a headache? Can't quite figure out which. Hur Hur ;)

In any case, I'm more than happy to contribute to the guild as I go along, as long as someone will tell me what/how to.

Timezone: GMT+8 would be great.

Thanks in advance.

Peace Love & Monster Removal is a guild that was designed for solo players. We are level 39 guild and we all do our own thing but we get to take advantage of the guild system. We all try to contribute to the ship amenities but there are no real rules about doing so, it just gets done.

If you are interested, send me a pm with your character name(s) and I will get you an invite.

07-19-2012, 02:58 AM
Helter Skelter is a lvl 38 guild, very small, and going up fast, definently solo oriented, if your intrested, and im always happy to respond to questions aboout the game, if your intrested just send a letter to Hsoftl