View Full Version : Caught in the Web

07-12-2012, 06:55 PM
According to the 99% of ddo players who go to the forums and since nobody posted, Harpers and Lost Legions are the first to complete the Caught in Web Raid. Congrats to us. Didn't even take us more then 1 try like the rest of everyone. ( so say the forums) Screenshots are for the weak so I didn't take any.

07-12-2012, 06:58 PM
According to the 99% of ddo players who go to the forums and since nobody posted, Harpers and Lost Legions are the first to complete the Caught in Web Raid. Congrats to us. Didn't even take us more then 1 try like the rest of everyone. ( so say the forums) Screenshots are for the weak so I didn't take any.

I soloed it on Epic Elite dual-wielding eSoS's on a magnificent white stallion. Screenshots are for the weak so I didn't take any.

07-12-2012, 07:00 PM
I soloed it on Epic Elite dual-wielding eSoS's on a magnificent white stallion. Screenshots are for the weak so I didn't take any.

Well everyone knows if your username has numbers it's always a lie. So no screenshots needed. :p

07-12-2012, 07:03 PM
Well everyone knows if your username has numbers it's always a lie. So no screenshots needed. :p

Somebody.... Somewhere.... Somehow.... was already named Fefnir. I'm guessing they don't even play anymore. But I'm just an anti-spam bot, what do I know?

07-12-2012, 07:15 PM
Somebody.... Somewhere.... Somehow.... was already named Fefnir. I'm guessing they don't even play anymore. But I'm just an anti-spam bot, what do I know?

I don't like spam either. Everytime I see it in DDO I run the other way screaming through the mic that it's coming to take me back.

07-12-2012, 09:17 PM
According to the 99% of ddo players who go to the forums and since nobody posted, Harpers and Lost Legions are the first to complete the Caught in Web Raid. Congrats to us. Didn't even take us more then 1 try like the rest of everyone. ( so say the forums) Screenshots are for the weak so I didn't take any.

Did you poll the whole server or are you just claiming you were the first? ;)

07-12-2012, 09:54 PM
Gratz on being first to post you were first! hehe :D

07-12-2012, 10:19 PM
Did you poll the whole server or are you just claiming you were the first? ;)

Poll the whole server? Lol, no we were first, and I have been keeping tabs on it since it started. :eek:

07-12-2012, 11:40 PM
congrats on being lucky enough not to get affected by any of the numerous bugs.

07-12-2012, 11:48 PM
I remember the real Fefnir.

07-13-2012, 03:20 AM
Gratz on being first to post you were first! hehe :D

Kirris, stop picking Lisa Brain on how we succeeded doing it multiple times without it bugging once. Some of us knew what to do and not to do to bug it out. Oh and she said why are you asking her to ask me on what was done and not done, instead of you just asking me. She feels like a 3rd wheel.

congrats on being lucky enough not to get affected by any of the numerous bugs.

Wasn't about luck. It was about doing what was needed to be done to beat the raid. And also knowing what bugs the quest out and simply not doing it.

07-13-2012, 04:28 AM
Wasn't about luck. It was about doing what was needed to be done to beat the raid. And also knowing what bugs the quest out and simply not doing it.

hm... grats on knowing how to avoid the numerous bugs then? ;)

07-13-2012, 04:45 AM
hm... grats on knowing how to avoid the numerous bugs then? ;)

Hey thanks. We just read the forums here and read what not to do.

07-13-2012, 08:16 AM
Your logic is flawed! Vulcans told me so.

07-13-2012, 08:26 AM
There you go, its really not that bad, harder difficulties might be...

By midtcwboy (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/midtcwboy) at 2012-07-13

07-13-2012, 08:34 AM
On a serious note; I refrain from saying my true feelings on this subject due to the fact I can not afford any more negative rep. I'm not sure what happens when you decrease under -1000, but I am sure it isn't good.

Congratulations on completing the new raid, I hope you and yours all got what you where looking for and learned valuable life lessons in your eventful journey through the Demon Web as you scaled the bottomless pit known as the rift. If you where the first to complete the raid or not is not the issue in my mind, just knowing you where excited enough to post here tells me that you and all yours involved had FUN! That is the most important thing after all.

07-13-2012, 08:38 AM
yes was good fun, i was definitely not the first group to do it. sadly its been closed off now with no news on when its back or why its closed..

Turbine can be a real pain sometimes.

07-13-2012, 08:56 AM
On a serious note; I refrain from saying my true feelings on this subject due to the fact I can not afford any more negative rep. I'm not sure what happens when you decrease under -1000, but I am sure it isn't good.

-1 for being a wuss.

07-13-2012, 08:59 AM
On a serious note; I refrain from saying my true feelings on this subject due to the fact I can not afford any more negative rep. I'm not sure what happens when you decrease under -1000, but I am sure it isn't good.

-1 for being a wuss.

HAHA you fell into my trap, rawr.

BTW ^fixed.

07-13-2012, 01:02 PM
please remove any mention at all of Lost Legion doing anything of note...other then getting completely blasted and taking 6 tries to beat shroud on normal.

07-13-2012, 01:18 PM
On a serious note; I refrain from saying my true feelings on this subject due to the fact I can not afford any more negative rep. I'm not sure what happens when you decrease under -1000, but I am sure it isn't good.

Congratulations on completing the new raid, I hope you and yours all got what you where looking for and learned valuable life lessons in your eventful journey through the Demon Web as you scaled the bottomless pit known as the rift. If you where the first to complete the raid or not is not the issue in my mind, just knowing you where excited enough to post here tells me that you and all yours involved had FUN! That is the most important thing after all.

I say you should go for -9000, for the lulz.

07-13-2012, 02:37 PM
I say you should go for -9000, for the lulz.
Well played my friend, well played.

07-14-2012, 02:52 AM
please remove any mention at all of Lost Legion doing anything of note...other then getting completely blasted and taking 6 tries to beat shroud on normal.

Never never underestimate the power of drunken ineptitude to the eventual completion of any raid. Obviously taking yourself too seriously causes this raid to bug out...only those that can embrace the fun have any hope of finishing.

07-14-2012, 12:06 PM
Wait, Harpers did something other then Shroud? Now I know you are trolling:D

07-15-2012, 03:14 AM
Wow...whine much. Unless killing everything you see was a big secret we did nothing special when we went through there. Don't believe just me, there were some Lost Legions people there as well. For the record many Harpers get grumpy when people are spoilers of new quests, so no one was telling us anything...feel free to ask Kirris that, she can enlighten you. If you attempted it in the group I think you did... I know what you did wrong and it was not a bug... you just did not kill who you needed to kill. My god, apparently it is impossible for the sometimes goofy guilds that like to have fun to do something you could not without cheating, right? Get over yourself...really.

perhaps you shouldn't respond to tongue in cheek posts.

btw, you can kill everything and it can still bug out.

07-15-2012, 06:58 AM
perhaps you shouldn't respond to tongue in cheek posts.

btw, you can kill everything and it can still bug out.

Wasn't going to respond to this...but lucky you I could not sleep so here goes. If you think that post was remotely funny as a "tongue in cheek" comment you need some serious help. If it is not true at best you are griefing him, implying the only way he could know how to avoid bugs would be from Mournlands knowledge. (apparently the Lammania section of the forums must be invisible to you) If it is true than you are lower than low, since there no way he would share that with you, what this would mean is that you found out something about someone that they didn't share with you...and obviously did not want shared and you outed them, sounds pretty creepy to me.

Perhaps you see nothing wrong with this kind of behavior, if so I would recommend your friends share nothing of a personal nature with you they did not want shared with the world. I don't expect you to understand but people with a conscience will see why I responded in the first place... you see I happen to care about my friends and when someone attacks them with a backhanded "tongue in cheek" comment, I react.

Oh and btw...even though killing Lolth is not a quest objective during the portal keeper fight, if you read what she was saying it would have become obvious to you she needed to be killed before the keepers would stop spawning. Next time kill her and perhaps it won't "bug" on you.

07-15-2012, 11:18 AM
This is turning into a popcorn situation, om nom nom.

07-15-2012, 11:57 AM
Whoa, I come back here to this mess :eek: I don't know what was said in edited posts, but I'm sorry to see various friends of mine argueing about stuff on here.

Since I have been mentioned here, and perhaps there are problems caused by missinformation and assumptions originating from me, let me post a few facts.

*To the best of my knowledge there has been 0 Nerdrage attempts at the new raid, although 1 guildie was in a pug which suceeded, and a few of us have been in non guild groups to play around in there, but not more than 1-2 of us in the same group afaik. Hopefully this will change once the raid is returned and we can get some people together.

*I have never been in the raid in the same group as Mo, nor discussed with him anything about the raid at any point. So any problems my group had with the raid were nothing to do with his experiences.

*I've only been in there once myself, with some non guild friends, short man just messing around to learn stuff, we happened to make it to the end fight, but didn't know how to bring down the portal, there were 0 melee in the group and some people having connection problems, didn't want to waste too many mana pots on a messing around run, so wiped after taking down the portal keepers many many times. None of us had done any reading on the raid prior to going in. Lots of fun.

*My conversation with Sheelagh was just catching up with a friend, I happened to congratulate her on completing the raid (since I had read about it in this post!) and thought to ask on how they did the endfight since after being in there I had heard conflicting answers to some questions and wanted to establish if our instance had bugged or if we needed to do something else. I really hope she doesn't feel a 3rd wheel, I didn't even realise she was getting info for me from Mud till the end of our chatting.

Have fun folks, and hope the raid is back soon, I for one really enjoyed what I saw of it :D

07-15-2012, 01:09 PM
Wasn't going to respond to this...but lucky you I could not sleep so here goes. I

Nice to see you're thinking of me when you're up late at night.

Perhaps you should try reading a book or going to bed and cuddle up with your loved one. Hopefully your rant was therapeutic, did you manage to sleep after?

07-15-2012, 02:50 PM

Someone should catch me up on the drama when I get back in a couple days :)

07-15-2012, 03:26 PM
Due to fighting, this thread is now closed.